Obituaries & Death Notices “Me-Mi”

These are typed from photographed copies of many obituaries and death notices that I have in my collection.  For many of them there is no indication of what newspaper they came from nor is a year indicated for some of them.  Photo copies are sometimes hard to read or are damaged.   Also, some of the obits and death notices may not be complete.  I will be spending time searching out the complete documents and their location, as well as continuing to search for more obituaries and death notices to add here.  I always strive for correctness.



Lived Southeast Of Kirksville For 39 Years.

James C. Mears, 69 years old, of six miles southeast of Kirksville, died Friday afternoon at 5:20 o’clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emmett Morehouse, east of Greentop.

He had been ill about six months from cancer of the liver and gall bladder.

The funeral is to be held at the Summers & Flinchpaugh Funeral Home here this afternoon at 3 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. Perley M. Lind, Christian minister at Queen City.  Pallbearers will be six of his grandsons.  Burial will be at the Highland Park Cemetery.  The body is lying in state at the funeral home.

Mr. Mears had lived six miles southeast of here for the past thirty-nine years, prior to which he lived in Kirksville.  He was born Aug. 21, 1870, at Clarence, Mo., a son of Reuben W. and Carrie Hice Mears, and came to Kirksville when five years old.

He was married to Mary Rachel See here in 1897.  She died eight years ago.

Surviving him are: One son, Miles Mears, Kirksville route seven; two daughters, Mrs. Emmett Morehouse, Greentop, and Mrs. George Johnson, Kirksville route five; one step-daughter, Mrs. Tom Talbott, Thomas, Okla.; one sister, Mrs. Lyda Edmundson, Kirksville, eight grandsons, two step-grand-children and one step-great-grandchild.  The grandsons are J. C. Mears, Irl Johnson, Wayne Morehouse, Marvin Mears, George Euel Johnson, Dale D. Morehouse, Richard Mears and Larry Don Johnson, of whom the first six will be pallbearers.



William Rans Measures was born in North Hampthenshire, England, Dec. 31, 1824; died July 9, 1912, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jane Rath, in Ashton, aged 87 years, 7 months and 8 days.

He came to Missouri at an early age with his mother.  He was married to Mary Sherman in 1865.  To this union were born ten children, five of whom survive: Mrs. Rebecca Hammond, of Keokuk, Ia.: Mrs. Martha Armstrong, of Miles, Oklahoma: Mrs. Frank Toops, Mrs. Jane Rath and John Measures, of Ashton: also 28 grandchildren, 19 of whom are living.

He was converted years ago in a meeting held in the Methodist church at this place.  In the evening twilight he passed to his home above peacefully and calmly, as if going to sleep, leaving his aged companion and relatives.

The funeral was from the M. P. church next day at 3 p.m. by Rev. Scott Miller from the text, “Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.”  Interment in the Ashton cemetery.



Succumbs in Keokuk Hospital Following Two Years’ Illness

Frank A. Medley, 67, of Keokuk, died at 2:40 a.m. Thursday in a Keokuk hospital where he had been a patient the last three weeks. 

He had been in failing health the past two years.

The funeral service was at 2 p.m. Saturday from the DeJong funeral home and burial was in Memphis cemetery.

The son of George T. and Eliza Brown Medley, Mr. Medley was born Aug. 30, 1882, near Memphis.  In 1912, he married Maude E. Cox of Downing, who survives[.]

Besides bv [sic] his wife, Mr. Medley is survived by one son, Max Medley, Washington, D. C.; by a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Toughey, Keokuk; by six grandchildren, and by three sisters, Mrs. Ella Rush, Huntington Park, Calif., Mrs. Sade Faucett, Kirkland, Wash., and Miss[.] Mary Medley of Memphis.

He was a member of the Methodist church.



Ward was received by relatives here last Monday morning of the death on Sunday evening of George W. Medley in St. Vincent’s Home in Quincy, Illinois, where deceased had resided since last October.  Mr. Medley was born in Big Springs, Kentucky, on September 7, 1837, and was 80 years old at the time of his demise.  Mrs. Medley died about a year ago, since which time deceased lived with his children a greater part of the time.  He was a most excellent man in every respect and his death is regretted by many friends.

He leaves three daughters and two sons–Mrs. Boon Rush and Miss Mary of this city; Mrs. Sadie Faucett of British Columbia, and Dr. James W. of Cooperstown and F. H. of Hamilton, Illinois.

The remains were brought to Memphis on Monday night and taken to the home of Joseph H. Bourn, where funeral services were held on Tuesday, January 22, at 2:30 o’clock.


George T. Medley was born in Mead County, Ky., Sept. 7, 1837, and departed this life Jan. 20, 1918, at St. Vincent’s Home, Quincy, Ill., having attained the age of 80 years, 6 months and 13 days.

Deceased came to this country in early boyhood, first settling in Schuyler and then in Scotland County.  He was married to Eliza C. Bourn, who preceded him in death almost two years.

To this union were born six children–four daughters and two sons: Mrs. Boon Rush, Memphis, Mrs. Sadie Faucett, Vancouver, B. C.; Dr. J. W. Medley, Prophets Town, Ill.; F. A. Medley, Hamilton, Ill.  One daughter, Anna died in infancy.

Funeral services conducted at the residence of J. A. Bourn by the Rev. Father Mullins of Kahoka.



Building Contractor and Miner was 83; Lived Here 45 Years

Hardy Medlin, 83, of Kirksville, died Tuesday night in a Kirksville hospital.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, where the body is lying in state, Thursday afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. Romans Smith, pastor of the First Christian Church.  Fraternal services will be conducted by Kirksville Lodge No. 105, A. F. & A. M.  Interment will be in the Highland Park cemetery.

Mr. Medlin was the son of William Lewis and Rania (Mullins) Medlin and was born Sept. 18, 1868 in Carroll county.

He was married to Jane Tock April 19, 1889, at Cliff, Neb., and six children were born to this marriage.  Mrs. Medlin died Feb. 2, 1947 and he was also preceded in death by three brothers and three sisters.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. A. J. (Grace) McKinley, Boonville, and Mrs. E. L. (Lorania) Bennett, Kansas City; four sons, William Lewis, of Nashville, Ind., John, of Kirksville, Hardy, Jr., of Callao, and Otis, of Macon; one brother, Lewis E. Medlin, of Kirksville, eight grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.

Mr. Medlin was a building contractor and miner and opened the Big Creek coal mine.  He had lived in Kirksville for 45 years.  He was a member of the Christian Church and a member of Kirksville Lodge No. 105, A. F. & A. M. and was a Master Mason for over fifty years.  He first went into the Masonic Lodge at Hartford, Mo.

Bearers will be: Dr. Claude Adams, Kemp Medlin, Robert Love, Dewey Conner, Jerry Hills, and Billy Frank.



Kirksville Resident Was Native of Garthorpe Shore, England

Mrs. Jane Medlin, 78, died at her home at 504 N. New Street Sunday morning.  Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. F. P. Hanes, pastor of the Methodist Church.  Interment will be in Highland Park Cemetery.

Mrs. Medlin was the daughter of John and Mary Jane (Murphy) Tock and was born in Garthorpe Shore, England, Sept. 6, 1868.  She was married April 19, 1889 at Cliff, Nebraska, to Hardy Medlin and to this marriage six children were born.

She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. A. J. (Grace) McKinley, of Kirksville and Mrs. E. L. (Lorania) Bennett, Kansas City, Mo. and four sons, William Lewis Medlin, Indianapolis, Ind., John Medlin, of Kirksville, Hardy Medlin, Jr., Callao and Otis Medlin, of Macon; two brothers, James Tock, of Chicago, Ill., and Thomas Tock, Convent, England; one sister, Mary Tock, Convent, England; nine grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

Mrs. Medlin was a member of the Baptist Church.

Before moving to Kirksville a few months ago, Mrs. Medlin lived one mile west of Macon.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

The pallbearers will be: Dr. Phillip Green, Marshal Boulware, Glen Blankenhorn, Jr., Garland Gross, Russell Karnes and Ralph McKinley.



Stricken With Heart Trouble While Visiting Neighbor

Henry Wesley Medsker, who lived six miles south of Hurdland, died Monday noon at his home.  Death was attributed to heart trouble.  He was 63 years of age.  Funeral services were held this afternoon at Mt. Tabor church, south of Hurdland, conducted by Rev. J. H. Lane, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery.

Mr. Medsker’s death came as a shock to his family and friends.  He had gone to the home of his neighbor, Frank Lee, about a half mile away, at 8 o’clock in the morning on an errand.  When he started home he complained of being sick, and sat down in the yard.  Mr. Lee took him home in his car and called a physician from Hurdland who worked with him two hours.  He seemed better then, and the doctor returned to Hurdland.  Shortly before 12, he became ill again and complained of pains in his chest.  He died before the doctor could return to his bedside.

Mr. Medsker was born in Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 3, 1866.  His parents died when he was 8 years of age.  He was brought to the State of Missouri shortly afterwards by an uncle, Bryant Anderson, and they settled on a farm in western Adair county near Pure Air.  He was united in marriage in the year 1891, to Miss Belle Blakely.  To this union one daughter was born.  She was was [sic] married to Walter Hartsock and preceded her father in death, Dec. 7, 1928, His wife died in the year 1903.  He was married to Miss Olive Hall in 1912.  To this marriage seven children were born: Clarence, Lesta, Wesley, Beulah, Mary, Dorothy and Juanita.  His second wife died in February, 1928.  He leaves one sister, Mrs. J. W. Hall, of Hurdland.  The late Joseph Medsker, of Kirksville, was a brother.

Mr. Medsker united with the Methodist church at Kirksville when a young man.

Henry Wesley Medsker, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 27 May 1930, p. 1, col. 8, Tuesday



Lived on Same Farm Since 1877; Funeral Held Today.

Funeral services were held this afternoon for Mrs. Martha Ann Meek, 82 years old, at the Union Temple Church.

Mrs. Meek died Sunday morning at her home four miles west of Yarrow.  She had been an invalid for the past five years.  The services were held at 2 o’clock and burial was in Union Temple Cemetery.  Rev. L. V. Freeman, of the Kirksville Christian Church, conducted the ceremonies.  Nephews acted as pallbearers.

Mrs. Meek was born May 15, 1858, in Macon County, the daughter of Rice and Jone [sic] Sullivan.  She was married to Otto B. Meek on June 10, 1877, and lived on the same farm since that time.  Four children were born to this union.

She was preceded in death by her husband, who died March 24, 1933, and two children, Johnson Meek, who died in 1920, and Mary Alice Lowe, who died in 1925.

Mrs. Meek is survived by two children, J. E. Meek, of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Kern Broyles, of Yarrow.



Funeral Services To Be Held Monday Afternoon

Mrs. Rosa Meeker, 87, of Gibbs, died Saturday morning in a Kirksville hospital.  Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Monday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by Rev. P. M. Lind, of Queen City.  Interment will be in the Maple Hills cemetery.

The casket will be closed at the beginning of the service.

Mrs. Meeker was the daughter of Charles and Amelia Jane (Minear) Aldridge and was born in Schuyler County, May 28, 1861.  She was married to James A. Meeker, Jan. 25, 1885 and to this marriage three children were born.  Mr. Meeker died March 23, 1947, and she was also preceded in death by one son, Charles Martin and one daughter, Ida Leona.

She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Goldie Fortney, of Gibbs; one sister, Mrs. Irene Munn, of Nebraska; one granddaughter, Mrs. Noema F. Stribling and two great grandchildren, Particia Ann and Jimmie Stribling.

She was a member of the Christian Church at Gibbs.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Bearers will be: C. I. Spencer, John Story, John Elmore, Albert Coons, William Price, and John McKie.



Sarah Ida Belle (Jones) Meeker, daughter of O. S. and Tacy Jones, was born October 16, 1871 near Arbela and passed this life at her home in Granger, March 29, 1947 at the age of 76 years, five months and 13 days.

March 18, 1888 she was married to Henry Meeker at Columbus, Kansas.  To this union, were born three children.  The husband and two children, Alta E and Chas H., preceded her in death.  She leaves to mourn her loss Mrs. Jennie Faye (Meeker) Werfield, a daughter of Bell Planes, Iowa.  Four sisters: Mrs. Amy Clair of Oakdale, Ia.; Mrs. Lilley Amenta, Cedar Rapids, Ia.; Mrs. Marie Founds, Arbela; Mrs. Alice Phillips, Longbeach, Calif.; one brother, Delbert Jones, Columbus, Kansas; three nephews and two nieces.

Most of her married life was spent near Arbela in Scotland county.  For many years she was a member of the Baptist church in Arbela and was faithful to the faith unto the end.

She was an affectionate companion, a faithful mother and a good neighbor.  Her choice chapter was the 14th of Gospel of John, 23rd Psalm.

She leaves many friends and neighbors and will be sadly missed by those who knew her.

Services were conducted from the Methodist church in Granger, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. G. W. Ridley in charge.  Interment was in the Hickory Grove cemetery.


James Edward Meeks departed this life at his father’s home near Energy, Scotland County, Mo., January 1, 1908; age 19 years, 7 months and 4 days.  Ed, as we all called him was a bright young man and was highly esteemed by all who know him.  He was entirely clear of bad habits of any kind, was industrious and cheerful.  He will be greatly missed in the home and in the community, in which he lived, but those noble qualities that endeared the deceased to us are ours still, may they beget like qualities, thereby bringing forth fruit to the honor and glory of God.

The funeral service was conducted by W. J. North at the McGrady church, and his remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at that place.

James Edward Meeks, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 9 Jan 1908, p. 2, col. 2



Was Resident of Scotland County Most of His Life

Funeral services for Riley Meeks were held at the Gerth & Baskett chapel in Memphis last Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock and interment was in the McGrady cemetery.

Services were conducted by Rev. Arthur L. Huff of Gorin and music was by Mrs. Elza Burns and Miss Faye Chappell, singers, accompanied by Miss Juanita Griffith at the piano.  Pall bearers were: Floyd Couch, E. M. Shawly, Victor Erwin, Birney Farr, Willie Boone and Lester Boone.

Mr. Meeks, who was a well known citizen of Scotland county, died at the A. S. O. hospital at Kirksville ten minutes to twelve o’clock noon on Tuesday, April 4, as stated in last week’s Democrat.

