
J. J. Allens Hold Dinner Celebrating Sixtieth Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen, well known residents of Adair County, observed their sixtieth wedding anniversary Sunday at their home on South Halliburton street.  A family dinner was held and all of their six children were present except one, Charley Allen, of Kiowa, Kan.

A dinner was served at the noon hour.  The centerpiece for the table was two large angel food cakes.  There was also a three-tiered cake baked by a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Herbert Allen, and a two-tiered cake baked by a granddaughter, Mrs. Gerald Brown.

The day was spent visiting, taking family pictures and listening to music.

John Allen, a son of James and Louisa Allen, and Hannah Smith, daughter of Jefferson and Margaret Chandler Smith, were married in Kirksville by Rev. Mr. Rozell, Feb. 19, 1890.  They lived on a farm in Adair County until two years ago when they moved to Kirksville.  They have twenty-two grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen are enjoying good health.

Those present at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. John Lonberger; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Allen, Glen, Herbert and Johnny; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Allen, Charley, Delores and Jim; Mr. and Mrs. George Ragar, Helne, Evelyn, Allen. Kathleen, Lonnie, Judy and Joyce; Mrs. Will Leavitt and Leila; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brown and Judy Kay; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leavitt and Vickie; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knott and Karolyn Kay; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Klingsmith and Rickey; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lonberger and Sammy, and Mrs. Mary Isley.

Afternoon visitors were Mrs. Nettie Matlick, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wade. Paul and Walter Straight, Russell Darnel and Dean McClanahan.


Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Alspach, of Browning, recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home.  Four generations of the Alspach family were present.

Alspach Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 03 Jan 1938, p. 4, col. 3, Milan Items, Monday



On Sunday, May 3, 1931 a delightful surprise was given at the home of John T. Aylward, the occasion being the 46th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Aylward.

The surprise which was complete was cleverly planned and carried out.  Preparations being made to entertain the W. Harve Mankopf family at dinner as they soon leave for their new home Ellensburg, Washington, but neither Mr. and Mrs. Aylward were expecting anyone else when other neighbors and friends began to arrive, each bringing well filled baskets of dinner.  The long table was loaded down with the splendid dinner which was served cafeteria style and to which all did ample justice.

The day was ideal and was thoroughly enjoyed by all present, being spent in conversation and game playing.

The couple were presented with a number of beautiful presents and lovely flowers.

John T. Aylward and Miss Dora F. Adams were married May 3, 1885 at the home of the late Mr.  and Mrs. Wm. Smith near Lawn Ridge by the late Rev. T. A. Renfro.  Their home has been in Scotland County all the time except a few months at a time when they lived in Oregon and Washington.

Those present to enjoy the day were:

W. H. Mankopf, wife and son, Joe, Karl Schenk, wife and three sons, H. H. Schenk, Commodore Webster and wife, George Davidson wife and son, Junior, W. Frank Adams and wife, Mrs. Francis Thorrington, Earl Speagh and wife, son Hugh and daughter Maurine, John F. Roberts and wife and three children, Lucille, Elmer and Ernest, Mrs. Emily Storer, N. E. Bounds and wife, Glen, Rosetta and John Martin, Anna Mae Hauk, W. A. Franklin and wife and Ed. Noble and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Aylward and family.

Evening visitors were Mrs. Francis H. West and son, Virgil, of Carthage, Ill., and Miss Helen Harle of Memphis.

All departed late in the evening after having a delightful day.



Mr. and Mrs. Marion Aylward celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday at their home one mile west of Memphis.  They were married 50 years ago October 27, near Memphis by Rev. Stoffer, a Methodist minister.  All the children were present except two daughters Mrs. Harry Crabbs of Enid, Oklahoma and Mrs. W. E. Stoner of Oklahoma City and one son, Lloyd, who was called to Chicago Saturday night on business.  The following were present:

O. E. Cunningham, wife and daughter, Shirley, Brainerd Billups and wife, Parley Rudy and wife, Walter Rugh, wife and son, Eugene. Emil Rugh, wife and sons, Vance and Vern, Roy Aylward and wife, Ernest McDaniel, wife and children, Madeline and Dale, Robert Enness, wife and daughters, Margaret Ellen and Roberta, John Aylward, wife Jesse Aylward and wife, Loren Shelly, wife and sons, Clave and Donald Willis. Rev. Custer, wife and daughters, Mabel and Vena of Granger, Otis Adams and wife, Mrs. Rachel Cunningham, Jim Garrett and wife.

It being an ideal day dinner was served out doors cafeteria style.  All departed at a late hour wishing Mr. and Mrs. Aylward many more happy wedding anniversaries.


Bargers Celebrate 50th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Barger celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, yesterday at their home, 409 N. Main street.  More than one hundred relatives and friends attended.

The rooms were decorated with white wedding bells that were used at Mrs. Barger’s parents golden wedding anniversary.  The table was attractive with a four tier wedding cake presented by Mr. and Mrs. Barger’s children, and a two-tier cake presented by Mrs. Leo Estle and Mrs. Bill Snyder, nieces.  Mrs. Dan W. Barger presented them with a beautiful cocoanut [sic] cake.

The dishes that were used were wedding presents of Mr. and Mrs. Barger.

Ice cream, cake, coffee, and punch were served throughout the afternoon.  Music was furnished by Dr. Grover Stukey.

Several persons who attended Mr. and Mrs. Barger’s wedding fifty years ago were present yesterday.

Barger Anniversary, Kirksville Daily Express, 30 Dec 1947, p. 5, col. 2, Tuesday


Celebrate Golden Wedding Day

A dinner was held Sunday, Nov. 15 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bell, in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary.  Their anniversary was Monday, Nov. 16.  They have made their home for 33 years on a farm seven miles west of Greentop.  Mr. Bell who is 73, and Mrs. Bell, (nee Martha Houston) who is 69 years of age, are both active and in fairly good health.

