Obituaries & Death Notices “A-Ap”

These are typed from photographed copies of many obituaries and death notices that I have in my collection.  For many of them there is no indication of what newspaper they came from nor is a year indicated for some of them.  Photo copies are sometimes hard to read or are damaged.   Also, some of the obits and death notices may not be complete.  I will be spending time searching out the complete documents and their location, as well as continuing to search for more obituaries and death notices to add here.  I always strive for correctness.



Bessie Abbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Abbott, was born in Schuyler county, Mo., June 4, 1901, and departed this life at her home in Kirksville, Dec. 4, 1918, aged 17 years and six months.

She leaves to mourn her going a father, one sister, Mrs. Stella Fogleson, and two brothers, Earl, at home, and Avery, who is serving his country in France; also many other relatives and friends.

Her body was shipped to Coatsville, Mo., Dec. 5 and taken from there to the Pleasant Grove church where funeral services were conducted by Rev. Luther W. Childs of Coatsville, Mo.  After services the body was tenderly laid to rest in the cemetery by the church to await the resurrection morn.

Bessie’s mother, one brother and one sister have preceded her in death.


Mrs. Catherine Elisabeth Abbott, who had been in the insane asylum at Fulton for 23 years, died June 26, and the authorities at the asylum claim that as no relatives of the deceased could be found, the body was sent here to the A. S. O. for dissection purposes.  Last Friday the husband, Thomas Abbot, of Kansas City and two daughters, Mrs. J. N. VanHooser, of Kansas City, and Mrs. A. E. Fetters, of St. Louis, came here to recover the body.  Mrs. VanHooser wrote to the asylum in August inquiring about her mother’s health and received a reply, dated Aug. 22, stating that she was in good health.  Two or three days later a letter was received from the hospital stating that a mistake had been made and that another woman named Abbott had been referred to in the earlier letter.  The asylum authories [sic] regretted to inform her that her mother had died after an operation for gallstones.  Mrs. VanHooser went to Fulton, where she had great difficulty in getting information.  Finally a nurse told her that the body had been shipped to Kirksville for dissectional [sic] purposes.  The A. S. O. was communicated with and resulted in the body being held for the relatives.  As stated above the husband and daughters came on here to receive the body and it was turned over to them by the A. S. O. Friday and taken to Kansas City for burial.  The unpleasant phase of the matter is the failure of the officials to notify the relatives of the death of Mrs. Abbott when their addresses were on file at the asylum.



Was 85 Years Old; Funeral Services Sunday Afternoon

Green City, Mo, Dec. 30. (Special)—William Sylvester Abbott, 85, died at the home of his son, Avery Abbott, of 424 W. Missouri street, in Kirksville Thursday afternoon.

Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist Church in Kirksville Sunday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the church.  Interment will be in Forest cemetery.

He was the son of Joshua and Susan Abbott and was born April 14, 1864, near Lancaster.  He was married to Winnie Harris, of Lancaster.  Six children were born to this marriage, four of whom preceded him in death.  He was also preceded in death by his wife, parents, three sisters and one brother.

Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Stella Mae Bass, of Kirksville; one son, Avery, also of Kirksville; six grandchildren; one great-grandchild; three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Miller, of Des Moines, Ia., Mrs. Sally Marvin and Mrs. Lizzie West, both of Centerville, and a number of nephews and nieces.

Mr. Abbott lived in and near Kirksville for the last forty years.

The body was taken to the Glenn E. Kent Funeral Home in Green City.  It will be taken to the home of his son, Avery, in Kirksville Saturday morning at ten o’clock and will remain there until time for the funeral services.

Bearers will be: Basil Foglesom, George Cassady, Pearl Dixson, Eugene Horton, Roy Abbott and Ted Abbott.


Thursday night at her home in the east part of Memphis, Alola, the 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Abernathy, died of pneumonia.  The body was laid to rest in the Barker cemetery on Friday afternoon.

On Monday her sister, Nellie, aged 15 years, also died of the same disease and her body was interred beside her sister on Tuesday.

What makes these deaths particularly sad–besides their youth–is that they did not have the care they should.  At one time during their sickness five members of the family were in bed with this disease, the mother and a sister still being in a critical condition.



Was born in Schuyler County 48 Years Ago

Funeral services for Mrs. Lee Abernathy, who died Friday, Feb. 15, in Memphis, were held at the Greensburg Christian church Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. M. Hadley of Milton.  Interment was in the cemetery there.

Pall bearers were Simeon Stott, Otto Abernathy, Harley Abernathy, Earl Head, Ora Abernathy and Billy Abernathy.

A short service was held at the Gerth & Baskett chapel in Memphis before the body was taken to Greensburg.

Bessie Emily Abernathy was a daughter of Albert and Mattie Yearns.  She was born Sept. 3, 1897, in Schuyler county, Mo., and lived her entire life in this community.

She was united in marriage to Lee Abernathy in January, 1918.  To this union three children were born, one son, Edgar Lee, having preceded her in death.

She leaves her husband, Lee Abernathy, and two daughters, Mrs. Fred Woods of Bloomfield, Iowa, and Mrs. Arthur Neves of Keokuk, and four granddaughters.  She also leaves her stepmother, Mrs. Ida Yearns, and one sister, Mrs. Earl Head.

Mrs. Abernathy united with the Greensburg Christian church when a young girl.



Bessie Emily Abernathy, daughter of Albert and Mattie Yearns was born September 3, 1897 in Schuyler county, Missouri, and lived her entire life in this community.  She passed away February 15.

She was united in marriage to Lee Abernathy.  To this union three children were born, one son Edgar Lee, having preceded her in death.

She leaves to mourn her departure her husband, Lee Abernathy and two daughters: Mrs. Fred Woods of Bloomfield, Ia., and Mrs. Arthur Neves of Keokuk, Ia., and four granddaughters.  She also leaves her step-mother, Mrs. Ida Yearns and one sister, Mrs. Earl Head and many other relatives and friends to mourn her departure.

Mrs. Abernathy united with the Greensburg Christian church when still a young girl and has lived a beautiful Christian life.

To know Mrs. Abernathy was to love her. She was a faithful wife, a good mother, a true Christian and a friend to all who knew her.

Short services were held Sunday at the Gerth and Baskett Chapel after which the funeral was conducted from the Bible Grove Christian church.  Burial in adjoining cemetery.

Rev. A. M. Hadley of Milton, had charge of the services.  Music was furnished by a duet.  Body bearers were Simeon Stott, Otto Abernathy, Harley Abernathy, Earl Head, Ora Abernathy and Billy Abernathy.



Funeral Services Were Held at Barker U. B. Church Sunday

Funeral services for Mrs. Glen Abernathy were held at the Barker U. B. church near Killwinning Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock and were conducted by Rev. A. A. Williams of Downing, pastor of the church.  Interment was in the Barker cemetery.

Beulah Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, was born May 1, 1909, near Memphis, Mo.  She died January 16, 1941, near Fairfield, Iowa, at the age of 31 years.

March 13, 1926, she was united in marriage to Glen Abernathy.  To this union was born four children, Carrol Wayne, Leona Elaine, Viola Darlene and Richard Glen.  Carrol Wayne died at the age of ten months.

She was converted and joined the Richland Baptist church at Hitt, Mo., at an early age and has remained a Christian.

She leaves her husband and three children, her father and mother of Bloomfield, Iowa; one sister, Mrs. Verna Wilson of Bloomfield; three brothers, Lee and Sammie, of Kankakee, Ill., and Frank of Pulaski, Iowa, also Mr. and Mrs. John Abernathy of Fairfield, Iowa.



Jacob, 87, Died Saturday at the Home of Son, James.

Greencastle, Mo., June 22. (Special)—Funeral services for Jacob Abernathy who died Saturday, June 19, at the home of his son, James Abernathy, were held Monday afternoon at 3:30 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Myrta Williams, in Greencastle.  The services were conducted by the Rev. Dudley Capps, of Kirksville.  Burial was made in the Greencastle cemetery.

Mr. Abernathy, who was 87 years of age, was born in Davis County, Iowa, January 18, 1850, the son of George and Dorcas Abernathy.  The family moved to Adair County in 1859 and settled in Morrow township.  He was married to Isabel Virdin, February 28, 1869.  To this union seven children were born.  Two died in infancy.  His wife preceded him in death Feb. 23, 1923.  The surviving children are: Mrs. Mary Moore, of Mountainview, Okla.; James, John and Myrta Williams, of Greencastle, and Bina, of Sabetha, Kansas.  He also leaves 15 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and one great great grandchild.



Former Mayor of Green Castle Was 78 Years Old

Green Castle, Dec. 24.—James F. Abernathy, 78 years old. Died at his home here at 12:30 following an illness of a few weeks.

He was a son of Jacob and Belle Virden Abernathy and was born in Missouri on May 5, 1874.  He was married to Byrd Haffner on August 1, 1896.  Three sons were born to them.

He was preceded in death by his parents, one son, Don, who died in 1919, one brother and one sister.

Surviving are his wife; two sons, Clyde and Glen, both of St. James; five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.  A sister, Mrs. Myrtle Williams, of Green Castle, and one brother, John Abernathy, of Oklahoma City, Okla., also survive.

Funeral services will be held at the Green Castle Methodist Church with interment in the Green Castle Cemetery.  The date of the services has not been arranged.  The body is at the Glenn E. Kent and Son Funeral Home.

Mr. Abernathy farmed for a number of years north of Green Castle and later traveled for a firm selling steel tubing for construction work.  He was also active in civic affairs, having served as mayor of Green Castle.  He had retired a number of years ago.


Mrs. Jacob Abernathy, a member of one of the most highly respected pioneer families of this section died Friday night at the family home one mile north of Greencastle, aged 68 years.  She had been a resident of the Stahl neighborhood all her life until the family moved to the farm near Greencastle a few years ago.  Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Moore, of Oklahoma, and three sons, John, of this city, James of Greencastle and Bina, who lives at home.  The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at one o’clock.  The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Dudley Capps of Stahl.

Mrs. Jacob Abernathy, From Unknown Newspaper, 9 Feb 1923



Bedfast Two Years; Funeral and Burial Here Wednesday.

Randolph Abernathy, 81 years old, died at his home, 1015 South Cottage Grove at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon.  He suffered a stroke of paralysis Oct. 3, 1939 and had been bedfast since that time.

The funeral is to be held Wednesday at 2 o’clock at the Davis Funeral Home and burial will be made in Highland Park Cemetery.

The body is lying in state at the funeral home.

Mr. Abernathy was born near Ottumwa, Ia., Nov. 15, 1859, a son of John and Lucy Abernathy.  He was the youngest of a family of five, others of whom survive him.

He was married to Alice Rachel Clark, Feb. 17, 1880.  Seven children were born.  His wife and two daughters preceded him in death.

Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Blanche Langdon, Concordia, Kan.; Mrs. Beryl Cunningham, Rapid City, S. D.; Mrs. Ota Childs, Lincoln, Neb., and Mrs. Beatrice Herron, of Kirksville; one son, Walter M. Abernathy, Osage, Wyo.; fourteen grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren and one great great grandson.

Mr. Abernathy had been a member of the United Brethren Church since 1896.

Randolph Abernathy, From Unknown Newspaper, 20 Oct 1941



Succumbs To Rheumatic Fever at Home of Her Sister

Miss Lucille Acton, 21 years old, died here this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Audry Floyd, 209 West Randolph street, following an illness with rheumatic fever.  She had been ill previously with influenza.

Funeral arrangements have not been made.

Miss Acton was born Jan. 9, 1911, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Acton.  Her father died in June, 1930, and her mother now lives at Greentop.  Miss Acton had been employed at Perry, Mo., but came to the home of her sister, Mrs. Floyd, a few days ago.

She is survived by three sisters and one brother, Mrs. Claude Rummerfield, Quincy; Miss Eva Acton, at home; Mrs. Delpha Floyd, Kirksville, and Buell Acton, at home; one son, Dwayne; three half brothers, Leonard Acton, Lancaster; Artie Acton, Iowa, and Fred Acton, Downing; and one half sister, Mrs. Nellie Arnold, Bloomfield, Ia.

Miss Acton’s body is now at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Lucille Acton, From Unknown Newspaper, 11 Feb 1932



Funeral Services at the Richland Church This Afternoon

Mrs. Minnie Bell Acton died at her home north of Memphis Tuesday of this week, Jan. 31.  She was born in Davis county, Iowa, February 13, 1889, being almost 61 years of age.

Funeral services were conducted at the Richland Baptist church at Hitt this afternoon at 2 o’clock by Rev. Bryan Adair and interment was in the Memphis cemetery.

Pall bearers were Robert Riney, Glen G. Bloomfield, Arthur McWilliam, Wm. McWilliam, Ray Monroe and Crawford McWilliam.

Mrs. Action was born near Mark, Iowa, Feb. 13, 1889, daughter of Sherman and Emma Lacey Wilcox.  She had lived in Scotland county since her marriage.

Surviving are her husband, Fred Acton; two sons, Ernie at home and Ivan of Edina; three daughters, Mrs. Marie Anderson and Mrs. Clara Lancaster of Memphis and Mrs. Lavelle Garrison of Downing; two brothers, Leonard Wilcox of Ottumwa and Clarence Wilcox of Livonia; two sisters, Mrs. Josie Mendenhall of Livonia and Mrs. Zeffie McClurg of Bloomfield, and four grandchildren.

Minnie Bell (Wilcox) Acton, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 2 Feb 1950, p. 1, col. 4



Mrs. Veneda Acton, Baby, of Near Millard Die in Hospital.

Veneda Esther Acton 24, and new born son, William Davis of near Millard, died this morning in a local hospital.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete pending the arrival of relatives.

Mrs. Acton was the daughter of W. E. and Veola S. (Davis) Dickenson, and was born in Pleasantville, Iowa, July 10, 1921.  She was married to Buell Acton at Union, Iowa, on July 2, 1939 and they moved from Iowa to a farm east of Millard four years ago.

She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Barbara Veola and Beverly Lucille and one son Wilford Buell Acton, of the home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dickenson, of Kirksville; five brothers, John Abel, of San Pueblo, Calif., Warrant Officer Waldo Edward, U. S. N., First Lieut. Wilford Arthur, U. S. Army, who arrived today, Radioman 3/c Glen Orville, U. S. Navy the South Pacific, and Roderick Eugene, a student in the Kirksville High School.

Mrs. Acton was a member of the Christian Church at Union, Iowa.

The bodies will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.


Albert Adams, of Greentop, died Monday evening after a long illness.  For six weeks he had refused to eat.  Mr. Adams had lived in Adair county from boyhood until his marriage to Miss Charity Mikel, when he moved to Greentop, where he had since made his home.  He had a multitude of friends who sympathize with the bereaved family.  He is survived by his widow and one son, who has been Wabash agent at Greentop for many years.  Funeral services conducted by Rev. Perley Lind Wednesday afternoon at the home.  Burial in Greentop cemetery.



Came Here from Sublette Recently After Home Burned.

Mrs. Amanda Melvina Adams, 66, wife of Dave A. Adams, died in a hospital here Saturday night at 10:45 o’clock.  Death was attributed directly to a carbuncle on her neck, although she also had suffered from a paralytic stroke.