He was a son of James and Martha Meeks.  He was born in Lewisville, Kentucky, July 23, 1865.

He moved with his parents when a small child to Missouri.

Mr. Meeks was married to Elsie Brewsaugh on June 6, 1884.  To this union eight children were born, all but three having preceded him in death.  His wife also died June 21, 1908.

He was united in marriage to Margaret Barnett, December 17, 1908.  To this union seven children were born, one daughter, Cleona Mabel, died June 10, 1915, also the wife passed away, October 22, 1926.

He united with the Presbyterian church at McGrady when a young man.  He was a kind husband and loving father.

He spent his entire life farming and blacksmithing until the last few years which he spent with his children.

He is survived by the following children; Mrs. W. B. Boone, Granger; Mrs. E. M. Shawly, Steger, Ill.; Clarence Meeks and Perry Meeks, Peoria, Ill.; Sgt. Willard I. Meeks, Pocatello, Idaho; Mrs. Birney Tarr, Carthage, Ill.; Mrs. Floyd Couch, Greentop, Mo.; Paul Meeks, Burlington, Iowa, and Mrs. Victor Ervin, Downing; also nineteen grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.



Widow of Grover a Lifelong County Resident.

Mrs. Nellie P. Megrew, 90 years old, died at her home at 610 East Jefferson Street Friday night at 7 o’clock, following an illness with heart disease.  The widow of Jackson Megrew, grocer who died Feb. 6, 1918, she had spent her entire life in Adair County.

The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Davis funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church.  Burial will be in the Megrew Cemetery at Stahl.  The body is to lie in state at her home.

Mrs. Megrew was born March 12, 1848, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Walters.  She was married to Jackson Megrew Feb. 28, 1864 and nine children were born, two of whom survive.  They are Dr. Minnie V. Pugh, Everett, Wash., and Mrs. Rosa Powell, Kirksville.  She also leaves 14 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

A son, Dr. J. L. Megrew, died two years ago and a daughter, Mrs. Ann Guile, died in 1934.  Other sons who preceded her in death were William Henry, Robert W., Charles Bertie, Bernie and an infant son.

Mrs. Megrew was the last of a family of seven.  She and her husband lived on a farm in the Stahl vicinity until about 40 years ago, when they moved to Kirksville.  Mr. Megrew built the home where she died.  He operated a grocery for several years in the building where the Everhart & Cross plumbing firm in now located.

She was a member of the Baptist Church.



Had Been at Home of Daughter in Independence; Rites Here

Mrs. Adelia May Mellinger, 75, formerly of Kirksville, died Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lola Allen, at Independence.  The body will arrive at the Dee Riley Funeral Home today at noon from where funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of First Baptist church.  Interment will be in the Forest cemetery.

Mrs. Mellinger was the daughter of Thomas and Angeline (Bales) Littrel and was born Oct. 7, 1877, at Norton, Kan.

She was preceded in death by her husband, one brother and two sisters.

She is survived by one son, Charles Whitlock, of Kirksville; one daughter, Mrs. Lola May Allen, Independence; two sisters, Mrs. Iva Miller, Novinger, and Mrs. Sarah Downen, Elkville, Ill.; seven grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren.

She was a member of the Church of Christ here.

Adelia May Mellinger, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 12 Oct 1952, p. 3, col. 6&7


Denny F. Mellinger Funeral Yesterday

Funeral services weer [sic] held yesterday morning at nine o’clock at Jefferson City for Denny F. Mellinger, 82, former resident of Kirksville who died Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Melvin Amick, in Dixon, Mo.  Burial was at Jimtown.

Mr. Mellinger, a retired miner, was born in Jimtown Feb. 3, 1870, the son of Dr. and Mrs. F. Mallinger [sic].  He was married Feb. 5, 1894, at Queen City to Eliza Margaret Boggs, who died in 1915.

Mr. Mellinger lived in Kirksville until about four years ago.                 

He is survived by one son, H. D. Mellinger, of Rock Island, Ill.; three daughters, Mrs. Melvin Amick, of Dixon, Mrs. John Doherty, Terre Haute, Ind., and Mrs. Toney Hendrix, Murphyboro, Ill.; eight grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.

He has one granddaughter living in Kirksville, Mrs. C. R. Yardley, 315 E. Pierce.

Denny F. Mellinger, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 8 Sep 1952, p. 6, col. 5


Eva Melvin Services Held In Wyaconda

Eva Leora Goodrich was born April 4, 1889, in Rosehill, Sedgwich County, Kansas, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. Goodrich, and passed away Monday, December 18, 1967, at the Haven of Rest Nursing Home at Greentop, Missouri.

On February 29, 1916, at Macon, Missouri, she was united in mariage [sic] to Lewis J. Melvin, who survives.

She was a member of the Wyaconda Methodist Church and the Royal Neighbors.

She was preceded in death by her parents, four sisters, and one brother.

Besides her husband she is survived by nephews, nieces, other relatives and friends.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church, Wyaconda, Missouri, Thursday, December 21, 1967, at 2 p.m., with Rev. Harold Spiva officiating.  Burial was in the Wyaconda Cemetery.

Body bearers were Chester Smith, Orville St. Clair, Theodore Egbert, John Polhans, Kenneth Edmonson, and Clayton Alderton.

Eva Leora (Goodrich) Melvin, From Unknown Newspaper, 4 Jan 1968


Wesley Mendenhall

James Wesley Mendenhall, son of John Henry and Effie Delia Regnold Mendenhall, was born July 8, 1901, and died December 8, 1972, in Davis County Hospital.  He was 71 years and 5 months old.  He was never married, but leaves to mourn his passing, three brothers, Joe Henry of Granger, Melvin Alward of Memphis, and Ernest Hubert of Keokuk, Iowa; three sisters, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mrs. Alma Mae Lewis, and Mrs. Mable Izetta Russell, all of Memphis; several nieces and nephews, and cousins; two brothers-in-law, William E. Miller and Earl Russell; two sisters-in-law, Virginia Mendenhall of Keokuk, Iowa, and Mable Mendenhall…


J. N. Mendenhall Services Here; Burial In California

Jasper Newton Mendenhall son of John and Effie Regnold Mendenhall was born February 9, 1900 in Scotland County, Missouri and passed away March 21, 1971 at 5:00 a.m. in the Scotland County Memorial Hospital.

He was united in marriage to Martha Lovell December 10, 1938.

He served in the U. S. Navy during World War II and was discharged in 1945.

He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, one sister Susanna Harle and one brother George W.

He leaves four brothers: Joseph H. of Granger, Mo., James Wesley and Melvin A. of Memphis, Mo., and Ernest H. of Keokuk, Iowa; three sisters, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mrs. Mae Lewis and Mrs. Izetta Russell all of Memphis, nieces and nephews an [sic] many friends.

He was a member of the Antioch Christian Church also of the Masonic Loodge [sic] No. 16 AF & AM.

Services were held at Payne Chapel in Memphis, Missouri on Wednesday, March 24, 1971, 11:00 a.m.  Rev. Howard Merchant officiating.  The final resting place is the Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno California.


L. H. Mendenhall Services Held On Saturday

Leslie Hubert Mendenhall, the youngest son of William A. and Susan Mendenhall, was born October 1, 1899, in Scotland County, Missouri, and passed away January 31, 1968, at the Swedish-Convenant [sic] Hospital in Chicago, Illinois.

He was united in marriage to Eula Pauline Walker November 7, 1928.  They lived in Phoenix, Arizona, until 1933, when they moved to Chicago.  He was a member of the Barber’s Union Local No. 548 and was in business as long as health permitted,

He was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers, Harry and Charles.

Surviving are his wife, Eula; two sisters, Mrs. Fannie Morton of Tempe, Arizona, and Mrs. Irene Neece of Rutledge, Missouri; two nieces, Mrs. Harretta Talbot of Montrose, Colorado, and Mrs. Gladys Copeland of Tempe, Arizona; two nephews, Joe Neese, Jr., of Rutledge, Missouri, and Robert Mendenhall of Memphis, Missouri; other relatives and friends.

He was a member of the First Christian Church in Phoenix, Arizona.

Funeral services were held Saturday, February 3, 1968, at Paynes [sic] Chapel, Memphis, Missouri, at 2 p.m. with Rev. Howard Merchant officiating.  Final resting place was in the Memphis Cemetery.

Body bearers were Larry Boyer, Robert Mendenhall, Kenneth Boyer, Joe Neese, Jr., Clark Ewing and Vernon Ewing.

Leslie Hubert Mendenhall, From Unknown Newspaper, 8 Feb 1968


Josephine Mentze Dies In California

Mrs. Josephine Clarkson Mentze of California died recently and was buried in California according to word received here from Miss Benjie Pile of San Diego, Calif.

Mrs. Mentze will be remembered here as the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Clarkson, long time residents of Scotland County.

Josephine (Clarkson) Mentze, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 10 Jun 1954, p. 1, col. 4


Mrs. H. G. Merritt Died at Masonic Home

Mrs. Adah Merritt, widow of the late H. G. Merritt, died at the Masonic home at St. Louis Tuesday, according to a message received here yesterday morning. The body is being shipped to Memphis for burial.

Mrs. Merritt went to the Masonic home about six months ago and had made her home there since. Mrs. Merritt’s maiden name was Rudy, and she had lived in this county for many years having formerly lived north of Memphis in the Brock neighborhood.

Mrs. Merritt is a sister of Mrs. A. H. Pitkin and Mrs. P. H. Bennett; of Memphis.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2:30 at the residence of E. F. Bertram on East Jackson Street.

Adah (Rudy) Merritt, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 25 Jul 1929



Annie W. Raines was born in Marion County, Ill., February 11, 1862, and died July 6, 1904, at her home in Union Township, Scotland County, Missouri, aged 42 years, 4 months and 25 days.

 She was married to H. G. Merritt, May 13, 1878.  To this union were born twelve children, of whom eleven still survive, six girls and five boys.  Nine of these still remain at home, Mae F., John William, Henry G., Jr., Nellie Gray, Charles E., Willie L., George B., Grace B., and Eugene.  Two daughters, Mrs. Maud McGee and Mrs. Clauda Brown, are married and reside in Iowa.  Three stepchildren also survive to mourn her early departure, Bert, Henry and Carrie, who now reside in the west.  She joined the 2nd Congressional Church of Orange, Ill., in 1888, and was an active member in the same where her membership still remained until death. 

She was also a member and an energetic worker in the Orange Relief Corps.  In February 1889, she came with her husband and family to near Brock, Mo., where she resided until called to her last home.  Her life here has been one of exceptional devotion to home, husband and children.  She loved her children dearly and no sacrifice on her part being too great if her loved ones required it.  Her helpful tact and tender sympathy were ever ready for her large family.  Her forceful character and kindly heart made friends of strangers in her new home. Among her neighbors and friends, none needed help in trouble or in sorrow, but her willing hand and helpful sympathy was theirs.  The church also has lost a hearty helper and loyal supporter.

While as friends and neighbors we feel our loss can never be replaces, the loss to the stricken family is infinitely greater and every heart aches in sympathy and turns to God beseeching him in infinite mercy to comfort the husband’s and children’s hearts and consecrate this grief to them for good.

The immediate cause of death was blood poison.  Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Hodson, pastor of the M. E. Memphis Circuit at Brock, Saturday, July 9, 1904, at 3 p.m.  The immense gathering and the floral tributes spoke appreciation and sympathy.  The body was laid to rest in the Brock Cemetery.

There comes a time when life must cease.

            When they who loved the Lord who bled

And followed whereso’er he led

            Shall walk with him in white.

Annie W. (Raines) Merritt, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 14 Jul 1904



Eugene Merritt, son of the late H. G. Merritt, who operated a feed mill in Memphis for many years, died at Burlington, Iowa, last night and the body was brought to the Payne Chapel.

Funeral services were pending at noon today.

He is survived by a brother, John Merritt of Memphis, and two sisters, Mrs. Clyde Kerr of Cantril and Mrs. O. A. Barnes of Memphis.


H. G. Merritt Died At His Home Here Dec. 26

H. G. Merritt, a well known citizen of Memphis, who has been in business here for several years, died at his home in the east part of town December 26th.  The funeral was held at the family residence Monday, conducted by Rev. E. C. Morgan, pastor of the First M. E. Church, and burial was in the Memphis cemetery. In preaching the funeral sermon, Rev. Morgan said:

“Henry G. Merritt, was born in Yorktown, New Your, July 4, 1844, and died at his home in Memphis, Mo., December 26, 1924, being at the time of his death 80 years, 5 months and 22 days.  He was the oldest son of John W. and Elizabeth Merritt.  In early life he moved with his parents to Illinois, and at the age of 19 he entered the civil war and served till its close.  After the war he married Miss Elsie Austin.  To this union four children were born, two dying in early childhood.  After nine years the wife and mother died.

He then married Miss Jennie Rains and moved to a farm near Onarga, Ill., he was converted and joined the second Congregational church and was active in all church duties.  He was Supt. of Sunday school 7 years and missed but one Sunday throughout this length of time.

“He sold his farm and moved to a farm close to Brock, Mo., where the wife and mother died in July, 1904.

“He was again married to Mrs. Adah Wise.  He then moved to Memphis where he lived till his death. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, 13 children and 28 grand-children.  The children living are: Bert, of Seattle, Wash.; Carrie, of Denver, Colo.; Maud, of Memphis, Mo.; Clauda, of Mt. Sterling, Iowa; Mae of Eads, Colo.; John of Milton, Iowa; Henry, of Newton, Kan.; Nellie of Memphis, Mo.; Charley, of Newton, Kansas; Willa, of Orange, Calif.; George, of Newton, Kans.; Dorothy Grace, of Mt. Sterling, Iowa; Eugene of Memphis, Mo.

“He was a good soldier and fought for his and your country; he was a good father and fought for those who loved him best, his children.  He will be missed very much by his children, Dr. Alexander and family and other neighbors and friends in Memphis”.

Henry G. Merritt, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 1 Jan 1925, p. 1, col. 1


Mrs. Merritt Died June 14

Funeral Services Yesterday Afternoon – Interment Brock

Ida Estella Merritt was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar F. Fulk.  She was born in Granger, October 21, 1885, and died June 14, 1949, at the age of 63 years.

Funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian church Wednesday, June 15, at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. V. A. Venezia, officiating.  Mrs. William T. Ware played her favorite selections on the organ.