They have nine children, of whom only the four daughters were able to be present.  They are Mrs. Thelma Sanders and Mrs. Sylvia Sevits both of Kirksville, Route No. 2, Mrs. Anna Buchanan, Greentop RFD 4, and Mrs. Helen Barnett, Queen City.  The sons are Otto Bell, Kansas City; Leo Bell, Trail City, S. D., Cpl. Ross E. Bell, Camp Campbell, Ky.; Gerald Bell and Kenneth Bell both of Detroit, Mich.  They also have 18 grandchildren.

The main center of attraction was the two-tiered cakes which were attractively decorated with miniature brides and grooms.  A lovely dinner was served cafeteria style.  The day was spent in visiting and taking pictures.

Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames Cyrus Sevits and son Wendell, Cleve Adams and sons Winfred and Wayne; Oral Buchanan and daughters Annabell and Martha Frances, Carl Sanders and son Kermit, Herman Barnett and children Joan and Larry, George Miller, John Craig, J. O. Filkins and daughter Wanda.  Herman Craig and daughters June and Bernice, Mrs. Otto Bell and children Wanda Jean and Donald and Mrs. Carla Bell Miller.

Bell Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 20 Nov 1942, p. 4, col. 2, Friday



Every Member of Immediate Family Present at Reunion

The Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Boon was celebrated at their home in Greentop, Sunday, July 23, with every member of the immediate family present.

Mr. and Mrs. Boon were married on July 24, 1889, at Kahoka, Mo.  They lived on a farm near Greentop and in Greentop continuously since November, 1891.  All of the family have been reared and educated in this vicinity.  Not a death has occurred in the family either children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren during these fifty years.

 The anniversary dinner was served at the M. E. Church basement in Greentop, with decorations in gold and white.  A three-tier white and gold cake made the center-piece at the head table.

C. H. Shaffner, of Princeton, Mo., a newphew [sic] of Mr. and Mrs. Boon, acted as master of ceremonies at the dinner.  A purse of fifty dollars was presented by him to Mr. and Mrs. Boon, a gift from their children.

Other gifts included fifty dimes from Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Shaffner, of Princeton; a chenille spread from the grandchildren of the Mollick family; a basket of flowers in gold and white from Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Arnold of Greentop; flowers from M. George Sinead, of Novinger.

All personal calls and greetings from friends during the day were sincerely appreciated by M. and Mrs. Boon.

The occasion was also the thirty-second wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mollick, and the third anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mollick, daughter and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Boon.

The entire family was present.

The six children and their families were: Mabel Mollick and her husband, Herman, of Greentop; Alva Boon and wife, Vada, of Sedalia; Flossie Waddill and husband, Travis, of Kirksville; Mac Boon and wife, Pearl of Macomb, Ill., Robert Boon and wife, Ann, of St. Louis, Dorothy Brown and husband, Dr. D. O. of Auburn, Neb., and the following grandchildren; Lola Sevits and Mr. Sevits, of Novinger; Faye Smith and Mr. Smith, Washington, D. C.; Charles Mollick and wife, of Kirksville; Jean Mollick, of Mediapolis, Ia.; Mabel Feldman and Mr. Feldman, of S. Louis; June Barks and Mr. Barks, Alton, Ill.; James and Betty Waddill, of Kirksville; Doris and Dan Boon, of Sedalia; Ruth Marie and Charles Richard Boon, of Macomb, Ill.; Kathleen Boon, of St. Louis, and Gene Mac Brown, of Auburn, Neb.

The five great-grandchildren were: Billy Sevits, Daniel Smith, Patricia Feldman, Travis Barks, and Julian Mollick.

A niece, Clara Shaffner, and Mr. Shaffner, of Princeton, were also guests.


Branstetters Have 50th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Branstetter of the Morelock neighborhood celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary last Sunday at their home there.

Married in 1897 at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Claybrook, now the Roy Lewis home, the bride fifty years ago was Miss Nora Claybrook.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Billy Capps.

At the golden wedding celebration last Sunday, the table was beautifully decorated with, as a centerpiece, a gold and white, three-tiered cake with golden bells forming the numeral “50.”

Several nice gifts were received by the celebrating couple.

Present at the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lewis; Mr. and Mrs. Verda Luster; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Daniels and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morelock and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Novinger and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luster.


Buford Bulls Observe 50th Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Buford Bull celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, February 14th with visits from members of their families and neighbors.

M. and Mrs. Bull were married February 15, 1921, at the home of the bride’s parents.  They have resided on a farm in the Brock neighborhood their entire happy life.

Gifts and cards were opened, memories discussed and pictures taken.  Refreshments of cake, coffee and punch were served.

Everyone departed wishing them many more happy anniversaries.


Major and Mrs. R. D. Cramer Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary

Half a century is a long time for a husband and wife to plod life’s pathway together.  But few indeed reach and turn the fiftieth milestone in their wedded life.  As a rule one or the other falls by the wayside before the goal is reached.  Major and Mrs. R. D. Cramer of this city, however, are among the favored few.  In anticipation of the event a general invitation was extended their friends through the medium of the press inviting them to attend their golden wedding anniversary on Wednesday, April 25.  The capacious and hospitable home over which Mr. and Mrs. Cramer have presided so long has always been open for the entertainment of their friends—both old and young—hence the anniversary was looked forward to with unusual interest.

Major Robert D. Cramer was born in Fayette County, Ohio, on May 12, 1836.  Later with his parents he moved to Iowa.  He was 26 years of age when he enlisted in the army.  His wife was Miss Sallie M. Gray.  She was a resident of Miami County, Ohio.  They were united in marriage on April 25, 1867, at Piqua, Ohio, and immediately moved to Memphis, arriving here on May 5, 1867, where Mr. Cramer at once entered upon the practice of law—he having previously graduated from the school of law at Ann Arbor, Michigan.  They have three living children—Mrs. E. Teeters of Keokuk, Iowa; Mrs. Ada B. Scott of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Robert O. Cramer of Princeton, British Columbia.

