Obituaries & Death Notices “Mu-My”

These are typed from photographed copies of many obituaries and death notices that I have in my collection.  For many of them there is no indication of what newspaper they came from nor is a year indicated for some of them.  Photo copies are sometimes hard to read or are damaged.   Also, some of the obits and death notices may not be complete.  I will be spending time searching out the complete documents and their location, as well as continuing to search for more obituaries and death notices to add here.  I always strive for correctness.


Mrs. Catherine A. Mudd, beloved wife of Benjamin F. Mudd, living at Hitt, in this county, died of heart trouble and other complications, January 2, 1899, aged 66 years, 1 month and 21 days.

The maiden name of the deceased was Catherine A. Medley.  She was born in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, November 11, 1832, and removed with her parents to this county when she was fifteen years old.  October 18, 1854, she was united in marriage with Benjamin F. Mudd.  Of this union nine children were born, five of whom survive and they together with the husband now mourn the loss of wife and mother.  Years ago she united with the Catholic Church and was a faithful and worthy member of that church up to the time of her death.  She was a true and loving wife, a kind and indulgent mother and a good neighbor.  Her death will be mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances as well as by the family and other relatives.  The home over which she presided with womanly grace was an ideal home.  Whoever sought shelter under her hospitable roof was royally entertained and tenderly cared for.  The writer knows this to be true and joins with many friends in tendering the bereaved husband and sorrowing children sincere condolences in their deep affliction.  Funeral services were held yesterday after which the mortal remains of this estimable lady were tenderly laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery northwest of Hitt.

Catherine A. (Medley) Mudd, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 5 Jn 1899, p. 3, col. 3



Funeral and Burial Services to Be Held Sunday.

Mrs. Effie Jane Mudd, wife of John Carlos Mudd and well known resident of Kirksville, died at 8:30 o’clock this morning at her home, 615 North Franklin Street.  Mrs. Mudd had been in ill health since October.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home until the funeral, which will be held at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the funeral home.  The Rev. L. V. Freeman will conduct the services.  Burial will be in Maple Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Mudd was born May 15, 1877, at Downing, the daughter of Joel and Alice Pickens.  At the age of 18 she became a member of the Baptist Church at Fabius.  She was married to Mr. Mudd, also of Downing and in 1910 they moved to Kirksville.  With the exception of 10 years, during which time they lived in Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Mudd have resided in Kirksville since then.

Surviving, besides her husband, are five sons, Basil Mudd, of Brookfield; Pvt. Clair Mudd, stationed at Camp Polk, La., and Dale, Herbert and Philip Mudd, all of Kirksville; her mother, Mrs. Alice Pickens, of Lancaster; two grandsons, Pfc. Otho Dale Mudd, stationed at Livingston, La., and Donald Keith Mudd, of Brookfield; four sisters, Mrs. Emma Morris, of Downing, Mrs. Flo Shepard, Mrs. Mary Phillips and Mrs. Violet White, all of Lancaster; three brothers, Bert Pickens, of Coalinga, Calif., Dee Pickens, and Allen Pickens, of Kansas City, and 17 nieces and nephews.

Mrs. Mudd was preceded in death by her father, two daughters who died in infancy, a brother, Henry Pickens, and a sister, Ada Pickens.


James E. Mudd, 62, Dies

Heart Attack Fatal to Downing Man Early Sunday

James E. Mudd of Downing was found dead in Keokuk Sunday morning. He died after a heart attack, according to the coroner’s report. He was 62.

Born in 1888 in Schuyler County, the deceased in 1924 married Miss Lila Mae Todd at Kahoka. He was a member of Downing Christian Church.

He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. T.M. West of Downing, and Mrs. Mattie Barker of Hannibal, and a brother, W.E. Mudd of Downing.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Downing Christian Church, Rev. Faye Chappell officiating. Body bearers were Charley Laws, E.E. Hawkins, Forrest Jackson, Irly Gail Ruth, Bob Kelso, and Charles Bruner. Music was provided by a quartet composed of Harry West, Dee Rife, Charley Riley, and J.E. Ashworth; Mrs. Charley Dawson was pianist. Burial was in Downing Cemetery.

James E. Mudd, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 20 Sep 1951, Thursday


J. Lincoln Mudd died at 10 o’clock yesterday (Wednesday) morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John T. Morris, northwest of Memphis, at the ripe old age of 93 years.  Deceased was a pioneer resident of Scotland County and counted his friends by his acquaintances.  He was a cousin of Abraham Lincoln and bore a marked resemblance to our martyred president.

Funeral arrangements were not made at the hour of our going to press.



James Lincoln Mudd was born in Grayson County, Kentucky, November 6, 1821, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. T. Morris near Hitt, February 9, 1916, aged 94 years, 3 months, [23?] days.

When he was seven years of age he moved with his parents to Illinois.  During the first days of March in [1839?] they moved to Scotland County where he has since made his home. The mother of J. L. Mudd was Elizabeth Lincoln, a cousin of Abraham Lincoln, the President.  His father, Benjamin Mudd, was born in Maryland, but left with his parents at the age of five years and moved to Kentucky, settling near Beardstown, Washington County.

On April 27, 1848, Mr. Mudd was united in marriage to Elizabeth Wily of Howard County.  To this union ten children were born, only three of whom are now living: John Franklin Mudd of College Springs, Iowa; Henry Nicholas Mudd of Wheatland, Wyoming; Mrs. John Morris of Hitt, with whom he had made his home for the past six years.

He was again married June 2, 1870 to Mrs. Ellen Hall; to this unions one child was born, which died in infancy.  Aunt Ellen Mudd, as she was commonly called, died at the Morris home January of 1911.

The last four years Uncle Link has been an invalid, being confined to his bed all the time; his daughter was constantly at his bedside.  Besides the relatives already named he leaves one brother, Uncle Ben Mudd of Hitt, nine grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and many friends.

Uncle Link was a Catholic, who lived in the faith, died in the faith and was buried in the faith.  The funeral was held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on February 10, conducted by Father Sansome. 



Walter A. Mudd Rites at Payne Chapel Friday

Funeral services for Walter A. Mudd, retired Hitt merchant, whose death was reported in The Democrat last week, were conducted Friday by Father Scobee of Kahoka and interment was in the Sacred Heart cemetery near Hitt.

Pall bearers were Garland Shelley, Fred Hane, Lee Billups, Glen Hyde, Wayne Shelley and Raymond Monroe.

Walter Abraham Mudd was a son of Benjamin Franklin and Catharine Ann Mudd.  He was born February 24, 1851, at Memphis and died August 12, 1948.  He was unmarried and lived his entire life in Scotland county except a few years in Colorado.  In his younger days he did farming and taught school.  He and his father were partners in a general merchantile [sic] store at Hitt, and remained as such until the death of his father, February 8, 1924.  He then carried on the business alone.

He was of a family of nine children.  Mary, Robert and Elizabeth preceded him in infancy.  Madaline died at the age of 24, John B. Mudd, a prominent lawyer, Mrs. Chas. Edrlin of Colorado, Sarah Campbell of Lakin, Kansas, all preceded him in death.  Mrs. Martha Peck, the only surviving member of the family, was at his bedside at the time of his death.



G. Mudge, Simon Hamiton, S. E. Smiley Shoot Selves

(From Memphis Democrat)

Early Friday morning George Mudge, a prominent farmer, who owned, and lived on what is known as the Shacklett farm, some 5 miles N. W. of Memphis, arose, made the fire in the cook stove, called his wife and the hired girl, took the milk pails, went to the barn, and in a short time, a shot was heard, and his lifeless body was found in a short time after.  It seemed that he had cocked the gun and hung the trigger guard over a nail on the gate, and placing the gun to his head, had thus pulled the trigger, the load tearing away the upper portion of his head.

Mr. Mudge came to Scotland County about a year ago, having purchased the Shacklett farm—one of the best improved farms in the community.  He was a man well thought of in the neighborhood.  It is known now that he was despondent at times and subject to melancholy.  Doubtless in one of these moods, he committed the act.

He leaves a wife and four children, a father and mother, the immediate members of his family to mourn his untimely death.  His body was shipped Monday to Ottumwa for burial, that city being his former home.


Saturday afternoon, Simon Hamilton, a button cutter, who lived in West Memphis, shot himself through the head with a rifle, the ball entering his forehead and passing entirely through his head.  Ill health is supposed to be the cause of his rash act.

Hamilton was unmarried and lived with his aged parents here.  He was about 25 years of age.


Stacy E. Smiley, a highly respected citizen of this community, aged about 63 years, committed suicide early on Thursday morning, March 25.  He got up before the rest of the family had arisen, built the fire and going to the barn he placed a muzzle of a shotgun in his mouth and discharged the gun by means of a piece of binder twine looped around the trigger and a stick which he evidently stepped on.  The family heard the report of the gun and upon investigation found the terribly mutilated body.

Mr. Smiley until the past several months, had always been a levelheaded man of quiet demeanor and cheerful disposition, fond of joking and enjoying lively company, but for some time his family and more intimate friends have noted a depression of spirit and at times loss of mental faculty and other evidences of a deranged mind.

He was intensely patriotic and the fact that he had two sons in the service overseas worried him a great deal. — Downing News.

George Mudge, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 01 Apr 1920, p. 1, col. 3, Thursday



We take this method of thanking our Greencastle friends and relatives for the many acts of Kindness, floral offerings and expressions of sympathy extended us at the time of the death of our son and brother, Austin R. Muir.

James Muir family, Card of Thanks, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 23 Mar 1949, p. 6, col. 5



Suffered Heart Attack Sitting in Auto on Square Thursday

A heart attack, suffered while sitting in a car on the south side of the square about midnight Thursday night, proved fatal to Hobart Muir.

Muir, Jack Childress and Olin Ferris were sitting in the latter’s car when Muir suffered the heart attack.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. H. A. Bickers, pastor of the church.  Interment was in the Friendship cemetery.

Pall bearers were Basil Muir, Walter Muir, Tommy Muir, Shannon Muir, George Schmid and Floyd Presser.

Hobert [sic] Cleo Muir was a son of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Muir.  He was born May 16, 1907.

In his early life he was married to Thelma Salmon, Feb. 16, 1926.  To this union, two children were born, Venice Jean of Quincy, and Vilas Eugene, serving in the U. S. Navy at Great Lakes, Ill.

On May 23, 1939, he was married to Louise Fletcher of Hamilton, Ill.  To this union two children were born, Virginia Mae, four years of age and Vancel Ray five months old.

He was a member of the Baptist church at Little Zion.

He was in the military service and after serving for a short time, was given an honorable discharge, due to ill health.

Other surviving members of the family are his parents, four sisters, Goldie Carol of Hamilton, Ill.; Sylvia Schmid of Wayland, Ethel Presser of Bloomfield and Zella Gardine at home.



Had Been in Poor Health 10 Years; Funeral Thursday

Special to the Daily Express.

Greencastle, Mo., June 11—Mrs. Jane Muir, 89, widow of Oliver Muir, died Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of her son, James Muir, in Greencastle, where she had made her home for the last three years.  She had been practically blind and in poor health for the past ten years, and very ill with bronchial pneumonia for the past month.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Methodist Church in Greencastle, conducted by Elder Clyde Johnson, of Kirksville.  Burial will be in the Greencastle cemetery beside her husband who died Nov. 27, 1899.

Melissa Jane Kight was born in Ohio, Oct. 11, 1857, the daughter of James and Alta Kight.  While a small child she came with her parents to Missouri and they settled on a farm in Scotland County near Memphis.  Her father served in the army during the Civil War.  She was married March 5, 1871, to Oliver Muir.  In 1882 they settled on a farm southeast of Greencastle where they lived until her husband’s death when she moved to Greencastle where she spent the rest of her life.

Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Muir.  They were Harrison, who died Feb. 19, 1925, Arthur who died May 24, 1943, and James Muir and Mrs. Rena Snyder, both of Greencastle, who survive.  She also leaves thirteen grandchildren, twenty-four great-grandchildren, and nine great-great-grandchildren.  Austin Muir, of Kirksville, is a grandson, Mrs. Richard Custer, Kirksville, is a granddaughter, and Mrs. Henry Morris, also of Kirksville, is a niece.

Mrs. Muir was the last member of her immediate family.


Mrs. J. O. Muir Dies At Keokuk This Morning

Mrs. James O. Muir was taken to the Graham hospital in Keokuk Monday afternoon and died at 3 a.m. this morning.

Minnie Beatrice Muir was born October 16, 1879 in Henderson County, Ill., the daughter of James and Candis Pollock.  She was married to James O. Muir September 22, 1897, and to this union five children, four girls and one boy were born.  The son preceded her in death eleven years ago.

Surviving are her husband and daughters, Mrs. Leon Phillips, Mrs. George Schmid, Mrs. Floyd Presser and Mrs. Louis Orton, all of Wayland.  16 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.  Mr. and Mrs. Muir have made their home in Wayland for the past year.

Funeral services will be held at Gerth’s chapel at 10 a.m. Saturday with burial at Friendship.



Miss Nina Muir, aged about 33 years, died of epilepsy, at the home of F. H. Connelly, in this city, last Thursday, the 11th inst.  She had been afflicted for many years, and failing to get any permanent relief from medical treatment her brother placed her in the care of Mrs. Connelly where she would receive all the kindness and attention heart could wish.  As the weeks and months went by she grew gradually worse, and finally death ended her suffering.  The body was taken to the cemetery near Hitt, Friday, and was tenderly laid to rest by the side of other members of the family who preceded her to the spirit land.

Nina Muir, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 18 Apr 1895, p. 3, col. 5


–Two daughters of John R. Muir, living on the John W. Muir farm, near Crawford, died of throat trouble, supposed to be diphtheria, last week aged about seven and nine years respectively.  They were both sick at the same time, one died Wednesday night, the other Thursday evening and both were laid to rest in the same grave Friday.  These little girls were exceedingly bright and promising and then sudden demise is a heavy blow to the family and has cast a gloom over the entire community.

Two Muir Daughters, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 16 Dec 1897, p. 1, col. 6



Was in Hospital Here: Last Rites Today at 2 O’clock

Mrs. Jane Mulanix, 77, of Worthington, died in a Kirksville hospital Friday evening at 6:40.

Funeral services will be held at the Pentecostal Church in Worthington this afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Revs. Floyd Mulanix and Hobart Cooper.  Interment will be in Green Grove cemetery.  The body will be at the Robert B. Davis Funeral Home, 115 W. Jefferson, until 1:15 this afternoon when it will be taken to Worthington.

The daughter of Elvin and Elizabeth (Claybrook) Allen, she was born at Stahl on June 22, 1875.  She was married to Evan Mulanix Jan. 10, 1893, in Kirksville and nine children were born five of whom survive.  Hher [sic] husband died in 1947.  She was also preceded in death by her parents, three sons, one daughter, one brother and one sister.

Surviving are five sons, Lemuel L., of New Plymouth, Ida., Preston, of Worthington, Jesse E., of Alliance, Neb., Bert C., of Kirksville, and Beryl, of LaCrosse, in Macon county; eighteen grandchildren; ten great grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.

Escorts will be: Johnny, Linden, Pearl and Walter Mulanix, Bobby Ray and Billy Dee Ray.



Mrs. John H. Mulch Had Been Ill Several Weeks

Mrs. John H. Mulch, who has not been in good health, died at her home, 123 West Madison street, Sunday, Dec. 14, at 2:20 o’clock.

Mrs. Mulch had been up and around the house Sunday morning as usual.  She suffered a heart attack and death came suddenly.

Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock by Rev. W. E. Longstreth, the pastor, and interment was in the Memphis cemetery.

Mrs. B. O. Reeves, Miss Cleva Cox and Mrs. Longstreth furnished the music.

Nancy Ellsworth Northrup was one of four children, the daughter of Ellsworth Beekman Northrup and Elizabeth Forrester Northrup.  She was born Dec. 16, 1866, in the Pleasant Retreat neighborhood southwest of Memphis.

John Henry Mulch and Nancy Ellsworth Northrup were married December 10, 1891, in Memphis, by Rev. G. E. Tanquary.  There were four children, one child Harold, died in infancy.

Mr. Mulch was a cabinet maker and funeral director in Memphis for 60 years before his death, December 27, 1933.

Mrs. Mulch is survived by Dr. and Mrs. Ira Morton of Rock Island, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Carl Mulch, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Mulch of Chicago, and a grandson, Frank C. Mulch, Jr.

Mrs. Mulch united with the Methodist church in December, 1892.  She helped to erect the gates at the cemetery as a member of Chapter C. P. E. O. of which she was at one time president and an active member.  She was one of the organizers of the “Mothers of Soldiers” after the first World War.



Aged Man Died at His Home in Worthington Sunday

Evans Mulanix, 82, died at his home in Worthington, Mo., Sunday morning at 2:55.  He had been in failing health the past four years.

Funeral services will be held at the Green Grove Church Wednesday afternoon at one o’clock conducted by Rev. Floyd Mullanix.  Interment will be in the Green Grove Cemetery.

He was born in Schuyler County, Mo., Dec. 18, 1865.  He was married to Jane Allen on Feb. 10, 1893.  Nine children were born, four of whom preceded him in death, also three brothers and two sisters preceded him in death.

Surviving are his wife; five sons, Lemuel Leon, of Brooks, Ore.; Preston, of Worthington; Jessie Earnest, of Alliance, Neb.; Calef B. and Beryl, both of Stahl; eighteen grandchildren and four great grandchildren; one brother, Willie, of Polick Pine, Calif., and three sisters, Rebecca Davis, of Mansfield, Tex., Eveline Morton, of Stahl and Maggie Benge, of Centerville, Iowa.

He spent most of his life in Schuyler and Putnam counties.



Burial Was at McGrady in This County Saturday

Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the McGrady Church in Scotland county for Emery W. Mullikin, 64, of six miles east of Greentop, who died in a hospital at Kirksville Friday morning.  Death was due to a stomach ailment.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Thurman Andrews and burial was made in the church yard cemetery.

Mr. Mullikin, who had lived most of his life in Scotland county, is survived by his wife, a daughter, two brothers and three sisters.  Mrs. E. L. Bradley, wife of the manager of the Maytag store at Kirksville, is a sister, and Perry Mullikin, who lives in the southwest part of the county, is a brother.

He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Whit Mullikin, early settlers in Scotland county in the Energy community.



Was Born in Scotland County 71 Years Ago, April 1

Mrs. Lucinda J. (Thrasher) Mullikin was born April 1, 1878, in Scotland County. She died June 17, 1949.

Funeral services were held Sunday at Coffee [sic] church by Rev. W. E. Longstreth. Music was provided by the church singers.

Burial was in the McGrady cemetery and the body bearers were Roy, Glen and Olin Mullikin; W. E., Jack and Earl Thrasher.

Perry Mullikin and Lucinda Thrasher were married on February 23, 1897. Two children were born to this union.

In early life she united with the Cumberland Presbyterian church at McGrady and was a loyal and faithful worker.

Those surviving are her husband, Perry Mullikin; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Frazier and Claude Mullikin, a son, of Downing; and Raymond Lee Mullikin.

Lucinda J. (Thrasher) Mullikin, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 23 Jun 1949


The funeral of Mrs. Whit Mullikin was held at McGrady Thursday.  She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harmon Groseclose.


Alta Maude Mullinix Services Held In Downing

Alta Maude Mullinix, daughter of James Oral and Anna Mae Bennett Laws, was born September 26, 1927, at Kilwinning, Missouri, in Scotland County and departed this life September 3, 1972, at the age of 54 years, 11 months and 7 days.

She was married to Raymond Mullinix on April 2, 1938, and to this union two children were born, Phyllis Arlene Stice and Harold DeWayne.

She leaves to mourn her passing her husband, two children, a son-in-law, Robert, a daughter-in-law, Virginia; seven grandchildren, all of Downing; a brother, Oral Laws of Stronghurst, Illinois; a half-sister, Betty Wood, of Bloomfield, Iowa; two step-sisters, Lurena Ritz of Bloomfield, Iowa; and Doris Schumaker of St. Joseph, Missouri; one step-brother, Davie Brewer of Bloomfield, Iowa; an aunt, Mary Nicely, of Downing; and an uncle, Robert Bennett, Los Angeles, California, and a host of other relatives and friends.

She was preceded in death by her father and mother.

She became a member of the Church of Christ in the 1950’s and in later years was active in the United Methodist Church in Downing.  She was a loving wife and mother and her grandchildren were very dear to her.  She was always willing to lend a helping hand and will be missed by all who knew her.

Funeral services were conducted by D. W. Payne & Sons from the United Methodist Church in Downing, Missouri, at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 6, 1972.  Clergymen were Rev. Lowell Newland and Rev. John Gooch.  Soloist was Kenneth Campbell, accompanied by Mrs. Leota Moore.  Body bearers were Kermit Shaw, David Newland, Bobby Nicoli, Derwood Comstock, Tom Potter, and Chalmer Wineinger.  Interment was in the Downing Cemetery.



Lacked Only a Few Days of Reaching Her 79th Birthday

Mrs. Minnie M. Mullinix, who would have been 79 years of age on Tuesday, July 5, died at the Laughlin hospital, Kirksville Wednesday of last week, June 29, lacking only six days of reaching her 79thbirthday.  She was born in Schuyler county on July 5, 1870, but lived in Scotland county several years.

Funeral services were held in the Christian church at Downing on Friday afternoon, Rev. G. Lolin Eaton, officiating, and interment was in the Cone cemetery, commitment services being by the members of the Downing Rebekah lodge, members of the lodge acting as body bearers and as flower girls.

She was married to James E. Mullinix, August 30, 1892.  To this union was born three sons– Homer, of Alexis, Ill.; Myron, who died in infancy, and Morris of Memphis.

Her husband preceded her in death, March 20, 1937.  After her husbands [sic] death, she moved to Downing, where she has ince [sic] made her home.

She lived a good Christian life, was an active member of the Christian church, and of the Church Aid Society.  She was also an active member of the Rebekah lodge.

She leaves her two sons, and their wives; five grandchildren and five great grandchildren.


Miss Nicie Mullinix, who lived with her brother, George Mullinix near the Iowa state line, was burned to death Saturday, Feb. 1.  Her clothing caught fire as she was kindling a fire.



Mrs. O. T. Mullins, 82, Lived There for Many Years

(By Our Downing Reporter)

Mrs. O. T. Mullins, 82, died at her home in Downing, Jan. 31, after and [sic] illness of four weeks.  She was the youngest of seventeen children.

She was born Aug. 4, 1865.  Was married to O. T. Mullins at the age of 20 and to this union were born one son, Ollie, and two daughters, Grace and Lola.

She is survived by her children, Ollie of Downing; Mrs. Lola Leonhardt of Chicago, Mrs. Grace Day, of Mountain Home, Ark.; nine grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren.  She was a member of the Baptist church.

Funeral services were held at the Downing Baptist church Monday by Rev. Ben Bradbury.  Interment in Downing cemetery.

Body bearers were Hal Cook, Charley H. Cook, Charley C. Cook, Wm. Cook and Eddie and Willie Dellinger, nephews.  Flower girls, Eva Norman, Vesta Cook, Lottie Cook and Marie Mathes, nieces.  Music was furnished by Harry West, Dee Rife, Mesdames H. E. Gerwig, F. P. Rowe and Dee Rife, pianist.