Interment in the Brock Cemetery.

In early youth she united with the Presbyterian church at Memphis.

She was united in marriage to John William Merritt, March 19, 1908.  One son, Richard Arden, preceded her in death, July 18, 1943.

She lived most of her life in the vicinity of Memphis.

Surviving are her husband, John William Merritt; one son John Max Merritt of Munich, Germany; four daughters, Mrs. D. D. Winstrom, Minot, N. D.; Mrs. Robert Lee, Lynnwood, Calif.; Mrs. Alva Magill, Milton, Iowa, and Muriel Lynn Merritt, Kansas City; one sister, Mrs. G. W. Locke, Buechel, Ky.; one brother, Herald Fulk of Kahoka, and four grandchildren.

Ida Estella Merritt, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 16 Jun 1949


Death of Mrs. Merritt

Mrs. H. G. Merritt died at her home in Union Township Thursday, July 7, at 11 p.m., from blood poisoning produced by heavy lifting.

The funeral was conducted by Rev. Hodson from the M. E. church at Brock at 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon, after which the remains were buried in the Brock cemetery.

Mrs. Merritt was born in Ohio, and at the time of her death was forty two years of age.  Deceased is survived by the husband and eleven children.  All of whom have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.

Mrs. H. G. Merritt, Memphis, Missouri, The Scotland County Democrat, 14 Jul 1904




Arden Merritt, better known by his friends as “Bosco,” 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt, who live on the Fred and Olin Smith farm ten miles northeast of Memphis, was killed when a tractor which he was running turned over on him Sunday afternoon, July 18, between 3:30 and 4:00 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Merritt had gone to Kahoka where they were visiting Mrs. Merritt’s relatives, and their son remained at home.  A neighbor boy, Oscar Eaton Mankopf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mankopf, was with Arden at the time of the accident.

It was reported that Arden started the tractor and was showing Oscar how short the tractor could be turned, when it turned over with him.  Evidently from marks on his back, the wheel ran over him but threw him clear of the machine.

The accident did not kill him instantly.  The Mankopf boy carried him to the yard of the Merritt home, then jumped on a horse and rode to the Ernest Roberts home a short distance away.  Roberts was in the field working and so he rode on to the Arthur Jones home.  Jones came back to the Merritt home and summoned other neighbors.  Arden was taken to an Ottumwa hospital accompanied by Mankopf and Arden’s sister, Mrs. Edna Magill.        

Merritt died shortly after reaching the hospital and his body was brought back to Memphis.

Funeral services were conducted from the Brock Methodist Church, yesterday, July 21, at 2:30 p.m. by Rev. Arthur L. Huff.  Mr. Holland from Milton sang two beautiful solos, “Sunrise” and “In the Presence of God.”  Body bearers were Oscar Mankopf, Rex Coffrin, Douglas Robinson, Robert Shanes, Paul Forrester and Jack Mustoe.  Burial was in the Brock Cemetery.


Robert Arden (Bosco) Merritt, younger son of John and Estella Faulk Merritt was born March 25, 1928, at Milton, Iowa.

“Bosco” would have been a Junior at Memphis high school this coming fall.  He attended elementary school at Milton.  He was adored by his sisters and brother, Mrs. Mary Belle Wenstrom, Minneapolis, Minn.; First Lieutenant John Max Merritt, Fort McClellan, Alabama, Mrs. Betty Lee, Fairfield, Iowa; Mrs. Edna Magill, Milton; and Muriel Merritt, Minneapolis, Minn.

He is also survived by three brothers-in-law, one sister-in-law, three nieces and one nephew.



Ella Kapfer Meyer, 82, daughter of Gottfried and Johanna Kapfer, was born in Creglingen Wurttemberg, Germany, October 19, 1870, and passed away at the home of her daughter in Kansas City, January 29, 1953, ant 8:00 a.m.

When she was 11 years old Mrs. Meyer came to America and settled near Wyaconda with her family, later moving to the Gorin community where she spent the greater part of her life.

March 12, 1891, she married Conrad Julius Meyer and to this union 3 sons and one daughter were born.  Her husband, Julius, preceeded [sic] her in death July 29, 1940.  Her father, mother, step-mother, Susan, and two brothers, Chris and Henry also preceeded [sic] her in death.

Mrs. Meyer was a member of the Cumberland church which she joined in 1894; also a charter member of the American Legion Auxilary [sic].  She had been in failing health for the past 3 years and had made her home during most of this time with her daughter and son-in-law in Kansas City.

She leaves to mourn her passing, Ernest G. Meyer of Marceline, Mo.; Carl H. Meyer of Cleveland, Ohio; W. H. Meyer of Gorin, Mo.; and Mrs. Lena C. Kittle of Kansas City; one brother, Lew Kapfer of Gorin; 8 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.

The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Dayton Grover, Sr., in the Baptist church in Gorin, January 31st, at 1:30 p.m.  Music for the service was supplied by Mrs. W. E. Shannon, and a quartet composed of Carl Pryor, Mrs. Clark Ewing, Mrs. William Ebling and Miss Josephine Kittle.  The body was laid to rest in the Gorin cemetery beside that of her husband.

The body bearers were: Wade Williams, Teddy Schultz, W. L. Harker, John Monroe, W. L. Stephens and W. E. Shannon.

Ella (Kapfer) Meyer, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 5 Feb 1953, p. 4, col. 5 & 6


Ben Mickle

Benjamin F. Mickle, 89, died Wednesday, December 6, 1972, at Washington Nursing Center, Washington, Illinois.

He formerly had been engaged in farming near Memphis, Missouri.  He also had been employed at Corn Products Co., in Pekin, Illinois, where he lived several years.

He is survived by four sons, Audrey and Charles of Pekin, Illinois, Forrest of Washington, Illinois, Levi of Phoenix, Arizona; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Lawson and Mrs. Roy (Margaret) Dement, both of Springfield, Illinois; 11 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his wife in 1961; also three brothers, two sisters, one grandchild and one great-grandchild.

Funeral services were held at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, December ?, at Preston’s Funeral Home Pekin, Illinois.  Burial was at Glendale Memorial Gardens.

Benjamin F. Mickle, From Unknown Newspaper 28 Dec 1972


Mickle Infant’s Services Held

Funeral services were held at Preston Funeral Home for the infant son of Larry and Rosemary McGinnis Mickle, Omaha, Neb., former Pekin, Ill., residents.  The father is serving with the United States Air Force in Omaha.

Rev. Charles Wagner, First Methodist church, officiated.  Burial was in Glendale Memorial Gardens, east of Pekin.

The child died shortly after birth at 10 a.m. Friday in an Omaha hospital.

Grandparents of the baby are Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mickle, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen McGinnis.

The great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wiley of Gorin and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mickle of Pekin, Ill.

Infant Son Mickle, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 8 Jan 1959


Receive Word Of Death Of Mary Middleton

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hay received word Sunday of the death of Mrs. George (Mary) Middleton, a friend and former neighbor.  Funeral services were held at the Leroy Smith Funeral Home a [sic] 1:30 Tuesday June 10th, in Peoria, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Middleton were former residents near Downing and Gorin, Mo.  Most recently living near Colchester, Ill.

Mary Middleton, From Unknown Newspaper, Jun 1969



Amanda J. Lowe was born May 10, 1851 and departed this life November 1, 1918, aged 67 years, 5 months and 20 days.

She was married to Hugh D. Mikel January 22, 1868.  To this union were born six children, three sons and three daughters, Howley B., Willard L., Geneva E., Sally J., Adelma E. and Evert Mikel.  The husband, two sons and two daughters have gone on before.  One son and one daughter survive her.  The surviving children are Everet Mike, and Mrs. Adelma Newcomer, also five grandchildren and one great grandchild.  Also three brothers, G. A. Lowe, H. B. Lowe and Frank Lowe and one sister, Anna Morrow.

She was converted and joined the M. E. church when she was sixteen.  She lived a consistent christain [sic] until she was called home.  She was a faithful wife and a loving mother, and will be sadly missed by those who loved her best.  Remains were laid to rest at New Harmony cemetery Saturday afternoon.


Mrs. Mary Millay Dies In St. Louis

Mrs. Mary Mathews Millay, widow of B. F. Millay and former resident of Kirksville, died this morning at the home of her son, Dr. Dewey Millay, in St. Louis

The body will be brought to Kirksville and will lie in state at the Davis Funeral Home until funeral services which will be held Wednesday afternoon.  A definite time for the funeral has not yet been announced.

Mrs. Millay was born in Adair County and had lived her entire life in or near Kirksville until last fall when she went to St. Louis.  She was an active member in the Baptist Church while living in Kirksville.

Besides her son, Dr. Millay, Mrs. Millay is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Gladys Millay Bailey, of New York; a son Harold Millay, of Sullivan County, and a niece, Mrs. Edna M. Campbell, of 303 N. Lincoln Street.  Mrs. Millay’s husband was a brother of Mrs. Campbell’s father, the late Robert Millay.


Alfred Miller Of Sharpsburg, Ill., Dies Suddenly

Alfred M. Miller, 56, prominent farmer an [sic] livestock man, residing near Sharpsburg, Ill., died suddenly at seven o’clock Wednesday morning, Oct. 17th at the home of a neighbor, where he was assisting in unloading corn.

Mr. Miller was born February 21, 1906 at Granger, Mo., the son of Wesley L. and Lulu Johnson Miller.  On February 14, 1931 he was married to Grace Black.

He was preceded in death by his mother.

Surviving are his wife, father and stepmother, Taylorville, Ill., a sister, Mrs. Owen (Myra) Barbre of Champaign, Ill., and a brother, Hubert Miller, Arbela, Mo.

He was a member of the Methodist church of Sharpsburg, Blueville Lodge No. 647, A. F. and A. M. at Edinburg, Ill., Ansar Temple at Springfield, Ill., and the Lions and Elks clubs, Taylorville, Ill.

Funeral services were held at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon in the Shafer Funeral Home, at Taylorville, Ill, with the Rev. Allan E. Rohrer, pastor of the Sharpsburg Methodist church officiating.  Burial was in the Oak Hill cemetery, Taylorville, Ill.

Masonic rites were held at eight o’clock on Thursday evening, Oct. 18th in the Shafer Funeral Home.  Blueville Lodge had charge of the service.


Mrs. Alice Lee Miller Dies Near Here

Mrs. Alice Lee Miller, 73, died her home Saturday morning and funeral services were held at the Summers & Powell Funeral Home and interment was in Ownbey cemetery.  Rev. Martin Cross, of Brashear, conducted the funeral rites.

Mrs. miller was born April 19, 1873, near Kirksville.  She was the daughter of E. H. and Margaret Lorton Knapp.  On Sept. 13, 1892, she was married to Ed S. Miller.  She lived her entire life in Adair county.

She is survived by her husband; two sons, Guy M. Miller, of Brashear, and Eugene R. Miller, of Kansas City; one daughter, Mrs. Atha M. Drury, Kirksville; two grandsons and two granddaughters.  She was preceded in death by one son, who died at the age of three, one brother and four sisters.

She was a member of the Bullion Methodist Church for 62 years.


On the 13th of January 1873 at her residence, Mrs. Amelia Miller widow of William Miller died. Aged 66. The deceased was one of the old citizens of our country, having resided here over thirty one years.  She was highly esteemed by a large circle or friends.

Amelia Miller, Edina, Missouri, The Sentinel, 16 Jan 1873, p. 3, col. 4



Had Heart Ailment; Funeral Services Tuesday Morning

Brashear, Mo., July 3. (Special)—Mrs. Jesse (Bessie) Miller, 58, died at the family home six miles northwest of Brashear, in the Sabbath Home neighborhood, Sunday morning at five o’clock.  She had suffered with a heart ailment since the first of the year.

Funeral services will be held at the Sabbath Home Church Tuesday morning at ten o’clock conducted by Rev. Martin Cross, pastor of the church.  Interment will be in the Sabbath Home cemetery.

Mrs. Miller was the daughter of Alfred and Alice (Hill) Person and was born near Brashear on May 3, 1892.  She was married on Feb. 27, 1921 to Jesse Miller and two children were born to them.

She is survived by her husband, a daughter, Evalee, of the home, and son, Lovell, of Rockford, Ill.; three brothers, Audrey Person, of Kirksville; Roy, of Dixon, Ill., and Dorsey, of Rock Falls, Ill.

She was preceded in death by her parents, one sister, Mrs. Nellie Moore, and one brother, Lennis.

Mrs. Miller was an active member of the Sabbath Home Church, having lived in that community all of her life.

The body will lie in state at the Easley Funeral Home.

Bearers will be: Russell Morrow, Jack Keller, Jerome Church, Lyle Erwin, Norman Ratliff and Glen Fast.


Brother Died at Bloomfield

Frank Miller was called to Bloomfield yesterday afternoon on account of the death of his brother, Charles Miller, 79, who died at Bloomfield Tuesday night at 11:30.

Another brother died at Milton a few years ago.  Frank Miller of Memphis is the only one left of the three brothers in the family.



Funeral services for Charles H. Miller, 81, who died Tuesday, January 9, at the home of his son, Irvin of Bloomfield, were held last Thursday morning at the Stiles Christian church.  Burial was in the Stiles cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, Bessie, three daughters, Mrs. Carl Kline of Mark, Mrs. Arlando Rupe of Bloomfield, and Mrs. Maxine Miller; four sons, Clark Miller of Mark, Irvin, Harry and Oscar of Bloomfield; a brother, Frank and two sisters, Mrs. Ira Eller and Mrs. Roscoe Riney of Memphis; several grandchildren and two great grandchildren.– Bloomfield Republican.



Clifton Miller, aged 66 years, died last night of pneumonia following an attack of influenza.  He became sick in St. Louis and came here and went to the county infirmary for treatment.

He is an old resident of this city and is survived by several relatives in Kirksville.

The funeral services will be held tomorrow at the Davis & Wilson Chapel with burial in the Llewellyn cemetery.

Clifton Miller, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 22 Jan 1919, p. 1, col. 3, Wednesday


Hon. Dan F. Miller, of Keokuk, Iowa, died in Omaha, Nebraska, Monday of this week.  He had gone there in the fall to visit his daughter, was taken sick and could not be taken home.  He was clean and pure in his daily walk and one of the pioneers of Lee county.  He was a fine lawyer, a poet and withal a genial courteous gentleman.