The two daughters were present to assist their parents in the entertainment of their guests.  The son was prevented from being present on account of pressing business matters at home.  Over 150 guests registered during the afternoon and evening.  The home was beautifully decorated and the happy couple were the recipients of hearty congratulations from all present and many letters and telegrams were received from distant friends and relatives.  The guests were ushered into the dining room where dainty refreshments were served.

Many handsome and valuable presents were received and displayed on a table upstairs where everybody could inspect them.

At a late hour the guests took leave of the bride and groom—each expressing the hope that they might live many years longer to enjoy the company of children, relatives and friends.

The out-of-town guests were, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gray of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. George L. Scott and son, Philip, of Minneapolis, Minnesota; Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Teeters of Keokuk, and Robert Cramer of Des Moines, Iowa.

“As unto the bow the cord is,

So unto the man is woman.

Though she bends him, she obeys him,

Though she draws him, yet she follows,

Useless each without the other.”

Cramer Anniversary, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 3 May 1917, p.1, col.5 & 6


H. O. Davis’ To Park 56th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Davis of Milton will observe their 56th wedding anniversary (today), Thursday, Nov. 7.

Nellie D. Parsons, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Parsons of north of Lebanon, and H. O. Davis, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cass Davis of north of Milton, were married on Nov. 7 at the Methodist parsonage in Keosauqua.  They began housekeeping north of Milton where Mr. Davis engaged in farming.  Later he worked for 18 years at Morrells on construction and then held other various employment.  They moved into Milton in 1958.

They are the parents of four children, Mrs. Alverta Hansen of Boise, Idaho; Mrs. Louetha George of East Moline, Ill.; Carl LeRoy Davis of Pason, Utah and Richard Davis of Salt Lake City, Utah.  Also two sons who are deceased.

They have eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.  Mr. and Mrs. Davis do not have good health.



Wedding and Golden Wedding Anniversary Observed

A wedding fete of double significance—celebrating the beginning of one marriage and golden anniversary of another—was held yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eiffert, of the Willmathsville vicinity.

A dinner was served in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Eiffert, of near Willmathsville, who were married 50 years ago today, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brenizer, who were married Saturday by the Rev. P. M. Lind, of Queen City.  Mrs. Brenizer is the former Miss Wilma Eiffert, of Willmathsville.

The centerpiece for the table was an angel food cake with candles at each side.  The candles were lighted by Mabel Eiffert, granddaughter of the golden wedding couple.  Prayer was given by Leo Brenizer, of Queen City, father of the new bridegroom.

Fifty-four persons attended the fete, including the six sons and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Eiffert.

Mr. Eiffert is 80 years old and his wife 70.  He was born in 1857 near Highland, Ill., and went to Schuyler County when six years of age.  Mrs. Eiffert nee Nancy Ella Thomas, was born in Schuyler County.  They were married in Lancaster, Jan. 3, 1888, and have spent their entire wedded life in Schuyler County.

Mr. and Mrs. Eiffert have enjoyed splendid health throughout their lives.

They are parents of eight children.  The six living  are: Harry, Lee, Orville and Sylvia Eiffert, Willmathsville; Omer Eiffert, Memphis, Mo., and Mrs. Boyd Crow, of Queen City.  There are 21 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.

Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brenizer, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Prough and son Max, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Minor Martin and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eiffert and daughter Ella Maron and son Merle, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Eiffert and daughter Avalee, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Eiffert and daughters Mabel and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. George Eiffert, Mrs. Arneta Eiffert and sons George and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eiffert and daughter Emogene and sons Leon and Howard, Mr. and Mrs. George Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lovecamp and sons Ivan Lee, Olin and Carl, and daughter Reba. 

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brenizer, Mr. and Mrs. Perley Van Meter and son Paul; Ernest, Leo and Carl Eiffert, Lincoln Harbert, Walter Aldridge, Sylvia Eiffert, Mabel and Hilda Harbert and Bill Eiffert.

Eiffert Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 03 Jan 1938, p. 3, col. 6


To celebrate 50th anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fogle of Downing, Mo., will be celebrating their 50th wedding Anniversary September 23rd.

Chas. Fogle, son of the late Wm. and Alice (Pindell) Fogle and Vada Miller, daughter of the late Henry and Myrtle (Green) Miller were united in marriage at the farm home of the bride’s parents, southwest of Downing, September 22, 1923.  They were united in marriage by Bro. A. J. McClees of Kahoka, Mo., who was pastor of the Coffey Church.

A reception will be held at their home in Downing, Mo., Sunday, September 23rd, from two until four o’clock.  They invite all their friends and relatives to come and help them celebrate this occasion.  They request, please no gifts.

Fogle Anniversary, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 13 Sep 1973, p.6, col.1 & 2


To Mark 65th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foster of Moberly will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary Sept. 18, Mr. and Mrs. Foster lived in Kirksville for several years.

Foster Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 8 Sep 1952, p.4, col.8


To observe 64th anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph French will quietly observe their sixty-fourth wedding anniversary on September 15th at 321 East Jackson Street.

French Anniversary, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 13 Sep 1973, p.6, col.4


R. M. Fugates Observe 62nd Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. R. M., Fugate, of Greentop, celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary at their home Sunday.  Four of their five children were present for the occasion.  One son, Harold, of Marshalltown, Iowa, was unable to be present.

Mr. Fugate is 83 and Mrs. Fugate is 78.  They have been in excellent health until this winter when Mr. Fugate has been quite ill most of the time.

They lived in Sublette for 28 years before moving to Greentop two years ago.

They have four sons, Ora, of Greentop; Glen, of Memphis; Bill, of Brookfield, and Harold, of Marshalltown, Iowa, and one daughter, Mrs. Ira Pierce, of Greentop.