The funeral was held this afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, conducted by the Reb. Perley M. Lind, Christian minister at Queen City, and burial was made in the Refuge Cemetery.

The pallbearers were six nephews: Willard, Henry, Claude and Ray Adams, Chester Fiscus and Raymond Newcum.

Mrs. Adams lived in Sublette until about two weeks ago when their home burned and they came to Kirksville.  She had been under hospital care only 48 hours when she died.

Born March 15, 1874 in Adair county, the daughter of George and Mary Coghill Horton, she had lived in this county her entire life.

Surviving are her husband, one son, Esten Adams, Trenton, Mo.; one granddaughter, Pauline Adams; three sisters, Mrs. Laura Norman, Hallsville, Mo.; Mrs. B. F. Dunham, Kansas City, Mo.; and Mrs. Dave Heuett, Curlew, Wash.; two brothers, J. W. Horton and Edgar Horton, Kirksville.


Mrs. Artie Adams Services Held At Rutledge

Mrs. Artie Alice Adams, daughter of K. W. and Eliza Sallee Carter was born February 9, 1885, in Knox County, Missouri, and passed away December 18, 1970, at the Laughlin Hospital in Kirksville, Missouri, after a long illness.  She spent all her life in Scotland and Knox counties.

She confessed Christ as Savior at an early age and was a member of the Milport [sic] Christian Church, later attending the Rutledge Christian Church.

She was united in marriage to John H. Adams, March 19, 1913, and to this union one son was born.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, one sister, Mrs. Carrie Westcutt, and a brother, Joe Carter.

Surviving are the son, Robert, and his wife, Margaret; two granddaughters, Mrs. Gary (Gwendalyn) Ludwick and Mrs. Harold (Marjorie) Bray; 4 great grandchildren, Lori and Darin Ludwick, Sheri and Robbi Bray; one sister, Mrs. Olive Arehart, nieces, nephews and many friends.  She was a kind and loving person and will be missed by all who knew her.

Funeral services were held at the Rutledge Christian Church Sunday, December 20, 1970, at 2:30 p.m.  The Rev. Howard Merchant of Memphis, Missouri, officiated.  Music was furnished by Nancy Forquer and Mrs. Nova Merchant.  Mrs. Vinna Clark, was the accompanist.  Interment was in the Pauline Cemetery at Rutledge, Missouri.  Body bearers were Ernest Riney, Clarence Robertson, Edwin Shultz, Junior Neese, Jewel Mason, and Irvin Johnston.

Artie Alice Adams, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 24 Dec 1970


Brenda Joyce Adams, 3, Dies in Indiana

Brenda Joyce Adams, three-year-old daughter of Sgt. Emery and Faunice (McClelland) Adams, died Thursday in a United States Army Hospital at Camp Atterberry, Ind.  She had been ill for several months.

Brenda Joyce is survived by her parents; one brother, Charles David, two ; one sister, Janice Elaine, six; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClelland, of California, and grandmother, Mrs. Dan Adams, of Elmira, Mo.

Mr. and Mrs. Adams are formerly Kirksville residents, and the little girl was born in Kirksville, June 13, 1948.

The body is lying in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Sunday afternoon at 4:30, conducted by the Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith.

Bearers will be: Harold McClelland, Jack Ladd, Jack Bloskovich and W. E. Perkins.


Mrs. Dora Aylward of north of town received word of the death of her nephew, Clark D. Adams of Pendleton, Oregon, on Sept. 4, after a few hours illness, aged 14 years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Former Resident of Novinger and Kirksville

Rev. Daniel Adams, 66, former resident of Novinger and Kirksville, died suddenly about one o’clock this morning at his farm home near Elmira, Mo.  Death was attributed to a heart attack.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete but the body will be brought here and burial will be in the Novinger cemetery.

A son of Davis and Mary James Adams, he was born Feb. 26, 1883, in Wales, in the British Isles, and came to America with his parents when a small child.  He lived in Novinger for many years, where he was employed in the mines, and also lived in Kirksville.  He and his family lived in Madrid, Iowa, several years before moving to Elmira where they have been for many years.  He conducted preaching services at many churches in this part of the country while he lived at Novinger.

He was married to Miss Cora Jones at Novinger on Dec. 22, 1903, and to them seven children were born.  Two sons died in infancy and one daughter, Mrs. Corrine Fleshman, died at the age of 26.

He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Burl, (Vida) Hughes, of 303 N. New, in Kirksville, and Mrs. C. F. (Helen) Johnson, of Liberty, Mo., twin sons, Emmett, of Elmira, and Emery, of Valley Station, Ky.; six grandchildren; two brothers, David and Phillip Adams, both of Kirksville, and two sisters, Rosa Walker and Sarah Dubray of Arma, Kansas.


Rev. Daniel Adams’ Funeral Thursday

Funeral services for Rev. Daniel Adams, who died Monday at his home at Elmira, Mo., will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Thursday afternoon at 3:30, conducted by Rev. ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church.  Interment will be in the Novinger Cemetery.

Bearers will be: Mike Murphy, Dean Peppers, Jimmie Cima, Ellis Smead, Jimmie Brassea and Robert Drummonds.



Kirksville Resident; Funeral Here on Thursday

David Adams, 73, of Kirksville, died in a hospital at St. Joseph, Mo., yesterday.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Thursday morning at 10:30 o’clock conducted by Rev. P. M. Lind, of Queen City.  Interment will be in the Refuge Cemetery.

Mr. Adams was the son of Samuel and Susan (Morris) Adams and was born in Adair County, on Feb. 4, 1872.  He was married to Melvina Horton in Kirksville in 1897, and she preceded him in death on Jan. 26, 1941.  He was also preceded in death by four brothers.

He is survived by one son, Esten Adams, of Trenton, Mo.; one brother J. W. Adams, of Greentop, one sister, Mrs. James (Josie) Fiscus, of Kirksville and one granddaughter, Pauline Adams, of Trenton.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

The pallbearers will be James Fiscus, J. W. Horton, Kemp Medlin, D. F. Turner, Henry Adams, Claude Adams.


Former Miner and Barber Was Native of British Isles

David J. Adams, 66, of 402 S. Franklin, died this morning in a Kirksville hospital.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, where the body is lying in state, Wednesday afternoon at 1:30, conducted by Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church.  Interment will be in the Novinger cemetery.

Mr. Adams was the son of David W. and May (James) Adams and was born near Nieth, Wales, British Isles, Sept. 25, 1885.

He was married to Katherine Richmond, near Greentop, and two daughters were born to this marriage.

One daughter preceded him in death, also his parents, one brother and four sisters.

He is survived by his wife; daughter, Mrs. Walter (Beverly) Wellman, East Moline, Ill.; one brother, Phillip, of Kirksville and two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Kleckinger, Louisiana, Mo., and Mrs. Sarah Dubray, Arma, Kansas, and one granddaughter, Beverly Deloris Wellman.

Mr. Adams spent his early life working in the mines in Adair county and for 37 years he was a barber in Connelsville and Kirksville.

He was a member of the Baptist Church.

Bearers will be Junior Miley, Joe Grubb, Martin Cross, Jack Bloskovich, Emery Adams and Arthur Bortz.


Dillard Adams Dies At Philadelphia Home

Word has been received here of the death of Dillard L. Adams at his home in Philadelphia, Pa., Monday evening at six o’clock.  He was a former resident of Kirksville.

Funeral services and interment will be held there Friday afternoon.  Miss Leona Adams and Theodore Adams, Jr., of Kirksville have gone to attend the funeral.

He was born in Kirksville, Mo., Dec. 10, 1901.

He was married to Esther Glenn and two children were born to them.

Surviving are his wife, one daughter, Virona, and a son, Thomas Dillard; his mother, Mrs. Clara Adams, of 125 N. Main, in Kirksville; two sisters, Miss Leona Adams and Mrs. Donald Chadwell, of Kirksville; four brothers, Amos Adams, of Sigourney, Ia., James, of Los Angeles, Calif., and Glen and Theodore, Jr., both of Kirksville.

Dillard L. Adams, Kirksville, Missouri, The Kirksville Daily Express, 23 Mar 1949, p. 8, col. 5



Conducted at Arbela Methodist Church Friday Afternoon

Edward A. Adams was a son of Wesley and Mary Jones Adams.  He was born in Scotland county, Missouri, August 26, 1859, and died December 1, 1943, at Kirksville, Missouri.

Funeral services were held in the Methodist church at Arbela Friday, Dec. 3, at 11 o’clock conducted by Rev. J. C. Crenshaw, the pastor.

Pall bearers were Albert Reynolds, Carl Jansen, Edward Lough, Johnnie Lough, Geo. Roberts and Francis Hull.

The music was furnished by Fred Krueger and Mrs. Winnie Overhulser of Ashton, with Mrs. Fred Krueger at the piano.

Interment in Hickory Grove cemetery.

He was married to Miranda Brookhart, who preceded him in death in 1933.

To this union seven children were born, one preceded him in death in infancy.  Those surviving are Mrs. Lula Brookhart and Ben Adams of Arbela, Mrs. Dora Wells of Wright, Iowa; Mrs. Elsie Lough and Virgil Adams of Washington, Iowa; and Fred Adams of Ashton.

He also leaves 23 grandchildren, and 25 great grandchildren, two brothers and one sister, W. A. Adams of Memphis, John Q. Adams of Palisade, Colo., and Mrs. Bell Powers of Memphis.

When a young man he united with the Methodist church.



Fractured Skull Results From Stroke of Paralysis

Elmer (Quincy) Adams, a former resident of Kirksville, died Saturday night at 11:20 o’clock at his home in Loraine, O.  His death resulted from a fractured skull which he sustained when he suffered a stroke of paralysis Friday evening and fell down the basement steps at his home.

Mr. Adams, who lived at 424 W. Missouri Street in Kirksville before moving to Ohio a year ago last July, was employed in the shipyards at Lorain.  He was about 55 years of age and had apparently been in good health until he suffered the stroke.  He had been working unusually hard, it is said.

Mr. Adams was formerly employed at the coal mines at Novinger and Connelsville.  He had been at the home of his son, Howard Adams, who had just returned with his family to Lorain after a visit in Kirksville, and when he returned home his family heard him fall down the steps leading to their basement apartment.  He never regained consciousness.

The body is being brought back to Kirksville for burial, but funeral arrangements have not been made.

Besides his widow he leaves the following children: Mrs. Kenneth McCuskey, 801 S. Sixth Street, Charlie Adams, 612 W. Scott Street, Howard Adams, Lorain; Carol Dean Adams of the U. S. Navy, address unknown; Eugene Adams, Rockford, Ill.; Mrs. Everett Harris, Los Angeles, Calif.



Veteran Employee of Wabash Railroad; Funeral Thursday

Everett Pearl Adams 55-year-old Greentop resident who has been employed by the Wabash Railroad since he was fifteen years old, died yesterday at his home in Greentop.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Greentop Christian Church with burial in the Greentop cemetery.  The Rev. P. M. Lind will be in charge of the services.

Mr. Adams was born July 3, 1887, near Greentop, the son of Albert and Charity Mikel Adams.

He was educated in the Greentop Public Schools and received instruction in railroad work from the late Herman Saundershauser, later taking his place as depot agent.  In addition to his railroad work he has been farming for the past 28 years.

He married Miss Gertrude Bertha Ertel on April 7, 1912, three children being born to this union.

He is survived by his wife, his mother, and three children, Beatrice Lucille, of Oklahoma City, Okla., and Junior and Pauline, of the home.



Greentop Boy Succumbs to Wounds Received in Germany

Private First Class Everett Pearl Adams, Jr., 21, of Greentop, died in the Nichols General Hospital at Louisville, Ky., Sunday morning.

The body will be brought to the Dee Riley Funeral Home and arrival date and funeral arrangements will be announced later.

A veteran of World War II, the son of Everett Pearl and Gertrude (Ertel) Adams, he was born at Greentop, Nov. 2, 1924.

He entered the U. S. Army in April, 1942.  He was wounded in Germany, Dec. 1, 1944 and since that date had been confined to the hospital with a spine injury.

He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Adams, of Greentop; two sisters, Miss Lucille Adams, of MacKee, Okla., and Miss Pauline Adams, of the home.  His father preceded him in death Aug. 11, 1942.



Heart Attack Stated As Cause; Funeral Services Today

Green City, Mo., May 22, (Special)—Frank Reuben Adams, 77, resident of Novinger, was found dead in his home Friday morning about nine o’clock by Mrs. Lenna Kriner and O. M. Perry.  Coroner Robert B. Davis, of Kirksville, was called and upon investigation, stated that he died of a heart attack.

Funeral services will be held at the Glenn E. Kent and Son Funeral Home here this afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. Leonard Parrish, pastor of the Methodist Church in Novinger.  The body will be taken to Tampico, Ill. where interment will be made.

He was the son of Samuel B. and Phoebe (Medley) Adams and was born at Tampico, Ill. Aug. 14, 1871.  He was never married.  He spent the most of his life in Tampico.  He came to Missouri about ten years ago and had lived at Greencastle and Novinger.  He was a carpenter.

He was preceded in death by his parents, four brothers and two sisters.  He is survived by one brother, Collie Adams, of Denver, Colo., and several nephews and nieces.



Operated Farm Near Sublette Until He Became Ill June 14.

George F. Adams, 81 years old, died at his home 508 East McPherson Street today.  Adams had been bedfast for the past seven weeks.

Mr. Adams was born December 7, 1855, in Kentucky, the son of Samuel A. and Susan Adams.  When a small child his parents moved to a farm about a mile and a half west of Sublette, where Mr. Adams spent the rest of his life.  He retained active management of the farm, living there most of the time, until he became ill, June 14.

He married Miss Helen Floyd on March 13, 1881, and three children were born to this union.  He joined the Free Will Baptist Church in 1894.

Mr. Adams is survived by his wife; three children, Mrs. Alpha Few, Kansas City; Miss Eunice V. Adams, Santa Ana, Calif.; and Dr. C. A. Adams, Kirksville; one grandchild, F. A. Few, Edmund, Okla.; four brothers, J. W. Adams, Greentop; H. M. Adams, Kirksville; W. J. Adams, Kirksville and Dave Adams, Sublette; and one sister, Mrs. James Fiscus, of Kirksville.

Funeral services will be at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, with burial at the Llewellyn Cemetery.

George F. Adams, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 4 Aug 1937, p. 1, col. 7



Had Been Suffering with Heart Ailment; Funeral Friday

Green City, Mo., Jan. 2. (Special) Guy J. Adams, 55, died at his home here this morning at 12:30 o’clock.  He had been suffering with a heart ailment.

Funeral services will be held at the Glenn E. Kent and Son Funeral Home Friday afternoon at two o’clock conducted by the Rev. E. V. Campbell, of Purdin, a former pastor of the Methodist Church here.  Interment will be in Mt. Olivet cemetery.

Mr. Adams was the son of Oley and Johanna (Hansen) Adams and was born near Prophetstown, Ill., on Aug. 3, 1896.  He was married to Eula Alexander on Dec. 17, 1919 at Milan, and five children were born to them, one son dying in infancy.  His father died in 1938.