Hon. Dan F. Miller, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 12 Dec 1895, p. 2, col. 2



Funeral Saturday at Coffey Church in Schuyler County.

Dave Miller, 61, of Marshalltown, Ia.  died at 8 o’clock this morning in a hospital in Marshalltown, where he had been for three weeks.  He had been in ill health for several years.

Funeral services will be held at the Coffey Church in Schuyler County at 2 p. m. Saturday.

He formerly lived in Adair County, but has lived at Marshalltown for several years.

He is survived by his widow, four children, four brothers and two sisters.  John Miller, of Kirksville, and Will Miller, east of Greentop, are brothers.  Deputy Circuit Clerk Neva Miller is a niece.



Was Born at Pulaski, Iowa, on February 7, 1860

Dolly Eller was a daughter of Sampson and Marjorie Eller.  She was born February 7, 1869, at Pulaski, Iowa, and died, Mar. 26, at Grandview, Missouri, in the home of Mrs. J. A. Nichols.

Miss Dolly Eller and William H. Faucett were united in marriage about 1888 and made their home in Scotland county.  To this union two children were born, a son, Clyde, died in infancy, and a daughter, Rosalie.  Mr. Faucett died Sept. 19, 1912.

She married Frank Miller about 1914, and he died in 1947.

She was one of twelve children, six boys and six girls.  She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Rosalie Ammerman of Des Moines, and by a grandson, Avon Lee Barr, of Sibley, Minn.

Her surviving brother is Ira Eller of Memphis and her surviving sisters are Mrs. Ruth Nichols of Grandview, Mrs. Mary Carson of Cincinnati, Iowa; Mrs. Orpha Scott of El Paso, Texas, and Mrs. Lizzie Shook of Downing.

Mrs. Miller was a member of the Pleasant Hill church.

Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:30 p.m. at the Gerth & Baskett chapel by Rev. W. E. Longstreth.  Burial was in the Pleasant Hill cemetery.



Postmaster of Schuyler County Town Past 8 Years

Frank Miller, 71, for the past eight years Queen City’s postmaster, died in a Kirksville hospital this morning at 3:23.

Funeral services will be held at the Lutheran Church in Queen City Sunday afternoon at 1:30.  Interment will be in the Queen City cemetery.  The body will remain at the Dooley Funeral Home until time for the services.

A lifelong Schuyler county resident, Mr. Miller was the son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Snowbarger) Miller and was born in Schuyler county on Oct. 10, 1881.  He was married to Opal Campbell Nov. 10, 1909 and two children were born to them.

Surviving are his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Leota) Willcox, of Kansas City, and one son, Leland, of Queen City, four grandsons, Richard and Ronald Miller, Robert, Jr., and Charles Willcox; one brother, Dan, of St. Louis; three sisters, Mrs. Eugene (Mary) Slaughter, and Mrs. Thomas (Minnie) Rice, both of Queen City, and Mrs. Ike (Bertha) Piper, of Kansas City.

He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother, Fred.

Mr. Miller was a farmer until eight years ago when he became postmaster.  He was a member of the Queen City Lutheran Church and also a member of the Queen City I. O. O. F. Lodge.



Frank A. Miller Had Lived in Memphis in Recent Years.

Frank A. Miller, who had lived in Memphis in recent years, died at the Community Home in Kirksville Saturday night, Oct. 11, at 10 o’clock.

Funeral services were conducted at the Memphis Methodist church by Rev. W. E. Longstreth, pastor, Monday afternoon.  Mrs. Henry Boucher, Miss June Watkins, B. H. Hertenstein and Arden Eager, accompanied by Mrs. Longstreth, sang.  Interment was in the Stiles, Iowa, cemetery.  Pall bearers were Oscar, Harry, Orwin, Glenn Miller, Max and Raymond Riney.

Frank A. Miller was born June 29, 1869, at Stiles in Davis county, Iowa.

Mr. Miller and Hattie Swift of Bloomfield were married November 28, 1894, and made their home on a farm near Stiles.  Two children were born to this union, Dale and June.  In 1909 the family moved to Ft. Madison where Mr. Miller was employed as a guard at the Iowa State Prison and remained at this work for twenty-four years.  Mrs. Hattie Miller died November 11, 1911.

Mr. Miller married Dolly Faucett in 1914.  They retired to a farm near Hitt in 1934, to make their home until 1944 when they moved to Memphis.

Mr. Miller united with the Memphis Methodist church in 1945.  He was a faithful member of the choir and attended and took part in the choir work.

Mr. Miller, who was one of six children, is survived by his son, Dale Miller of Decatur, Ill., and his daughter, Mrs. A. E. Young of Peoria, by a sister, Mrs. Ira Eller of Memphis, by five grandchildren and by two great grandchildren.

Persons from out of town who attended the funeral were Mrs. William Miller and son, Glen of Milton; Lee and Barbara Reason and Mrs. Wm. Petefish of Stiles; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Swift Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Russel Swift Jr., Mrs. Vera Martin, Mrs. Eva…



Was Janitor at KOH Clinic; Funeral Plans Incomplete

George O. Miller, 64, of 1718 S. Still, died this morning in a Kirksville hospital.

He was the son of George and Ellen (Connell) Miller and was born in Adair county October 2, 1887.

He was married to Nellie Scott at Moberly and six children were born to this marriage.

He is survived by his wife; three sons, Junior, of Hannibal, William L., of Rock Island, Ill., and Maurice, U. S. Army, stationed at Breckenridge, Ky.; three daughters, Mrs. Hollis (Mary Catherine) James, East Peoria, Ill., Mrs. George (Georgia) Murrell and Mrs. Robert (Norine Louise) Jackson of Kirksville, and five grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his parents and one sister.  Mr. Miller at one time served in the United States Marines.  At the time of his death he was janitor at the K. O. H. Hospital.

The body is at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Funeral arrangements are incomplete.



Golden, Ill., July 14. – Services for Henry Miller were held Friday in the Immanuel Lutheran Church.  The Rev. Willis Yarian officiated and burial was in the church cemetery.  Pallbearers were Fritz Janssen, John Gronewold, Rudy Miller, Claus Bienhoff, Harm Aden and Rudy Taute.

Henry Miller, Quincy, Illinois, Quincy Hearld-Whig, 14 Jul 1968



Ida May Miller, daughter of Americus and Rebecca Jane Miller was born January 4, 1872 near Prospect Grove in Scotland county, Missouri and passed away at Kirksville, Mo., at the age of 73 years, 11 months and five days.

At an early age she united with the Mt. Moriah Methodist church and remained a faithful and active membeer [sic] as long as her health permitted.

On December 16, 1896 she was united in marriage to T. C. Miller of Scotland county.  To this union two children were born: Leland T. and Mildred.

She is survived by her husband, T. C. Miller and two children, Leland T. Miller of Rutledge and Mildred McClamroch of Phoenix, Arizona and Catherine and Robert McClamrock [sic].  She is also survived by two sisters, and one brother, Mrs. Belle Curry of Arbela, Mrs. Clara M. Best of Phoenix Arizona, and Albert Miller of Dodge City, Kansas.  One sister and three brothers having preceded her in death: Mrs. Minnie A. Curry and J. C. Arthur Augustus and John W. Miller.

Funeral services were conducted from the Gerth & Baskett funeral home Thursday, December 13 at 11:00 a.m. by Rev. Arthur L. Huff of Leland, Ill.  Rev. Huff was her pastor for seven years.

Music was furnished by Miss Abbie Bull and Earl Kutzner with Mrs. Olive Bull at the piano.



Mrs. Inez Miller passed away at the home of her brother, William Woods, north of Luray, October 7 at 10:45 o’clock after a long time of sickness.  She was the daughter of Augustus and Mary A. Woods and was born 1896, aged 49 years.

She was united in marriage to W. F. Miller, January 20, 1931.  To this union three sons were born.

She united with the Presbyterian church early in life.

Her husband, W. F. Miller and son Harley Emmett preceded her in death.  Survivors are two sons at home, Rolly Neal, age 12: Lowell [unreadable] age 10; four step-children; [unreadable] two daughters; two [unreadable] and her mother, besides a host of relatives and friends.



Was Carpenter and Second-Hand Dealer; Funeral Sunday.

Isaac Marion Miller, 74 years old, died last night at 11:30 o’clock at his home at 1204 South Still Street.

The funeral is to be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, where his body now is lying in state, and burial will be in Highland Park Cemetery.

Mr. Miller was born at Athens, Ohio, January 19, 1867.  He came to Missouri with his parents when nine months old and had lived his entire life since then in Adair County.

He is survived by two sons, John Gossett Miller, of Blacklick, Ohio; Hugh Miller, of Peoria, Ill.; two daughters, Mrs. Plin Perry and Mrs. Zelma Adams, Kirksville; two sisters, Mrs. Eliza Murray, Greentop, Mo., and Miss Mary Miller, Kirksville.  One son, Verna Miller, died June 18, 1925.

There are seven grandchildren.

Mr. Miller had been in declining health several months but was bedfast only one week before death.  For many years he was a well-known carpenter and second-hand dealer.

He made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Zelma Adams, the past four years.


Miller – Isaac Miller died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lucien Buttles, at noon yesterday of pneumonia.

He had been ill for a week or more, and his friends cherished the hope that he might have strength enough to wear out the disease, but their hopes were blasted.  We learned of his death too late to make an extended notice.

Isaac Miller, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 2 Feb 1888, p. 2, col. 6


James Miller of Novinger, died yesterday.  On account of the unusual nature of the case a post mortem examination was held by Dr. Grim of this city and Dr. Nunn of Novinger.  It was found that death was due to an abcess [abscess] caused by a fish bone penetrating the walls of the stomach.

James Miller, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 7 Jul 1906, p. 4, col. 2



Brashear Man Lay Under Sled In Field 27 Hours.

Special to The Daily Express.

Brashear, Mo., Aug. 10—J. A. Miller, 87, died at his home here this morning at 7:15 o’clock from injuries and exposure suffered July 28 when accidentally pinned beneath a sled on which he was hauling some posts and wire.  He lay in a field 27 hours before a searching party discovered him.

In his struggle to get from beneath the sled, he had torn his shirt from his body and was badly sunburned.  There were two severe bruises on one leg but no bones were broken.

The funeral is to be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Methodist Church here, conducted by the Rev. B. A. Wagenknecht, and burial will be made in the Brashear Cemetery.  His body will lie in state at the Easley Funeral Home until time for the funeral.  Pallbearers will be Charles Harbur, Ed Stanbaugh, Jesse Scott, E. M. Payne, J. B. Ludden and John W. Gardner.

Mr. Miller, whose full name was John Adam Miller, was born in Ogle County, Illinois, Sept. 9, 1855, a son of J. A. and Pamelia Clark Miller.  He came to Missouri with his parents in 1861 and they settled on a farm in the Sabbath Home vicinity.  He had lived the remainder of his life in the Brashear vicinity, moving from a farm to town three years ago.

He was married Feb. 16, 1879 to Miss Ellen Mauck and five children were born.  His wife died Nov. 25, 1909, and he was married in 1915 to Miss Rosa Leisure, who died June 18, 1941.

Surviving him are two sons, Earl Miller, Wheatland, Wyo., and Pearl Miller, Hurdland, Mo.; three daughters, Mrs. Cora Damerell, Sacramento, Calif.; Mrs. Maude Pollock, Kirksville, and Mrs. Mae Tate, Glenvo, Wyo., four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Martha Holloway, Barnsdall, Okla.


At Rest

Mr. John F. Miller died at his residence in this city Monday morning, April 3, 1899, at 6 o’clock, of Bright’s disease.

He was born June 28, 1835, in Rockbridge county, Virginia, and moved to Scotland county in 1856.  He was married to Miss Jane Moore, May 21, 1863.  Four daughters and three sons blessed their union.  He united with the Presbyterian church in 1861 and was installed deacon in the same church in 1874.  The deceased was a consistent, conscientious christian [sic] gentleman and his many noble traits and spotless integrity endeared him to all with whom he came in contact.  A wife, three daughters and three sons survive him, who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in the hour of their bereavement.  Mr. Miller’s health has been failing for some time, but the final attack was severe and short.  He was suddenly stricken down Thursday, March 30, and was conscious only at intervals thereafter until the end came on Monday morning.  Just as the sun was rising his spirit left its mortal tenement and entered into rest – returned to God who gave it.  Among his last utterances were a request to read from his favorite book – Revelation – and an effort to sing his favorite tune.

The funeral was preached from Rev. 14:13, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, yea saith the spirit that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.”  The body was gently laid to rest in the city cemetery.                                S.

John F. Miller, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 6 Apr 1899, p. 3, col. 5



Was Harness Dealer In Kirksville For Thirty-five Years

John F. Miller, Jr., 71, of 612 N. Elson, Kirksville business man and harness dealers for thirty-five years died of a heart attack at his home at 8:15 this morning.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete awaiting the arrival of his daughter and will be announced later.  The body will lie in state at the Davis Funeral Home.

Mr. Miller was the son of John F. and Henrietta Miller and was born in LaPorte, Ind., Dec. 17, 1875.  When two years of age, his parents came to Centerville, Ia., then to Missouri and settled on a farm near Marceline.  On Nov. 11, 1902 he was married to Mary Geary and one daughter was born to them.

He is survived by his wife, and daughter, Mrs. C. A. Bisson, of Skowhegan, Maine, one grandson, three sisters and five brothers.  Two brothers have preceded him in death.

Mr. Miller was in the harness business for fifty-two years.  In 1912 he came to Kirksville where he has been engaged in the harness business for thirty-five years, thirty years of that time in the same location, 212 N. Elson street.  About one year ago his nephew, John Miller, became a partner with him in this business, and about two months ago he purchased the business from his uncle.

Mr. Miller was very active in the Masonic Lodge having been a Past Master of A. F. & A. M., No. 105.

He was a member of the Christian Church.



Was 74 Years Old; Funeral Arrangements Incomplete

John L. Miller, 74, of 913 S. Sixth, died this morning at his home.

Mr. Miller was the son of Henry and Martha (Howard) Miller and was born Feb. 8, 1878, in Schuyler county.  He was married to Leona Green Nov. 17, 1897, and ten children were born to this marriage.

He was preceded in death by four daughters, three brothers and one sister.