Fugate Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 16 Jan 1950, p. 3, col. 2, Monday


Mr. and Mrs. Guiles Have Golden Wedding

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Guiles celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, March 7, at their home in Greencastle.  Their three sons were all able to be with them for the event.  Mr. and Mrs. Guiles were married in Greencastle by the Rev. Mr. Britten, March 1, 1898.  They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Green, who now live in Plainview, Texas.  Their life has been spent in and near Greencastle.  They lived for 32 years on their farm about 2 ½ miles southwest of Greencastle leaving it last year to retire to their home here.

A turkey dinner was served at the noon hour to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll G. Guiles, of Boise, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guiles, of Eldora, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiles and son Edwin, of Greencastle; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mairs and son, David; Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Guiles, of Eldora, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lueders, of Granite City, Ill.; F. A. Guiles, of Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. G. E. Guiles, of Greencastle; Mr. and Mrs. Alva Young and daughter, of Lucerne, Mo., and the honorees, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Guiles.


Former Residents Have 50th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Harris, of Houston, Texas, who lived in Kirksville for 30 years and moved to Houston ten years ago, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home in Houston Sept. 11.  The occasion was a formal affair, according to word received here, with Mrs. Harris and her six attendants in evening dress and each wearing an orchid corsage.

A large number of friends and relatives greeted the couple and extended congratulations.  Many other greetings were received through the mail.

A large three-tier wedding cake was served.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris have two children, Mrs. O. R. LePere and Edwin Eugene Harris, and three grandchildren, Roger H., Donald M., and Gerald B. LePere.  Two of the grandsons are studying medicine and the other is studying for the ministry.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris left Kirksville to be near their son and daughter, and built a new home in the same block as their daughter’s home.


Several persons from here attended the silver wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Henry near Novelty on Jan. 8.  Mr. and Mrs. Henry held open house in the afternoon.

Henry Anniversary, Kirksville Daily Express, 15 Jan 1950, p. 7, col. 3 & 4, Hurdland Items, Sunday


Celebrate 45th Wedding Anniversary Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Creek entertained Sunday, February 5th, honoring the wedding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hibbet and Mr. and Mrs. Fletch Koontz.

Mr. and Mrs. Hibbet were married 45 years ago, Feb. 9th, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.  Shortly after their marriage, they moved to their present home west of Memphis, which they had purchased from the late Grant Israel.

Mr. and Mrs. Koontz are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary Valentine’s Day.  They were married 50 years ago Feb. 14th, at Douds, Iowa.  They lived in Iowa until they moved to Memphis in 1944.

Other invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Creek and Mrs. Annabelle Creek.

Hibbet Anniversary, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 9 Feb 1956


Rev. and Mrs. F. L. Hudson left Saturday for Gibson, Tenn., to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hudson, July 15.  A family reunion was planned.  A brother, Z. A. Hudson, of Graham, Texas, came Friday and accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Hudson to Tennessee.

Hudson Anniversary, Kirksville Daily Express, 19 Jul 1951, p. 9, col. 2, LaPlata Items, Thursday



Reception Held Yesterday Afternoon in Methodist Church.

The Methodist Church sponsored a reception in the church parlors Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 o’clock in honor of the 58th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hunsaker.  Mr. and Mrs. Hunsaker are the oldest married couple of the Methodist Church, having been members for more than one-half century.  They have spent practically all their married life in Kirksville.

About 80 friends and relatives were present yesterday to witness Mr. and Mrs. Hunsaker renew their pledge of marriage.  The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. Fred P. Hanes, before an improvised altar which was decorated with ferns, spring flowers and candelabara [sic].  Mrs. Hunsaker was lovely in a pink floor-length dress and wore a corsage of gardenias.  Mr. Hunsaker had a rose boutonniere.  Mrs. Ross Allen played Lohengrin’s Wedding March.  The couple was attended by their children and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hunsaker, of Kansas City, Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. Gail Hunsaker and children Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hunsaker, of Webster Groves.  Preceding the ceremony Mrs. W. T. Reeves sang “I Love You Truly,” and “O. Promise Me.”

Mrs. Hunsaker cut the first piece of the three-tiered wedding cake which was served by Mrs. John Beaty.  Mesdames S. A. Rear, N. H. Baum, and Bertram, members of Mrs. Hunsaker’s Sunday School Class, poured.  Mrs. Cecil Darr was in charge of the guest register.

One granddaughter, Miss Patricia Hunsaker, of Kansas City, and two great-grandchildren, Gail and Barbara Hunsaker, of Webster Groves, were unable to be present.

W. E. Hunsaker and Cora C. Cater were married March 18, 1888, in Knox County, Mo., by her father, the late Rev. E. B. Cater.  They moved to Kirksville in 1889.  Mr. Hunsaker worked for a short time for L. C. Siegler, grocer on the north side of the square where the J. C. Penney Store is now located.  They spent one year in Fort Worth, Texas, and then returned to Kirksville and he worked for the B. F. Lamkin Dry Goods Company for several years.  They then went to Knox City, Mo., where he engaged in business for four years.  He sold out his business there and returned to Kirksville and went to work for the Thompson, Porter & Wren Dry Goods company.  Later M. P. Thompson and Mr. Hunsaker each bought-one-third interest in the Brewington Dry Goods Company.  A few years later Thompson and Hunsaker bought the the [sic] Brewington interest and started the firm of Thompson & Hunsaker Dry Goods Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Hunsaker have always been active members of the Methodist Church and all their church life have had some office on the official church board.  It would be hard to find two people who have spent more than fifty years in church work that have been more loyal than they.  They are still active in church work, seldom missing Sunday School and the preaching service.  Mr. Hunsaker, although 84 years old, still attends choir rehearsal and Sunday usually finds him in his place in the choir.


W. E. Hunsakers Mark 61st Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hunsaker, well known residents of Kirksville who live at 401 E. Scott street, celebrated their sixty-first wedding anniversary Friday.  Because of illness in the family, the Hunsakers’ two sons, Eugene Hunsaker and family, of Kansas City, and Gail Hunsaker and family of Webster Groves, were unable to be present for the celebration.