Relatives from out of town attending the funeral were Hal Cook of Brunswick; Mr. and Mrs. Noble White of Kirksville; Mrs. Perley Gates of Ottumwa; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin, Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McWilliam, Leroy Allnut, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leonhardt, Chicago; Mrs. Grace Day of Mountain Home, Ark.


O. T. Mullins, 83, died April 1, at the Strickler hospital in Kirksville where he was taken the day before on account of breaking his arm in a fall.  Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Baptist church by Rev. Thurman Andrews of Lancaster.  Music was furnished by Mrs. H. E. Gerwig, Mrs. H. H. Lewis, Dee Rife and Harry West, with Mrs. Dee Rife accompanying the quarter.  He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Maggie Cook Mullins; two daughters, Mrs. Lola Leonhardt of Chicago, Mrs. Grace Day of California and one son, Ollie Mullins of Downing.  Burial was in the Downing cemetery.


Mrs. Clyde Munn Dies in Colorado

Word has been received here by relatives that Mrs. Clyde Munn, a former resident of Kirksville and wife of Andy Munn, died Saturday night at her home in Ft. Collins, Colo.

Mrs. Munn is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Flossie Merlo, of Kirksville and Mrs. Dorothy Foster, of Calif.; a son, Arthur Munn, of Superior, Wyo.; a sister, Mrs. Dell Campbell, of Yarrow; two brothers, A. A. Scriven, of Kirksville and E. H. Scriven, of Chicago, who was visiting at the home of his sister at the time of here death; a half-brother, Harve Scriven, of Galesburg, Ill., three grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.

Her parents, two brothers and a sister preceded her in death.

Funeral services and burial will be in Ft. Collins, Colo.



Formerly Operated Flour and Grist Mill at Green City

Funeral services will be held at 3:30 o’clock this afternoon for John Edgar Munns, 76, who died at his home in Winigan Friday morning after a brief illness.  The funeral services will be in the Winigan Baptist Church and burial will be in the Price Cemetery near Winigan.

Mr. Munns was born March 27, 1871 and was married to Miss Flora Belle Lindille, of near Edina, on April 2, 1893.

He was associated with a brother in the grocery business in Knox City, and four a time he operated a flour and grist mill in Green City.  He has made his home in Winigan for the last 12 or 15 years.  He was a member of the Baptist Church, becoming a member in Knox City, and was a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge at Winigan.

Mr. Munns is survived by his wife, of Winigan; one daughter, Mrs. Roy H. Caldwell, of St. Joseph; two sons, Roy E. Munns, of 912 E. Randolph street, and George W. Munns, of Winigan; one sister, Mrs. Emma Robertson, of Edina; six grandchildren and two great grandchildren.



Was Making Home With Son Southwest of Brashear

Joseph Wilson Murfin, 91, a lifelong resident of eastern Adair county, died at the home of his son, Russell Murfin, two miles southwest of Brashear, Tuesday evening at 8:15.  He had been in failing health the past five years or more.

Funeral services will be held at the Sabbath Home church Saturday afternoon at 2:30 conducted by Rev. Leo Mabry and Rev. Trafton Williams.  Interment will be in the Sabbath Home cemetery.

Bearers will be Earl Moore, Lloyd Moore, Joe Paul, William Fortney, Jay Cupp and Willie Mahaffey.

The body will be at the Easley Funeral Home in Brashear until the funeral hour.

Mr. Murfin, who would have been 92 on Sept. 3, was born on a farm six miles northwest of Brashear, in the Sabbath Home community, on Sept. 3, 1862, the son of John and Matilda (Peterson) Murfin.  He was married to Ada L. Paul on Feb. 13, 1889, and four children were born to this marriage.  One daughter and two sons, his wife who died June 28, 1947 and three brothers and one sister have preceded him in death.

Surviving are his son, Russell, of Brashear Rt. 2, three grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Herbert T. (Mary) Wilson, of Brashear, several nephews and nieces.

He made his home with his son, Russell, since the death of his wife.  Mr. Murfin was a member of the Sabbath Home church and an active worker in the church as long as health permitted.



Funeral To Be Held Wednesday; Burial At Laclede.

Mrs. Alice Murphy, 84 years old, widow of John Murphy, died this morning at 3 o’clock at her home at 607 West Pierce Street.

She suffered a stroke a few days before Christman and another one a week ago last Saturday.  She had been bedfast most of the time the past month and a half.

The funeral is to be Wednesday morning at 10:30 o’clock at the Summers & Flinchpaugh Funeral Home and burial will be at Laclede, Mo., her former home, at 2 p.m.  The body is lying in state at the funeral home.

Mrs. Murphy was born in Hendricks County, Indiana, Sept. 15, 1856, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood.  She came to Laclede when 18 years of age and was married to Jomes [James] Cooper in 1889.  Two children were born to them.  Mr. Cooper died in 1894 and she was married to John Murphy in 1900.

They lived a Laclede until 1917, when they came to Kirksville and made their home with Mrs. Murphy’s daughter, Mrs. Gertie Kephart, until she died April 14, 1930.  Mr. Murphy died Aug. 10, 1935.

Surviving her are four grandchildren, Mrs. Junior Miley, Kirksville; Mrs. Alice Kephart, Kirksville; Junior Cooper, Detroit, Mich., and Johnnie Kephart, Kirksville.  A son, Noah Cooper, died June 14, 1938.  Four brothers and two sisters also preceded her in death.

Mrs. Murphy was a member of the Christian Church.  Her father was a circuit rider in Indiana during her girlhood.



Succumbed to Stroke of Apoplexy While at Noon Meal.

Mrs. Beulah Murphy, widow of S. A. D. Murphy, died suddenly at her home at 505 South Elson Street at 12:30 o’clock this afternoon.  She collapsed while eating her noon meal.

Death was attributed to apoplexy.  She had suffered from high blood pressure for some time.

Funeral plans had not been made this afternoon, pending word from her children.  The body is to lie in state at the Summers & Son Funeral Home until time for the rites.

Mrs. Murphy’s husband, who once served the city as clerk, died on March 3, 1929.  Mr. and Mrs. Murphy had spent their entire wedded life here, Mr. Murphy engaging in real estate and insurance business when not in public office.

Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Nancy Curran, Des Moines, Ia.., and a son, Mike.  Mrs. Curran was expected here this afternoon.



Mrs. Hannah M. Murphy, aged 82 years died at the home of Miss Emma Minnick, 414 East Normal avenue Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock.  Death was caused, it is thought, by the infirmities of age.  She was born in Detroit, Mich., Sept. 8th, 1837.

Mrs. Murphy was a widow, her husband having died about 8 years ago.  She has no relatives living as far as is known.

She has been living with Miss Minnick for the past 12 months.  She has been a resident of Adair county for a number of years, having come here in 1886.  She had been living in Kirksville for about 8 years.  She was married to Prof. S. A. Murphy, who was the first college graduate to teach in Kirksville.  He founded an academy here which later, it is said, developed into the State Normal School.  He also held a county office in Adair county at one time, and owned a large farm in Walnut township. 

Funeral services were held this morning at the Davis & Wilson chapel, by Rev. A. F. Zeigel.  The body was taken to Ringo’s Point for burial.

Hannah M. Murphy, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 16 Feb 1920, p. 3, col. 1 & 2, Monday


M. H. MURPHY FUNERAL WILL BE SATURDAY                        

Kirksville Coal Dealer Died Yesterday At Home Here

Funeral services for Marshall H. Murphy, 52, will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by Rev. T. W. Jolly, pastor of the First Christian Church.

He died Wednesday about noon at his home, 614 S. Fifth.

Mr. Murphy was the son of John and Nancy (Thompson) Murphy and was born March 4, 1898 in Adair county.

He was married to Christine Spruk Jan. 30, 1922, in Kirksville, and to this marriage three children were born.

He is survived by his wife; one son, Hershall, of Kirksville; two daughters, Mrs. Roger (Naomi) Ferguson, Tarkio, Mo., and Mrs. W. D. (Anna) Ford, Waterloo, Ia.; two brothers, Thomas J. Murphy, Deep River, Ia., and Virgil Murphy, Moline, Ill., and one grandson, James Hershall Murphy.  He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother and four sisters.  He was a member of the First Christian Church in Kirksville.

Mr. Murphy had been in the coal business in Kirksville since 1914.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Bearers will be Floren Thompson, Phillip Pinkerton, John Dodson, Dick Stewart, Roy Murphy and Herman Griswold.

Interment will be in Forest Cemetery.



Mary Mildred Murphy was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, December 22, 1830, and died at her home near Hitt, Mo., on April 9, 1912 aged 83 years, 3 months and 18 days.

At the age of five years, deceased moved with her parents to Barber county, West Virginia, where she grew to womanhood and was married to Absalom K, murphy [sic].  To this union were born five children, four daughters and one son, the husband and three daughters having preceeded [sic] her to the better world.  Mrs. Murphy was converted and united with the Richland Baptist Church and lived the christian life for over forty years.

Funeral services were held at Richland church on Thursday, April 11, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. D. Gunter.


Mr. S. A. D. Murphy Dies at His Home

Mr. S. A. D. Murphy, better known as “Doug” and also a former student of K.S.T.C., died at his home at 511 S. Elson St. on the evening of March 3rd following the fourth stroke of apoplexy.  He was 65 years old.

Mr. Murphy was born in Kirksville June 9, 1864, and spent his entire life here.  He graduated from zhe [sic] Kirksville State Teachers college a number of years ago.  He had been in the real estate and insurance business for many years, and was at one time candidate for sheriff of Adair County, but was defeated.  He was also City Clerk here several years ago.



Attorney’s Wife Had Been Ill Several Months.

Mrs. Bertha E. Murrell, 60, wife of Attorney Charles E. Murrell, died this afternoon about 2 o’clock at her home at 620 East Jefferson Street.

She had been in declining health for several months and critically ill the past few weeks.  She had a major operation four months ago.

Funeral arrangements had not been completed this afternoon.

Mrs. Murrell, daughter of Dr. W. F. and Elizabeth Mitchell, of Lancaster, was born in Lancaster, Jan. 10, 1877.  She was married to Mr. Murrell Nov. 25, 1899.  They have three children: Miss Natalie Murrell at home; Attorney W. F. Murrell who is associated with his father in the law office here, and Attorney Charles E. Murrell, Jr., Adair County prosecutor.

Mr. and Mrs. Murrell and their family have lived in Kirksville since 1901, Mr. Murrell locating here for the practice of law soon after his graduation from the University of Missouri law school.

Surviving in addition to her husband and children, are two sisters, Mrs. W. P. Hall, Lancaster, and Mrs. Clyde Starrett, Colorado Springs, Colo., and a brother, Dr. O. W. H. Mitchell, Syracuse, N. Y.  Her parents preceded her in death.



Ill for Several Months; Funeral Monday Afternoon

Charles Ernest Murrell, 76, a practicing attorney for 50 years in Kirksville and one of the prominent attorneys of northeast Missouri, died at 2:30 o’clock Saturday morning in a Kirksville hospital following an illness of several months.

Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at two o’clock at the Davis Funeral Chapel, conducted by Elder Clyde Johnson.  Burial will be in the Maple Hills cemetery with rites by the Masons.