He is survived by his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Tressie Green, Canton, Mrs. Barton (Frankie) Davison, Gibbs, and Miss Letha Miller of the home; three sons, Glen, of Ainsworth, Iowa, Victor and LeRoy, both of Kirksville; one brother, Will, of Kirksville; two sisters, Mrs. Ola Simeral, Memphis, and Mrs. Clara Jackson, Downing; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Mr. Miller was a member of the Coffey Church south of Downing.

He moved from a farm east of Greentop to Kirksville in 1929 and was formerly employed at the Producers Creamery and the Missouri Power and Light Co.  He retired about eight years ago due to ill health.

The body is at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Funeral arrangements are incomplete.



Retired Farmer Had Been Bedfast for Several Months.

Special to The Daily Express.

Brashear, Mo., June 24—John Thompson (Tom) Miller, 69 years of age, died at the family home in Brashear at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon of a heart ailment.  He had been in failing health the past fifteen months and had been confined to his bed the greater part of the time since January 1.

Mr. Miller was the son of Jordan and Mariah Chadwick Miller and was born in Knox County, Missouri, Dec. 26, 1866.  He was married to Miss Maude M. Baker on Nov. 15, 1892.  To this union seven children were born, four sons and three daughters.  They are: Oral and Don Miller, of Hinsdale, Mont., Mrs. Opal Pruet and Mrs. Leona Moran, of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Margaret Vestal, Merl and Berl Miller, of Kansas City, Kan.

Besides his widow and children he leaves two brothers, Abe Miller of Edina, and Bert Miller of Brashear, and ten granddaughters and one grandson.

Mr. Miller had spent his entire life in Knox and Adair counties.  He was a successful farmer and made his home on the farm which he owned and operated until 1923, when he moved to Brashear where he continued to reside.  He was well known and well liked throughout the vicinity.

Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home, conducted by Rev. J. H. Lane.  Burial will be in the Brashear Cemetery.



Burial Was at Black Oak Cemetery Last Friday

Funeral services for John W. Miller, who died at his home north of Arbela, as stated in last Weeks Democrat, were held at Mt. Moriah church Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. A. Harp of Moulton, Iowa, assisted by Rev. J. C. Crenshaw of Granger.  Interment was in the Black Oak cemetery.

John Winfield Miller was a son of A. C. and Rebecca Sparks Miller.  He was born in Scotland county, near Arbela, Mo., March 15, 1879, and died April 18, 1944.

He was united in marriage to Miss Nellie Holder, February 26, 1902, and to this union three children were born.  Mrs. Vernon Porter of Wichita, Kans., and Marion Miller, Arbela.  One infant son preceded him in death, also two brothers, and two sisters, J. C. Miller, Arthur A. Miller, Miss Laura Ellen Miller and Mrs. Minnie Curry.

He leaves his wife, two children and the following sisters and brother: Mrs. Mary I. Curry of Arbela, Mrs. T. C. Miller of Rutledge, Mrs. Clara Best of Phoenix, Ariz., and Albert Miller of Dodge City, Kans.

Mr. Miller united with the Mt. Moriah Methodist protestant church November 30, 1898, at the age of 19, and was faithful in his attendance. He spent his entire life on the farm where he was born.

John Winfield Miller, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 27 Apr 1944, p. 2, col. 5



Laura Lulu Miller infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Miller of near Gorin

died November 22, 1894, aged one year, four months and 22 days. 

Laura Lulu Miller, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 6 Dec 1894, p. 3, col. 6



Funeral Services Sunday Afternoon At Coffey Church

Mrs. Leona Miller, 76, died at her home at 312 E. Jefferson last evening.

Funeral services will be held at the Coffey Church Sunday afternoon at 1:30 conducted by Rev. Romans Smith, pastor of Kirksville Christian Church.  Interment will be in the Correy cemetery.

Mrs. Miller was the daughter of John Henry and Margaret (Kirkland) Green and was born October 11, 1876 in Schuyler county.  She was married to John L. Miller November 17, 1897, and ten children were born to this marriage.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, four daughters, one brother and three sisters.

Mrs. Miller is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Tressie Green, Canton, Mrs. Barton (Frankie) Davison, Gibbs, and Miss Letha Miller, of Kirksville; three sons, Glen, of Ainsworth, Iowa; Victor and LeRoy of Kirksville; one brother, J. I. Green, Norton, Kan.; four sisters, Mrs. Taylor (Cordie) Pryor, Mrs. Nellie Bissell, Mrs. Arthur (Anna) Ketchum, and Mrs. Oscar (Velma) McCune, all of Downing; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Miller was a member of the Coffey Church south of Downing.

The body will be at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Bearers will be: Boyd Miller, Max Ketchum, Junior Davison, Junior Bissell, Fred Miller and Louis Miller.


Miss Maggie Miller died very suddenly on Sunday evening about six o’clock.  Mrs. Barns, the lady with whom she had been staying with for years, was up to her room to see her and she was up and dressed, and said she was feeling better than she had for some time and she had not at any time been very sick.  Not long after Mrs. Barns left her she sent a little girl up with some supper for her; the little girl found her lying on the bed, and as she would not respond to her call or touch, she ran down and told her mama that Maggie was very still and she guessed she was asleep.  Mrs. Barns on going up found her dead, a period of not more than fifteen minutes, having elapsed since she had left her feeling very well.  The doctor is of opinion that death was the result of a fainting fit, and she did not have sufficient vitality to rally from it.

Maggie Miller, Memphis, Missouri, The National, 1 Mar 1883, p. 3, col. 4



End Comes After Long Illness; Had Been Married 66 years

Mrs. Margaret Class Miller, wife of Valentine Miller, died yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock, at the family home on North Franklin street, after a long illness due to the infirmities of age.  Her health had been failing for several months and members of the family, who have been unfailing it their devotion and care, realized some weeks ago that the end was not far away.

Mrs. Miller was 87 years, 7, months and 19 days of age, and with her aged husband celebrated their sixty-sixth wedding anniversary on January 12.

She was confined to her bed at the time, and the rejoicing at the attainment of such a remarkable anniversary, was subdued by the knowledge that in all probability it was the last.  She was the last living member of a family of eleven children.

Mrs. Miller was born at Bingham-on-the-Rhine, Germany, June 19, 1834 and came to America when she was 13 years old.  She lived in Leeds, Mass., for a time.  On Jan. 12, 1856 she was married to Valentine Miller, and they lived for a time in Indiana.  In the latter ‘sixties they moved to Macon county and lived there for 13 years.  In 1880 they moved to Kirksville and have lived here since that time.

Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Miller, four of whom survive her, Mrs. Carrie Kennedy, Chas. V. Miller, Frank C. Miller and Mrs. Clarence J. Baxter, all of whom reside in Kirksville.  She also leaves six grandchildren, Margaret Baxter, Sam Kennedy, Karl Miller, Lenore Miller Floyd, Elmer Miller and Buna Trunnell; and two great-grandchildren, Dorothy Miller and Ernest Miller Floyd.

The funeral services will be held at the family home Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. R. A. Waggoner, pastor of the Presbyterian church.

The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the family in the death of this splendid old lady, and her long life, devoted to her family and to good works, will be an example to all who knew her either personally or by reputation.

Margaret Class Miller, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 11 Feb 1922, p. 1, col. 2, Saturday



Funeral Services at 2 P. M., Wednesday at Novinger Church.

Novinger, Mo., Sept. 5 (Special)—Marion C. Miller, 65, prominent Adair County citizen and member of a pioneer family of the Connelsville community died at 2:15 o’clock this morning at his home, near Connelsville, following an illness of several months.

He was a son of John D. and Louisa Miller and was born December 19, 1873, at Nineveh, now Connelsville, and spent practically all his life in that community.  He lived there until 1882 when the family moved to Texas, returning in 1884.  He went to Oregon in 1897 but remained there only two years.

He was engaged in the mercantile business in Novinger for two years and then moved the business to Connelsville where he remained for several years.  He later sold his interest to the Miller Mercantile Company and then engaged in farming.

He was a member of the board of directors of the Novinger Consolidated District, resigning last spring on account of ill health.

Mr. Miller was born in the communal colony on the site now occupied by Connelsville, which was founded ninety years ago and disbanded in 1879.  His parents were members of the colony and his grandfather its leader during absence of its founder, Dr. William Kiel.

He was married April 15, 1902 to Arvilla Stephens and one daughter was born to them, now Mrs. Vivian Hover, of Novinger.  Mrs. Miller died April 13, 1904 and on July 13, 1912 he was married to Sylvia Davis.  Six children were born to them, one daughter, Lillian, dying when two years old.  A sister, Mrs. Mack Hughes, and brother, George Miller, also preceded him in death.

He is survived by his widow, five daughters, Mrs. Vivian Hover, Mrs. Ida Hamilton and Mrs. Loree Lay of near Connelsville, Maize Jean and Carmelita and son John D. at home, one sister, Mrs. Fred Shoop, of Kirksville, and three grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the Novinger Cemetery Church conducted by the Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, of Kirksville.  Burial in the nearby cemetery.

The body is lying in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Pallbearers will be Jess Truitt, Dr. J. S. Gashwiler, Jess Stiles, Roy Williams Chester Smith and O. M. Blackorby.


Woman, 86, Dies After Breaking Hip

Mrs. Mary Quinn Miller, 86, of a mile south of Edina, who fell and broke her hip yesterday, died this morning at 7:00 at a hospital in Edina.

She had lived most of her life around Knox county.

Mrs. Miller was born near Adair October 15, 1868, to Michael and Catherine Golden Quinn.  She was married to Joseph Miller in 1895.  He died a number of years ago.

Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Louis (Catherine) Kriegshauser, of Edina, Mrs. James (Leona) Donahue, of Kansas City, Mrs. John (Agnes) Delaney, of Chicago, and Mrs. William (Josephine) Fox, of Cheyenne, Wyo.; two sons, Leo Miller, of Baring and John Miller of Brookfield, Ill.; 16 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren.

Tentative funeral services are set for Wednesday morning in the St. Aloysius Catholic church in Baring.  The Rev. Stephen Carew will be the officiating minister.  Burial will be in the St. Aloysius cemetery.  The body will be at the Kriegshauser Funeral home in Edina until time for the services.


Max Miller, Gorin Resident, Dies October 24

Max Mayo Miller, 58, of Gorin, died Sunday, October 24, 1971, at 6:30 p.m. in his home in Gorin.  He was born in Gorin April 30, 1913, a son of Samuel Audrey and Hallie Davis Miller.

On December 17, 1937, he was united in marriage to Opal Spicer.  He lived in Kansas City until he returned to Gorin following his retirement in 1967.

Surviving are the widow; one sister, Mrs. Glen (Margaret) Leach of Ft. Madison, Iowa; a step-daughter, Mrs. Louis Moathart of Florissant, Mo.; a nephew Donald Leach of Los Angeles, Calif.; a niece Patti Leach of Lansing, Ill.; two step-grandchildren, Julie Moathart and Barbara doe of Florissant, Mo. and one step-great grandson Kevin Doe.

Funeral services were from the Gerth and Baskett Chapel in Memphis, Missouri on Tuesday, October 26, 1971 at 2:00 p.m.  The Reverend Ernest Deatrick officiating.  Burial was the Gorin Cemetery.

Body bearers were: Lloyd Huckey, Hatton Hustead, Carl Klopfer, Gerildive Triplett, D. C. Triplett, and Willis Morris.

Max Mayo Miller, Memphis, Missouri, The Gorin Argus, 28 Oct 1971


Editor’s Note: This is the end of an obituary:

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Amanda Belle Miller of the home, one sister, Mrs. Mollie Cunningham of Memphis, the son, Leland and daughter, Mildred, two grandsons, Gerald Lee Miler of Niota, Ill., and Robert McClamroch of Phoenix, and one great granddaughter, Jerrel Lynn Miller of Niota.  A number of nephews and nieces, and other relatives, and a host of friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents, two sisters, Icy Kisling and Cynthia Drummond, two brothers, Ruel Miller and James Miller.

Mr. Miller with the exception of the last few years, had spent his entire life in Scotland county.

In early manhood he joined the Mt. Moriah Methodist church and remained a faithful member throughout his life.

Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Gerth & Baskett chapel by Rev. Arthur Huff of Shelbina, Mo.  Burial was in the Memphis cemetery.

Body bearers were Marion Miller, Kenneth Cunningham, Hillis Curry, Cline Cunningham, Fleet Cunningham and Howard Hamilton.

Miller, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 4 Nov 1954, p. 1, col. 5


Former Brashear Man Dies In West

Special to The Daily Express

Brashear, Mo., Aug. 27—Michael Miller, 81, former resident of Brashear, died at his home in Oakland, Calif., Tuesday evening.

The body was to be started from Oakland today to the Easley Funeral Home here.  The funeral will be held at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Propst, and burial will be in the Paultown Cemetery, with the Paultown Masonic lodge in charge of the burial services.  The time for the rites has not been set.

Mr. Miller, a son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Everly Miller, was born at Chambersburg, Pa., on Feb. 22, 1855.  He was brought to Missouri by his parents in 1866, the family settling three miles north of Brashear.

Employed at the Miller wagon factory at Edina for four years, Mr. Miller then went to Oregon City, Ill., where he established a wagon factory.  He operated his factory for ten years but sold out in 1880 and went to Portland, Ore.  In 1910 he moved to Oakland, where he was employed by the city as a mechanic until the time of his death.  He never married.

Surviving is one brother, Sam P. Miller, of Brashear, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Propst, Brashear, and Mrs. Sarah Watson, Gibbs.  A brother, Jacob Miller, of Eldorado Springs, died two years ago.

Mr. Miller last visited in this vicinity in 1920.



Funeral Services Monday Afternoon For Woman, 82

Mrs. Minerva Frances Miller, 82, of Green City, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Neal Kinton, in Green City Friday night at 11:50.

Funeral services will be held in the Green City Christian church Monday afternoon at two o’clock and interment will be in Mt. Olivet cemetery.

Mrs. Miller was the daughter of James Preston and Mary Elizabeth (Hayes) See and was born in Sullivan county Feb. 3, 1873.  She was married to James Landon Miller Feb. 12, 1891, and five children were born to them. 

She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband who died Aug. 28, 1938.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Edgar (Alma) Martin and Mrs. Neal (Blanche) Kinton, both of Green City, and Mrs. Wayne (Nellie) Fleshman, of Unionville; two sons, Neal Miller, of Pollock and Leo Miller, of Laclede; one sister, Mrs. Cora Kelley, of Arkansas City, Kan., and eight grandchildren.