Funeral Services To Be Held Tuesday In This City

H. M. “Ki” Adams, 82, prosperous farmer and former resident of Kirksville, died from self-inflected gunshot wounds about 10 o’clock yesterday morning at his home near Millard.  Mr. Adams had been despondent for some time because of ill health.  On Sept. 1, he fell near his home and suffered a pelvic fracture.  He was a patient in a local hospital for 10 weeks and since being dismissed from the hospital he had been making his home with his son, Dr. E. R. Adams, at LaPlata.

Mr. Adams and Dr. Adams had gone to the former’s home yesterday morning to do some chores and while Dr. Adams was working in the barn, his father went on up to the house.  When Dr. Adams entered the house about 11 o’clock he called to his father, asking him how he was getting along.  Receiving no reply, he began a search which resulted in finding the body in the yard near the house.

Mr. Adams apparently had fired the single-barrel 12-gauge shotgun twice, the first shot going through the bill of his cap, which was on the ground near the body.  There was also an empty shell near the body.  He evidently had reloaded the gun and the next shot went through his head.  Coronor [sic] W. C. Summers said today that no inquest would be held.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home until the funeral services which will be held there at 2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.  The Rev. L. V. Freeman, of the First Christian Church will conduct the services and interment will be in the Maple Hill Cemetery.  Nephews of Mr. Adams who will serve as pallbearers will be D. F. Turner, Clyde Fiscus, Willard Adams, Esten Adams, Junior Miley, and Chester Fiscus.

Born Sept. 26, 1861, in Kentucky, Mr. Adams was the son of Samuel A. and Susan A. Adams.  When he was six years of age he moved with his parents to Kirksville and since that time, had resided in or near this city.  Mr. Adams had been engaged in farming during the greater part of his life.  In addition to his farm near Millard, he previously operated a farm northeast of Kirksville.  On Jan. 13, 1887, he married the former Miss Lucy Miley, who preceded him in death June 27, 1938, while they were living in Kirksville

Besides his son, Dr. Adams, Mr. Adams is survived by a grandson, Pfc. Armon Adams, who is stationed with a Coast Artillery Band at Manchester, Conn.; a sister, Mrs. Jim Fiscus, of Kirksville, and two brothers, J. W. Adams, of Greentop, and D. A. Adams of Trenton.


Mrs. Helen Adams, 88 Years Old, Dies

Mrs. Helen Adams, 88 years old, died Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alpha Few, 508 E. McPherson.  Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. T. W. Jolly, pastor of the First Christian Church, with interment in Llewellyn cemetery.

She was the daughter of John R and Cathrine (Branstetter) Floyd, and was born Feb. 27, 1860, in Kirksville.  She was married to George Adams in 1881, and three children were born to them.  Mr. Adams preceded her in death, as well as three brother and two sisters.

Surviving are a son, Dr. C. A. Adams, Kirksville; two daughters Mrs. Alpha Few, Kirksville, and Mrs. J. H. Gentry, Santa Ana, Calif.; four brothers, T. L. Floyd, Toledo, Ohio, Y. C. Floyd, St. Louis; G. E. Floyd, Odessa, Mo., and Dave Floyd, Omaha, Nebr.; one sister, Mrs. Emma Munyon, Kansas City, and one grandchild.

Mrs. Adams was member of the Christian Church.



Brookfield, Mo., Dec. 18—Henry F. Adams, 34, Brookfield, died yesterday in a Marceline hospital of a bullet wound suffered early yesterday in a shooting at a tavern near Marceline Junction on U. S. Highway 36.

Sheriff Clyde Finney said Adams was shot by Howard Worley, proprietor of the tavern, when the Brookfield man became abusive and quarrelsome.  Prosecuting Attorney Walter E. Allen said no charges had been filed against Worley and none shall be filed unless a full investigation warrants such action.

Adams is survived by his mother and a daughter.

Henry F. Adams, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 18 Dec 1952, p. 2, col.5



Mrs. Wm. A. Adams Succumbed at Table Saturday Noon

Mrs. William A. Adams died suddenly at her home, 221 North Main street about one o’clock Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Adams had been up and about the house Saturday morning and only complained of a pain in her chest as she sat down to the dinner table.  She became unconsious [sic] and died in a few minutes before a doctor cold be summoned.

Funeral services were conducted yesterday afternoon at the Granger Methodist church at 2 o’clock and interment was in the Hickory Grove cemetery.

Mrs. Iva Lee Adams was 72 years of age.  She was born at Campbellsville, Ky., May 21, 1877, a daughter of John B. and Caroline Hardin Monroe.  She came to Missouri with her parents and was married to William Adams in her father’s home near Arbela Sept. 2, 1894.  Mr. and Mrs. Adams have lived in Memphis the past 12 years.  They also have lived at Granger and Wyaconda.  Mrs. Adams was a member of the Granger Methodist church.

Surviving are the husband, four sons, Ira of Keokuk, Clifford of Bloomfield, Murel of Wyaconda and Gale of El Monte, Calif., a daughter, Mrs. Wayfel Stone of Memphis; a sister, Mrs. Nora Campbell, six grandchildren and five great grandchildren.


J. S. Adams, of 316 East Pierce street, committed suicide in the men’s toilet room in the batement [sic] of the courthouse Sunday morning following his arrest on a statutory charge Saturday afternoon.  He had been arraigned in Justice of the Peace Lindseys court and was released on $1,000 bond.  Mr. Adams maintained his innocence, but it is thot [sic] the matter preyed upon his mind until he became temporarily unbalanced.  The body was found by C. W. Steel, a farmer living near Kirksville, who notified Sheriff Shoop.  Coroner Easley, of Brashear, was notified and a coroners [sic] inquest was held Sunday night in the basement of the court house.  The jury composed of D. O. Flinchpaugh, “Bill” Adams, Otto Schmidt, Alva Brassfield, George Malone and H. B. Parker returned a verdict of death by a pistol shot from his own hand with a 38 caliber revolver.  The Adams family came here from Trenton last fall and before going to Trenton had lived at Edina where Mr. Adams was marshal and connected with the sheriff’s office.  While living in Trenton he had been working as a special detective.  In Edina and Trenton he had always borne an excellent reputation and his many friends who knew him well believe that he was the victim of a “frameup.”  Adams had been employed as a special policeman at the dance halls.  A sealed letter to his wife was found in his pocket.  In the letter he told her that the charge was a ‘frameup” and that he did not have the money to fight the case.  The funeral took place from the M. E. Church Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock.  Burial in Highland Park cemetery.



Aged Man Succumbs at Home of Daughter, Mrs. D. F. Turner

James Willard Adams, 90, died this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. D. F. (Alta) Turner at 121 E. Burton Street, where he made his home for the past four months.

The body will be in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Funeral arrangements are incomplete pending arrival of relatives.

Mr. Adams, the son of Samuel A. and Susan Havila (Morris) Adams, was born in the state of Kentucky, Aug. 28, 1857.  He was married Mar. 14, 1879 at Kirksville, Mo., to Kitty Hilt and to this marriage three children were born.  Mrs. Adams died in 1926, and Mr. Adams was later married to Mrs. Chattie Adams, of Greentop, Mo.

He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. D. F. (Alta) Turner, of Kirksville; a son, Samuel A. Adams, San Francisco, Calif.; one sister, Mrs. James Fiscus, Kirksville; three granddaughters, three grandsons, and six great-grandchildren.  One daughter and five brothers preceded him in death.

Mr. Adams has been a member of the Mulberry Presbyterian Church since 1898.  He has spent his entire life in Adair County.



Funeral services for James Willard Adams, who died Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. D. F. Turner, will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church.

Interment will be in Llewellyn Cemetery.

The pallbearers will be: Dr. Ray Adams, Dr. Claude Adams, John Hilt, Ora Lyons, Chester Fiscus and Eugene Lyons.

Surviving are his wife, of Green City; his aged mother, of Coleta, Ill.; three daughters, Mrs. Reta Donavan, of Sterling, Ill., Mrs. Reva Karsjen, of Webster City, Ia., and Effie Mae Adams, of St. Louis, and one son, Oley, of the home; four brothers, Sam and Arthur, of Green Castle, Stanley, of Prophetstown, Ill., and Wilbur, of Sioux City, Ia.; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Brinkhan, of Prophetstown and Mrs. Hazel McBride, of Coleta, Ill.

Mr. Adams lived in Illinois 15 years and 10 years in South Missouri and the remainder of his life in the Green City community.


Jermiah Ballard Adams, son of John and Mary Adams was born in Monroe County, West Virginia, April 1, 1886, and died at his home in Milton, Iowa, Tuesday, September 4, 1917.

He moved with his parents to Seven Mile, Butler County, Ohio, when two years old.  Was converted and united with the United Brethren Church when 13 years old.

Enlisted in the 21st Missouri infantry volunteers in 1861.  Was married to Nancy Cathrine Hardman, April 4, 1867.

They have cared for eleven orphan children, three of whom they took when less than four years old and cared for them until they married.  They were Frank Conaway of Little York, Illinois, Laura Hesse Kennedy of Granger, Mo; and Willis Baggott of Milton, Iowa.

He moved from the farm in Scotland County, Mo., March1, 1893, returned to Scotland County to care for T. J. Hardman in 1809, returned to Milton in 1910.

He was an honorable upright man, fair in all dealings, a christian [sic] and a loyal citizen.

He Had been bedfast for almost a year but bore his affliction without a murmur, saying he was ready to answer the call.

About a year ago he began a history of his life but soon grew so bad he could not finish it.  Above we publish the history as far as completed.

The funeral was held from the M. E. Church Thursday afternoon, September 6, at 10:30 conducted by B. G. Hankins.  Interment in Milton Sunnyside cemetery.



Mechanic Is Stricken Suddenly; Funeral Tomorrow.

John Nathan (“Cotton”) Adams, 58-year-old automobile mechanic, died yesterday at his home at 408 North Main Street.  Death was attributed to heart disease.

The funeral is to be held Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Burial will be in Highland Park Cemetery.

Mr. Adams was born July 5, 1878, at Hedrick, Ia.  He had been following his trade here for several years, having an auto repair shop adjacent to his home at the time of his death.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. George Adkins and Mrs. Romie Farrand, both of Kirksville; five grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Joe Joseph, Logan, Ia.  His wife died April 22, 1935.


John Q. Adams Dies At Age Of 84

John Quincy Adams, 84, retired farmer, passed away Wednesday, March 13, 1968, at 9:30 p.m. in Davis County Hospital at Bloomfield, Iowa.  Mr. Adams was born June 29, 1883, in Scotland County, Missouri, a son of Charley T. and Magie E. Rosenberger Adams.  He had been in ill health for a number of years and spent the last few months in Kisling Nursing Home.

He married Margaret Troth, August 31, 1909.  He spent most of his life in Scotland County, except for a few years spent in California.

Mr. and Mrs. Adams celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1959 at the Lawn Ridge Church.

Preceding him in death was his wife, June 8, 1964, also his parents, four brothers and two sisters.

Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Emma D. Drummond of Memphis and nieces and nephews.

Funeral services were held at the Gerth & Baskett Chapel, Memphis, Missouri, Friday, March 15, 1968, at 2 p.m. Rev. Howard Merchant officiated.  Burial was in the Providence Cemetery.  Body bearers were Roy Adams, Jr., Charlie Adams, Paul Drummond, Olin Hauk, Carl Drummond and Fred Hauk.



Funeral Here Today; Burial To Be at Mulberry

Mrs. Lucy Miley Adams, 67, wife of H. M. Adams, 616 East Washington street, died yesterday morning at 3:25 o’clock in a hospital here.

She had been in declining health for the past several months but in a critical condition only a few days. 

The funeral service is scheduled for 2:30 o’clock this afternoon at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. B. N. Covert, pastor of the Presbyterian Church.

The body is lying in state at the funeral home until time for the rites.  Burial will be at Mulberry Cemetery, eight miles northwest of Kirksville.

Mrs. Adams was born in Adair County on May 31, 1869, a daughter of John and Mary Miley.  She was married to H. M. Adams on Jan 13, 1887 and they lived on farms in this vicinity and in Kirksville throughout her life.  They moved to Kirksville in 1904.

Surviving, in addition to her husband, is one son, Dr. E. R. Adams, LaPlata dentist; one grandson, Armon Adams; a brother, J. H. Miley, Kirksville; and two sisters, Mrs. Isaac A. Novinger and Mrs. H. H. Sanders, Kirksville.  Her grandson has been staying with her the past two years while attending the Teachers College.  Mrs. Adams’ parents preceded her in death and are buried at the Mulberry Cemetery.

Mrs. Adams was a member of the Presbyterian Church here and an active worker.



Death Comes Exactly One Month After That of Son

Mrs. Martha (Denzler) Adams 77, died at about 5 o’clock this morning at her home, 405 W. Elizabeth Street, exactly one month after the death of her son, Elmer, who died Dec. 4.

Born Oct. 25, 1866, near Bevier, Mrs. Adams was the daughter of William F. and Sarah (Johnson) Denzler.  She was married to John Henry Adams on Nov. 23, 1886, and they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at South Gifford.  Eight children were born to this marriage.  Mrs. Adams had been a resident of Adair County for 40 years.

Surviving, in addition to her husband are five sons, Ross and Orval Adams, of Rock Springs, Wyo.; Fred Adams, of Evansville, Ind.; Arthur Adams, of Indianola, Ia., and Andy Adams, of 402 W. Missouri Street; two daughters, Mrs. James Madden, of Connelsville, and Mrs. Floyd Marshall, of Luray; three brothers, Sam Denzler, of Carlisle, Ia.; Ross Denzler, of Brownington, and William Denzler, of Des Moines, Ia.; a sister, Mrs. Nettie Bryden, of Novinger, a half-sister, Mrs. Charles Bretz, of Novinger, 24 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Interment will be in the Llewellyn Cemetery, beside her son.  The body will lie in state at the funeral home.



Funeral at Novinger For 88-Year-Old Native of Wales.

Mrs. Mary James Adams, 88 years old, died about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maurice Vanderbeck, at Huntsville.  She had been ill about three months.

Funeral services will be at 2:30 o’clock, tomorrow afternoon at the Novinger Baptist Church, and burial will be in the Novinger Cemetery.

Mrs. Adams had lived in Kirksville for about 12 years before moving to Huntsville about a year ago to make her home with her daughter.

Mrs. Adams was born Dec. 8, 1853, in Wales.  She was married to the Rev. Dave Adams and about fifty years ago they came to the United States.  They were located for a time at Peterson, Kan., and then moved to Connelsville, where they lived on a farm for a number of years.  About twenty-five or twenty-six years ago they moved to Kirksville.

The Rev. Mr. Adams died 21 years ago.

Thirteen children were born to Rev. and Mrs. Adams.  Mrs. Adams is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Vanderbeck, of Huntsville; Mrs. Everett Kleckinger, of Kirksville; and Mrs. Pete Dubray, of Arma, Kan.; and three sons.  Dave Adams and Phil Adams, of Kirksville, and the Rev. Dan Adams, of Mystic, Ia.; twenty-two grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.  She is also survived by relatives in Wales.