He was a son of Samuel and Alice (Lamb) Murrell and was born in Schuyler county on May 24, 1875.  He was married Nov. 30, 1899, to Miss Bertha E. Mitchell, daughter of Dr. W. F. and Elizabeth Mitchell of Lancaster.  She died in 1938.  Surviving are two sons, William Francis Murrell of St. Louis, and Charles E. Murrell, Jr., Edina, prosecuting attorney of Knox county, one daughter, Mrs. Otto (Natalie) Lucas, of Green Castle, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.  Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Della Bowling, of Lancaster, and two brothers, Atty. F. E. Murrell of Lancaster and Dr. J. E. Murrell, of Ft. Madison, Ia.

William Francis is ill in a St. Louis hospital and will be unable to attend the funeral.

The deceased attended the public schools in Lancaster, attended the old Normal School in Kirksville and was graduated from the law school of the Missouri University with the highest honors in the class of June, 1899.  After returning to Lancaster for a short time, he moved to Kirksville in 1901, and established a law practice with the late Judge J. A. Cooley.  His sons in later years were associated with him in practice and their office was in the Grim Building.  He maintained his office there until he became ill last year.

In 1914 and 1915 he was mayor of Kirksville.  He was president of the Adair County Bar Association for several years and for many years taught medical jurisprudence in the American School of Osteopathy until the two osteopathic schools here were merged.  He was a member of Masonic Lodge No. 105, Modern Woodmen Lodge and was a Democrat in politics. The body will lie in state at the Davis Funeral Home, 202 E. Washington street.  The bearers will be Judge Tom B. Brown and Atty. William E. Stewart, both of Edina; Atty. Waldo Edwards, of Macon, Atty. George J. England, Prosecuting Attorney W. C. Frank and Court Reporter S. E. Page, of Kirksville.


Services Held For Knox Co. Prosecuting Attorney

Mr. Charles E. Murrell, Jr., aged 57, of Edina, Prosecuting attorney for Knox County, passed away at 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 16, 1967, at St. Maty’s Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota, where he had been since July 19, 1967.

He was born April 18, 1910, at Kirksville, Missouri, the son of Charles Ernest and Bertha E. Murrell.  On June 29, 1935, he was married in Kirksville to Anne Dorothy Fleming and she survives, also surviving one daughter, Martha Anne, Mrs. Bernard Kotanchick of Allentown, Pennsylvania, and two sons, Charles F. Murrell III and Micheal Fleming, both of Edina, and one grandson, Gregory Francis Kotanchick, and one brother, Wm. Francis of St. Louis, Missouri, and a sister, Natalie, Mrs. Otto Lucus, of Kirksville, Missouri.

He was preceded in death by his parents.

He attended Kirksville public schools, Missouri Military academy at Mexico, N. E. Missouri State Teachers College at Kirksville and received his LLB from the University of Missouri School of Law at Columbia, Missouri.  He was a member and past president of Phi Delta Phi honorary Legal fraternity at the University and Sigma Tau Gamma social fraternity at Kirksville.  He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus of Edina, the Missouri Bar Association and the Knox County Bar Association.

He entered law practice at Kirksville and with his late father and brother in the firm of Murrell & Murrell.  He served two terms as prosecuting attorney of Adair County from 1936 to 1940.  During World War II he was chief rationing attorney in the Office of Price Administration at St. Louis.  He was appointed to the office of Prosecuting Attorney of Knox County in 1947 and was serving in his tenth term.  He was examining attorney for the Federal Home Administration and regional attorney for the Atchinson [sic], Topeka & Santa Fe Railway system at the time of his death.

Funeral services were Monday, August 21, 1967, at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph’s Church with Rev. Fred Yehle officiating and burial was in Maple Hill Cemetery, Kirksville, Missouri.  Rosary was Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at the funeral home in Edina.

Charles E. Murrell, Jr., From Unknown Newspaper, 24 Aug 1967



Funeral Saturday For John Henry Murrell, 71

John Henry Murrell, 71, life-long Schuyler county resident and retired rural mail carrier, died at his home in Lancaster yesterday noon after a long illness.

Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at two o’clock at the Lancaster Baptist church conducted by Rev. C. E. Davis, of Kirksville.  Interment will be in Arni Memorial cemetery.

He was the son of John and Nettie (Beatch) Murrell and was born in Schuyler county March 15, 1882.  He was married to Mary Isabelle Herd and two sons were born to them.  He was preceded in death by two sisters and one brother.

Surviving are his wife, two sons, Clarence Ivan, of Lancaster, and Orville Lloyd, of Ottumwa, Iowa; one brother, Robert Murrell, of Queen City; six grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

The body is at the Norman Funeral Home in Lancaster.

John Henry Murrell, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 08 Oct 1953, p. 8, col. 1, Thursday




Samuel Murrell, residing near Lancaster, Mo., died at his home November 15th.  Funeral services were held on the 16th and the body interred at the Liberty cemetery in Schuyler county.

Mr. Murrell was one of the early pioneers of Schuyler county, having immigrated to that county from Kentucky in infancy.  A part of the farm on which he had lived for more than sixty years having been entered from the government by his father in the early fifties.  He was one of the successful and enterprising farmers and stockmen of that county, and was past seventy years of age at the time of his death.

Besides his widow, he leaves surviving him three sons and two daughters.  They are: Mrs. E. E. Heaton, wife of Dr. E. E. Heaton, of Centerville, Iowa; Atty. Chas. E. Murrell, of this city; Atty. F. E. Murrell, of Sapulpa, Okla.; Dr. J. E. Murrell of Ft. Madison, Iowa; and Mrs. Della V. Bowling of Colorado Springs, Colo.



Leland Musgrove, 45, of Gorin, fatally shot himself, with suicide intent at 11 o’clock Friday morning.  He died that evening from the rifle bullet wound.

He had threatened to take his life before, so was closely watched by members of his family.  Friday he slipped from the house with a gun.  When his wife missed him she hurried to the door and saw him place the gun to his head.  A son and George Wiley, a neighbor also saw the act.  He had run to a nearby shed, placed the gun under his eye and pulled the trigger.  He lived about four hours.  Despondency is believed the reason for taking his life.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church in Gorin Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.

The son of Gilbert and Zora Musgrove, he was born April 2, 1892, near Gorin and had spent his entire life in this community.  He was united in marriage to Nellie Johnson, December 4, 1914.

Besides his widow he is survived by their sons, Wayne and Harvey Lee; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Austin of Gorin, and Mrs. Ada Russell of Keokuk, and one brother, Bert Musgrove of Keokuk.  He was a nephew of Mrs. J. C. Moore of this city.

Leland Musgrove, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 11 Mar 1937, p. 1, col. 5


Leonard Musick, 64, Dies in California

Leonard Musick, aged 64, died at his home in Santa Ana, Calif., yesterday at noon, according to a message received here by his sister, Mrs. C. E. Tuttle, of 802 E. Washington Street, yesterday evening.

Funeral and interment will be in Santa Ana.

He was a son of James and Innis Musick and was born near Brashear, March 25, 1880.  He was married to Miss Grace Elmore, of Gibbs, on Jan. 25, 1905.  To this union six children were born, Herschel, James, Billy, Bobby, Jackie and Jessie Mae.  Jessie Mae, the only daughter died May 12, 1909.

They lived in Brashear a short while after their marriage then moved to Kirksville where they lived until in September, 1923, when they left Kirksville for Santa Ana, Calif., where they have since lived.

Mr. Musick was a painter, paperhanger and decorator.

He is survived by his wife and five sons, all of whom are in service except Herschel.  Jackie, the last to enter service, has received an honorable discharge.  James won national fame as a football star on the University of Southern California team.



Former Edina Resident Succumbs At Home of Son

Mrs. Margaret (Goetze) Musick, widow of the late John H. Musick, of Edina, died at the home of here son, Dr. Vern Musick, in Oklahoma City, Okla., this morning at three o’clock according to a message received here this morning by her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. C. Tuttle, of 820 E. Washington.  Mrs. Musick had recently suffered two or three strokes and had been in an unconscious state the last few days.

The body is being brought to the Hudson Funeral Home at Edina, where funeral services will be held Saturday morning at ten o’clock.  Interment will be in the Linville Cemetery beside her husband.

Mrs. Musick was born in Edina, Mo., in January, 1874.  She was married to John H. Musick Aug. 11, 1896.  They located in Brashear where Mr. Musick had previously been in the barber business and two sons were born to them in Brashear, Elmer R. and Vern H., both of whom have been doctors in Oklahoma City for several years.

In 1902, Mr. and Mrs. Musick moved to Edina where Mr. Musick barbered for 34 years in the same location on the south side of the square.  Mr. Musick died Dec. 3, 1936 at the home of his son in Oklahoma City.

She is survived by the two sons and two grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Fred Harvey, of Edina, and one brother, Charles Goetze, of Macon, Mo.  One sister, Miss Esther Goetze, died several years ago.


Mrs. John R. Musick Died Last Thursday

Mrs. John R. Musick, who lived in Kirksville many years during her young womanhood and as the wife of the late John R. Musick who gained considerable fame and national recognition as the author of the “Columbian Novels,” died at her home in Omaha, Thursday June 23.

Funeral services were held in Omaha Friday, and the remains were brought here Saturday and placed beside her husband, in Forest Cemetery after brief services held at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dr. G. A. Goben.

Deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Hazel Hunt and Miss Ora Musick, both of Omaha.


Pioneer At Rest.

Mrs. Musick, mother of John R. Musick, the north Missouri writer and journalist died Thursday Aug. 9th.  Mrs. Musick was one of the pioneer residents of this part of the country living for many years in this vicinity.

The remains were laid to rest in Highland Park cemetery.

Mrs. Musick, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 13 Aug 1906, p. 2, col. 4



Lifelong Resident of Illinois Bend Dies at Age of 56.

La Plata, March 23. (Special)—Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock for Roy Franklin Musick at the home west of La Plata.  Services were conducted by Rev. Claud Thompson, pastor of the La Plata Baptist Church, and burial was made in the La Plata Cemetery.

Mr. Musick, a lifelong resident of the Illinois Bend community, died suddenly at his home Friday morning, March 20, at 5 o’clock.  He was born April 29, 1885, a son of Alonzo and Margaret Musick.  On July 11, 1909, he married Murtle Mercer, and to this union two children were born, Mrs. Pauline Burch of Kirksville, and Paul, of the home.

Besides his wife and children he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Berry of Pueblo, Colo., and Mrs. Clara Bellmyer of Yoder, Colo., and a number of nieces and nephews.  His parents, one brother and one sister preceded him in death.

Those who attended the funeral from out-of-town included Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Music of Kirksville, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Musick of St. Louis, Henry Allen, Mrs. Nora Mercer, Manford Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Calderone and baby of Galesburg, Ill., and Mrs. John Gunn of Clarence.



Suffered a Strole of Paralysis; Funeral Tomorrow.

Mrs. Margaret E. Musson, 92 years old, widow of William T. Musson, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sadie Wood, 315 E. Pierce Street, early this morning.

She suffered a stroke of paralysis last Tuesday and never rallied.

The funeral is to be held at the Methodist Episcopal Church tomorrow afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Joseph W. Thompson, assisted by the Rev. T. E. Newland, of Galesburg, Ill.  Burial will be made in Highland Park Cemetery.  The body is lying in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Mrs. Musson was born Nov. 18, 1844, at Colchester, Ill., a daughter of Benton and Clarissa Post.

When a child she went with her parents to Des Moines, Ia., then only a fort and a small village.  Her father owned a farm where the city now stands.  She made this trip in a covered wagon.

In 1868 she was married to William T. Musson, and they moved to a farm twelve miles northeast of Kirksville, near Sperry, which was their home for thirty years, and there she reared her family of nine children.  In 1898 they moved to Kirksville, where they lived until moving to Cameron, Mo., in 1920.

Since the death of her husband seven years ago, she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Henry, of La Belle, Mo., usually spending the winter months with Mrs. Wood in Kirksville.