She lived in the Holliday community most of her life except the past few years spent in Green City.  She was a member of the Holliday Church of Christ.

The body was taken from the Glenn E. Kent and Son Funeral Home to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Martin, where it will remain until the funeral hour.



Funeral at Sabbath Home Church Friday Morning.

Brashear, Mo., Jan. 30, (Special)—Mrs. Ed D. Miller, living six miles north of Brashear, died at 3:25 o’clock yesterday afternoon.  Sticken [sic] with a stroke of paralysis at 5 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, she never regained consciousness.  She had not been feeling well for several months but had been able to do her housework, and was getting ready for the evening meal when the attack came.

The deceased was a daughter of George W. and Louisa McDowell Keller and was born August 20, 1872, near Brashear, and lived in this vicinity all her life.  Her parents were natives of Ohio.

She was married to Ed D. Miller on October 5, 1890, and to them six children were born.  One daughter, Mrs. Alice Lowe, died in 1926 at the age of 30.  The surviving children are Mrs. Irvie Sees and Warren Miller of Kirksville, Mrs. James Stewart and Miss Jesse Miller of Brashear and Clay Miller of Oakville, Iowa, ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren.  She is also survived by her husband, two sisters, Mrs. Ada Snyder of Calloway, Neb., and Mrs. Ella Fletcher of Cozad, Neb., four brothers, Hiram Keller of Brashear, William and Z. V. Keller of Cozad, Neb., and Charles Keller of Grand Fork, N. D.

Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 10 o’clock in the Sabbath Home Church conducted by the Rev. Joseph McClanahan assisted by the Rev. Wagenknecht.  Burial will be in the nearby cemetery.

The pallbearers will be Bert Miller, Jack Keler, Lyle Erwin, Warren Pearce, Glen Pevehouse and Russell Morrow.

The body is at the family home where it will remain until time for the funeral.


Death’s Doings

Mrs. Miller, an aged lady, mother of Mrs. J. W. Barns, died Tuesday morning at 4 o’clock.  She had been sick for quite a long time and her death had been expected for some time past.

Mrs. Miller, Memphis, Missouri, The National, 1 Mar 1883, p. 3, col. 4



Nancy Sloan Miller, wife of Otis Miller, died Tuesday, March 31, aged 85 years, 1 month, 6 days.  She was critically ill at the time of Mr. Miller’s death, three days earlier, and did not know of his death.

Mrs. Miller was said to be the first white child born in Adair county, and since the date of her birth, Beb. 25, 1840, had been a resident of Adair County.

On Sept. 19, 1858, she was married to Otis Miller, which makes a married life of more than 66 years before Death separated them, and again re-united them after only three days separation.

Mrs. Miller was a sister of the late Harve Sloan and the late Mrs. Julius Bornemann, Sr., people of the earlier days of Kirksville, whom still a number of our people will remember as hospitable, kindly neighbors and friends.

Mrs. Miller was injured in the cyclone that struck the city April 27, 1899.  Since that time she has not been able to get around as she did in former years.

Funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. Miller were held at the Davis & Wilson Funeral home at 10 o’clock Wednesday morning.  Rev. Isaac Yates conducted the services. 

Members of Corporal Dix Post, G. A. R., were honorary pall bearers, and guard of honor.

Separated and united by death the bodies of these fine old people were laid to rest in the same grave at Forest Park cemetery.


Nellie Miller

Nellie Miller, daughter of Littleton Tarzewell and Mary Ann Teter Holder, was born near Upton, Iowa, October 5, 1882, and passed away December 21, 1972, at the Davis County Hospital, Bloomfield, Iowa, after an extended illness, at the age of 90 years, 2 months and 16 days.  She was orphaned at the age of 12 years and came to live with an aunt and uncle (Daniel Yeager).

She united with the Mt. Moriah Methodist Church at the age of 16.

On February 26, 1902, she was united in marriage to John W. Miller.

To this union three children were born, Mable, Mrs. Vernon Poort of Topeka, Kansas, Marion of Arbela, and an infant son who died at birth.

In April of 1944 her husband preceded her in death.  She was the last of a family of five; two brothers and two sisters.

She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Marion and Madeline Miller of Arbela and daughter and son-in-law, Mabel and Vernon Poort of Topeka, Kansas, and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services were conducted Saturday, December 23, 1972, at the Mt. Moriah Methodist Church by D. W. Payne & Sons, with the Rev. John Gooch and Rev. Mike Barrett officiating.  Soloist was Marilyn Kittle and pianist was Kay McClamroch.  Burial was in Black Oak Cemetery.  Body bearers were Howard Nelson, Ray Nelson, Marion Daggs, Wilbur Fulk, Marion Aylward, and Felix Jansen.

Nellie Miller, From Unknown Newspaper, 28 Dec 1972





When Otis Miller, aged 92, died last Saturday, Mrs. Miller was critically ill, and not expected to live, and his funeral was deferred.  On Tuesday of this week Mrs. Miller, aged 85, also died, and arrangements were made for a double funeral for these pioneer residents, who had been united in marriage more than 66 years, and who probably have not been separated so long since their marriage as the three days between their deaths, except during the Civil War, when Mr. Miller was in the army.


Otis Miller, one of the oldest men in Adair County as well as one of the pioneer settlers, died at his home in this city Saturday, March 29.  Mr. Miller was born in Hudson, Ohio, May 18, 1833, and lacked only a few weeks of being 92 years old.  In 1854 he came to Adair county and had been a resident here for 71 years.  He and Mrs. Miller were among the sufferers from the cyclone here April 27, 1899, and Mrs. Miller received injuries from which she never recovered.  Last fall Mr. Miller bought an automobile so that he and Mrs. Miller could ride out into the country on nice days.

He was a member of Corporal Dix Post, G. A. R., and took much pleasure in meeting with the boys of the Civil War.  He was a second lieutenant in Co. I, 41st Regt., Mo. Vol. Inf.

Mr. and Mrs. Miller were married Sept. 19, 1858, and to them were born nine children, six of whom are living.  They are, Edwin Miller, of near Brashear; Otis Miller of Portland, Ore.; Conrad Miller of Cold Harbor, N. Dak.; Mrs. George Bennett of Brashear; Dr. Clara Covert of Neodesha, Kan., and Mrs. Grace Bennett of Kirksville.  Mr. Miller is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Vick Bestman and one brother, Luther, both of Los Angeles, Cal.

Mr. Miller was well known over the county, and universally liked by all who knew him.  His upright character and kindly disposition made friends of all with whom he came in contact.



Was 83 Years of Age and Ill Only a Few Hours

Pearly Grant Miller was the youngest son of Samuel and Margaret Miller.  He was born , January 5th, 1865, in Illinois, and died April 5th, 1948, at the age of 83 years.

He was married to Martha E. Mustoe, Sept. 3, 1889, she having preceded him in death in 1939.

To this union were born three daughters, Mrs. Beulah Goosey, Amanda, and Mrs. Opal Shelley.  There are five grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren.  There are also remaining an aged brother. L. B. Miller, of Junction City, Oregon; three sisters, Ada and Luzetta of Bloomfield, Iowa, and Mrs. Lois Luther of Memphis.

Mr. Miller united with the Christian church in December…..



Phillip Miller was born near Bonepart [sic] Van Buren county Ia. March 13 1843.  Died at his home near Gorin. Scotland, Co., Mo. July 31.  His parents died when he was quite young.  He came to Mo. in 1859 and was married to Amanda Schafer Mohr. Jan. 16 1865 to this union was born 12 children seven girls and five boys.  He united with the German M. E. Church at Etna Mo. Aug. 30 1866.  Afterwards came to his farm near Gorin Mo. where he united with M.E Church South, about 1894. in which he lived a consistent christian [sic] life until death came to claim him for a better world. Bro. Miller is survived by his wife five daughters. and three sons and one sister to mourn their loss. two son and two daughters. having procceded [sic] him to the better world.  The funeral was preached by the writer at the Methodist Church in Gorin from Revlation [sic] 14 chapter and 13 verse.  After which we laid his body to rest in the Gorin Cemetery to await the resurrection morn.

C. J. Cappell



Was Active in Welfare and Club Work; Funeral Tuesday.

Mrs. Rebecca Finch Miller, 58, widow of Charles V. Miller, died at her home, 304 South Franklin street, Sunday morning at 8 o’clock following an illness with heart disease.

She had been in declining health since Mr. Miller’s death on Feb. 10, 1931 but became seriously ill only about 10 weeks ago.  She recently had been in a hospital here for treatment.

Funeral services are to be held at the home tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. B. N. Covert, and burial will be in Forest-Llewellyn cemetery beside her husband.

Death closed for her a career of widespread activity in local welfare and club work.  For 25 years she was one of the leaders of the Associated Board of Charities and had been treasurer of the Sojourners Club 23 years.  She held memberships in the Daughters of the American Revolution and P. E. O. and her church affiliation was with the Episcopalians.

Mrs. Miller was born Oct. 10, 1874, at Anna, Ill., a daughter of Edgar A. and Rebecca Dresser Finch.  It was her grandfather, the Rev. Mr. Dresser, who performed the marriage ceremony for Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd.

She moved to Ottumwa, Ia., in 1892 and to Kirksville in 1894.  She was married to C. V. Miller on July 24, 1895, and to them was born one son, Karl D. Miller, of Kirksville.

Surviving are the son, two grandchildren, Dorothy and Natalie Miller; three brothers, E A. Finch, New York, N. Y.; N. D. Finch, Cairo, Ill., and E. C. Finch, Anna, Ill.; and two sisters, Miss Jessie Finch, and Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Portland, Ore.  Two brothers, Leod and Ford, preceded her in death.

Mrs. Miller was favorably known to hundreds of Kirksville residents.  Her long association with charitable work won her many friends among the needy and also won the admiration of countless others who appreciated her co-operative spirit and never failing ability to serve her community.

Mayor Ewing issued a proclamation today citing Mrs. Miller’s splendid service for civic welfare and stating that city offices will be closed during the funeral services.



Services For Knox County Native Are Sunday Afternoon.

Robert Adam Miller, 85, a native of Knox County, Mo., but who had been making his home in Adair County with his daughter, Mrs. Marvin Florea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rolston northeast of Kirksville, died last night at the Rolston home at 11:50 o’clock.

The funeral has been set for 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Church in Knox City.  He had been a member of this church since childhood.

Burial will be made in a nearby cemetery beside his wife and two sons.  The body will lie in state at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rolston until time for the funeral.

Mr. Miller was born in Knox County, Dec. 25, 1857, the son of Paul and Sarah Miller.  He was married to Annie E. Grindle, Nov. 4, 1887.  Six children were born to this marriage, Mrs. Marvin Florea, Kirksville; Mrs. Carl Douglas, Kirkland, Wash.; Mrs. Gladys Bone, Madras, Ore., and Robert M. Miller, LaRose, Ill.

Mr. Miller lived his entire life in Knox County, except for the last eight years, when he came to Kirksville to make his home with his oldest daughter, Mrs. Florea.  His wife died May 15, 1915.  One son, Fay, died in 1912, and another son, Ray, died in 1894.  He was the last member of a family of six.

In earlier years Mr. Miller was a prominent farmer and stockman of Knox County.  He was born and lived for fifty years on the same farm 3 miles west of Knox City.



Succumbs at Home In Brashear from Ailment of Stomach.

Special to The Daily Express.

Brashear, Mo., Sept. 8—Samuel P. Miller, 73, assessor of Adair County for two consecutive terms two decades ago, died at his home here this morning at 12:15 o’clock.  He had been in declining health since June and bedfast ten days with a stomach ailment.

The funeral is to be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the United Brethren Church here, conducted by the Rev. E. S. Havighurst.  Burial will be in the Paultown Cemetery.  Pallbearers will be John Cusick, Thomas Wink, Francis Gardner, Ernest Lewis, Ace Coleman and Clyde Payne.

Mr. Miller was born in Ogle County, Ill., Aug. 10, 1865, a son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Jacobs Miller.  His parents were natives of Germany.  He came to Missouri with his parents in 1866 and the family settled on a farm near Brashear, where he had lived continuously until he retired and moved to Brashear two years ago.

He was married to Miss Alpha Armstrong Jan. 27, 1893 and two sons were born, Clarence Miller and Otho Miller, both living on Kirksville rural routes.  In addition to the sons, his wife, one granddaughter, Lula Belle Miller, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Propst, Brashear, and Mrs. Sarah Watson, Gibbs, survive.  Two brothers, Jacob Miller and Michael Miller, of Oakland, Calif., died within the past three years.

Mr. Miller was one of the most profound Bible students of this area.  He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


Valentine Miller

Valentine Miller, one of Kirksville’s oldest and most highly respected citizens died Thursday, Feb. 26, aged 92 years, 8 months and 2 days.

Mr. Miller, during all of his active and purposeful life had never been sick.  A few years ago, a short time prior to the death of his wife, they celebrated the 66th anniversary of their wedding.  Following the death of his companion and helpmate of more than three score years Mr. Miller did not take much interest in business affairs and gradually lost strength and vitality until he gently and peacefully passed away.

He was born at Bingham-on-the-Rhine, Germany, June 24, 1832.  When a lad of 17 years he came to the United States.  He was married Jan. 12, 1856 at Bainbridge, Ind.

Mr. Miller located in Kirksville in 1880, coming here from Macon.  He went into the lumber business and prospered.  After a number of years he not only sold lumber and building material, but used it extensively in erecting many buildings of which Kirksville is proud.  From the first he believed in the growth and prosperity of the city, and he used his talents to bolster up that belief.

Mr. Miller was a quiet, unassuming citizen, but a power in the financial world of Kirksville.

Four children survive him: Mrs. J. M. Kennedy, Mrs. C. J. Baxter, Chas. V. Miller and Frank Miller, also a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at the family residence on Sunday at 2 o’clock p. m., conducted by Rev. L. C. Sherburne.  Interment was in Llewellyn Cemetery.



Funeral Services Will Be Held on Tuesday Morning

William Henry Miller, 80, of 721 E. Hamilton street, died at his home Sunday morning at 7:30.  He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage at his home last Tueday [sic] evening and his condition had been serious since that time.