Mrs. Adams was a lifelong member of the Baptist Church.



Had Been Seriously Ill Past Month; Rites Friday

Theodore (“Doe”) Adams, 65, died at 7 o’clock last night at his home, Kirksville route two.  In failing health for 10 years, Mr. Adams had been seriously ill the past month.  He had been a patient in a local hospital and had been taken to his home Sunday.  Death was attributed to complications.

Mr. Adams was born March 1, 1878, in Carroll County, Ky., the son of B. F. and Susan (Taylor) Adams.  In 1883 he moved to a farm northeast of Sublette and on Nov 5, 1899 married Clara Briddle, an Adair County resident.  Mr. Adams became a member of the Free Will Baptist Church at Sublette.

Moving to Kirksville in 1920, Mr. Adams was appointed street commissioner and served in that position from 1926 until 1930 when he moved his family to a farm northwest of town.

Surviving, besides his widow, are two daughters, Mrs. Martha Jean Chadwell, of Kirksville route two, and Miss Leona Adams, of 611 West Jefferson Street; five sons, Glenn Adams, of Kirksville, route six; Dillard L. Adams, of Folcroft, Pa., who arrived here this morning; James F. Adams, at home, Clarence Amos Adams, of Sigourney, Ia., route one, and Corp. Theodore L. Adams, stationed with the Army at Camp Shelby, Miss., who arrived here yesterday; three brothers, William Adams. Indianapolis, Ind.; Arthur Adams, of Columbus, Ga.; and Frank Adams, of 701 East Hickory Street, and six grandchildren.  One daughter, Mrs. Elnora Adams Abbott, who died in 1930, a sister and a brother, preceded him in death.

The body will lie in state at the Davis Funeral Home until the funeral, which will be held in the chapel there at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon.  The Rev. L. V. Freeman will officiate.  Interment will be in Highland Park Cemetery.



Succumbs to Pneumonia After Being Ill Several Days.

Special to The Daily Express.

Queen City, Mo., Nov. 10—Funeral services for Thomas B. Adams, who died at his home in Queen City Saturday evening, were held this afternoon at the West Funeral Home in Queen City, conducted by the Rev. W. H. Gaither.  Burial was made in the city cemetery.

Mr. Adams, who was 91 years of age, had been in failing health for several years, and had been seriously ill for several days with pneumonia which was the cause of his death.

He was born near Renick, in Randolph County, Missouri, in 1850, the son of Robert and Lucinda Adams.  He had lived all his life in Randolph and Schuyler counties, with the exception of five years when he lived in Ft. Madison, Ia.

He was married to Lucy Howard in 1872.  She died July 10, 1938.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. W. Clark, of Kansas City, and Mrs. James McGraft, of Oakland, Calif.; one half-brother, Sim Adams of Clark, Mo., and a half-sister, Mrs. W. H. Wallace, of Queen City.  He also leaves several nieces and nephews.



Body Being Brought Here and Will Arrive Sunday.

Wallace Adams, a former well-known business man in Kirksville, who died yesterday in Ontario, Calif., is to be buried in Kirksville, according to a message received this morning by the Davis Funeral Home.

The body is being accompanied by his daughter, Miss Zelma Adams, and is due to arrive on a Santa Fe train at LaPlata about 1 o’clock Sunday morning.  Funeral arrangements have not been made but the body will be at the Davis Funeral Home.

His wife died here on August 2, 1935, and a daughter, Eleanor, his father and mother and a brother preceded him in death.

The deceased was a resident of Kirksville practically all his life until he went to Ontario a few years ago to become associated with his twin brother, Will, in the hardware business.  The brothers were in the hardware business here for many years.

He is survived by four sisters, one of them Miss Nell Adams, resides in Kansas City, and one brother, Will.


 Wm. F. Adams Dies At Age of 85

William Francis Adams Junior, youngest son of William Francis Senior and Mariah Ellen Magorian Adams was born Nov. 28, 1885 at the Adams farm home near Lawn Ridge in northeast Scotland County Missouri and passed away Sept. 14, 1971 at the Davis County Hospital in Bloomfield, Iowa.  He was 85 years, 10 months and 17 days of age.  His parents came from Virginia and Adams County Ohio in the 1850’s.

Mr. Adams was a farmer and spent all his life in Scotland County.  He was baptized at the age of 21 by Cecil V. Pearce and became a member of the Lawn Ridge Christian Church.  He placed his membership in the First Christian Church in Memphis Nov. 7, 1943.  He served as elder in both churches.

He was married to Miss Winnie B. Martin daughter of Calvin F. and Fannie B. Hutchins Martin of Bushnell, Ill. Feb. 23, 1910.  They celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary this year.  To this union were born two children; Lenore Adams Darr and William Henry Adams.

Surviving besides the wife and children are: the son-in-law Leo M. Darr and Jeannette Monroe Adams the daughter-in-law; four grandchildren; Luzonne Marie Darr, Mary Ann Darr Barb and husband Richard Barb, William Stuart Adams and wife Karen Ivie Adams, and Jane Adams Benge and husband Gordan Benge: five great-grandchildren, Diane, Teresa and Daniel Barb and Sonya Beth and Rachel Adams, one nephew J. Rudolph Adams; one niece Mrs. Mabel Adams; two grand nieces Mrs. Barbara Adams Smith and Linda Adams; two grand nephews Richard Adams, and Larry Adams; one sister-in-law Mrs. Stella Adams Benda; other relatives and many friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents and three brothers; A. Lee Adams, James Lester Adams and Lewis C. Adams.

Services were from the First Christian Church in Memphis, Missouri on Friday, September 17, 1971 at 2:00 p.m.  The Rev. Howard Merchant officiating.

Body bearers were Howard Hamilton, Leon Wheeler, Harold Kirkpatrick, Paul Drummond, Charles Lee Smith, and Robert Overfield.  Burial is the Memphis Cemetery.



Suffered Stroke In January and Never Regained Health.

W. J. (Jess) Adams, 1003 North Luther Street, died at his home this afternoon at 1:30 o’clock.  He suffered a stroke last January and never regained health.

Mr. Adams had been sexton at the Highland Park Cemetery for several years.

The funeral probably will be held Sunday.  The body is lying in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

William Jesse Adams, 70 years old. Was born Nov. 25, 1869, a son of Samuel A. and Susan Adams.  He was married to Jennie Adkins and one daughter was born to this union.  His wife died July 25, 1895.  On April 22, 1896 he was married to Stella May Ferguson.  To this union four children were born.

Surviving are his wife and the following sons and daughters, Mrs. Besie Hutcheson, Los Angeles, Calif.; Henry S. Adams, Willard O. Adams, Mrs. Beulah Colegrove, and Jesse L. Adams, all of Kirksville; four grandchildren and four great grandchildren.  He also leaves the following brothers and one sister; H. M. Adams, Kirksville; Dave Adams, Sublette; James Adams, Greentop; Mrs. J. S. Fiscus, Kirksville.

In early life, Mr. Adams lived on a farm west of Sublette.



Had Been Ill Several Weeks; Funeral To Be Here Monday.

Leander Elmer Ader, 77 years old died early yesterday morning at his home, 903 East Pierce Street.  He had been ill for the past several weeks.  Mr. and Mrs. Ader had celebrated their golden wedding anniversary two years ago.

Funeral services will be held Monday morning at the Dee Riley Funeral Home at 10 o’clock.  Burial will be in the Highland Park Cemetery.  the Rev. Odis James, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, will conduct the services.

Mr. Ader was born Jan. 7, 1861, at Princeton, Mo., the son of Benjamin and Sabra Pickett Ader.  He spent his early life on a farm in the vicinity of Princeton.  He was married Oct. 18, 1886, to Mary Elizabeth Briant.

In 1891 he entered the ministry of the Methodist Protestant Church.  He retired from the ministry in 1903.  Since coming to Kirksville 35 years ago he has been associated with the Holiness groups and with the Nazarene Church.

He is survived by his wife and a daughter, Ola Cleo, wife of the Rev. Edgar E. Atherton of Kankakee, Ill.; a son, Cecil Ader, of Kirksville, and a son by a former marriage, Oriando Ader, of Princeton; one brother, R. R. Ader of Cainsville, Mo., and a number of grandchildren, nephews and nieces.



Kirksville Resident Since 1898; Funeral Monday Morning.

Mrs. Mary E. Ader, 90, 903 E. Pierce, died in a Kirksville hospital Friday afternoon.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Monday morning at 11 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. Ralph H. Hicks, pastor of the First Methodist church in Kirksville.

Interment will be in the Highland Park cemetery.

Mrs. Ader was the daughter of David and Ruth Briant, and was born near Cainsville, Mo., on May 5, 1865.  She was married to Leander Elmer Ader, and to this marriage three children were born.

She is survived by a son, Cecil Ader, of Kirksville; four grandchildren; five great-grandchildren, and a son-in-law, the Rev. Edgar Atherton, who is pastor of the Wesley Methodist church at Bloomington, Ill.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, in 1938 two daughters; two brothers, and four sisters.

Mrs. Ader had lived in Kirksville since 1898.  She was a member of the Methodist church.

Bearers will be Leo Marquess Charley Western, Fred Speak, G. H. Reed, Leo Tarr and Harold Atchison.



Funeral Services Will Be Wednesday Afternoon

Mrs. Adella Adkins, 79, of 407 W. Burton, died Sunday afternoon in a Kirksville hospital.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon at one o’clock.  Rev. Cyrus David, pastor of the South Side Baptist Church, will officiate.  Interment will be in the Brashear cemetery.

Mrs. Adkins was the daughter of Jack and Jane (Sallade) Osborn and was born near Shibley’s Point, Oct. 8, 1871.  She was married to James Sam Adkins and to this marriage five children were born.  Mr. Adkins died in 1938 and she was also preceded in death by one daughter, two sons, two brothers and two sisters.

She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Pearl (Opal) Brackney; one son, Jacob Adkins, Edina; one brother, J. W. Osborn, Lees Summit; one sister, Mrs. Carl (Mary) Hughes, Kirksville; eighteen grandchildren and sixteen great grandchildren.

She was a member of the Methodist Church at Hurdland.

Bearers will be, George McKim, Lee McKim, Archie Adkins, Samuel Adkins, Johnnie Adkins and James Brackney.


Alfred Lee Adkins Dies in Hospital Here

Alfred Lee Adkins, 24-day- old son of Pansy Leora Adkins, of Novinger, died today in a Kirksville hospital.

Graveside services under the direction of the Dee Riley Funeral Home will be held at the Novinger cemetery Saturday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by Rev. Archie Cooper, of Kirksville.

The baby was born in Kirksville, Feb. 9.

He is survived by his mother and grandmother, Mrs. May Patterson, of Novinger.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.


Mrs. Janie Adkins died at her home in Jewel church neighborhood Wednesday morning, aged 60 years.  She is survived by one son, John Adkins and a daughter Mrs. Alfred Eggert, both of the Jewel neighborhood.



Funeral and Burial Services Tomorrow At Jewell.

John Campbell Adkins, 86 years old, died in a Kirksville hospital yesterday afternoon at 2:10 o’clock.

He had been in impaired health several years and in the hospital a year, due to a complication of diseases.

The funeral is to be tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Jewell Church and burial will be made in the churchyard cemetery.  The body will lie in state at the Davis Funeral Home until time to leave for the church.  Pallbearers have been selected as follows: George W. Adkins, Samuel E. Adkins, Harold Adkins, Leslie Darnell, Jesse Adams, and J. I. Vail.

Mr. Adkins was born in Kirksville Dec. 11, 1854, on the site where the postoffice [sic] now stands and lived in the county his entire life except for nine months in Oklahoma.  He participated in one of the Sooner State land rushes in the vicinity of Stillwater.

He was one of six children of Joseph E. Adkins, a native of Virginia, and Martha Jane Smith Adkins.

Married to Martna [sic] Jane Phillips Dec. 9, 1878, four children were born.  His wife, a son, Clyde, and daughter, Ocie Ola, preceded him in death.  He lived on a farm eight miles northwest of Kirksville, on the Connelsville road, until twenty years ago when he came to Kirksville and made his home with his son and daughter, John W. Adkins, proprietor of the O. K. Tire Shop, and Mrs. Jessie Leona Eggert.

Mr. Adkins was converted in the Christian faith over fifty years ago, uniting with the Mulberry Church.  Later he changed his membership to the Jewell Free Will Baptist Church, of which he was a member until his death.



Lifelong Resident of Adair County; Funeral Saturday

John Clark (Little John) Adkins, 84 years old, died this morning about 5 o’clock at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Owings, 702 South Sixth Street, with whom he had been making his home since 1930.

The funeral is to be Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church here.  Burial will be at the Jewell Cemetery.  The body is lying in state at the funeral home.

Mr. Adkins was born Oct. 22, 1855 in the Jewell vicinity, the family home being where Lewis Crow now lives.  He was the son of John R. and Elizabeth Neff Adkins.

He had lived in Adair County all his life, farming in the Jewell vicinity until moving to Kirksville sixteen years ago.

Mr. Adkins was married to Belle Lester who died in young womanhood and in 1898 he married Christina Alftine, who preceded him in death nineteen years ago.  Two children were born.

Surviving are one son, Samuel E. Adkins, Kirksville; the daughter, Mrs. Loren Owings, Kirksville; one sister, Mrs. S. J. Cook, Des Moines; one granddaughter, Ellen Irene Adkins.  A sister, Mrs. Jane Hilt, died New Year’s Day but Mr. Adkins never had been told of her death due to his condition.  He had suffered 3 1-2 years from hardening of the arteries.

Mr. Adkins was a member of the Jewell Free Will Baptist Church.  He had served as a Republican committeeman for Nineveh township.



The funeral of Mrs. J. C. Adkins, who died at her home in the Jewel church neighborhood yesterday morning, will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Jewel church.  Rev. Frank Duckworth will have charge of the services.

Mrs. Adkins was 60 years old and was born and reared in Adair county, having spent her girlhood on a farm near Yarrow.  Her mother, Mrs. Sophia Phillips, still lives on the old family home.  Mrs. Adkins was one of a large family of children.  She has five brothers and six sisters living.  One brother, William Phillips, lives near Yarrow, and the following sisters live in Adair county: Mrs. Wilbur Clifton, Mrs. John Hamilton, Mrs. Myrtle Floyd and Mrs. J. N. Darnell.  The other brothers and sisters live in other states.


 Little Rosie Again, of whose illness we spoke some time ago, died Saturday morning, December 24th, and was buried at Bethel church the next day.  This little girl has many friends in this community who will long remember her sweet, pleasant face and kind disposition.

 Rosie Again, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 29 Dec 1887, p. 2, col. 6



F. W. Ahern Died In Denver; Rites Held At Edina.

Special to the Daily Express.

Edina, Mo., May 6—F. W. Ahern, a former resident of Edina, died Saturday morning at 8 o’clock at Denver, Colo.  His body arrived here Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sandknop and the funeral was held this morning at 10 o’clock at St. Joseph’s Church, by the Rev. Terence Mullins.  Burial was made in the new St. Joseph’s Cemetery.