Guests in the Hunsaker home this week were Mrs. W. F. Cater, of Moberly, sister-in-law of Mrs. Hunsaker, and two nieces, Mrs. Marvin Johnson, of Sherburn, Minn., and Mrs. Archie Lewis and Mr. Lewis, of Rushville.

Mr. and Mrs. Hunsaker were married March 18, 1888, in Knox County by her father, the late Rev. E. B. Cater.  They moved to Kirksville in 1889 and with the exception of a brief period have lived here since that time.  Mr. Hunsaker has been engaged in various businesses including the dry goods and grocery establishments.  They have been active members in the Methodist Church during their entire residence here.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Hunsaker are in fairly good health.  Mr. Hunsaker has been unable to get down town for the past eight weeks, but Mrs. Hunsaker was downtown yesterday assisting with a rummage sale.



Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hyde entertained about forty of their friends and neighbors at their home 4 ½ miles northeast of Memhpis [sic] on Monday evening, November [October] 19.  The occasion was that of their first wedding anniversary.

Mrs. Hyde served a delightful three-course luncheon which left nothing to be desired in the way of refreshments.  Many of the guests enjoyed a lively time playing rook.  A musical treat was also provided in the way of piano selections.  All those present most heartily wish Mr. and Mrs. Hyde many happy wedding anniversaries.

Following is a partial list of the guests:  Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Cunningham and daughter Shirley, Mrs. [sic] and Mrs. Lewis T. Pitzer and son George, B. F. Boise and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Riebel, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Speagh and family, Mark Englehart and family, Frank Wishart and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phinney and son Virgil, C. F. Austin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Commodore Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rudy and son Parley.


Harry Kings Observe Fiftieth Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Harry King of 800 North Davis Street will have been married fifty years tomorrow.  It had been planned to have a dinner and celebration today in honor of the occasion, but because of sickness in their family, it has been postponed until a later date.

Mr. and Mrs. King, who have been living on their farm northeast of Milan, are spending the winter in Kirksville with their daughter, Miss Elizabeth King, secretary to B. L. Bonfoey.

Mr. King, who was 76 years old yesterday, was born in Luxemburg, Germany.  He came to the United States when he was 19 years of age, coming directly to La Plata, Mo.  He worked around La Plata and Kirksville for awhile [sic] and then went to Green City and later to Milan.  He has lived most of his life in the vicinity of Green City and Milan.  He was married to Miss Josephine Struby at the home of her parents near Green City on Feb. 12, 1890.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Fr. O’Riley, of Trenton.

Mr. and Mrs. King are in very good health.  Mrs. King is 69 years of age.  They are the parents of five children as follows: Mrs. Dallas Caldwell, Brookfield, Mo.; John W. King, Milan; Edward B. King, Weston, Mo.; Mrs. Clyde Chapman, Peoria, Ill., and Miss Elizabeth King.


Celebrate 45th Wedding Anniversary Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Creek entertained Sunday, February 5th, honoring the wedding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hibbet and Mr. and Mrs. Fletch Koontz.

Mr. and Mrs. Hibbet were married 45 years ago, Feb. 9th, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.  Shortly after their marriage, they moved to their present home west of Memphis, which they had purchased from the late Grant Israel.

Mr. and Mrs. Koontz are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary Valentine’s Day.  They were married 50 years ago Feb. 14th, at Douds, Iowa.  They lived in Iowa until they moved to Memphis in 1944.

Other invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Creek and Mrs. Annabelle Creek.

Koontz Anniversary, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 9 Feb 1956


Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lee celebrated their 61st anniversary Dec. 28, at their home.  There are three sons and two daughters, Messrs, Charles, Olin Lee and Mrs. Ethel Steel of St. Paul, Minn., Willie, of Orlean, N. Y., and Mrs. Tressie Tucker, of the home.

Lee Anniversary, Kirksville Daily Express, 02 Jan 1938, p. 2, col. 6, LaPlata Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Leslie McRobert’s To Observe 50th Anniversary

Leslie and Nonnie (Buchanan) McRobert will observe their 50th wedding Anniversary with Open House, August 20th, from 2 – 4:30, at the Downing Methodist Church.

Hosting the event are relatives of the couple.  Friends and relatives are invited to attend.  The couple request no gifts, please.


(Scotland County Marriage License Indexindicates that Leslie L. McRoberts [sic] married Nonnie Jewel Buchanan 30 Sep 1922)


Clint Myers’ to Mark Fiftieth Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Clint Myers of Novinger, former residents of Kirksville, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, Dec. 21, with an open house at their home from two until five o’clock.  All friends and relatives are invited to attend.

Dalie L. Doze, daughter of Job and Mary Doze, and Clint E. Myers, son of George and Rachel Ann Myers, were united in marriage at the Doze home in Green Castle.  The Rev. Jacob Myers performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate families.

Mr. and Mrs. Myers are life-long residents of Adair county and are well known.  Mr. Myers was a coal miner for 20 years and until four years ago he was the caretaker for the Forest and Llewellyn cemeteries in Kirksville.  The Myers’ lived in Kirksville until four years ago when they moved to Novinger to be closer to their children.

They have three children, Mrs. Gay (Greta) Kolberg, of Eau Claire, Mich.; Mrs. Garnett (Audrea Lee) Lyons, of Kirksville route two, and a son, Ross Myers, of Novinger.  They have five grandchildren.

Myers Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 15 Dec 1952, p. 8, col. 7 & 8



Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Osborn, who live northwest of Kirksville, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at their home Wednesday.  Mr. Osborn is 84 years of age and Mrs. Osborn is 80 years of age.  Both were in good health until recently when Mrs. Osborn suffered a foot infection after running a nail in her foot. 

The Osborns were married May 26, 1883, at Shibley’s Point by Jacob Shibley.  Mrs. Osborn was the former Mary J. Sanders before her marriage.  They have lived most of their married life in Adair County.