Funeral services will be conducted at the Davis Funeral Chapel, corner Washington and Marion Streets, Tuesday morning at 10:30 by the Rev. Russell E. Otto, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.  Interment will be in Maple Hills Cemetery.

He was the son of Daniel and Abigail (Layland) Miller and was born in Coshockton County, Ohio, on May 10, 1868.  He was married to Anna Edgington at Knoxville, Ia., on Oct. 19, 1898.  One daughter was born to this marriage.

He is survived by his wife and daughter, Mrs. Arthur (Eva) Hamilton, of 1102 E. Harrison, one granddaughter, Mrs. J. R. Peterson, of Burlington, Ia., a grandson, Warren, of Kirksville, and a great grandson.

Mr. Miller came to Adair County about 45 years ago and farmed in the Porter vicinity for about one year, then came to Kirksville where he engaged in the grocery business for about five years.  He then formed a partnership with W. C. Goodson and together they were in business about 25 years.

He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church.

The body will lie in state at the Davis Funeral Chapel.

Mrs. Peterson and son, of Burlington, were to arrive today and Mrs. W. D. Kenniston, Jr., a niece, of St. Louis, who made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Miller while attending the Teachers College, was also to arrive today for the funeral.


Funeral at Milan For W. P. Miller, 79

Special to The Daily Express.

Milan, Mo., Oct. 16—Funeral services for William Preston Miller, 79, will be held at the Methodist Church in Milan this afternoon at 3 o’clock.  Mr. Miller died at his home in St. Joseph, October 13.  He had spent his life in and near Milan, except for the last few years when he had lived in St. Joseph.

Mr. Miller was born in Sullivan County, the son of William Merilla Miller.  He was married on Oct. 17, 1883, to Eliza Jane Yoho.  They were the parents of four children, two of whom with his wife survive.  They are Mrs. Marie Schoene, of Minneapolis, and Ora Miller, of Phoenix, Ariz.  A son Roy, died in infancy, and Walter C. died in 1921.  He also leaves seven grandchildren.

Mr. Miller was a member of the Methodist Church and the I. O. O. F. Lodge.  The lodge will have charge of the burial service at Oakwood Cemetery.


Mrs. Sampson Milliron died at her home near Bible Grove on Sunday, Nov. 13 at the age of 63.  She was the mother of Mrs. C. A. Hayward of Memphis.



The body of Sampson Milliron, who died in Daytona Beach, Florida, at an early hour May 29, arrived in Memphis yesterday.  The body was brought through in a car by Chester Hayward and family and taken to the Gerth & Baskett funeral parlors.  The direct cause of Mr. Milliron’s death was the result of an operation.

Funeral services will be held today (Thursday) at 2 o’clock at Antioch church.  Interment in the cemetery at Antioch.

Sampson Milliron, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 9 Jun 1932, p. 1, col. 1



Word has been received of the death of Miss Alice Mills, 89, of Lincoln, Nebr., and a former resident of Memphis.

She passed away Friday, January 12, and services were held Tuesday at the First Methodist Church in Lincoln conducted by the Rev. Albert Lapthorne Wyuka.

Alice Mills, From Unknown Newspaper, 25 Jan 1968


Word Received Of Death Of Former Resident

Mrs. J. C. Mills Jr., the former Bertha Leslie of Memphis, died in a Kirksville hospital on Sunday, February 13th.

Mrs. Mills, daughter of G. E. and Lucy S. Leslie, was born in Memphis on November 15th, 1891 and grew to young womanhood here.  Following graduation from Vassar College and the University of Missouri, she was married on April 12th, 1916 to J. C. Mills Jr. of Kirksville.  She was preceded in death by her parents, her sister Helen (Mrs. Joseph Hoeffle) two brothers, G E. Leslie Jr. and Hillis R. Leslie and a sister and brother who died in infancy.

She is survived by her daughter Mrs. Leslie Handley, of St. Louis and two sons, John C. Mills III of Kansas City and Robert L. Mills of Memphis[,] Tennessee, and by nine grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, two sisters-in-law, Mrs. G. E. Leslie Jr. of Memphis and Mrs. Hillis R. Leslie of Falls Church, Virginia.

Funeral services were held on February 15th, at the First Methodist Church in Kirksville.



Death Is Instantaneous When Auto Hits Him

Hubert Mills, a former resident of Kirksville, but who, for the past year and a half has been employed in a defense plant at Wichita, Kan., was killed instantly Friday evening about 8:30 o’clock, when hit by an automobile as he alighted from a bus.

Hubert Mills, a son of Sterling and Mary (Abernathy) Mills, was born in Putnam County, April 2, 1899.  He was married to Miss Lulu Golston in 1918.  To this union were born three sons, Loren and Carroll, who are in the service, and Lennis of Shibley’s Point. 

They lived on a farm in Putnam County for several years, afterward coming to Kirksville to educate their children in the schools here.  About a year and a half ago they went to Wichita where they have since lived.

Surviving are the aged mother, the wife and the three sons, four brothers, Lem, of Honolulu, Hawaii, Perry, of near Unionville, Omer, of near Stahl, route 2, and Herman Mills, of Wichita; five sisters, Mrs. Pearl Hatfield, Kirksville, Mrs. Hugh Hatfield, Stahl, Mrs. Herby Whitworth, Stahl, Mrs. Ival Robinson, Chilhowee, Mo. and Mrs. Alice Cochran, of Boise, Idaho; and one half-brother, Dr. E. M. Mills, Shelbina, and one half-sister, Mrs. W. P. Hart, St. Joseph.

His father preceded him in death about 20 years ago.

The body will arrive in LaPlata tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock and will be brought to the Summers & Powell Funeral Home.

Funeral services will be held at the Summers & Powell Funeral Home Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock.

Hubert Mills, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 20 Mar 1944, p. 3, col. 7 & 8



Miss Itha Mills died at her late home in Clark County, Mo., Sunday morning at 8 o’clock, May 7, 1899.  She was born in Scotland County, Mo., Nov. 3, 1876.  She leaves to mourn her loss, father and mother, two sisters and eight brothers.  Itha was a loving daughter and sister, and to know her was to like her, and not only is her loss felt by kindred, but her neighbors and friends join as one family in grief at the loss of a kind and noble friend.

The services occurred at the Christian Church at Mt. Sterling, Iowa, Monday afternoon, May 8, 1890, conducted by Rev. Harper, of Granger, Mo., and the remains were deposited in the Harness Cemetery.  An unusually large concourse of sympathizing friends followed the remains to their last resting place.

Itha Mills, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 18 May 1899, p. 3, col. 5


John C. Mills, well known Kirksville attorney, died in a hospital here Tuesday night after being stricken with paralysis on Sept. 18.  He was 72 years of age.  Mr. Mills was born July 31, 1860 on a farm east of Lancaster, a son of Andrew and Frances Ann Payton Mills.  He was married to Minnie A. Mott at Lancaster on Oct. 2, 1887 and three children were born, who with their mother survive him.  They are: Mrs. Mabel Kirkbride, Norristown, Pa.; Judge John C. Mills, Jr., Probate Judge of Adair county, Kirksville, and Mrs. Anna Mary Simmons, Webster Groves, Mo.   He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Lou Westbrook, Lancaster, and nine grandchildren.  Mr. Mills attended the Normal school here and then taught schools in various parts of the county.  He was admitted to the bar in Schuyler county in 1896 and became associated in practice with the late Judge Edward Higbee, the firm of Higbee & Mills being retained until Judge Higbee was named to the Missouri supreme bench.  Sons of the two partners, Judge Walter Higbee, Judge Paul D. Higbee and Judge J. C. Mills, Jr., later, were members of the firm.  After Judge Edward Higbee’s death a few years ago, Mr. Mills became associated with Atty. Edward M. Jayne in the firm of Mills & Jayne.  He was also interested in the Murphy, Mills, and Garges store here until it was sold out a few years ago.  Funeral services will be held this afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal church, and burial will be made in the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Lancaster.



Widow of Widely Known Lawyer Succumbs to Stroke

Mrs. Minnie A. (Mott) Mills, 82, of 501 E. Washington Street, died at 8:45 o’clock this morning following a stroke she suffered two weeks ago, since which time she has been in a critical condition.

Funeral services will be at two o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Davis Funeral Chapel.  Interment will be in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery at Lancaster.  The body will lie in state at the Davis Funeral Home.

Mrs. Mills was the daughter of Edward and Mary Susan (Butler) Mott, and was born in Alburgh, Vermont, on Nov. 23, 1864.  She came with her parents to Lancaster, Mo., in 1871, where she was married to the late John C. Mills Sr. on Oct. 2, 1888. 

She is survived by three children, Mrs. Mabelle M. Kirkbride, of Norristown, Pa., John C. Mills, Jr., of Kirksville, and Mrs. Anna Mary Simmons, of Webster Groves, Mo., nine grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.

After her marriage she and her husband lived in Lancaster until 1902 when they came to Kirksville, and he was a member of the firm of Higbee & Mills until his death.  She has lived since then in her present home at 501 E. Washington.  She was a life long member of the Methodist Church.



Bedfast Over Two Years; Funeral To Be Monday.

P. C. Mills, 83, banker here for 45 years and a leader in other civic and business enterprises, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. W. Arnold, 303 East Harrison Street, Saturday afternoon.

He had been in impaired health the past few years, being bedfast since July 1937.  Death was attributed to cerebral thrombosis.

The funeral is to be held at the Davis Funeral Home at 10 o’clock Monday morning, conducted by the Rev. W. C. Templeton.  The body is lying in state at the funeral home.

Mr. Mills had been a resident of Kirksville since 1891, moving here from Shibley’s Point, where he conducted a general store for about ten years.

He was born Jan. 15, 1856, near Tazewell, Claborne County, Tenn., which is near the Clinch River and Cumberland Gap.  When a small child, his parents, William and Rhoda Lawson Mills, and family left Tennessee and went by boat to Keokuk, Ia.  Later they settled near Shibley’s Point in the northwestern part of Adair County.

He taught in rural schools several terms.  In 1878 he went by wagon train to Montana, and again in 1879, where he taught school and returned in January, 1880.

On March 3, 1880, he and Mary A. Archer were married.  Five children were born, Mrs. Myra Arnold, Kirksville; Lawrence E. Mills, who died in infancy; Mrs. Carrie Mott, who died Oct. 14, 1907; Warner E. and Horace A. Mills, both of whom reside in Kirksville.

Mr. Mills lived on a farm until 1881, when he went in business in Shibley’s Point.  After moving to Kirksville in January, 1891, he attended the Kirksville Business College, studying bookkeeping and banking.

He organized the Union Bank of Kirksville in 1891 and built the building on the northwest corner of (Continued to Page Two)

P. C. Mills, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 19 Nov 1939, p. 1, col. 6, Monday (can’t read the page 2 part at all in the paper)



Lawyer Came from Lancaster To Kirksville Several Years Ago.

Word has been received in Kirksville of the death of S. W. Mills, of Houston, Texas.  Mr. Mills has been in failing health for some time, having moved to Houston from Kirksville partly on that account.

Mr. Mills was a resident of Lancaster for a number of years, after which he moved to Kirksville and built the large house at the end of North Franklin street.  He was an attorney here in the firm of Mills & Mills.

Besides his widow, Mrs. Louise Mills, he is survived by one son, Milton S. Mills, of Houston, Tex; one sister, Miss Sarah Mills, of Houston, Tex.; one brother, John T. Mills, of Nebraska; and two half brothers, Paul Mayo, of Lancaster, and Chas. Mayo, of Idaho.  Attorney J. C. Mills of Kirksville, is a cousin.

The body of the deceased will be taken to Lancaster for burial.

Mills, S. W., Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 16 Feb 1925, p. 1, col. 2


Rites This Afternoon for William F. Mills

Graveside services for William Franklin Mills, 72, of Connelsville, who died Friday morning at 6:25 in a Kirksville hospital, will be held at two o’clock this afternoon in the Cain Ford cemetery near Connelsville.  The Rev. Romans Smith, pastor of the First Christian church in Kirksville, will officiate.

Mr. Mills was the son of Albert and Mary Ellen (Stokesberry) Mills and was born in Adair county Agu. 13, 1882.  He was married to Maude Branstetter and was later married to Mrs. Margaret Smith.

Surviving are two sons, Virgil and Glenn, and two daughters, Mrs. Wilma Watson and Mrs. Margaret Scarce, of Moberly; one brother, Lee Mills, of Novinger; four sisters, Mrs. Rhoda Sheshler, of Unionville, Mrs. Clare Snyder, of Green Castle, Mrs. Mattie Stanley, of Sidney, and Miss Etta Mills, of Novinger.

The body will remain at the Davis & Wigal Funeral Home, 202 E. Washington until one o’clock this afternoon when it will be taken to the cemetery.


Aged Gibbs Resident Dies

Mrs. Angie Millsap, 75, of Gibbs, Missouri died Sunday morning at the home of her son Archie Millsap of Gibbs.

Funeral services were held at Gibbs and later at the Bee Ridge Methodist Church in Knox County, Tuesday.  Burial was made in the Bee Ridge Church yard.

Mrs. Millsap was born in Knox County, Missouri, Dec. 14, 1866, a daughter of Jasper and Fleckner Vandiver.  They lived on a farm in Knox County until Mr. Millsap’s death seventen [sic] years ago, where upon she moved to La Belle.  After her injury last February, she spent ten weeks in a hospital, then went to the home of her son.

Surviving are two sons, Archie Millsap, Gibbs, and Earl Millsap, near St. Joseph, Mo.; one grandchild, and the following named sisters and brothers; Mrs. Homer Emmons, Kirksville; Bert Vandiver, Knox County; Mrs. Jessie Billings, Milton, Pa.; Perry Vandiver, Knox County; Mrs. Eva Murray, Knox County; Wilyis [Willis] Vandiver, in California; Steve and James Vandiver, in the state of Washington, and Robert Vandiver, Knox County.



Was Resident of Kirksville for Thirty Years

J. J. Minor, 72, a former resident of Kirksville, died Sunday in a hospital at Carlsbad, New Mexico.

The body will arrive at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Thursday morning and funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at two o’clock at the funeral home.  Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church, will officiate.  Interment will be in Maple Hills cemetery.