Mr. Ahern is survived by his wife, who was Noema Sandknop, of Edina, two sons, Billie and Paul, and three brothers and sisters.

He was manager of the Antrim Lumber Co. for a number of years subesquently [sic] had an interest in the Sandknop Meat Shop and operated a grocery store.  He purchased the grocery business from Patton and Ruxlowe and the LeVan building in which the store was located.

The Aherns left here about two years ago for Denver.



Novinger Woman Died Monday in Detroit, Mich.

Funeral services for Mrs. John (Beathea) Aitken, 73, of Novinger, who died in Detroit, Mich., Monday, will be held at the Novinger Methodist Church Friday afternoon at one o’clock, conducted by Rev. C. J. Chappell, of Novinger.  Interment will be in the Novinger Cemetery.

Mrs. Aitken was born in Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 20, 1874.  She was married to John Aitken and to this marriage ten children were born.  Her parents and one daughter preceded her in death.

She is survived by her husband, four sons, Walter, of Scotland, George, of Novinger, Edward, of White Plains, N. Y. and John, of Detroit; five daughters, Mrs. Mary Wyss, Mrs. Ruth Lamb, Mrs. Beathea Fenimore, all of Detroit, Mrs. Charlotte Vanlaningham, Winfield, Kan., and Mrs. Margaret Garraffa, New York City; seven grandchildren and one great grandson; two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Love and Mrs. Margaret Mackie, both of Scotland.

Mrs. Aitken was a member of the Presbyterian Church and also a member of the Knights of Ladies.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.



Retired Farmer Succumbs at Home of Daughter.

Special to The Daily Express.

Green City, Mo., Nov. 12—Thomas J. Albertson of Green City, age 78 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ralph Bartlett, in Chillicothe, Mo., early this morning where he had recently gone to spend the winter.  Heart trouble was the cause of his death.

Mr. Albertson was born and reared in Iowa, but moved to Missouri a number of years ago, and had lived most of his life in the vicinity of Green City.  He was married to Ethel Vosburg in Iowa, 56 years ago on November 4.  She preceded him in death on March 9, 1940.  Six children were born to this marriage, two having preceded him in death.  He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Lois Terry of Green City and Mrs. Floy Bartlett, of Chillicothe, two sons, Ed Albertson of Green City, and Wayne Albertson of Ely, Nevada.  He also leaves one brother, Joseph A. Albertson of Albia, Ia., twenty-four grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements have not been made, but the body will be brought back to Green City for burial.

Mr. Albertson had lived on a farm near Green City, but since the death of his wife has made his home with his children.


Albertson Funeral

Funeral services for T. J. Albertson, who died Nov. 12 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ralph Bartlett, in Chillicothe, were held Nov. 17 at 2:00 o’clock at the Methodist Church here, conducted by the pastor, Rev. G. T. Rolston.  Burial was in the Green City cemetery.  Among those from out of town to attend the last rites were: Mrs. Ralph Bartlett and daughter, Chillicothe, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Albertson and family of Ely, Nev., Jay Albertson, Albia, I., Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hoffman, Kirksville, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hobson and son, Independence, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Barnes and family of Winnigan, Mrs. H. E. Calkin and daughter of Forrest City, Mo., and Edd Jones, LaBelle, Mo.

Albertson, T. J., Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 20 Nov 1942, p. 7, col. 3-5, Green City Items, Friday



In Poor Health Several Years; Funeral Tomorrow Afternoon.

Special to The Daily Express.

La Plata, Mo., March 4—Mrs. L. A. Albright, wife of a well known garage proprietor here, died early this morning in a Kirksville hospital of uremic poisoning, aged 57 years.  Mrs. Albright had been in poor health for several years, but her condition had been considered critical only since Friday.  She was taken to the hospital Sunday evening.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Baptist Church here, conducted by Rev. Latrelle Stanfield, and burial will be in the Mt. Tabor Cemetery near Atlanta.

Mrs. Albright’s maiden name was Anna Ethel Farr, and she was the daughter of John A. and Priscilla A. Farr.  She was born in Adair County July 18, 1883.  She was married in 1899 to Loren Albright and they lived for a time in Adair County.  They later moved to Macon County and went to Atlanta in 1903 moving from there to La Plata in 1924.

She leaves her husband, mother and six children and ten grandchildren.  The surviving children are Mrs. E. C. Bunch, of Carlsbad, N. Mex.; Olin Albright, of Tampa, Texas; Mrs. Art Danner, Mrs. Clyde Naylor and Miss Fern Albright, all of La Plata, and Gail Albright, of Hamburg, Mo.

Her father, two children, one sister and one brother preceded her in death.


John Albright of Milan, Aged 83, Dies

Special to The Daily Express.

Milan, Mo., June 2—John Albright, 83-year-old resident of Milan, died at 5 o’clock this morning at St. Joseph Hospital in Centerville, Ia.  He had been in failing health for some time, but became seriously ill last Wednesday and was taken to the hospital then.  Death was attributed to the infirmities of advanced age.

Funeral arrangements have not been made, awaiting arrival of close relatives.  The body is now at the Schoene Funeral Home here.

Mr. Albright was a paper hanger and painter in Milan most of his life.

His wife died many years ago, and since her death he has been living alone in Milan.

He is survived by two sons, Mark R. and Phelix Albright, both of Chicago; and two daughters, Mrs. Bill O’Brien, of Chicago, and Marguerite, of Alton, Ill.



Downing Youth Injured in Accident at Home Sunday

Charles Alva Aldridge, five-year-old son of Alva and Anna Mae Aldridge of Downing, died Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in a Kirksville hospital from abdominal injuries suffered Sunday in an eight foot fall from a chicken house on which he was playing.

The body was brought to the family home at Downing Tuesday evening and the funeral is to be held this afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Coffey church, conducted by Rev. P. M. Lind, Christian minister of Queen City.  Burial will be in the Coffey cemetery. 

The boy was born March 21, 1935, at Downing.

Surviving him in addition to his parents are his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Aldridge of Downing, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Osbon of Rutledge.

Charles Alva Aldridge, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 11 Jul 1940, p. 1, col. 5



Ill for Past Four Weeks; Funeral To Be Tuesday.

Mrs. Alice Aldridge, 78, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. V. D. Arnold, in Greentop, Sunday morning at 3 o’clock.  She had been ill the past four weeks.

Funeral services will be held at the Coffey Church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock and interment will be in the Coffey Cemetery.  The body will lie in state at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arnold at Greentop.

Mrs. Aldridge was the daughter of Barrey and Elizabeth See and was born in Scotland County, Mo., Nov. 12, 1867.  She was married to Elias Aldridge, Oct. 10, 1886.  He died Aug. 30, 1945 also four children preceded her in death.

She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. George Blaine, of Lenox, Ia., Mrs. V. D. Arnold, Greentop, and Mrs. Simpson Erwin, Downing; two sons, Alva and Glen Aldridge, both of Willmathsville; eighteen grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

She lived all her married life of nearly 60 years on their farm southeast of Downing.



Funeral services were held for Mrs. Beulah Alexander, 58, Monday afternoon, April 30, at the M. E. church by Rev. Longstreth, pastor.  Music was by Mrs. H. H. Lewis, Mrs. H. E. Gerwig, Chas. Riley and Dee Rife, with Mrs. Dee Rife at the piano.  Mrs. Alexander was taken to the Grim-Smith hospital Wednesday where she died Saturday.  Burial was in the Downing cemetery.  She is survived by her husband, Frank Alexander, two sisters, Mrs. Ada Foster of Ottumwa, and Mrs. Chas. E. Long of Memphis; two brothers, W. O. and Earl Slavin, of Downing.



Mrs. Ross Alexander Had Been Ill the Past Three Years

Mrs. Ross Alexander, who had been in failing health the past three years, died at a Keokuk hospital last Saturday, April 30, at 5:30 a.m.  She became worse and was taken to the hospital Thursday morning.

Funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian church in Memphis Monday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. V. A. Venezia, and interment was in the Memphis cemetery.

Pall bearers were Leland McRobert, Osborn Mustoe, Marcus Mount, Lee Adams, Dr. J F. Alexander and John Fetters.

Mrs. Alexander was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Cox and was born in the northwest part of Scotland county on Dec. 6, 1877, where she lived for many years.  Her maiden name was Dona Madeline Cox.

On July 4, 1898, she was married to Ross Alexander, who survives with their three sons.  They had five children, twin daughters, Leah and Linden, dying in infancy.  The three sons are Ollie Alexander of Memphis; Paul Alexander of Enid, Okla., and Vernon Alexander of Des Moines.  She leaves one grandson, Ollie Alexander Jr., who is in the military service, also five sisters and one brother.

The five sisters are Miss Flora Cox and Mrs. Ben Briggs of Memphis, Mrs. C. C. Cook, Downing; Mrs. Adah Pritchard and Mrs. Frank Medley, Keokuk, and the brother is Oscar L. Cox of Memphis.

She was a member of the Presbyterian church in Memphis.


Alexander – An infant child of Jeff Alexander died last Tuesday and was laid to rest the next day.

Infant Child Alexander, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 21 Mar 1889, p. 3, col. 5


Former Resident Dies Sunday At St. Louis

Dr. James F. Alexander, 89, formerly of Memphis, died Sunday morning at the Masonic Home in St. Louis, where he had lived for the past nine years, it has been reported here.

Born March 3, 1878, in Scotland County, he was the son of Jefferson and Lucinda Davis Alexander.  He married Louise Fry December 8, 1900, and she died in March, 1956.

Survivors include two sons, LeRoy of Kirkwood, Mo., and William of Florissant, Mo., two daughters, Mrs. Lucinda Estes of Monroe City and Mrs. Lucille Hustead of Stronghurst, Ill., 16 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.  H was the last of his immediate family and was a veterinary doctor for many years in the Memphis community.

Funeral services were held Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Gerth and Baskett Funeral Home with the Rev. Phillip Tolliver officiating.  Interment will be in the Memphis Cemetery.

James F. Alexander, From Unknown Newspaper, 19 Oct 1967


Mrs. W. E. Alexander Died In Hospital Sept. 20

Mrs. Dr. W. E. Alexander passed away at the Davis County hospital, Bloomfield, Ia., Tuesday, September 20, 1955.  She had been ill most of the summer and was in the Davis County hospital for the last thirty days.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church, Thursday, September 22, at 2:00 p.m. Rev. W. E. Craig, pastor of the church in charge of the services.  Burial in Memphis cemetery.

Linda M. Dieterich was born Sept. 23, 1877 and was the youngest child of eight children born to John and Henryetta Dieterich of Clark county.  She was the last surviving member of this family.

On December 25, 1894 she married Dr. W. E. Alexander of this city.

To this happy union of fifty years four sons were born, Bressler B., John W., DeWitt and Paul.  Dr. Alexander preceded her in death April 18, 1945, DeWitt in 1904 and Paul in 1950.

She is survived by two sons, Bressler and John, two daughters-in-law, Dona and Gladys, nine grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.

Mrs. Alexander joined the Etna M. E. church in her childhood and had been a member of the M. E. church of Memphis for over fifty years.

Her cheerfulness and thoughtfulness will be greatly missed by her loved ones.

Linda M. (Dieterich) Alexander, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 22 Sep 1955, p. 1, col.3


Obituary of Grandmother Alexander

Mary Osborn was born April 17, 1834, in Lewis County, West Virginia, and departed this life Dec. 24, 1919, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harriett Sheetz of this city.

She was married to Wm. Hurst Oct. 11, 1852. To this union two daughters were born, Mrs. Harriett Sheetz of this city and Mrs. Florence Donaho of Mt. Sterling, Iowa. Her husband departed this life in 1855, and she was married to Wm. Alexander Oct. 4, 1857. To this union nine children were born, six of whom preceded her to the great beyond. Thus lived and died this good woman at the advanced age of 85 years, 8 months and 7 days.

Funeral services were held Friday morning, Dec. 26, interment in the city cemetery. Grandmother Alexander was respected and loved by all who were acquainted with her. During the years she has lived in this city she has made warm friends among the neighbors who feel that in her death they have a personal grief.

Mary (Osborn) Hurst Alexander, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 8 Jan 1920



Funeral and Burial Services To Be Tomorrow.

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Alexander, 80 years old, widow of William J. Alexander, died yesterday afternoon at 4:10 o’clock at her home at 1106 East Normal Avenue.

She suffered a light stroke June 12 and developed pneumonia, which caused her death.

The funeral is to be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Davis Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. Pyron McMillen, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and burial will be in the Maple Hill Cemetery.  The body will lie in state at the funeral home until time for the service.

Mrs. Alexander was born Sept. 1, 1859 at Smicksburg, Pa., only daughter of Jacob and Hannah Thomas Wilhelm.  Her father was a native of Zweibruecken, Germany.  Married Dec. 25, 1878, they came to Kirksville in 1889 and most of the succeeding fifty-one years of her life here had been spent at the home on a five-acre tract on East Normal Avenue.

She was a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Surviving her are three sons, John Alexander, who made his home with his mother; Wallace Alexander, Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Thomas Alexander, New York City; one daughter, Mrs. Ethel Hubbard, Kirksville; three grandchildren, Mrs. Harry Caufield, Jamestown, N. D., Richard and Mary Alexander, New York, and four great-grandchildren.

Dr. Thomas Alexander, who is professor of education in Teachers College, Columbia University, has been here with his mother several days.  His brother, Wallace, is expected to arrive from Cleveland tomorrow morning.


Infant Child Dead

Maxine Lucille, the ten-day old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander, living five miles northwest of this city, died Saturday of acute indigestion.  The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, the Rev. E.C. Morgan in charge.  Interment was made in Memphis Cemetery.

Maxine Lucille Alexander, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 22 Feb 1922, p. 1, col. 5


Melinda Alexander Services Held At Downing

Melinda E. (Linnie) Alexander, daughter of Washington and Georgianna Stratton McVey, was born January 20, 1880, in Schuyler County, Missouri and passed away on September 14, 1967, at the age 87 years, 7 months and 24 days.

She was married to Benjiman Petty in 1907, who preceded her in death on October 25, 1941.

In 1950 she was married to Ross Alexander of Memphis, who also preceded her in death on May 14, 1967.

Mrs. Alexander gave her life to Jesus Christ as a young girl and was a lifetime member of the Downing Christian Church where she faithfully attended until illness prevented.

She was preceded in death by her parents, three sisters and five brothers.

Left to mourn her departure are two sisters, Mrs. Callie Edmiston of Downing, Missouri, and Mrs. Ina McVey of Quincy, Illinois; one brother, Willard McVey of Downing, Missouri; many loving nieces and nephews and a host of friends.

Funeral services were conducted Saturday, September 16, 1967, at the Downing Christian Church at 2:00 p.m. by Rev. Kenneth Campbell.

Music was furnished by a quartet from the Church accompanied by Mrs. Virginia Lewis.  Selections were “Will the Circle be Unbroken” and “Going Down the Valley.”

Body bearers were Eugene Poe, Forrest Jackson, Vernie Carroll, Leland Jackson, Frank Snowbarger and Vernon Lee Jackson.