Mrs. Musson had been in her usual good health until last Tuesday, when she was suddenly stricken.  To many friends she was familiarly known as “Aunt Maggie”.  She loved to work among her flowers and was happy when she could share them with others.  Her hands were ever busy, piecing quilts or making braided rugs—always for someone else.

She was converted to Christianity at the age of eighteen, uniting with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she was a consistent member during her entire life.

She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Olive Henry and Miss Clara B. Musson, of LaBelle; Mrs. Stella Rutherford, of Chicago; Mrs. Sadia Wood, of Kirksville; Alvin B. Musson, of Chicago; D. R. Musson, of Kirksville; thirteen grandchildren and five great grandchildren.  Two daughters and one son preceded her in death.  They were: Mrs. Alice M. Conner, of Kirksville; Mrs. Eva Menaugh, of Boise, Ida., and Henry Anson Musson, of Brooklyn N. Y.


Died Following Accident

George R. Phillips of Arbela received a telegram Tuesday morning that his sister, Mrs. Emma L. Mustoe of Long Beach, Calif., had passed away in a hospital at Oakland.  Death was due to a car accident the message stated.


Ethel Mustoe Services Held Last Week

Ethel Arlene Tennant Mustoe, daughter of John L. and Minnie B. Tennant, born in Scotland County, September 21, 1888, and died in Scotland County Memorial Hospital, September 3, 1972.

On December 24, 1911, she was united in marriage to Glenn B. Mustoe.  To this unon [sic] was born one son, Launce.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, and two brothers.

Survivors include: her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Launce Mustoe; two grandsons, Launce, Jr., and Brent; and a sister, Mrs. Lucille Cotton.

Ethel was a faithful member of the United Methodist Church, the Order of the Eastern Star, and the Community Chorus.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Memphis, Missouri, on Tuesday, September 5, 1972, at 2 p.m.  the Rev. John Gooch officiated.  Burial was in the Memphis Cemetery.  Body bearers were Russell Cravens, Clark Kerr, Ezra Dodge, Mack Kutzner, Pearl C. Cotton, and Keith Jones.  Soloist was Brent Mustoe and Organist was Mary Bell Greeno. her step-father, William C. Waltemath, of Barhart, Missouri, her brother, Richard, and one nephew Greg, of Camdenton, Missouri.  Also her sister-in-law, Margaret, all of whom shall sorely miss her.

She was the beloved granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mel Couch.  Her mother was born and reared in Memphis.

Ethel Arlene (Tennant) Mustoe, From Unknown Newspaper 14 Sep 1972



Friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mustoe will be grieved to hear of the death of their infant daughter on Monday, Nov. 3rd, 1913, in Bakersfield, Cal., Mrs. Mustoe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hayden of Gorin.

The little one who came to this world above was named Farrell Esther for her two grandmothers.

Rev. H. B. Clark conducted a brief and quiet service at the house, where a few close friends gathered to mourn with the bereaved parents.  Many beautiful flowers expressed the love and sympathy of sorrowing friends.

Farrell Esther Mustoe, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 13 Nov 1913, p. 2, col. 2



Glenn B. son of David and Esther Mustoe was born near Memphis, Mo., Sept. 18, 1889, and departed this life at his late home four miles N. W[.] of Memphis Friday morning Feb. 6, 1920, aged 30 years, 5 months, and 10 days.

He was of a family of eleven children three of whom predeeded [sic] him.  The brothers and sisters who survive him are Mrs. Lillie Leeper of Luray, Roy N., Mrs. Minnie Tuck and Mrs. Louie Bourn of this County[,] Chester J. of Arkansas City[,] Kansas, and Mrs. Laura Bellenger and Mrs. Hettie E. Dennison of Ill.

He was united in marriage with Ethel Arlena Tennant Dec. 24, 1911.  To this union was born one child, Launce B. who with the precious wife survive him.  He was converted and joined the Presbyterian church in Memphis during the winter of 1910.  He was a true type of young christian manhood.  He lived a life of worthy example.  His friends are numbered by his acquaintances.  He was a lover of his home and family.  His death came as a crushing blow to all the relatives and friends.  Much sadness prevails as his wife is in Graham hospital Keokuk, and their little boy under the care of both doctor and nurse.

A beautiful and impressive funeral service conducted at the home on Sunday Feb. 8 at 11 a.m. by Rev. J. R. Shultz, Text, Rev. 22-4.  Splendid music was rendered by a male quartette composed of Lee R. Briggs, D. W. Payne, C. A. Bourne and Jimmie Courtney.  Mrs. Pontius the pianist.  The burial was in the Memphis cemetery.  Too much can not [sic] be said of this noble young man but we leave him in the bosom of a compassionate heavenly Father who doeth all things well.  We bow in humble submission and go on with our lives among fellowmen and hope to meet him in a never ending eternity.


Hubert Francis Mustoe, 67, died suddenly of a heart attack Monday night at 9:00 in his home eight miles northwest of Memphis.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 in the Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Joseph Trower, officiating. Burial was in the Memphis Cemetery. Body bearers were C. F. Stone, J., W. Morton, Robert Riney, Clair Morgan, Harley Shelley, and Bill McWilliams.

Mr. Mustoe was born in Scotland County, October 21, 1890, a son of William and Winifred Webber Mustoe. He was a farmer and lived in this neighborhood most of his life. He married Miss Esther Hyde, December 30, 1914.

Surviving are the widow; a son, Clark of Memphis, and two sisters, Mrs. James R. Hall and Mrs. R. L. Southmayd, both of Memphis. A son, Jack was killed in action during World War II.

Hubert Francis Mustoe, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 31 Jul 1958  



Miss Ida Mustoe Was Preparing to Come Down Town

Miss Ida Mustoe, who lived at 317 North Lincoln street, dropped dead at her home Tuesday afternoon about 2 o’clock.  Wm. Morton and her nephew, Hubert Mustoe, were at her home at the time and had been making arrangements with her for the rental of her farm.

Terms had been agreed upon and Miss Mustoe had gone into her bedroom to get her coat and hat, preparatory to coming down town to have a contract drawn up.  Morton and Mustoe heard her fall, went into the bed room to investigate, and found her dying.

Miss Ida Jane Mustoe was born in Scotland county on August 1, 1867, and lived here all her life.  She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mustoe and for many years lived on a farm near Hitt with her parents.  After her mother’s death, she and her father bought property in Memphis where she lived until her death.  Her father died about twenty years ago.

Miss Mustoe was an active member of the Memphis Methodist church.  She was 69 years of age last August.

She leaves one brother, Wm. Mustoe, who lives west of Brock in this county.

In addition to the one brother, Miss Mustoe is survived by one nephew, Hubert Mustoe, and two nieces, Mrs. Roy Southmayd and Mrs. J. R. Hall.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon, March 25th at 1:30 p.m. at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. J. W. Borah.  Burial will be in the Pleasant Hill cemetery, northwest of Memphis.



Services Will be Held at Christian Church in Memphis

Funeral services for Pvt. Jackie Mustoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert F. Mustoe, will be held at the Christian church in Memphis, Sunday, December 12, at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. G. Lolin Eaton.  Burial will be in the Memphis cemetery.

Pvt. Mustoe was born in Scotland county, March 28, 1926, and was killed in action in Germany, April 3, 1945.  His body was sent here from Germany last week and arrived in Memphis this morning.

Jackie entered the service, August 27, 1944, before he completed high school.  During the time he was in high school, he was active in the F.F.A. and other school activities.



James H[.] Mustoe, living northwest of Memphis, died on Thursday, January 4, 1917.  He was one of our most highly respected citizens and his taking away is deeply regretted[.]

James H. Mustoe was born in Highland County, West Virginia, April 26, 1840.  He was married to Nancy J. Hudkins December 1, 1864.  To this union were born two children, William and Ida J.

When young in life he accepted faith in the Savior and united with the Methodist Church later changing his membership to the United Brethren.

He died January 4, 1917, aged 76 years, 8 months and 8 days.  He leaves to mourn his death the aged wife, two children, three grandchildren, one great grandchild, and one sister, Malinda Hird, Mont Rose, Virginia, besides a host of relatives and friends.

The funeral was conducted by the Rev. E. H. Thompson on Friday afternoon, January 5, at the home.  The body was interred at Pleasant Hill.


Mrs. Clark Mustoe Funeral Held Here Sunday Afternoon

Funeral services for Mrs. Clark Mustoe were held from the Memphis Christian church Sunday afternoon conducted by G. Lolin Eaton, assisted by Rev. Arthur E. Brewer.  Burial was in the Church of Christ cemetery at Bible Grove. 

Mrs. Mustoe had been in a Kirksville hospital several weeks and she was thought to have been improving the few days previous to her death.

She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Boone Bradley and was born in Scotland county, November 20, 1906.

April 20, 1949, she was married to William Clark Mustoe.  She united with the Church of Christ at Bible Grove when a young girl and was active in church work.

She was graduated from the Bible Grove high school and attended Kirksville State Teachers College.  She taught school in both Iowa and Missouri until her marriage.

She is survived by her husband, her mother, Mrs. W. B. Bradley, her twin sister, Mrs. Harold Dunn of Baring; two brothers, Paul Bradley of Memphis and Joseph Gale Bradley of Keokuk, Iowa; two nephews, Donald Mac Bradley of Independence, Mo.; Keith Dunn of Baring; one niece, Cathy Lucille Bradley of Keokuk, and many other relatives and friends. 

Mrs. Clark Mustoe, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 2 Jun 1955, p. 1, col. 3


Mrs. Nancy Mustoe, who lives northwest of Memphis, Mo., died Thursday, January 22, of cancer.  Mrs. Mustoe was an old settler of Scotland county, and held in the highest esteem by all who knew her. –Milton Herald



Wm. Mustoe, almost 74 years of age, died in a Kirksville hospital Wednesday afternoon, after an illness of about eight weeks.

Mr. Mustoe was born in this county and lived his entire life, his home being west of Brock.  Mrs. Mustoe died two years ago.  Three children survive – Hubert F., Mrs. R. L. Southmayd and Mrs. Jas. Hall.  Also eight grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at Brock tomorrow at 2:30, conducted by the Rev. Arthur L. Huff.

Wm. Mustoe, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 29 Jun 1939



Winnifred Webber, daughter of James W. and Harriet Webber, was born in Scotland county, Mo., January 20, 1871, and died Wednesday, February 24, 1937, at the age of 66 years, 1 month and four days.

She was united in marriage to William Mustoe, December 19, 1889.  To this union were born three children, one son, Hubert, and two daughters, Mrs. Demma Southmayd and Mrs. Alta Hall, all of Memphis.

She is survived by her husband, three children, one sister, Mrs. Lola Huggans of Pryor, Okla., one brother, Ross Webber of Yakima, Wash., and by eight grandchildren.  Two sisters and one brother preceded her in death.

Mrs. Mustoe became a member of the United Brethren church of Oak Lawn, later changing her membership to the Brock Methodist church.

She lived all her life in Scotland county with the exception of a few years of her childhood spent in Kansas.  She was left motherless at the age of twelve, which made it necessary for her to assume both the duty of housekeeper and the care of her younger brothers and sisters.

She delighted in mingling with her friends in social affairs and willingly cooperated in all the local social and religious organizations.  She excelled as an efficient housekeeper and home maker, devoted wife and mother, a loyal friend and a helpful neighbor.  She will be greatly missed.

Funeral services were held at Brock church Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. A. M. Hadley of Cantril, assisted by Rev. A.L. Huff, pastor of Memphis, Methodist circuit.