Mr. and Mrs. Osborn are the parents of six children, Mrs. Everett Purice, Mrs. Charles Childress, Mrs. Pearl Cooley, Mrs. Orry Bradshaw, Mrs. James Hamlin and Claude E. Osborn, all of the vicinity of Kirksville and Mrs. Frank Starr, of near Kansas City.  They have 26 grandchildren.  With the exception of their daughter, Mrs. Starr, and their son, Claude, all of the children helped their parents to celebrate their anniversary.



Held Open House on Friday; About 50 Persons Present.

Mr. and Mrs. John Propst, possibly married longer than any other couple in Adair County, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary Friday by holding open house at their home, 216 E. McPherson street, from 2 to 5 p.m.

In spite of the rain and snow about fifty of their friends called to pay their respects and congratulate them on the occasion.  They were assisted in receiving by their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Propst, of Kirksville, and their daughter, Mrs. Quincy R. Wright, of St. Louis.  A lovely white cake with pink frosting was served with tea and coffee.

Mr. Propst was 89 last June and Mrs. Propst was 87 in February this year.  They are exceptionally active for their years and enjoy visiting with their friends.  Mr. Propst makes daily trips down town and Mrs. Propst dies her own shopping and cooking.

Mrs. Propst received her guests in a black dress with a corsage of white gardenias. Mr. Propst wore a neat gray suit with a white boutonniere.  They were the recipients of cards, potted plants, cut flowers and other gifts.

John Propst and Bell M. Voorhies were married in Adair County on March 1, 1881.  They were born and reared in the county and have spent their entire lives here with the exception of a few winters spent in California.  Mr. Propst helped his father on the farm until he was 24 years old, then married and began farming for himself.  His father started him out with eighty acres near the old home place in East Salt River township.  They lived there one year and then he bought part of the old Voorhies place on which his wife was reared.  Later he bought more land and accumulated one of the finest farms in the county.  Several years ago Mr. and Mrs. Propst retired and moved into Kirksville.

Propst Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 03 Mar 1946, p. 5, col. 1 & 2, Sunday


Martin Prough’s Have 60th Anniversary

The sixtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Prough, formerly of Kirksville was observed recently and the Daily News Tribune of Fullerton, Calif., carried the following item and a photo of the couple:

“Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Prough of 634 W. Wilshire are another of those rare couples who have the privilege of celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

Married in Willmathsville, Mo., on January 23, 1891, they lived for a number of years on the farm and then moved to Kirksville, Mo., where he was employed for 30 years by the International Shoe Company.  After his retirement they moved to California and have been residents of Fullerton for the past 14 years.

They have two children, Mrs. L. S. Bergman, of Queen City, Mo., and Fred Prough of Fullerton: three grandchildren, Hershel Bergman, of Queen City, Mo., Mrs. Hardin Covey and Fred Prough, Jr., of Fullerton, and three great-grandchildren, David and Gloria Covey and Linnea Prough, of Fullerton.

A family dinner honored the occasion, with an orchid for Mrs. Prough and a carnation for Mr. Prough.  Many nice gifts, flowers and cards were receiver.”

Prough Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 04 Feb 1951, p. 5, col. 3, Sunday


Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Rampy Celebrate 64th Anniversary

Hurdland, Mo., Feb. 15, (Special)—Thursday, Feb. 12, was the sixty-fourth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Rampy, of Hurdland.  Open house was held throughout the day, and a large number of relatives and friends called to extend congratulations.  Two white cakes were baked for the occasion.

L. P. “Bud” Rampy and Nancy E. Cockrum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Cockrum, were married Feb. 12, 1884, at Palmyra, Missouri.  Three children were born to them, two of whom are living, S. W. Rampy, of Evansville, Ind., and Mrs. Frank (Tommie) Golden, of Kirksville.  Both were present for the occasion.  One son, Pearl, died about ten years ago.

Mr. Rampy, 89, was born in Adams County, Ill., 16 miles east of Quincy and Mrs. Rampy, 86, was born in Knox County, Mo.


W. H. Rays to Mark 50th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ray, of Green Castle, whose 50th wedding anniversary occurs Tuesday, March 13, will observe the occasion Sunday with a family dinner in their home, at which time the entire family will be present.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Ray are natives of Adair county.  Mrs. Ray is the former Alice Harmon.  They were married in Kirksville on March 13, 1901.  The attendants were Jesse and Clara Ray, brother and sister-in-law of Mr. Ray.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray have spent their entire lives in Adair county, having been engaged in farming.  They have lived on their present farm 44 years.  They have always taken an interest in the affairs of the community.  Mrs. Ray is an active member at present of the Community Friendship Club.

They had eight children, seven of whom are living.  One daughter, Dorothy, died at the age of three.  Their children are Mrs. Arlie Moore, Green Castle; Miss Gussie Ray, Quincy, Ill.; Bert, Charles and Hallie Ray, Green Castle; Ross Ray, Carlinville, Ill., and Mrs. Arthur Jackson, Green City.  They have 12 grandchildren.


Quietly Celebrate 62nd Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. William Rhoads, 1011 S. Wabash, quietly celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary at their home here Saturday.  A son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rhoads, of Waterloo, Ia., spent the weekend with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Rhoads are both 84 years old and are in good health, considering their years.  They were married in What Cheer, Ia., on March 22, 1890.  The earlier years of their married life were spent in Iowa but for approximately half a century they have lived in and around Kirksville and Novinger.

They have four other children; Martha Keown, of St. Joseph; Sarah Girotti, of Albuquerque, N. M.; Cecil Rhoads, of Moline, Ill., and James Rhoads of Kirksville.

Rhoads Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 23 Jan 1952, p.6, col.7



Eleven at Wedding Were Present at Golden Anniversary

Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Riebel helped them celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary at their home Sunday afternoon.  More than two hundred people attended.  They were served fruit punch, cookies and mints.

After the crowd had seen the beautiful decorated table, the three lovely cakes were cut and passed.  A Keokuk bakery made the large wedding cake which decorated the center of the table.

They received many beautiful presents and cards.