Melinda E. “Linnie” Petty Alexander, From Unknown Newspaper, 28 Sep 1967



Mrs. S. L. Alexander, mother of Mrs. Geo. Rainier of Hurdland, died Wednesday night after a long illness.  An obituary will be published next week.

Mrs. S. L. Alexander, Brashear, Missouri, The Brashear News, 18 Feb 1932, p. 1, col. 3



Widow, 58, Died at Home of Sister in Greencastle.

Greencastle, July 17—(Special)—Funeral services were held Friday at the Methodist Church by the Rev. Mr. DeVolld for Mrs. Nellie S. Alexander, aged 58.  Burial was in the Novinger Cemetery.

Mrs. Alexander, nee Nellie Alice Standley, was born in 1881 on a farm near Greencastle, the daughter of Jacob and Sarah Standley.  She died at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Conley, July 12.

On Nov. 2, 1897, she was married to Hugh Alexander of Stahl.  To this union two children were born, a son, Charles LaVerne, and a girl, Lemma Mae.  Both husband and daughter preceded her in death.

She is survived by the son, whose address is unknown, two grandsons of Compton, Calif., three sisters, Mrs. William Conley of Greencastle, Mrs. Ed Wielman of Lewistown, Ill., and Mrs. Louis Mears of McKittrick, Cal., one brother, Ora Standley of Downers Grove, Ill., four half-brothers, Clarence of Liscoe, Ia., Len of Macomb, Ill., James and Noble of Marshalltown, Ia.

Mrs. Alexander had been ill since last November with heart trouble and dropsy.


Olva Updyke Alexander Dies

Mrs. Olva Updyke Alexander, wife of W. P. Alexander, died at their home, 1624 Holman street, in Houston, Texas, Friday afternoon at 1 o’clock, acording [sic] to a message received here.  Her death was due to a heart attack.

Funeral services will be held in Houston Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock.  Burial will be made there.

Mrs. Alexander was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Updyke, of Kirksville, and she lived here for a number of years.  After her marriage to Mr.  Alexander they lived in Kansas City for several years.  They moved to Houston about ten years ago.  She was a niece of Mrs. Dora Frogge, of Kirksville, and a cousin of Mrs. William P. Kruse and C. R. Updyke.  Mrs. Kruse left yesterday afternoon for Huston to attend the funeral.  She plans to remain for awhile [sic]. 

Besides her husband, Mrs. Alexander leaves one sister, Mrs. Bessie Bland of Houston.



Paul J. Alexander Had Been in Ill Health Several Years

Paul J. Alexander, who has been in ill health the past few years, died at his home, 707 East Madison street in Memphis, Sunday afternoon, October 1, at 5:30 o’clock.

Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church of which he was a member, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 by the pastor, Rev. W. E. Longstreth, and interment was in the Memphis cemetery.

Music was by Mrs. Richard Moore, Miss Jeanie Plenge and Mrs. Longstreth.

Pall bearers were Pearl Cotton, Fred Henderson, Eugene Dodge, H. E. Prather, J. Ed Struble and Paul Bradley.

He was born in Memphis on August 8, 1905, being 45 years of age.  For a few years he lived on a farm but in recent years had worked at the carpenter trade and lived in Memphis.  He had suffered with a heart ailment several years.

He was s son of the late Dr. W. E. Alexander and Mrs. Linda Alexander of Memphis.  He was graduated from the Memphis high school.

On June 25, 1927, he was married to Miss Leona M. Hocker of Downing at the Memphis Methodist parsonage by Rev. Arthur S. Olsen.

He is survived by his mother, his wife and two sons, Paul Jr. and Franklin Lee Alexander, and two brothers, John W. Alexander and Bressler B. Alexander, all of Memphis.


Funeral Tuesday for Samuel L. Alexander

Hurdland, Mo., Nov. 17, (special)—Funeral services for Samuel L. Alexander, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. L. Ranier, Saturday evening at 7:30, will be held at the Easley Funeral home here, Tuesday afternoon, at two o’clock conducted by Rev. Fred P. Hanes, of Kirksville.

Interment will be in the Brashear Cemetery.



Mrs. S. L. Alexander died at her home northwest of Hurdland at 2:30 o’clock Thursday morning from a stroke of apoplexy suffered at 5 o’clock Friday as she was about her evening chores.

She was 63 years old and had been in failing health the last few years and through it all she was always kind and thoughtful of others.  Her faith and hope of the future was sweet and sure.

The funeral was held at the Christian church in Brashear at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon, Rev. J. H. Lane officiating.  Burial was in the Brashear cemetery.

As Susan Elizabeth Boren Mrs. Alexander was born in Marion county Oct. 7, 1868, a daughter of G. W. and Ann M. Tuggle Boren.  She married Samuel L. Alexander Oct. 9, 1884.  To them eight children were born.  One son, Raleigh, was drowned in Denver, Colo., Dec. 22, 1920.  The surviving children are: Mrs. Lena Rainier, Hurdland; Mrs. Fleda Nedrow, Tulsa, Okla.; Oscar Alexander, Quincy, Ill.; Charles Alexander, Los Angeles, Calif.; Aubry Alexander, Clayton, Ill.; Miss Gladys Alexander, Tulsa, Okla., and Archie Alexander, Kansas City.  She leaves also five grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Mrs. Alexander was a member of the First Christian church of Leonard, Mo., Joining at the age of 17 years.

Susan Elizabeth (Boren) Alexander, Brashear, Missouri, The Brashear News, 25 Feb 1932, p. 1, col. 6



Had Practiced Medicine in Memphis Almost Fifty Years

Dr. W. E. Alexander, one of the leading physicians of Memphis, died at the St. Joseph hospital at Keokuk yesterday afternoon, April 18, at 1:30 p.m.

Dr. Alexander became ill last Thursday and Thursday evening was taken to the hospital in an ambulance where an operation for appendicitis was performed Saturday morning.  He was accompanied to the hospital by his sons, Bressler B. Alexander and John W. Alexander.  Mrs. Alexander was with him at the hospital during his illness.

The body was brought back to Memphis yesterday afternoon and funeral services will be held here tomorrow.

Dr. Alexander had practiced medicine for over fifty years.  After graduating from medical school at Keokuk, he practiced at Wyaconda five years, and came to Memphis in 1898, where he has since practices.

Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Methodist church by Rev. W. E. Longstreth and Rev. E. L. Painter.  Interment will be in the Memphis cemetery.

He was a member of the Memphis Methodist church.

Dr. Alexander was born at Memphis on May 27, 1872, being almost 73 years of age.

He was married at Etna, Mo., on Christmas Day, December 25, 1894, to Miss Linda M. Dieterich, who survives, also three sons, John W. Alexander, Paul J. Alexander and Bressler B. Alexander.  One son, DeWitt Alexander, died Sept. 12, 1904.

Brothers and sisters surviving are: George Alexander, Los Angeles, Calif.; Dr. Con Alexander, Whitewater, Kansas; Dr. Jas. F. Alexander, Edina, Mo.; Mrs. Florence Curtis, Memphis, and Mrs. Allie Greeno, San Diego, Calif.

The grandchildren are Billie Rae Alexander, Mrs. Leta June Kurtz, Betty Jean Alexander, Paul Alexander Jr., Franklin Alexander, Miss Roma K. Alexander, Cpl. Clifford Alexander, El Centro, Calif., Arlene Powell, Pontiac, Mich.; Kenneth Wayne Alexander; and one great granddaughter, Constance Dee Alexander.

He was preceded in death by one brother and three sisters, Mrs. Luella Daugherty, Carey Alexander, Mrs. Cora Shally and Mrs. Nellie Ward-Bertram.



Native of Adair County; Funeral to Be on Monday

Nile Alger, 76, died at his home northeast of Kirksville Friday evening.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Monday afternoon at 3:00, conducted by Elder Clyde O. Johnson of Kirksville.  Interment will be in the Green Castle cemetery.

Mr. Alger was the son of E. E. and Eugenia De May Mason Alger, and was born Dec. 1, 1877, in Adair county.  He was first married to Artie Sharp, in 1904, and to this marriage six children were born.  Mrs. Alger died in 1913.  In 1923, he was married at Quincy, Ill., to Ellen Stinson, and to this marriage three children were born.

He is survived by his wife; five sons, Cecil Alger, Glendale, Calif., Mason Alger Glendo, Wyo., Wendell Alger, St. Louis, Merle Alger, Quincy, Ill., and Kenneth Alger, Kirksville, and four daughters, Mrs. Harley (Elnore) James, St. Louis, Mrs. Sean (Vera) Mulanix, Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Myrl (Betty Lou) Ferguson, Kirksville, and Nilene Alger, of the home, 18 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Mr. Alger was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers.  He had lived in Adair county all his life, and engaged in farming.

Bearers will be: Cecil Alger, Wendell Alger, Kenneth Alger, Mason Alger, Merle Alger, and Myrl Ferguson.



Funeral services will be held 2 pm Saturday for Mrs. Annie Jane Allen who died at 11 pm Wednesday at the Ottumwa Hospital.

The funeral will be held at the Pulaski M.E. Church with the Rev. Samuel Bowser officiating.  The body is at the Wagler Funeral Home and will remain there until noon Saturday.

Mrs. Allen was born Jan. 6, 1876 in Pulaski to Jacob and Minnie Bickel.  She was a life long resident of the Pulaski community.  She married Joe Allen on Feb. 1, 1897 in Pulaski.

Mrs. Allen was a member of the Pulaski Christian Church.

She is survived by three daughters; Mrs. Herbert Heither of Pulaski, Mrs. Orval Gouterman of Bendendorf and Mrs. Charles Ivans of West Burlington.  Two sons; Bennie Allen of Pulaski, and Louis Allen of Libertyville; eight grandchildren and 12 great -grand-children.

She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, one son, three sisters and one brother.

Annie Jane Allen, Bloomfield Iowa, Bloomfield Democrat, 15 Oct 1964, p. 1


Arthur Allen, who was taken to Guymon Oklahoma about five weeks ago on account of his health, died at that place Sunday evening.  The remains accompanied by Mr. Allen and Dr. Dinsmoor arrived in this city Tuesday afternoon.  The funeral was conducted at Bear Creek yesterday at 10:00 o’clock after which the remains were laid to rest in the Bear Creek cemetery.  The family has the sympathy of the entire community.



Arthur J. Allen son of E. B. and Mary Allen of this city was born near Fairmont, Clark county[,] Missouri, Dec. 26, 1884 and died at Guymon, Ok. May 7 1905, he had been taken there a few weeks ago on account of his health.  He was the only son.  The family has the sympathy of the whole community in this their sad bereavment [sic].


Found dead in Bed.

Barlow Allen, a carpenter of this city, was found dead in his bed last Sunday morning.  He had been on the streets Saturday in good health apparently and retired as usual that night without complaining of feeling badly.  He boarded at Ham R. Courtney’s and failing to get up in the morning or respond when called the family notified Deputy Marshal L. E. Byrne, who went to the house and found the door to the bed room locked.  Bursting the door open he found Mr. Allen lying dead in bed with his right hand over his heart.  Judging from the appearance of the body, bed and surroundings he died without a struggle.  His death was so sudden and mysterious a coroner’s jury was summoned and after a careful investigation of the case the jury found that his death probably resulted from heart failure.  There were no signs of suicide or violence so far as they could learn from the testimony or discern from the surroundings, hence no other finding was possible under the light they had.  Mr. Allen was an industrious, quiet and inoffensive citizen and his sudden and strange death cast a gloom over the entire city.  He leaves a wife and one child by his last marriage and a married daughter, Mrs. Martin Steffan Jr., by a former marriage and many relatives and friends to mourn his death.  Funeral services were held Tuesday, interment being made in the Memphis cemetery.

Barlow Allen, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille 1 Dec 1898, p. 1, col. 8



Well Known Farmer Had Been in Failing Health Recently

C. L. Allen, well known farmer of the Salem community southeast of Memphis, who had been in failing health in recent months, died suddenly at his home Saturday, January 29, about two o’clock.

Funeral services were conducted at the Payne chapel in Memphis Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock by Rev. W. E. Longstreth, pastor of the Methodist church, and interment was in the Memphis cemetery.

A male quartette sang for the service, Dr. Keethler, Leo Paul, Glen Fugate and Pearl Cotton.  Mrs. Longstreth played for the service.

Pall bearers were Robt. Enness, Wm. Ebling, Howard Mayfield, Fred Orton, A. G. Moffett and Paul Cone.

Calvin Levi Allen was born in Scotland county, in the Bible Grove community on October 25, 1870, being 78 years of age last October.  He spent his entire life in this county.

Calvin Levi Allen was the son of Calvin O. Allen and Mary Ann Allen.

Mr. Allen and Mattie Belle Stoneking of Williamstown, in Lewis county, were united in marriage on February 17, 1895.  They observed their fiftieth wedding anniversary in 1945.

The Allens moved to their home place in 1911 where he farmed up to the time of his death.  He was a good citizen, fine neighbor and friend.  In 1930 he united with the Methodist church in Memphis.  He was a member of the I.O.O.F. and the Rebekah lodge in Memphis.

He is survived by his companion, Mrs. Allen, and by two brothers, Judge P. R. Allen of Memphis, and Grover C. Allen of Kansas City, by two sisters, Mrs. Cora Palmer of Phoenix, Arizona, and Mrs. Ed. Grimm of Kirksville.  He is also survived by nieces Mrs. Henry Boucher of Memphis and Mrs. Edna Palmer-Hughes, and great nieces Wilma Hughes and Jane Allen Boucher.


ALLEN – A two year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen living southeast of this city, died on Monday of this week and was buried the next day.

Child Allen, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 16 Aug 1888, p. 3, col. 4


Mrs. P. R. Allen Services Were Held Tuesday

Ethel Mae Smith, daughter of Wm. Lewis and Emily Jane Black Smith was born in Clark County, Missouri, March 6, 1882, and died in Kirksville, Missouri, August 30, 1964.

On September 23, 1904, she was married to Peter R. Allen of Memphis, Missouri.  They were the parents of two children, Lloyd Smith Allen, who died in infancy, and Madeline, Mrs. Henry Boucher.

Mrs. Allen was an active member of he Memphis Methodist Church, a member of the D. A. R., the Order of Eastern Star and the Rebekah Lodge.

She is survived by her husband of the home, her daughter who resides in Kirksville and one granddaughter, Jane Allen Boucher also of Kirksville.  She was preceded in death by her parents, two sisters and a twin brother.

Funeral services were held from the Payne Chapel Tuesday, September 1st at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. Frederick Lawson.  Burial was in the Memphis cemetery.

Body bearers were J. A. Daggs, Harley Black, J. B. Smoot, Russell Cravens, Mike Palmer and Mack Kutzner.



Lived on Route 1; Funeral Services Sunday Afternoon

Herbert S. Allen, 43, of Kirksville, route 1, died this morning in a Kirksville hospital.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Sunday afternoon at 3:30.  Rev. P. M. Lind, of Queen City, will officiate.

Mr. Allen was the son of John J. and Hannah (Smith) Allen and was born in Adair County, July 28, 1907.

He was married to Stella Rager in Kirksville, Jan. 28, 1927 and to this marriage four children were born.