Music was furnished by a male quartet composed of Earl Kutzner, Buford Bull, Verne Priebe and Wallace Lawrence.  Mrs. Milo Morgan at the piano.  Body bearers were E.G. Bull, Chan Bull, Parley C. Honiter, Fred Southmayd, Paul Rice and George W. Morgan.  Interment in Brock Cemetery.



In Declining Health Past Year; Funeral Services Tomorrow

Fred Muzzey, 70, of 415 W. Pierce died in a hospital here last night at 7:30.  He had been in declining health for the past year and seriously ill the last several days.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Davis Chapel, corner of Washington and Marion streets, conducted by the Rev. Archie Cooper.  Burial will be in the Campbell cemetery, southwest of Novinger.

Mr. Muzzey was born April 15, 1879, in Boston, Mass., the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Muzzey.  He was married to Miss Tillie Danielson in 1908, who preceded him in death in 1935.

He is survived by two sons, Fred, Jr., and Victor, of the home, and one daughter, Mrs. Helen Parsons, of Hutchinson, Kan., who has been spending the summer with her father.

Mr. Muzzy had lived in Kirksville the past twenty-five years and was widely known as a cook, having worked in several eating houses in this city, and more recently was employed by the Anesi Packing Co.  The body will remain at the Davis Funeral Home until time for the funeral.


Alice Catherine Myers

Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:30 at the Edinburg church, conducted by the Rev. Chas. Moore, for Alice Catherine Myers, who died Monday in Fulton.

Interment was made in the Edinburg Cemetery and body bearers were Glen Myers, Harold Baker, J. L. Montgomery, Frank Myers, Lowell and J. Myers.

She was born in Lee County, Iowa August 15, 1853.

Alice Catherine Myers, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 20 Jul 1939, p. 1, col. 3


Mrs. Anna Herman Myers, wife of M. D. Myers, died at the family home north of the city limits, Monday night, aged 55 years.  Mrs. Myers had been in failing health for several years, but the immediate cause of her death was a stroke of apoplexy.  Mrs. Myers was born near Berlin, Germany, but came to America with her parents when one year old.  She lived near Champaign, Illinois until grown up, and was married to Mr. Myers in 1891, and continued to reside near Champaign until 1909.  In that year Mr. Myers purchased a fine farm southeast of Kirksville and the family resided there until Mr. Myers sold out during the land boom of 1919.  He then bot a smaller farm just north of town where the family had since resided.  Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, E. Russel Myers and Marion Myers, prominent young farmers near Kirksville, and one daughter, Miss Mildred Myers at home.  The funeral service was held at the Davis & Wilson Funeral Home Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The Rev. E. V. DuBois conducting the services.  Interment was made in Highland Park cemetery.  Mrs. Myers was a splendid woman and the family have the deep sympathy of many friends.


Arthur J. Myers, 81, Died AT Kirksville

Arthur Jarvis Myers, 81, a retired carpenter, died Tuesday morning at 5 at Kirksville, Mo.

Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 2 in the Greensburg Christian Church with burial in Greensburg Cemetery.  Mr. Myers was born in Adair County, October 7, 1877, a son of Dr. James and Georganna Myers.  He is survived by his widow, Mabel.

Body bearers were Fred Pettit, Pete Mayfield, Chas. Townsend, Harold Robinson, Lloyd Hathaway and Rob Norton.

Arthur Jarvis Myers, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 13 Nov 1958, p. 1, col. 1


Boardman W. Myers Died At Kirksville Thursday

Boardman W. Myers, a well-known farmer of Scotland County, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Kirksville hospital, Friday, June 19th, and who was in a critical condition a few days after the operation, passed away at the hospital there, Thursday evening, June 25th, at either o’clock.

The body was brought to his home five miles south of Memphis Friday, funeral services were held at the Edinburg church Sunday afternoon at two o’clock.  As Mr. Myers had lived in that vicinity all his life, was well-known and well-liked by all, the church would not hold the neighbors and friends who were there to pay their last respects to the deceased.

Mr. Myers was born near Memphis, December 5, 1874, and had lived in this county all his life.  He was married March 23, 1910, to Miss Ethelyn House.  They have two children, Ruth and Lowell, who, with the wife, survive.  Mr. Myers also leaves three brothers, A. E. Myers, Jud. H. Myers and Sheriff J. O. Myers, all of this county.

He has been a member of the Edinburg Baptist church for many years and was a splendid citizen, whose untimely death is universally regretted.

The funeral services were conducted by Elder D. J. Scott, of Warrensburg, Mo.  Burial was in the Edinburg cemetery.

The pall bearers were Olin Shacklett, Donald Mount, Holland Moore, Frank House, Milton Myers and Jay Myers.

Boardman W. Myers, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 2 Jul 1931, p. 1, col. 5


Death of Mrs. Catherine Myers

 Mrs. Catherine Myers, widow of the late Al Myers deceased, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. DeWitt Wagner, Thursday morning, March 25, 1908, at 10 o’clock, after a brief illness. The funeral took place at Edinburg Church south of this city, on Friday afternoon at three o’clock, the services being conducted by Rev. James Rice, pastor of the Baptist Church at Memphis. At the conclusion of the service the remains were interred in the Edinburg Cemetery.

The deceased had been a resident of Scotland County for a long time. Her husband departed this life about twenty-five years ago. For a number of years she had made her home with her daughter. She was aged 81 years and 24 days.

Catherine Myers, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 2 Apr 1908


Former Resident Dies At Greybull, Wyo.

Dr. Emer E. Myers was born May 5, 1879 in Rosealia, Kansas, the oldest son of Lewis S. & Alice Catherine Myers and passed away at Greybull, Wyoming of Feb. 15, 1972.  He spent most of his early years in Scotland Co.  He studied dentistry in St. Louis, Mo. and practiced 10 years in Humboldt, Nebraska before moving to Greybull, Wyoming where he practiced until 2 years ago.

Survivors are his wife, Alma, a son, Frank, of Worland, Wyo. a daughter, Ruth Kleine of Arcadia, Calif., daughter Alma Catherine Brown of San Diego, Calif., a sister, Alice Montgomery of Canoga Park, Calif., a brother, Jud Myers of Memphis, Mo., five grandchildren and four nephews. 

Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church in Greybull on Saturday Feb. 19, at 2 p.m.

Interment was in Hillside Cemetery in Greybull.



Was born in Hocking County, Ohio, May 28, 1855

Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Myers, who died at her home west of Memphis on Saturday afternoon, July 23rd, at one o’clock, were held Monday afternoon at 3:20 o’clock at the Camp Ground church and were conducted by Rev. Harry V. McColloch, pastor of the Memphis Presbyterian church.  Interment was in the Camp Ground cemetery.  The church choir sang and the pall bears [sic] were neighbors of the deceased.

Mrs. Myers had been sick and helpless the past four years.  Thursday morning she began to fail rapidly.

Mrs. Myers was the daughter of Carlyle and Rebecca Watts.  She was born in Hocking county, Ohio, May 28, 1855.  She was united in marriage to Orville E. Myers, March 18, 1883.  This union was broken only by his death May 14, 1921.  Nearly all her married life was spent in Missouri.  She was a member of the Camp Ground Presbyterian church.

For many years Mrs. Myers had been in poor health.  Her friends were not greatly surprised at her going.  She will be greatly missed by Mr. and Mrs. John Simerl who have cared for her during her illness.  three sisters, Elizabeth, Minerva and Amanda, and three brothers, Oliver, Lafayette and James preceded her in death.  She was the last of her family.



Was Business Man 41 Years; Funeral To Be Wednesday.

Special to The Daily Express.

Green City, Mo., Nov. 2—Frank F. Myers, 80, former business man here, died at 4:30 o’clock this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harley Payne.  He had been in failing health some time but was bedfast only a week.  Death was attributed to infirmities of age.

The funeral service is to be at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon at the Presbyterian Church, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Frank DeBolt, and burial will be at Mt. Olivet Cemetery.

Mr. Myers was born on the old homestead east of town on April 5, 1862 of Swiss parentage, a son of the late Henry J. and Mary Ann Myers.  He was baptized into the Evangelical Reformed Church at the age of eight days.  In later life, he attended he [sic] Presbyterian Church and was an earnest and devout worker, having served as superintendent of the Sunday School for nine years.

He was married to Iva Hill June 22, 1898, and she died May 3, 1928.  To this union was born one daughter, Mrs. Harley Payne, who survived him.

Mr. Myers taught school for eight years, two terms at Novinger, five at Stahl and one at the Doze School. He entered the mercantile business with his brother, D. C. Myers, on Feb. 7, 1890, and continued this association for fifteen years.  He sold out to become cashier of the Bank of Green City, which position he held for twenty-six years.

Besides his daughter he is survived by one brother, D. C. Myers, and one sister, Mary L. Myers, and three grandchildren.  Three brothers and seven sisters preceded him in death.  All are buried in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery beside their parents.



Funeral Services Held at Queen City This Afternoon.

Queen City, Mo., July 2, Special)—Ira M. Myers, 82 years old, and a long-time resident of this county, died at his home near here yesterday.  He was born on Sept. 26, 1858.

He had lived on a farm southwest of Queen City for 34 years.

Mr. Myers was married to Miss Amanda Shipman on March 4, 1882, and to them four children were born, as follows: Monda, Charles Wesley, Donalene and Blanche.  He is survived by his wife, four children, one sister, Miss Jane Myers of Kirksville and brother, Jacob Myers of Kirksville, two grandsons and two great grandsons.  He was preceded in death by his parents, William and Mary Myers and the following brothers and sisters, Laura Kent, Phoebe Steel and Orson Myers.

He was a member of the Methodist Church and funeral services will be held there this afternoon at 2 o’clock conducted by the Rev. W. B. Stevens.


Dr. Myers Died at His Home at Greensburg Mo.

James Myers, died at his home in Greensburg, Knox County, Mo., Friday June 27th, 1913, and was buried in the cemetery in said town, Sunday June 29th. Deceased was born in Pendleton County, Kentucky, Feb.11th, 1847, and settled with his parents in the south part of this county and has been well known in the south and southwest part of county since a boy.

Deceased has practiced his profession, that of a physician, for nearly forty years. He was a son of Rev. William Myers founder of the Edinburg Baptist Church, and was one of a family of twelve children, nine boys and three girls, all being dead except Attorney Lewis Myers, of Memphis.

He was married in this county, Dec. 3rd. 1870, to George Anna Pettit, to which union was born seven children- one dying in infancy. His widow, three sons and three daughters survive him: Elizabeth Pettet, wife of A.B. Pettet, Arthur Myers, Ross E. Myers, Glen H. Myers and Edna Cunningham, living in Greensburg and immediate vicinity and Della Huston, wife of George Huston, resident of St. Louis, Mo.

He was a member of the Baptist Church at Greensburg. His funeral services were conducted under auspices of Rev. Fleming, of LaGrange, Mo., after which he was laid to rest in the cemetery. He died of a complication of diseases, doubtless caused by a general break down, primarily caused by long and arduous labors in his profession. His sickness continued over a period of about five years; during which time he was unable to attend to business but little.

James Myers, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 3 Jul 1913



67-year-old Man, Victim of Heart Disease In Colorado Springs.

John H. Myers, 67, years old, former Kirksville and Brashear banker, died at 2 o’clock this morning at his home in Colorado Springs, Colo., following a heart attack.  He had been ill only since Tuesday.

His daughter, Mrs. Carl Magee, and husband, of Kirksville, had been visiting with him and Mrs. Magee was there at the time of his death.  Mr. Magee, however, had returned a few days ago and reported Mr. Myers apparently in his usual vigorous health.  His son, Pearl Myers left immediately for Colorado and was expected to reach there some time today.

The body is to be sent to the Summers & Son Funeral Home and will arrive probably Saturday or Sunday.  Funeral arrangements are to be announced later.  Burial is to be made in Maple Hills cemetery by the side of his wife.