The afternoon was spent visiting and listening to music on the piano.  Dow Cravens gave a nice talk.

 Those present, who attended the wedding fifty years ago, were Walter Miller, Cantril; Mrs. Anna Drummond, Mrs. Maymie Houk, Mrs. Emma Drummond, Mrs. Rilla Overfield, A. Lee, L. C. and W. F. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Adams and Rhoda Hamilton.



Yarrow Couple Entertains at Open House

Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Sadler celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Sunday at their home in Yarrow.

Refreshments of cake, coffee and mints were served by their daughter, Esther Sadler, of Kirksville, and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Albert Sadler, of Keytesville.  The four-tiered cake, baked by Mrs. Sadler, was served from a lace-covered table with a center-piece of yellow chrysanthemums.

A granddaughter, Kay Sadler, was in charge of the guest book.

Other cakes were baked by a niece, Mrs. Martin Keim, Mrs. Harry Montgomery, Mrs. Carl Tuttle and Esther Sadler.

During the afternoon Mrs. Sadler was surprised by a telephone call from a sister, Mrs. Alice Watkins, in Astoria, Ore.

Guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Daniels; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Wright and sons, Roy Lee and Jerry; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Keim and son, Charles; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seidt and son, Marvin; Mrs. Deloma Thompson and son, Hollis; Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Magers; Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Magers; Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wolf; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Niedermiller; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hill and children, Harry and Patricia; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tuttle and daughter Vauncille; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sullivan; Mrs. Stella Holcroft; Mrs. Wanda Knapp and son, Randolph; Mr. and Mrs. Harley Burriss and daughter, Carolyn; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Roberts; Mrs. Alpha Soupos; Mrs. Mae Montgomery; Mrs. Nettie Taylor; Mrs. Blanche Carroll; Miss Mary Pat Rucher, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sadler and children, Foster and Kay; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Waddill; Mrs. Sadler’s brother, Orin Compton of San Luis Obispo, Calif., called by phone late in the afternoon.

Sadler Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 17 Dec 1952, p. 8, col. 6 & 7


Celebrated Their 20th Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Z. S. Shanes celebrated their Twentieth Wedding Anniversary at their beautiful home 3 miles east of this city, Sunday, Dec. 9.  About 50 guests were present and partook of the elaborate feast prepared for the occasion.  The day was spent in a social way, and at a late hour the guests departed, declaring Mr. and Mrs. Shanes royal entertainers, and wishing them many more such happy events.  Following is a list of presents they received and the names of the ones who gave them:

Dr. T. A. Hays and wife, spoon tray; Tom Williams and wife, spoon tray; I. L. Bounds and wife, J. Meyer and wife, L. P. Shibley and wife, Misses Rose Meyers, Lottie Bounds and Bessie Hawkins, dinner set; J. W. Waters, wife and daughter Nina, cake plate and olive dish; D. G. Coffrin, wife and daughter Coquella, cake basket and pintray; J. W. Shibley and wife, cake plate; Dr. A. H. Mackey, tea set, A. J. Wilmeth, wife and daughter Hattie, jardiniere; Dr. B. H. Edelen and wife, salad dish; J. H. Miller wife and daughter Louella, salad dish and spoon tray; Chas. Kiefer and daughter Cora, salad dish; Grace Murphy and brother, salad dish; Miss Emma Perry and brothers, tea set; W. L. Williamson and wife, jardiniere; John Smith, salad dish, Fred Kiefer and wife, cake plate and salad dish; O. Burcham and wife, bon bon dish and olive dish; John Kiefer and wife, tea set; Thos. Glasgow and wife, salad dish; David Thomas and wife, pitcher; Mrs. Flora Herring, salad dish; Julius Kiefer and sister, salad dish; Perry Williamson, salad dish; Sam Smith and wife, cups and saucers; Lora Kapfer, salad dish.


Silver Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Strait.

A silver wedding anniversary was celebrated and the ladies of the Guild were entertained at the pretty home of W. C. Strait, Thursday, March, the twelfth.  It was the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Strait and the regular meeting day of the Lebanon Presbyterian Guild of which respectable and noble society Mrs. Strait is president.  Therefore the ladies of the society were asked to meet for all day at the Strait home.  The home was arranged in perfect order for a royal good time and it proved to be a profitable day for the Guild.  Mrs. Strait had two quilts in frames ready to quilt, one belonging to the society, the other to a neighbor.  The ladies finished one ready for use, the other can be finished by a few hours work.  Though it was a day of pleasure, the faithful ladies did not forget their church work.  It is a habit with the women when they go for all day to take along something to eat and serve their dinner in picnic-style, but on this occasion they were requested to come as invited guests, so they worked away busily until eleven thirty, when dinner was announced by the ding dong of an old-fashioned dinner bell outside.  They were then summoned to the dining room where a most elaborate and dainty three course dinner was served by the daughters, Goldie, Faye and Chloe, which was prepared by them, superintended by the ever-faithful mother.  Words could not express or do justice to the many good things, the table was not decorated, with the exception of the silver pieces which were presented to the bride and groom, and which looked very pretty indeed.  There were four very beautiful and useful gifts a large cake basket, and a butter dish, creamer and sugar bowl gold lined, other smaller pieces were presented by friends and members of the family.  The Guild presented the cake basket and butter dish, with pretty cards attached, bearing the words, “Presented with love, the Guild.”  When dinner was over the ladies resumed their needlework and their husbands, who were on hand at dinner time, scattered around in bunches here and there for a friendly chat.  The day was an ideal one and the men spent most of the time out of doors and enjoyed inspecting Mr. Strait’s fine, horses, debating on various subjects, such as, the consolidation of schools and other late topics.  They all gathered at the house about the middle of the afternoon and listened to some beautiful piano selections by Miss Mabel Mort.  The day was most enjoyably spent by all present and all declared the host and hostess, royal entertainers and wished for the pleasure of meeting there with them again in the next 25 years.