He is survived by his wife; two sons, Jim and Charley, of the home, two daughters, Mrs. Freddie (Lila Mae) Lay, of Millard, and Mrs. Clarence (Delores) Purvis, Kirksville; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Allen, Kirksville; two brothers, Charley, of Kiowa, Kan., and John, of Kirksville; three sisters, Mrs. Will (Esther) Leavitt and Mrs. George (Lula) Rager, both of Kirksville, and Mrs. John (Delia) Lonberger, of Greentop, and three grandchildren.

One brother preceded him in death.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Bearers will be: Grandison Brawner, Noah Brawner, William Wayman, John Waggoner, Glen Johnson and Junior Johnson.


 (October 17, 1939)

The death angel has visited our vicinity again and has taken two more of our citizens, Alex Barb, 87, Thursday, Oct. 12, 1939, at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Allen.  Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the moore [sic] funeral chapel by Rev. McColloch of Memphis.  Music by Messrs. Chas. Riley, Jim Ashworth, Leslie Shaw and Harry West, with Mrs. Verlin McVey at the piano.  He had been in poor health a long time.

Hutt Allen, 62, passed away suddenly at the feed mill Friday, October 13, 1939, in Downing.  Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Presbyterian church by Rev. J. M. Dawkins of Kirksville.  Music by Leslie Shaw, Chas. Riley, Jim Ashworth and Harry West, with Mrs. Verlin McVey at the piano.  He had been a pall bearer at the Barb services a few hours before.



Died at the John Pryor Home in Memphis Friday

Funeral services for James W. Allen, 70, who died Friday night, Oct. 18, at the John Pryor home in the east part of town, were held at Moore’s chapel in Downing, Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock and were conducted by Rev. Furkin of Warrensburg, Mo.  Interment was in the McGrady cemetery.  Pall bearers were Adron Moore, Wes Jackson, Ed. Woods, Lewis Hale, Elmer Donaldson and Elra Barrickman.  Music was by the Camp Ground choir.

James W. Allen was a son of Sthreshley and Eliza Allen.  He was born May 5th, 1870.

On September 12, 1894, he was married to Addie Arnold, who died in 1904.  To this union were born the following children, who survive: Cleo Allen, Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. Muriel Shulze, Arlington, Va.; and Fred Allen of Downing.

On Jan. 12, 1910, he was married to Mrs. Christena McCune, who died April 24, 1939.

Besides the above children, he leaves three grandchildren, Jean, Junior and Jimmy Allen; the following step-children, Garfield McCune of Memphis, Oscar McCune, Downing; Mrs. Iva Morris, Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs. Zelma North, Black Foot, Idaho, and Mrs. Edith Stipp of Kansas City, Kansas; four sisters and a brother, Mrs. Agnes St. Clair of Downing, Mrs. Flora Johnson, Hamilton, Mont.; William D. Allen, Mrs. J. M. Houchen and Mrs. Myrtle Caldwell of Downing.

He was a member and elder in the Middle Fabius Cumberland Presbyterian church and a charter member and treasurer of the Camp Ground cemetery association.



Funeral Services On Monday for Retired Farmer

John J. Allen, 81, of 2214 S. Halliburton, a retired farmer, died Saturday morning at the home of his son, John, on route two, Kirksville.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, where the body is lying in state, Monday afternoon at 1:30, conducted by Rev. W. R. Kornegay, pastor of the Nazarene Church.  Interment will be in the Ownbey cemetery.

Mr. Allen was the son of James and Louisa Allen and was born June 6, 1870, in Adair county.

He was married to Hannah Smith Feb. 19, 1890, at Kirksville, and seven children were born to this marriage.

He was preceded in death by two sons and one half-sister.

He is survived by his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Will (Esther) Leavitt, Kirksville route 1, Mrs. John (Delia) Lonberger, Greentop route 2, and Mrs. George (Lulu) Rager, Kirksville route 2; two sons, Charley, Kiowa, Kan., and John W. Allen, route 2, one half-brother, Everett Dodson, Ottumwa, Ia., twenty-two grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.

Bearers will be: Jim Allen, Herbert Allen, Bruce Leavitt, Frank Lonberger, Robert Knott, and Virgil Klingsmith.

John J. Allen, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 9 Mar 1952, p. 8, col. 2



Kirksville Woman, 40, was Active in P. T. A. Work

Mrs. Robert Allen, 40, of 1305 E. Missouri street, died in a Kirksville hospital Saturday morning at 3:10.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock at the Davis & Wigal Funeral Chapel, 202 E. Washington, conducted by the Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist church.  Interment will be in the Highland Park cemetery.  The body will remain at the funeral home.

The daughter of Henry and Anna Minor McCollum, Mrs. Lucille Allen was was [sic] born at Gifford Dec. 22, 1912.  She was married June 9, 1934, to Robert Allen in Kirksville.  Her father and one brother preceded her in death.

Surviving are her husband, two daughters, Jane Carol 8, and Beth 14, both of the home; her mother, Mrs. Henry McCollum, of Kirksville, three sisters, Mrs. Fern Haldeman, of Beatrice, Neb., Mrs. Isabelle Solomon, Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. Vada Jean Divebliss, of Bucklin, and one brother, Loren, of Trenton.

Mrs. Allen attended the public schools of Kirksville and the Teachers College, and was an active member of the P. T. A. at Washington School.  She was a member of the Baptist Church.

Bearers will be Raymond Winslow, H. A. Martin, Roscoe Thomas, Don Wayman, Wallace Bell and Bufford Morgan, of Unionville.


Death of Mrs. Samuel Allen, Sr.

Relatives of Mrs. Samuel Allen, Sr., received a telegram Tuesday, telling of the death of Mrs. Allen, which occurred at their home in Trenton, Mo., on that morning.  Mrs. Allen, was the wife of a former editor of The Democrat, and was well known here.  About a year ago Mr. and Mrs. Allen celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at Trenton, where they have lived for several years.

Mrs. Samuel Allen, Sr., Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 20 May 1909



R. L. Allen, who had made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Shumaker of this city for the past six months, died Monday, Jan. 2.  He was 74 years old.  He formerly lived near La Plata.  Mr. Allen is survived by seven children: Mrs. Lizzie Shumaker of Kirksville; Ben Allen, of Elmer; Bill Allen, of Gifford; Mrs. Tena Musick of La Plata; Henry Allen, of Mammoth, Colo, Mrs. Ben Roberts, Hazelton, Kan., and Mrs. Ada Shumaker, of Madrid, Iowa.



Little Virgil Allen Killed by a Kick From a Horse.

Last Saturday morning while little Virgil Allen was harnessing a horse preparatory to going to work, a colt bit the horse he was working with, and it kicked viciously, its hoof striking the boy in the left breast, killing him almost instantly.  The burial took place at the Owenby cemetery Sunday afternoon.

Virgil Allen, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Journal, 4 Jul 1901, p. 1, col. 4


Card of Thanks.

We wish to thank you dear neighbors for your kindness to us in the sudden death of our dear son, Virgil.  We have been among you but a few months, still your kindness shows us that you are a big hearted, sympathetic people, it will cement a kind feeling for you.  May God’s richest blessing rest upon you all.  And to you our old Troy Mills friends we appreciate your kindness and sympathy to us in our sudden bereavement.  May God richly bless you all; is the prayer of

                                                          Yours truly,

                        JOHN J. AND HANNAH ALLEN

    Virgil Allen, Card of Thanks, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Journal, 4 Jul 1901, p. 1, col. 4



Pvt. Willard Junior Allen, of Elmer, Killed in War         

Funeral services for Pvt. Willard Junior Allen, of Elmer, who was killed in action February 8, 1945, in Germany during World War II, will be held at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon at the Christian church in Elmer.  The Elmer American Legion will conduct a military service.           

The body is scheduled to arrive in Elmer at 8:45 o’clock Wednesday morning and will be taken to the McCollum Funeral Home in Elmer, where it will lie in state until the hour of services.

The late Pvt. Allen was born south of Elmer Jan. 23, 1923, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Allen.  He entered the army July 17, 1944, and received his training at Camp Robinson, Ark.  In January, 1945, he was sent overseas and killed in action in Germany Feb. 8, 1945.  He received he Purple Heart and medals.  He was a graduate of the Elmer High School, in 1941.

He was buried in the Magratten cemetery in Holland before his body was returned to the United States.

Pvt. Allen is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Allen and one son, Raymond Willard, of Excelsior Springs, four brothers and three sisters, Virgil, of Elmer, Robert, of La Plata, Clifford, of Anabel, Norman and Hazel, of the home, Mrs. Opal Agee, of Kirksville, and Mrs. Coleen Calhoun, of La Plata.


W. E. Allison, one of Kirksville’s most highly respected citizens dropped dead Tuesday afternoon while delivering laundry in the 600 block on West Jefferson street.  He was just recovering from a severe attack of influenza and had been unable to do any heavy work about the Spears Laundry, where he was employed, and had been put in charge of the delivery wagon.  He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Allison, two sons, Guy, and J. C. who are engaged in the wholesale fruit busines [sic] in San Frahcisco [sic], California, and a daughter, who lives near Prosser, Washington.  The funeral will probably take place Sunday afternoon.  The body is being held until the arrival of his son, Guy Allison, who wired that he would be here Sunday morning.



Well Known Citizen’s Heart Affected by Influenza Attack.

W. E. Allison, of 601 East Missouri street, dropped dead this afternoon about 3:30 o’clock while delivering laundry in the 600 block on West Jefferson street.  The cause of death was probably due to a weak heart brought on as a result of the influenza.

He suffered an attack of influenza recently and since then has been unable to do any laundry work but has been driving a delivery wagon for the Spears Laundry.  He seemed to be in fairly good health and when he left the laundry shortly before his death, he did not mention feeling badly.

He was a highly respected citizen of this city, where he had lived for many years.  He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Allison, and two sons, Guy and J. C. Allison, who are in business in the west.  J. C. Allison enlisted in the navy and was stationed at Mare Island, Calif., but was recently discharged and had entered into a partnership with his brother, who has been engaged in the wholesale fruit business for several years.

 W. E. Allison, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 21 Jan 1919, p. 1, col. 3, Tuesday



The funeral of W. E. Alllison, who died suddenly yesterday afternoon, will probably be held Sunday afternoon.   The body is being held until the arrival of a son, Guy Allison, who telegraphed he would be here Sunday morning.  The other son, J. C. Allison, and the daughter, Martha, who lives in Washington, will be unable to come.

According to physicians, Mr. Allison probably died from a stroke of apoplexy instead of heart trouble.

W. E., Allison, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 22 Jan 1919, p. 1, col. 4, Wednesday


Body of Pfc. Allred Returned

The body of Pfc. John S. Allred, son od Mr. and Mrs. William J. Allred, of 1221 N. Main of this city, has been returned to the United States on the Army Transport Lieutenant James E. Robinson.

The family will be notified when the body will leave the Regional Distribution Center for interment.

Pfc. John S. Allred, John, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 09 Dec 1948, p. 1, col. 6



Funeral For Prominent Farmer To Be Held Saturday.

Special to The Daily Express.

Brashear, Mo., Feb. 7—William F. Ambrosia, prominent farmer and stockman of eastern Adair County, died suddenly Thursday morning at his home 3 ½ miles northwest of Adair, following a stroke.  He was 72 [sic] years old.

Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o’clock at Willmathsville, conducted by the Rev. Perley M. Lind, and burial will be in the Willmathsville cemetery.

Mr. Ambrosia sustained a light stroke early in December and was confined to the house for about three weeks.  He apparently had recovered and was helping his two sons with the farm chores yesterday morning when he fell unconscious about 9 o’clock.  He was taken to the house, but died an hour and a half later without regaining consciousness.

Mr. Ambrosia was the son of Gotlieb and Amelia Ladwig Ambrosia and was born in Hamburg, Germany, April 3, 1867.  He was brought to this country by his parents when he was nine years old.  After a short time in New York, the family settled on a farm near Queen City.  He had owned and lived for 44 years on the farm where he died.

He was married April 7, 1897, to Miss Charlotte Christman, who survives him.  Seven children were born of the union, one of whom died in infancy.  The surviving children are L. P. Ambrosia and William Ambrosia, Jr., of the home farm; A. R. Ambrosia and Mrs. Chester Purvis, both of Kirksville; H. S. Ambrosia, of Willmathsville, and Mrs. Clinton Burns, of Greentop.  He leaves four grandchildren, and two brothers and sisters, Albert and Henry Ambrosia and Mrs. Minnie Foster, all of Clovis, Calif., and Mrs. Emma Beasore, of Oakhurst, Calif.

The pallbearers selected are Hugh Pearce, Henry Pearce, Dick Douglas, Tom Farley, Henry Goldsby and Archie St. Clair.


Dominic Amedei, Aged 52, Dead

Miner passes away at his home at Tipperary Friday

Had been sick for about two months—Funeral Saturday

Dominic Amedei, miner employed at Midland 4, living at Tipperary, died at his home Friday, July 1, after an illness of about two-months.  The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Father Jermain in St. Rose Catholic church in this city at 9 a.m. Saturday, July 2.  Interment was in the Novinger cemetery, in charge of N. B. Wellman.

Mr. Amedei was born in Italy and was 52 years old.  He married Teressa Biondi on July 9, 1898 and came to America in 1912.  He is survived by a widow, four sons and three daughters, ranging from six to 21 years of age.


Funeral Services Held For John Ames, 84

Funeral services for John Ames, aged 84, who died in a Kirksville hospital Sunday morning, were held in the Memorial Chapel of the Robert B. Davis Funeral Home, 115 W. Jefferson, this afternoon at 3:30.  Rev. Herbert E. Manning, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, officiated.  Interment was in the Highland Park cemetery.  He had been a patient in the hospital almost a year.

His son, A. W. Ames, of New Your City, came here by plane to attend the funeral.  He will return to New York by plane.


Mrs. Mark Ames Dies

Mrs. Mark Ames, age 61 years, died at her home south of town at 2:20 o’clock Saturday afternoon.  She had been in failing health for some time and Friday suffered a paralytic stroke.  Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, Nov. 16 at 1:30 o’clock at the Prairie Chapel Church, conducted by Rev. G. T. Rolston, and burial was in the Mt. Olivet cemetery.  She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Ella Rutledge of Green City and one son Lewis at home, besides other relatives.

Mrs. Mark Ames, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 20 Nov 1942, p. 7, col. 3-5, Green City Items, Fri.



Believed to Have Been Accidentally Inflicted

Arthur “Ike” Amick, 54, of 202 E. Fillmore street, was fatally wounded by a 22-calibre rifle in an automobile in front of his home about 5:40 o’clock yesterday evening, and all circumstances indicate that the wound was inflicted in an accident.  He died about 7 o’clock at the Grim-Smith Memorial Hospital.

The deceased, a son of Frank and Abigail Ann Runnels Amick, was born at Stahl on Sept. 8, 1894.  He lived in Missouri all his life with the exception of two years spent in Colorado.  He and a brother, Melvin, operated a machine shop in Novinger for several years and later they operated a machine shop on North Franklin street, formerly was owned by W. L. Sherwood.  He was a veteran of world War I, and a member of the Methodist Church.