Mr. Myers was born on a farm near Greensburg, Mo., a son of C. H. and Berilla Maggard Myers, and grew to manhood there.  He learned to carpenter’s trade and worked at it a number of years.  In 1888 he and his brother, James, were planning to enter the hardware business together at Baring when a storm killed his partner.  Mr. Myers, undaunted, went ahead in the hardware store for some time and then entered a dry goods firm at Green City, Mo.

He then returned to Baring where he and his father opened the Baring Exchange Bank.  When that banking house was sold, Mr. Myers went to Brashear and engaged in the banking business for several years, following which he went to Parsons, Kan.  He came to Kirksville about 20 years ago and lived in retirement for several years before the Commercial State Bank was organized with him as president.  The bank closed in 1928 and the Myers family won the esteem of the community by paying 100 cents on the dollar to depositors, at great personal sacrifice.

He went to Colorado about two years ago.

Mr. Myers was married in January, 1885 to Minerva Symmonds and two children were born to them.  Mrs. Myers died about a year ago.

Besides the children, Mr. Myers is survived by a sister, Mrs. George Wells, of Greensburg.


Death of John W. Myers

John W. Myers died at his home in Tobin Township in this county on Wednesday night, April 8, 1908.  Deceased, while at the dinner table, was stricken with paralysis, he never speaking afterwards.

He was born in Pendleton County, Ky., April 23, 1833, and early in life removed to this county with his parents.  He was a son of Rev. William Myers and Polina T. Myers, both of whom lived to advanced ages.

Deceased when a boy nineteen years old, crossed the plains in 1852 to California in company with his brother William, John Fetters, Robert and Joseph Myers, his half uncles, and Jesse Myers and D. M. Lore.  He returned by way of the ocean to New York City.

He entered into the mercantile business and was at one time a prosperous merchant. 

He has raised a large family, eleven of whom are still alive.  Three live in Washington, one in Oklahoma, one in Illinois, and the others at different points in this state.

He also leaves alone, who will fondly remember him, two brothers, the writer and Dr. James Myers.  He has three sisters and six brothers and his aged parents who have gone before him.  The last years of his life were spent on a farm.

We know him to have possessed a good heart.  He hated corruption in office holders and men of ill-gotten gains.  The God of the universe will pass on his good and bad faults.

He was buried at Edinburg Baptist church, Friday April 10, Rev. Neal, of the Baptist Church, officiated.  His text was, “In Our Father’s House Are Many Mansions.”

God bless the soul of our departed brother.       Lewis Myers

John W. Myers, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 16 Apr 1908, p. 3, col. 7


Former Queen Citian, Joseph Myers, Dead

Joseph E. Myers, 75, former Queen City resident, died in a hospital in Burley, Ida., Wednesday.

The body will arrive at the Dooley Funeral Home in Queen City Monday morning and will remain there until the funeral at the Queen City Lutheran Church at 2:30 Monday.  Rev. Perley M. Lind will conduct the services.  Interment will be in the Queen City cemetery.

He was the son of Joseph W. and Mary (Collins) Myers and was born in Schuyler county in 1877.  He was married to Louise Miller on Dec. 23, 1902, and three children were born to them.  He was preceded in death by his wife, who died in 1913; his parents, four sisters; four brothers; three half-brothers and two half-sisters.

He was married to Minnie Wales in 1917.

He is survived by his wife, of Burley, Ida.; one daughter, Neva, of Spokane, Wash.; two sons, Roscoe, of Seattle, and Joe, Jr., of Shoshone Idaho.


Joseph H. Myers, 79, one of the oldest native-born citizens of the city of Memphis, died at his home 102 South Adams St., Monday night just after midnight at 12:05 a.m. July 16th.



Lancaster Man Died on August 7 At St. Joseph

Lancaster, Mo., Aug. 10, (Special)—Joseph Henry Myers, 73, native of Schuyler County died in the State Hospital at St. Joseph, Mo., at midnight on Aug. 7.

Graveside services will be held in the Queen City Cemetery this afternoon at two o’clock, the Rev. Hollis Bowen, of Queen City, officiating.  The body will lie in state at the Fenton Funeral Home until departure for the Queen City Cemetery.

Mr. Myers was the son of S. W. and Margaret (Courtright) Myers and was born in Schuyler County, Mo., on Oct. 14, 1873.  He was married in 1896 to Edna Haynes in Schuyler County.  One daughter, Hilda, was born, who died about seven years ago.

He is survived by one brother, Edward, of Queen City; and three sisters, Mrs. Maude Sloop, of Queen city, Mrs. Minnie Shirley, of Medford, Ore., and Mrs. Ida Knittle, of this city.

Two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Bennett and Mrs. Alley Ruggle, and one brother, Charles, have preceded him in death.

Joseph Henry Myers, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 10 Aug 1947, p. 5, col. 1 & 2, Sunday



Passed Away Unexpectedly at a Kirksville Hospital Tuesday

Mrs. Chas. B. Myers died unexpectedly at a Kirksville hospital Tuesday morning at 5:45 o’clock.

Mrs. Myers went to the hospital on Tuesday, Sept. 17, for examination and treatment and was reported to be convalescing satisfactorily until a few minutes before her death, which is said to have been caused by the forming of a blood clot.  As her death was unexpected, it was a great shock to the relatives and many friends of the family in Memphis and Scotland county.

Funeral services are to be held at the Methodist church in Memphis this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock and will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. L. K. Armentrout.  A quartette composed of J. J. Zumsteg, Fie Oliver, John J. Wiegner and Harry Taylor will sing.  Interment will be in the Memphis cemetery.

The pall bearers chosen to serve at the funeral tomorrow are S. C. Adams, C. C. McQuoid, Dr. O. R. Garrett, A. L. Luther, Vaughn Gleason and Orville Frogge.

Mrs. Myers was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Smith of Rutledge.  She was born and reared in Scotland county.  Her home was near Rutledge until her marriage to Dr. Chas. B. Myers and since then she has been a resident of Memphis.

In addition to the husband and parents, she leaves one six-year old daughter, Maurine, and the following brothers and sisters: Parker H. Smith, Chicago; Arlis F. Smith, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Walter S. McPherson, Memphis; Mrs. R. H. Bertram, Kirksville, and Mrs. Hubert Dietrich, Arbela.

Mrs. Myers maiden name was Lola Smith.  She was born in Scotland county, January 6, 1898, and was married to Dr. Myers at Kirksville, Mo., July 19, 1924.  She had been in poor health for the past few months.

Mrs. Myers was an active, helpful member of the Memphis Methodist church and of Carter Chapter 107, O. E. S.  She was Matron of the Chapter from January, 1931, to January, 1932.  She was a willing worker in the activities of her church and lodge and a woman highly respected in the community.




Mrs. Lola Maxine Myers passed away at the Grim-Smith hospital at Kirksville, September 24, 1935, at 5:45 a.m.  She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith, and was born near Rutledge, Missouri, in Scotland County January 6, 1898.  She was 37 years, 8 months and 18 days old.

The deceased was united in marriage to Dr. C. B. Myers of Memphis, July 19, 1924.  To this union was given one daughter, little Maurine Elizabeth Myers, who survives the passing of her mother.

The deceased is survived by her husband, Dr. C. B. Myers of Memphis, three sisters, Mrs. Walter McPherson of Memphis, Mrs. R. H. Bertram of Kirksville, and Mrs. Hubert Dieterich of Arbela; two brothers, Parker H. Smith of Chicago, Ill., Arlis F. Smtth [sic] of Cleveland, Ohio; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith of Rutledge.  Her neighbors and friends are many, because she was most amiable, pleasant and agreeable in disposition and character with her acquaintances.

Mrs. Myers was past matron of the Memphis Order of Eastern Star Carter Chapter No. 107, and prominent in the contemporary social circles of this chapter.

She was equally prominent and dearly beloved in the feliwship [sic] of the Memphis Mehodist [sic] Church with which she has been affiliated and in which she has been most active and loyal.  She made the profession of the Christian faith during her childhood days and joined the Methodist Church of Rutledge, Missouri, and when she moved to Memphis in 1924 she transferred her membership to our church.  Her amiable fellowship has been enriching to our church circles and most agreeable in all the societies of our church organizations.  And now, that she has gone, the sunshine of that eternal day gleams through the veil of our humanity, we may sing with Tennyson that beautiful hymn of Crossing the Bar.

Sunset and evening star.,

     And one clear call for me,

And may there be

     No moaning at the bar

When I put out to sea.

For though from out our bourne

     Of time and place

The flood may bear me far,

     I hope to see my pilot—

Face to face,

     When I have crossed the Bar.



Was Town’s First Gold Star Mother In Two Wars.

Mrs. Mary Myers, 66 years old, died this morning at 10:25 o’clock at her home at Browning, Mo., as the result of a paralytic stroke which she suffered Monday night.  She had returned home only last week from a Kirksville hospital where she had been under treatment a few days.

Funeral plans had not been completed today, pending word from daughters in Arizona.

Mrs. Myers was the first Gold Star mother in Browning in both World War I and World War II.  A son, Claude H. Myers, was fatally wounded at Coulemells, France June 9, 1918, by a shell fragment.  Another son, Gernie T. Myers, storekeeper first class on the U. S. S. Arizona, was killed at Pearl Harbor last Dec. 7 when the Japanese launched the war against the United States.

A third son, Berney F. Myers, was killed by lightning in 1914 at the age of fifteen and a daughter, Mrs. William J. Wood, has not been heard from since World War I, in which she was believed to have been an Army nurse overseas.

He husband, Andrew W. Myers died in 1940.

Surviving are four daughters one of whom is Mrs. Paul J. of Kirksville.

Myers, Mary, Kirksville Daily Express 28 Oct 1942, p. 1, col. 8, Wednesday,



Funeral Rites To Be Held Thursday At Funeral Home

Mrs. William Roy (Mary Elva) Myers, 55, of Kankakee, Ill., died Tuesday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Lowe, southeast of Kirksville.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Thursday morning at 10:30 conducted by Rev. W. R. Kornegay, pastor of the Nazarene Church.  Interment will be in La Plata Cemetery.

Mrs. Myers was the daughter of Levi Douglas and Mary Martha (Billiter) Thompson and was born in Adair County, Mo., Feb. 24, 1892.  In 1907 she was married to George J. Bragg and to this marriage two daughters were born.
In 1927 at Independence, Mo., she was married to William Roy Myers.

She is survived by her husband, daughters, Mrs. Finas (Ruby) Steele, Novelty, Mo., and Mrs. Harry (Fern) Grow, La Plata, Mo.; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Croy, Aberdeen, Wash., and Mrs. Henry Lowe, Kirksville; grandson, Clinton Steele and several nieces and nephews.

One brother, Douglas, and one sister, Sarah, preceded her in death.

Mrs. Myers was a member of the Methodist Church.  The early part of her life was spent in Adair County. The past five years she has lived in Kankakee, Ill.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

The pallbearers will be: Leon, Odis, Clarion and Delbert Thompson, Donald Lee Wood and Clarence Hodge.

Myers, Mary Elva, Kirksville Daily Express, 20 Aug 1947, p. 7, col. 1-3, Wednesday, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Suffered a Heart Attack Saturday; Resident Here 25 Years.

Mrs. Nancy Ellen Myers, wife of W. T. Myers, died at her home at 1005 North Franklin Street this morning at 11 o’clock.

Death was attributed to a heart ailment.  She was bedfast about six months last year but her last attack began only last Saturday.