The company present numbered fifty in all.  The children of the happy couple were all at home, yiz.; Misses Goldie, Faye, Chloe, Mildred, H. and Samuel R., wife and little son, W. C., Jr.  All join in wishing these good people many more happy anniversaries.



Basket Dinner Sunday to Mark 62nd Wedding Anniversary

Relatives, neighbors and friends joined with Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Sykes, of Gibbs, in the celebration of their 62nd wedding anniversary Sunday.

Many were present for the bountiful basket dinner at noon; others called in the afternoon.  Those signing the guest book were:

Mr. and Charles Sykes; Mrs. Tandy Sykes; Mrs. Ed Wilson and daughter, Lucy; Mrs. Harold Schrage and son, Ricky; Gilbert Moore and son, Carl; Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Robinson and four sons; Mr. and Mrs. John Elmore; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Featheringill; Mrs. Malinda Power; Orpha Power; Nora B. Elbert; Allie M. Ross; Mrs. Dan Huston; Mrs. J. E. Houchens; Karen Jean Rogers, all of Gibbs.

Mrs. A. T. Sykes and daughter, Jacquelyn; Rose Sykes; Ora Marie Sykes; Mrs. Harry Daniels; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paul and daughters, Anella and Carilyn; Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Gifford and daughter, Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Peek; Mr. and Mrs. Gail Jacobs and A. R. Caswell, all of Kirksville.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sykes; Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sykes; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sykes and sons, Larry and Dennis; Clarence Sykes; Mr. and Mrs. Carlile Sykes and Michael and Janice, and Mrs. Marie Moore, all of Hurdland.

Mr. and Mrs. Neldo Thayer, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. McGlothlin and daughter, Frances and Miss Theo Hatfield, all of La Plata; Mrs. Bertha Paul, of Sabbath Home; Mr. and Mrs. Ace C. Sykes and daughter, Marilyn; Mr. and Mrs. E. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tuttle, Mrs. Margaret McGlothlin and Jim McGlothlin, all of Ft. Madison, Iowa.



Green City, Jan. 17. (Special)—A number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wade to help celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, Sunday, January 12.

Mr. and Mrs. Wade were married fifty years ago January 11 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Shriver, who lived one half mile south of Harvard, Ia.  They went to housekeeping on a farm two miles north of Harvard and lived on this farm seven years.  While living in Iowa two children, A. W. Wade and his sister, Mrs. Ethel Cunningham, were born.  Mr. and Mrs. Wade moved to a farm seven and one-half miles northwest of Green City and have lived on the same farm ever since.  One son, Ray Wade, was born in Missouri.  The three children and five grandsons were all present, except one grandson, Dale Cunningham, of Peoria, Ill.

A fine cake was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Wade by her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shriver, and son, Gerald Allen.

Those who enjoyed the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. El Wase and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade of Parnell, Ia. George Wade, of Sioux City, Ia., Mrs. Garth Thomas, of North English, Ia., Everett Shriver and son, Murray, of Sewall, Ia., Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shriver and son, Gerald Allen, of Avondale, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wade of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wade and son, Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cunningham.  Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wade received several nice presents.  A lovely dinner was served at the noon hour and all enjoyed the day.


C. F. Watsons to Mark Fiftieth Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Watson, of 902 E. McPherson, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, which will be March 13, on Sunday.  Open house will be held from 2 to 5 p.m.

They were married March 13, 1901 at Brashear by Rev. W. Riley Barnes, a Baptist minister.  Mrs. Watson was Miss Minnie Spangler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Spangler, of the New Zion vicinity east of Bullion.

They lived in the Sabbath Home community about two years before moving to a farm northwest of Gibbs where they lived until they moved to Kirksville about eighteen months ago.

This will be the third golden wedding anniversary to be observed in the Watson families in the past six years.  Mr. and Mrs. Ollie E. Watson celebrated their fiftieth anniversary six years ago and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. (Ancie) Watson celebrated their anniversary four years ago.


Farm Couple Observe 51st Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Williams were pleasantly surprised at their farm home near Green Castle Friday evening, when neighbors and friends came to help them celebrate their 51st wedding anniversary.  The evening was spent playing games.

Refreshments of peaches, cake, doughnuts, coffee and cocoa were served

Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Zeigler and children; Mrs. Bertha Dupree and son, Jerry; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Parmley and children; Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell and son, Larry; Mr. and Mrs. Cloyce Jones and daughter, Phyllis, and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Williams.

Williams Anniversary, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 14 Dec 1952, p. 12, col. 7 & 8


Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Workman Fete 60th Wedding Anniversary

Celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary on Jan. 18, Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Workman, of LaPlata, were honored at a dinner at the home of their daughter, Mrs. F. R. Easley, of Brashear, on Sunday, Jan. 21.  They were married Jan. 18, 1885.

Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Workman purchased a farm five miles northeast of LaPlata which they still own, and where they made their home until about 30 years ago when they moved to LaPlata.  Mr. Workman was a widely known farmer and stockman and was one of the leading cattlemen of this section of the state.

Three children were born to them, Mrs. F. R. Easley, of Brashear, Miss Esther, at home, and Elmore Workman, who died March 15, 1943.  Mr. Workman is 85 years of age.  They have five grandchildren, Mrs. Juanita Rogers, Byron Easley, Mrs. Dorothy Ridge, Mrs. Evelyn Barry, Mrs. Mildred Mercer and six great grandchildren.

Those attending the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Workman and daughter, Miss Esther, Mrs. Lione Workman and Mrs. Mildred Mercer, all of LaPlata; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elmore, Mrs. Nannie Benner, Miss Elsie Benner, George B. Easley and Mrs. Hattie Young, all of Gibbs; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ridge and sons, Rodney Rae and Garry Lee, of Ft. Madison, Ia.; Mrs. Bertha (Bunn) Hall, of Wappello [sic], Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Easley and daughter, Jacquelin, of Hurdland; Mrs. Juanita Rogers, Ann Sue and Bob Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Easley, of Brashear.