Mr. Minor is survived by his wife, Nannie (Wear) Minor; four daughters, Mrs. George Holman, Mrs. Lee Alexander, Mrs. J. C. Porter, all of Carlsbad, N. M., and Mrs. Buck Thomas, Roswell, N. M.; one brother, Beverly Minor, Newark, Mo., and one sister, Mrs. Susie Hyde, Kansas City.  Two cousins, Mrs. Charley Walker and Mrs. H. I. Griggs, live in Kirksville.

Mr. Minor was a member of the Kirksville Baptist Church.  Mr. Minor had made his home in Kirksville for 30 years until about two years ago, when he moved to Carlsbad.


Mrs. Kate Minor, 89, Dies At La Belle

Mrs. Kate Minor, widow of R. J. Minor, died yesterday morning at 11:05 o’clock at her home in LaBelle, aged 89 years and 22 days.  Death was due to old age.  Funeral services will be held in LaBelle Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock.

Mis Minor was the mother of W. T. Minor and Mrs. W. H. Jones, of Kirksville.  She had been in fairly good health for one of her age, but became ill on Friday, lapsing into unconsciousness.  Mr. Minor and Mrs. Jones started to LaBelle in a car yesterday morning after receiving a message telling of their mother’s condition, but she died a short time before their arrival.

Mrs. Minor was well known in the vicinity of LaBelle and Knox City, being a pioneer citizen of that part of the country.  She was the grandmother of Mrs. C. B. Rich and Mrs. R. M. Warden, of Kirksville.

Kate Minor, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 29 Jul 1922, p. 1, col. 1, Saturday



Services Saturday In Kirksville; Burial At LaBelle

Mrs. Lillie Minor, 89, 915 S. Franklin, died in a Kirksville hospital early Thursday evening. 

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, Saturday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist church.  Interment will be in the LaBelle cemetery.

Mrs. Minor was the daughter of Elias and Elfin Conner Thompson, and was born in Lewis county, Missouri, on April 14, 1867.  She was married to Claude Thompson, and to this marriage three children were born.  Mr. Thompson preceded her in death in 1895.  Later she was married to W. T. Minor, who also preceded her in death in 1943.

She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. E. W. (Lettie) Hawkins, of Kirksville and a step-son, Jay Minor, of Kirksville; and three grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by two daughters and one sister.

For many years Mr. and Mrs. Minor operated a paint and paper business in Kirksville.  She was a member of the First Baptist church of Kirksville.

Pallbearers will be John X. Waters, Claud Heaberlin, George Allemand, Howard McCune, Jim Bondurant and Guy Barnett.

Lillie Minor, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 19 Oct 1956, p. 4, col. 5, Friday


Mrs. Paul Minor Dies Saturday At Kirksville

Mrs. Paul E. (Wanda Louise) Minor, aged 37 of Kirksville, passed away Saturday, December 16, 1967, at 2:30 p.m. at Grim-Smith Hospital, Kirksville, Missouri.  She had entered the hospital on the 11th and on the 12th had given birth to a stillborn son.

She was born January 8, 1930, in Knox County the daughter of Raymond V. and Alice E. Elder Kincaid.

On May 20, 1950, she was married to Paul E. Minor and he survives also four children, Cynthia L., aged 15, Jeanne, aged 14, Mark aged 11, and Cathy, aged 8, also her parents of near Plevna and two brothers, Lester of Novelty, Ralph Francis of Moses Lake, Washington, and her grandfather, Bert Elder, of near Plevna.

She was also preceded in death by an infant brother, Glen Richard Kincaid.

She was a graduate of Washington University of St. Louis in 1950 and had been a Registered Nurse at Blessing Hospital, Quincy, Memorial Hospital, Lamar, Missouri, and Grim-Smith Hospital, Kirksville.

The family had lived in the Plevna Community and Memphis, Missouri, before moving to Kirksville 3 1/2 months ago.

Mrs. Minor was a member of the Women’s Missionary Society and the First Baptist Church of Kirksville, Missouri.

Funeral services were Tuesday, December 19, at one p.m. at Mt. Salem Church southeast of Edina and officiating was Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith of Kirksville and burial will be in Mt. Salem Cemetery.

Wanda Louise Minor, From Unknown Newspaper, 21 Dec 1967


Dr. Mitchell Dead.

The entire community has sustained a very great loss in the death of Dr. J. B. Mitchell, which occurred on Tuesday of this week.  For a long time he has lived in our midst, and no man among us has been more highly respected or more generally loved.  Coming here shortly before the civil war, he preached often in the court house and other places, and many were converted under his ministry.  After the war he came again frequently, and finally was called in 1875 to the pastorate of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.  He served in that capacity for eighteen years with marked success.  His strong personality, powerful preaching, unflinching devotion to duty and blameless life, have left an impression on the community that will not soon be effaced.  Failing health compelled him to give up the work and for the last eight years he has been confined to his home in a large measure.  Within the past three years he has seldom been able to do more than quietly read and write and converse with such friends as called to see him.

He has had high standing in his church and has held numerous positions of influence and responsibility.  He was for a number of years President of McGee College before it was compelled to close its doors.  His residence in Kirksville has been a great blessing to everyone who was in any way associated with him, and all mourn his departure.  We join the many friends of the family in expressions of sincere sympathy.  He had reached the ripe age of almost eighty years and was ready for the reaper.  While he has suffered intensely at times during recent years he was never heard to murmur, and was willing that what seemed best to his Master should be done.  When the end came he passed peacefully to rest and has entered into glory.

The funeral services were conducted at the C. P. Church Thursday afternoon.  A fuller account will follow next week.

Dr. J. B. Mitchell, Kirksville, Missouri, The Kirksville Journal, 14 Mar 1901, p. 1, col. 4



Mrs. Mary Mitchell, the wife of James Mitchell, died last nght [sic] about 10 o’clock at the home, 416 South Sixth street, aged 47 years.

The deceased was married to Jas. Mitchell about 20 years ago and has lived in Kirksville for the past nine years.  Besides her husband she is survived by two daughters, Misses Gladys and Madis, and three step-children, Viola, Carl and George Mitchell.

The body will be taken to Shibley’s Point for burial.

Mary Mitchell, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express 18 Apr 1918, p. 2, col. 3, Thursday



Succumbs To Heart Attack At Age of 86.

Mrs. Miriam R. Michell, whose 86th birthday was only a week away, died suddenly this morning at 6:15 o’clock of a heart attack at her home at 1608 East Normal Avenue.

A leader in numerous community and social activities, Mrs. Mitchell had been remarkably vigorous and in full possession of her faculties until stricken today.  She suffered a broken hip two years ago but apparently had recovered from that injury.

Born at Sublette, Mo., March 19, 1856, she was the daughter of Peter J. and Sarah Warfield Sublette.  She was married to William Mitchell in 1883 and one son, William Arthur Mitchell, was born to them.

She taught school a few years in Nebraska but had lived in Kirksville the past forty years.

Surviving are the son, who is proprietor of Mitchell’s Dairy here; two brothers, Webster Sublette, of Kirksville, and Willard Sublette, of Colorado Springs; one grandson, Charles Mitchell, Kirksville; one granddaughter, Mrs. J. D. Dennis, Jr., of East Orange, N. J., and two great grandchildren, Judy and Jady Dennis.

Mrs. Mitchell was president of the Kirksvill [sic] Garden Club a number of years, served on the board of directors of the Community Nursing Home, and was a member of the Christian Church and Sojourners Club.

Funeral arrangements had not been completed this afternoon.  Her body is lying in state at the Davis Funeral Home.



Sarah Rorabaugh was born in Knox County, Missouri, September 22, 1844, and died April 11, 1921.  She was married to Thompson Dodge in the year of 1862.

To this union were born seven children.  Two daughters and five sons.  Four of the children with their father preceded the mother in death.  Three sons surviving are Joe Dodge of Kirksville, Dean Dodge of Memphis, Mo., and Chester E. of Greentop.  All of whom were present with the mother when she passed away.

She was married, a second time, to Alfred Story of Wilmathville, Mo., whom she also outlived.  She was married a third time to John Mitchell of Greentop, who survives her, although he is in very poor health.

She was converted early in life, becoming a member of the Christian church.  Was a member of that church in Greentop at the time of her death at her home in that city April 11, 1921, after a brief illness of two days.

A kind and indulgent mother, a faithful and loving wife, a good and generous neighbor, a true and devout servant of God has gone to her eternal reward.

Funeral services were held in the home at Greentop by P.M. Lind of Queen City.  Interment in Kirksville cemetery. – Queen City Leader.

Sarah (Rorabaugh) Dodge Story Mitchell, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 21 Apr 1921, p. 2, col. 4



Former Kirksville Man Brought Here For Last Rites

William Arthur Mitchell, 65, of Coleman, Texas, a former Kirksville business man, died Friday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Margery Dennis, in Kansas City, Mo.  He had been in failing health for several years.

The body was brought to the Davis Funeral Home, 202 East Washington street, last night and funeral services will be held in the chapel there at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. T. W. Jolly, pastor of the Christian Church.  Burial will be in the Maple Hill cemetery.

He was a son of William and Mariam Sublette Mitchell and was born June 5, 1884, in Kirksville, and lived here until several years ago when he moved to Texas.  He engaged in the milk business when a young man and established the Mitchell Dairy Company and built a modern plant on East Normal avenue.  He was a member of the Christian Church.

He was married to Miss Ethel Jack in Kirksville and three children were born to them, one preceding him in death.  He also was preceded in death by his parents.  Surviving are his wife, one son, Charles Mitchell, of Denver, Colo., the daughter, Mrs. Margery Dennis, Kansas City, and five grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell had been visiting in Kirksville and Iowa and left here Thursday morning for Kansas City.  They expected to spend Christmas with their son and family in Denver.



Was 79 Years Old; Funeral Plans to Be Announced

Brashear, Mo., Feb. 5—Mrs. Tacy (Dunham) Mitten, 79, died suddenly at her home in Edina this morning at 9:15.

The body is at the Easley Funeral Home here and funeral arrangements, which are pending word from relatives, will be announced later by the funeral home.

She was the daughter of William and Loretta (Marquess) Dunham and was born in Adair county Oct. 1, 1873.  She was married to James C. Mitten in 1891.  Ten children were born.

He husband died in July, 1947, and two sons, three daughters and five brothers also preceded her in death.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Loretta Thompson, of Quincy, Mrs. Ed (Mabel) Sawyer, of Baring, Mrs. Hubert (Pauline) Golliher, of Kahoka; two sons, Artie, of Medill, Ray, of San Bernardino, Calif.; one brother, J. P. Dunham, of Brashear, and a number of grandchildren.

She was a member of the Sabbath Home Church.



Shoe Factory Worker, Aged 70, Buried at Brashear.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock for Thomas Lee Mitten, who died Saturday night in a hospital here.  The Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith of the Baptist Church, conducted the services at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Burial was at Brashear.

Mr. Mitten was born August 14, 1867, in Millersburg, Holmes County, Ohio, the son of Jesse W. and Maria Ellen Stone Mitten.  When he was nine years old he came with his parents to Adair County, where he spent his entire life, except two years spent in Benton County, Mo.

He married Miss Vinnie E. Scott October 20, 1889.  From this union eight children were born.

Mr. Mitten is survived by his wife, Mrs. Vinnie Mitten; children, Arbor L. of Knoxville, Ia., Mrs. Delpha M. Chaney, Glen and Floyd Mitten, of Kirksville; three grandchildren, Leon and Harold Mitten and Gerald Chaney; two brothers, J. C. Mitten, of Edina, and W. S. Mitten, of Kirksville, three sisters, Mrs. Lula Zentz, of Simla, Colo., Mrs. Metta Patten and Mrs. Mary Begole, of Denver, Colo.

He had been an employee of the International Shoe Factory for the past eighteen years.



80-Year-Old Kirksville Woman Died Here on Sunday

Mrs. Vinnie E. Mitten, 80, died Sunday morning at her home at 515 S. Sixth.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, where the body will lie in state, Tuesday afternoon at three o’clock, conducted by Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church.  Interment will be in the Brashear cemetery.

Mrs. Mitten was the daughter of D. D. and Rachel (Osborn) Scott and was born Jan. 15, 1871, in Henry county, Iowa.  She was married to Thomas Lee Mitten Oct. 20, 1889 at Brashear, and to this marriage eight children were born.  Mr. Mitten died July 9, 1938 and she was also preceded in death by three daughters, one son, two brothers and one sister.

She is survived by three sons, Glen, Arbor and Floyd, and one daughter, Mrs. Aubrey (Delpha) Chaney, all of Kirksville; three brothers, H. D. Scott, Hurdland; P. E. Scott, Kirksville, and E. E. Scott, of Brashear; two sisters, Mrs. Deck (Nora) Fenn and Mrs. D. M. (Nina) Livix, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; two grandchildren, Leon Mitten and Gerald Chaney, and two great grandchildren.

Mrs. Mitten was a member of the United Brethren Church.  Bearers will be: Loren Scott, Robert Scott, Fern Mitten, Artie Mitten, Lennie Scott and Verie Luzadder.



Had Been in Failing Health Eight Years; Funeral Is Friday

William Samuel Mitten, 78, died at his home five miles southeast of Kirksville this morning at 1:35.  Mr. Mitten had been in failing health the past eight years but seriously ill the past two weeks.

Funeral services will be held at the Evangelical United Brethren Church in Brashear Friday afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. G. D. Hammontree and Rev. Samuel Sellers.  Interment will be in the Brashear cemetery.

The son of Jesse W. and Mariah Ellen (Stone) Mitten, he was born Sept. 2, 1875 near Millersburg, Holmes county, Ohio.  He came to Missouri with his parents when only seven months old and located on a farm five miles north of Brashear.  He was married to Anna Etta Scott Feb. 12, 1899, and one son was born to them.  Two brothers and one sister preceded him in death.

Surviving are his wife; the son, Fern Mitten, of five miles southeast of Kirksville; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Sylvester (Lula) Zentz, of Colorado Springs, Mrs. Fred (Metta) Patten and Mrs. Lester (Mary) Begole, both of Denver, Colo., and a number of nephews and nieces.

Mr. Mitten at age 14 united with the United Brethren church in Brashear during the G. K. Little revival.  He later moved his membership to the East Center Methodist church.

The body is at the Easley Funeral Home in Brashear.

Bearers will be Glen, Floyd, Arbor and Artie Mitten, Glenn and Lennis Scott.