Funeral arrangements had not been made this afternoon, pending arrival of her son, Edwin, from Webster Groves, Mo., tonight.  The body is lying in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Mrs. Myers, nee Nancy Ellen Faucett, was born in Indiana.  She and Mr. Myers came to Kirksville about twenty-five years ago from New Boston, Ill.

Surviving her, in addition to the son, who was art teacher at the High School here before going to Webster Groves several years ago, is one grandchild, her husband, and two sisters, Mrs. J. F. Appleton, Keokuk, Ia., and Mrs. Mary Garges, Kirksville.  Mrs. Appleton came Monday to be with Mrs. Myers.


Mrs. J. M. Myers Dies at Willmathsville

Queen City, June 7. (Special to The Daily Express) Funeral services were held at 2:30 o’clock this afternon [sic] at the Willmathsville Church for Mrs. Nancy Jane Myers, who died Saturday night at her home near Willmathsville.  The Rev. P. M. Lind, of Queen City, conducted the services and interment was made beside her husband in the Willmathsville Cemetery.  She joined the Christian Church, 22 years ago at a service conducted by the Rev. Mr. Lind.

Mrs. Myers was born July 13, 1868, at Henry County, Ill., the daughter of August and Polly Bereman.  In 1880, she moved with her parents to Schuyler County.  She was married to John M. Myers April 17, 1895.  Five children were born to this union, all of whom survive.  Mrs. Myers’ husband preceded her in death, May 17, 1937.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Guffie Yantis, of Conrad, Ia., and Mrs. Emma Riley, of Queen City; three sons, Curtis Myers, at home, and Harry and Lynn Myers, of Greentop; four brothers, Dr. Fred Bereman, of Rogers, Ark.; T. E. Bereman, of Jane, Mo.; Dr. John W. Bereman, of Excelsior Springs, and Dr. Harry Bereman, of Tampa, Fla.; 16 grandchildren and one great grandchild.



Succumbs of Heart Attack at Home; Was 66 Years Old

Orville M. Myers, Kirksville’s oldest shoe dealer and known over Northeast Missouri, died this morning about 7:15 of a heart attack at his home, 411 E. Harrison street.  He had been in poor health for several years, but remained active in business until a few weeks ago.  He was 66 years old.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the First Baptist Church, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, and interment will be in Llewellyn cemetery.

Mr. Myers was born Feb. 12, 1885, near Greensburg, in Scotland county, the son of James Thomas and Laura E. (Frogge) Myers.  He was married to Frances Deaver, June 28, 1911, at her home in Paris, Mo., and four children were born to the union.  Two children died in infancy.

He leaves his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Helen Jeffries, now in Kirksville, and one son, Paul, of Cincinnati, O., one grandson, his mother, Mrs. Laura Myers and his brother, Edgar Myers, the other member of the firm of Myers Brothers.

Mr. Myers was active in civic and religious life of Kirksville for more than forty years.  He served as superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school and as a deacon of the church for many years.  He was a past-president of the Kirksville Rotary Club, a member of A.F.&A.M. Lodge 366, and also served as a member of the advisory board of the Salvation Army.  Besides these duties he took part in practically every civic activity designed to improve Kirksville.  The firm was established in 1908.

The body will lie in state at the Randolph Davis Funeral Home, 202 East Washington street, until the hour for the service.



Carpenter Had Been Ill Several Years; Funeral Today.

Oty A. Myers, 58-year-old Kirksville resident, died Friday evening at 8 o’clock at his home, 12 16 East Pierce Street.  Death was attributed to a heart attack.  Mr. Myers had been in ill health for a number of years and had been confined to his home since September.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, where the body will lie in state until that time.  Burial will be at Highland Park Cemetery.  The Rev. Joseph W. Thompson will be in charge of the services.

Pall bearers will be Keith Leavitt, Dale Morton, Wesley Smith, Clayton McClelland, Melvin Fountain and Gerald De Vore.

Mr. Myers had been a carpenter and contractor in Kirksville, but ill health had forced him to discontinue this work.  He had worked at his own cabinet shop at 1216 East Pierce Street until this fall.

 He was born May 5, 1881 in Kirksville, the son of Hiram K. and Miranda Funk Myers.  He married Miss Enola B. McClelland on May 15, 1912.

Mr. Myers is survived by his wife, three children, Miss Virginia K. Myers, a teacher at Martinsburg, Mo.; and Miss Aileen and Alvoid Myers, twins who are attending the Teachers College here; one sister and two aunts, Miss Maude K. Myers, Miss Lissie Funk and Mrs. T. E. Sublette, all of 516 East Jefferson Street.

Mr. Myers was a member of the Baptist Church at Gower, Mo., were he spent some time as a young man.  He was a Past Noble Grand of Adair Lodge of I. O. O. F.



Funeral Held This Afternoon at LaPlata Baptist Church.

La Plata, July 13 (Special)—Mrs. John W. Myers died at the home of her son, Roy Myers, in La Plata Monday evening about eleven o’clock.  She had been ill for the past three days with obstruction of the bowels.

Ruth Goldsby Myers was born December 15, 1852, in Dennison, Ill.  She moved to Missouri when two years old and has lived in Macon, County about twenty years.  She was the daughter of Jacob Goldsby and Maria Little.  She was married December 7, 1873, to John W. Myers, in Adair County.  Mr. Mayer [sic] died in 1908.

Those who survive are: Mrs. Anna Bewley of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Bertha L. Thompson of Memphis, Mrs. Pauline Jones of Albela, Mrs. Merle Pederson of Chicago, W. E. Myers of West Baden, Ind., John Grover Myers of Seattle, Wash., and Roy Myers of La Plata.  One son preceded her in death; three sisters, Mrs. Cynthia Corsey and Mrs. Miranda Epperson of Wilmathsville [sic] and Mrs. Nancy Shackleton of Brashear and one brother, Andy Goldsby of La Plata.  There are also twelve grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Myers was a member of the Baptist Church in La Plata.

Funeral services were held in the Baptist Church, this afternoon, at 2 o’clock.  Burial was made in the La Plata cemetery.



Had Been Ill at Her Home Here Several Weeks

Mrs. J. O. Myers, who had been ill at her home just south of The Democrat office, 225 South Main street, died Tuesday morning, November 18th, about 10 o’clock.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at the Edinburg Baptist church south of Memphis at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. J. M. Dawkins of Kirksville.  Interment will be in the Edinburg cemetery.

Pall bearers will be Milton Myers, Jay Myers, Lowell Myers, George Davidson Jr., Donald Mount and Wallace Boyer.

Mrs. Myers was taken to Rochester, Minn., by Mr. Myers and their daughter, Mrs. Holland Moore, on Tuesday, October 14.  They were unable to benefit her there, however, and she was brought home on Friday, October 31.  She gradually grew weaker and passed away Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Myers’ maiden name was Scottie Jackson.  She was born and reared in Scotland county and was an active, faithful member of the Baptist church.

For many years she lived south of Memphis and moved to town when Mr. Myers was elected sheriff of Scotland county the first time in 1908.  They moved here January 1, 1909, lived in Memphis four years and then moved back to their farm.  They moved to Memphis again in January, 1929, and Mrs. Myers had lived here since, the past few years in the Dr. W. E. H. Bondurant property, which they purchased about four years ago.

Mrs. Myers was born in Scotland county on March 10, 1872, being 69, years of age.

She was married at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Jackson, southeast of Memphis, on November 29, 1894, to J. O. Myers.  They had two children, one son, William Sterling Myers, died on August 28, 1921.

She is survived by the husband, one daughter, Mrs. Holland Moore of Memphis; one brother, Harve E. Jackson of Rutledge, and two grandchildren, Nancy Moore and Sydney Moore of Memphis.


W. B. Myers, Long Time Memphis Businessman Dies

William Bryan Myers, owner and operator of the W. B. Myers Produce Company here for 48 years, died Friday, February 19, 1971, at 9 a.m. in Scotland County Memorial Hospital.

Mr. Myers, the son of Jim Frank Myers and Mary A. Fetters Myers, was born on a farm nine miles southwest of Memphis October 1, 1897.

At an early age he united with the Edinburg Baptist Church and changed his membership to the First Baptist Church of Memphis, when he moved to Memphis.

Before going into business he attended Chillicothe Business College in 1921. 

William B. Myers was married August 16, 1935 to Florence M. Lindbeck in Des Moines, Iowa.  She preceded him in death in 1957.  To this union two daughters were born; Mrs. Shirley Reeves of Des Moines, Iowa and Mrs. Linda Whalen of Garden Grove, California.

Preceding him in death were his wife, Florence, three brothers; Clarence Myers of Carlyle, Arkansas, John Myers of Baring and Ray Myers of Memphis, three sisters; Mrs. Leta Moffett of Memphis, Mrs. Opal Roberts of Moberly, Missouri, and Mrs. Ethyl Wieland of St. Joseph, Missouri and several nieces and nephews.

Surviving are his daughters, Mrs. Shirley Reeves and his son-in-law, Richard of Des Moines, Iowa and daughter, Mrs. Linda Whalen and son-in-law, James of Garden Grove, California, and seven grandchildren; Kathleen, Sandra, James and David Reeves, all of Des Moines and David, Sherry, and Angela Whalen all of Garden Grove, California, three sisters; Mrs. Iva Henderson of McCook, Nebraska, Mrs. Nellie Rice and Mrs. Fanny Hudnall, both of Memphis.

Memorial services were conducted by Rev. Ernest Deatrick under the direction of D. W. Payne and sons from the First Baptist Church at Memphis on February 22, 1971.  Interment was at Memphis Cemetery on the same date.

Pallbearers were Floyd Wieland, O. R. Garrett, Ezra Dodge, Bill Johnson, Joe Creek, and Howard Mayfield.

William Bryan Myers, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 25 Feb 1971, p. 6, col. 5 & 6



Had Been Making Home With Nephew at Memphis, Mo.

William T. (“Chink”) Myers, former resident of Kirksville, died at 2 o’clock this morning at a local hospital where he had been a patient for the past two months.  Mr. Myers, who was about 87 years of age, had been making his home with a nephew, Wayne Wagner, at Memphis, for the past six years.

Mr. Myers had spent the greater part of his life in Kirksville and formerly lived at 316 E. Harrison Street.  He worked for many years at the Murphy, Mills and Garges Clothing Store which was located on the north side of the square.  Mr. Myers’ wife, the former Nancy Ellen Fawcett, preceded him in death several years ago.

Surviving are a son, Edwin (“Pete”) Myers, former art instructor at the high school and Teachers College here who is now employed at Webster Groves; a grandson, Edwin Myers, Jr., and a sister-in-law, Mrs. A. H. Garges, of 416 S. Bradford Street.

The body will lie in state at the Summers and Powell Funeral Home until the funeral services which will be held there at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.  Interment will be made at Memphis.


Died Yesterday Morning

“Chink” Myers Funeral to be Held at Kirksville Today

William T. “Chink” Myers, former resident of Memphis and brother of the late Mrs. D. Wagner, died at 2 o’clock yesterday morning at a Kirksville hospital where he had been a patient for the past 2 months. Mr. Myers, who was about 87 years of age, had been making his home with a nephew, Wayne Wagner, at Memphis, for the past six years.

Mr. Myers spent the greater part of his life in Kirksville. He worked for many years at the Murphy, Mills & Garges clothing store there. Mr. Myers’ wife, the former Nancy Ellen Fawcett, preceded him in death several years ago.

Surviving is a son, Edwin “Pete” Myers, former art instructor at the high school and Teachers College at Kirksville, now employed at Webster Groves; a grandson, Edwin Myers, Jr., and a sister-in-law, Mrs. A.H. Garges of Kirksville.

Funeral services are being held at Kirksville this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment will be made in Memphis.

William T. “Chink” Myers, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 27 Jan 1944