Mr. Amick was married to Miss Opal Epperson on Aug. 20, 1919, at Novinger and to this marriage three children were born.

He is survived by his wife, two sons, Arthur B., Jr., of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Harold D., of Needles, Calif., and a daughter, Mrs. Joe (Dorothy Jean) Peniston of Boonville; his father, Frank Amick of Greencastle, two brothers, Melvin H., of Jefferson City, and Marion G., of Middleton, Md., four sisters, Mrs. Frank W. (Opal) Thomas of Elmer, Mrs. Basil (Mabel) Hillyer of Brighton, Colo., Mrs. Chas. G. (Izetta) Conkin of Greencastle, and Mrs. Eva Stevens of Kirksville, and three grandchildren.  He was preceded in death by his mother and one brother, Franklin.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.



Was 93 Years Old; Funeral Plans Incomplete

Green Castle, Jan. 11. (Special)—Hiram Franklin Amick, 93, well known former Adair county resident, died in a Kirksville hospital yesterday after an illness of a few weeks.  He had been hospitalized only a few days.

The son of Gideon and Ann Amick, he was born in Atchison county Aug. 26, 1857.  When he was sixteen years of age he came with his parents to Adair county.  He continued living in Kirksville and Novinger until 1946 when he moved to the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Conkin, in Green Castle.

He was united in marriage to Abigail Ann Runnells, Sept. 10, 1883.  Mrs. Amick died in the early 1930’s.

They were the parents of eight children.  One son died in infancy and another son, Arthur B. Amick, died Dec. 2, 1948.

The surviving children are: Mrs. Opal Thomas, of Elmer; Melvin H. Amick, of Jefferson City; Mrs. Mabel Hillyer, of Brighton, Colo.; Mrs. Izette M. Conkin, of Green Castle; Marion G. Amick, of Middletown, Del., and Mrs. Eva G. Stevens, of Kirksville.  There are 12 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements are in complete, pending word from relatives.  The body is lying in state at the Glenn E. Kent and Son Funeral Home in Green City.

Mr. Amick owned and operated a sawmill in Novinger until he retired four years ago but he maintained a vital interest in affairs of the day until his illness.  He operated feed and grist mills in Kirksville, Novinger and Stahl in his early manhood.


H. F. Amick Funeral Saturday Afternoon

Green Castle, Jan. 12, (Special)—Funeral services for Hiram Franklin Amick, 93, former Novinger resident, who died Wednesday in a Kirksville hospital, will be held at the Methodist Church in Novinger Saturday afternoon.  Services, conducted by the Elder Clyde Johnson, will be held at 2 o’clock.  Interment will be made in the Novinger cemetery.

At 10 o’clock Saturday morning, the body will be removed from the Glenn E. Kent and Son Funeral Home in Green City and taken to the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Charles G. Conkin, in Green Castle, until time for the services.



Final rites were held here Sunday afternoon fr [sic] A. H. Ammerman, 92-year-old veteran of the Civil War, who died Friday morning in a local hospital.  He had been suffering with a kidney disease for several yeas [sic], but was seriously ill for only a day.

Mr. Ammerman, who had lived in Kirksville and vicinity for 47 years, was born September 16, 1840, in Scotland county.  He enlisted in the Missouri Militia at Memphis n [sic] 1861 and a year later enlisted in the 12th Missouri Cavalry and served in the Eastern Army.  He participated in 16 battles and scrimmages and was never wounded.

Mr. Ammerman’s closest relatives are nephews and nieces, several of whom survive.  His wife died over 30 years ago and he was laid to rest at her side in the Llewellyn Cemetery.


Mrs. A. Ammerman Dies In California

Word was received here yesterday of the death of Mrs. A. Ammerman at Glendale, Calif., April 28.  Funeral services will be held here at 2 p.m. Sunday at Payne chapel.

Mrs. Ammerman was born Dora Dewey, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dewey, in Albia, Iowa.  She was graduated from Memphis high school in 1895 and was employed in Miller dry goods store before her marriage Oct. 4, 1899, to Alfred Ammerman at the home of her parents on East Huntington street.

Mr. and Mrs. Ammerman lived their entire life in Memphis until a few months ago when they went to Glendale, where they made their home.

 Mr. Ammerman was a grocer in Memphis for many years and has served as mayor.  Mrs. Ammerman had been an invalid for several years.

Mrs. Ammerman is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Wade H. Crites and one son, Charles.

Rev. Merritt H. Baker and Rev. W. E. Longstreth will conduct the funeral services.  Burial will be in Memphis cemetery.



Mrs. J. N. Waggoner returned this morning from Lewistown where she had been for the past ten days helping to care for her grandfather, T. W. Ammerman, who died at that place Sunday and was buried Tuesday.

Mr. Ammerman was 82 years old and had been ill for several weeks with nephritis.  Mr. Ammerman was one of the best known men in Lewis county.  He leaves the following children: Mrs. Mary E. Lyon, Springfield, Mo., F. S. Ammerman, superintendent of the LaBelle light plant, Mrs. Mattie E. White, wife of Lieut. W. G. White of the Medical Corps of the American Expeditionary Forces, and who is now in France, and Mrs. Kittie Sue Etienne of the secret service bureau of the police department of St. Louis.  His wife died about 20 years ago and since that time Mr. Ammerman had been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. W. G. White.

T. W. Ammerman, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 13 Jun 1918, p. 6, col. 5, Thursday


Little Harry Ammons, son of A. J. Ammons, died Saturday afternoon at four o’clock of pneumonia fever.  He had the measles and the fever set in afterwards.  There were seven al down with measles at once.  All had the fever afterwards, but the rest are out of danger as present.

Harry Ammons, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, county correspondent, 22 Feb 1894, p. 2, col. 3


Mrs. A. J. Ammons Funeral

She Died at Her Home near Gorin Thursday, February 11

(By Our Gorin Reporter)

Funeral services for Mrs. A. J. Ammons, 84, who died at her home near Gorin last Thursday, February 11, were held at the Pleasant Grove Baptist church Saturday morning at 11 o’clock, conducted by Rev. H. P. Anglen of Gorin; Interment in the Gorin Cemetery.

Pall bearers were W. N. Piles, J. G. Piles, W. H. Williams, H. L. Cameron, H. L. Robinson and W. H. Meyer.

Music was furnished by Margaret and Murlene Meyer, Virginia Frazee, Madoline Monroe, Noel Pryor, Hollis Henry, Mazie Holt, Mrs. S. R. Robinson, Mrs. R. O. Leftwich, Mrs. W. H. Meyer, Mrs. G.V. Baskett, Mrs. E. E. Pryor, Mrs. R. E. Shacklett and W. M. Hedges.

Mary Jane Wise was a daughter of Isaac and Hannah Wise. She was born in Marion county, West Virginia, on March 4, 1852.

She was united in marriage to Amos J. Ammons on August 31, 1873. To this union was born twelve children, five of whom preceded her in death. She leaves four sons and three daughters, Eddie C. and Millard J. Ammons, of Colony, Mo.; Charlie I. of Valrico, Florida; Lloyd U., Mrs. Leota H. Shacklett, Mrs. Bess M. Haff and Mrs. Georgie L. Corbin, all of Gorin, Mo. She leaves fifteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

She united with the old Union Baptist church at Cross Roads, West Virginia, when a very young girl. She moved with her husband to Scotland county, Mo., in 1884 where she spent the remainder of her life.

Mary Jane (Wise) Ammons, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 18 Feb 1937


Amon Baby Stillborn

A son was stillborn to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Amon, of Washington, Mo., at a hospital here Sunday morning.  The Amons formerly lived in Kirksville.

The baby was buried this morning at 10:30 o’clock at the Highland Park Cemetery.  Surviving besides the parents are twin brothers, Rex and Roy.

Baby Amon, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 23 Nov 1942, p. 5, col. 3, Monday


Mrs. Emma Amon Dies At Home of Daughter

Mrs. Emma Ellen Amon, widow of James Amon, died at 10 o’clock Saturday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Lowe, 915 East Harrison Street.  Mrs. Amon had been seriously ill the past two months.

Born April 24, 1863, in Mercer County, Pa., Mrs. Amon came to Missouri with her husband 55 years ago and settled on a farm near Kirksville.  Her husband died about 30 years ago and she later moved to Kirksville to make her home.  She joined the Methodist Church in early womanhood.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Lowe, 915 East Harrison Street, and Mrs. Ina Lowe, 607 West Pierce Street; three sons, Allen Amon, of East Jefferson Street; Roy Amon who lives on a farm north of Kirksville and Willard Amon who lives at Washington, Mo.; four sisters and two brothers, and several nieces, nephews, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.  Besides her husband, she was preceded in death by a daughter.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home until the funeral services which will be held there at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.  Interment will be in the Refuge Cemetery.



Death Occurred Late Yesterday at Local Hospital.

Mrs. Bessie Anders, 37 years old, wife of Fred Anders of near Novinger, died at 6 o’clock last night at a local hospital.

She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Truitt and was born January 12, 1904, on the farm where she has been living.

Surviving are her husband, three children, Forrest, Bernard Charles and Shirley Alice, three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Nellie Daniels, Mrs. Alice Jones, Mrs. Alta Jones, Daniel and Jesse Truitt.

The body is at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, and funeral arrangements had not been completed last night.



Ill for Past Five Months; Funeral Time Not Decided.

Mrs. Henrietta Anders, 73, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Wait, 417 S. Main, yesterday afternoon at 5:20 o’clock.  She has been ill for the past five months.

Funeral services are incomplete as to time pending word from relatives, but a service will be held at the Davis Funeral Chapel and another service will be held at the Coffey Church south of Downing.  Interment will be in the Coffey Cemetery.

Mrs. Anders was the daughter of Brady and Charlotte (Elston) Pope and was born May 19, 1872, in Schuyler County.  She was married to George Anders May 22, 1889.  Six children were born to this marriage, all of whom survive her.  They are: C. P. Anders, of Albert City, Iowa; Mrs. Jesse Brassfield, of Kirksville; Clyde Anders, of Downing; Mrs. Graham Lowe, of Novelty; Fred Anders and Mrs. Wilbur Wait, both of Kirksville.  She is also survived by twelve grandchildren, and two great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Mamie Frazee, of Quincy, Ill.; two brothers, Dan Pope, in Oklahoma and Clyde Pope, of Lebanon, Mo.; one half-brother and two half-sisters.

Her husband died Dec. 20, 1926.

The body will lie in state at the Davis Funeral Home.


Joe C. Anders Passed Away On Sunday, Sept. 10

Joseph Cleverland [sic] Anders, son of William and Rebecca Carroll Anders, was born May 31, 1887, on a farm in Scotland County near Bible Grove, Missouri, and departed this life Sunday, September 10, 1967, at 11:30 A.M., at Laughlin Hospital in Kirksville, Missouri, following a stroke, which he suffered June 12, 1967.  He was 80 years, 3 months and 10 days of age and was he [sic] last of a family of 12 children.

He was united in marriage September 24, 1914, to Ruth Leona Shelton of Memphis and to this union six children were born.

He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife who passed away October 23, 1965; two sons, Leland, January 20, 1967, and Harold Dean, who died in infancy; five brothers, and six sisters.

He is survived by four daughters who cared for him during his illness.  Mrs. Daniel (Dorothy) Howard, Mrs. Cletus (Marguerite) Richardson, both of Hurdland, Missouri, Mrs. Robert (Faye) Day of Keokuk, Iowa, Mrs. Charles (Evelyn) Bechtel of Burlington, Iowa; fifteen grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, the four son-in-laws, many nieces, nephews and a host of friends.

Mr. Anders was a faithful member of the Bible Grove Christian Church and was active in community affairs as long as health permitted.  He was a kind neighbor helping those in need, a loving husband, father and grandfather and will be sadly missed by his family and many friends.

Funeral services were held at the Christian Church at Bible Grove, Missouri, on Tuesday, September 12, 1967, at 2 p.m. Rev. Howard Merchant officiated at the services.  Burial was at Memphis Cemetery.  Body bearers were Ollie Mullins, Less Bradley, Okie D. Bradley, Fred Ware, Ray Spray, and Garland Lancaster.



Farmer of Near Millard Had Been In Failing Health.

Alvy B. Anderson, 61, who lived on a farm near Millard, died at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon at a local hospital.  Mr. Anderson was admitted to the hospital three weeks ago after suffering a broken leg when he fell at his home.  He had been in failing health the past eight months.  Death was attributed to complications.

The son of George and Nancy (Bozarth) Anderson, Mr. Anderson was born on a farm near Greencastle, Jan. 3, 1882.  He attended the rural schools in that vicinity and when he was a young man, moved with his family to the farm near Millard where he lived until the time of his death.  Mr. Anderson had been engaged in farming during his entire life.

Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Lillie Long, of Palmyra and Mrs. Blanche Gilmore, of Seymour, Ia.; three brothers, Matt Anderson, of Kirksville route one; W. O. Anderson, of LaPlata route two, and Dea Anderson, of Venus, Calif., and several nieces and nephews.  Mr. Anderson was preceded in death by his parents; a sister, Clara, and a brother, James.

The body will lie in state at the Summers and Powell Funeral Home until the funeral services which will be held at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon at the Millard Church.  Burial will be made in the Stuckey Cemetery at Millard.


“Dad” Anderson Well Known Here Dies in Keokuk

Alfred J. Anderson, 1618 Park street in West Keokuk, passed away at his home Sunday morning.  Mr. Anderson had been a resident of this city for three years and before he came here he was a prominent citizen of Memphis, Missouri.

He was born at Sedalia, Mo. November 11, 1854.  When he was a young man he moved with his parents to Millport, Mo., where he was married in 1880.  The couple lived on a farm near Memphis for some time, after which they moved into Memphis, where Mr. Anderson was in the livery business for several years.  Mr. Anderson acquired the name “Dad” among his friends there who held him in high esteem.

Mr. Anderson was a member of the Christian Church at Memphis, but he attended services at the Christian Church here when he was able. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Olive Anderson and three daughters, Mrs. Anne Couchman of Rutledge, Missouri, Mrs. Elma Small and Mrs. Onyx Fry of this city.  Several nieces and nephews and six grand children also survive his death – Gate City [Keokuk, Iowa], August 8.

Funeral services were held at Edinburg Tuesday afternoon, A. E. McQuoid conducting same.  Interment was made in Greensburg cemetery.

Alfred J. Anderson, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 11 Aug 1921, p. 1, col. 6



Alfred J. Anderson was the son of John E. and Melvina Anderson.  He was born in Pettis county, Missouri, in 1854, and died at his home in Keokuk, Iowa, August 7, 1921.  He was married to Olive S. Bonarth on March 7, 1880, to this union were born three daughters, all of whom survive him.  Mrs. R. S. Couchman, of near Memphis, Mo., Mrs. David Small and Mrs. Onyx Fry of Keokuk, Iowa, he leaves to mourn his loss a wife, three daughters, six grand children, three sisters, Mrs. Neda Hustead and Mrs. Sim Short of Gorin and Mrs. James Finley of California and a host of other relatives and friends.

Mr. Anderson kept a feed barn in Memphis for several years and was liked by all who knew him.  He was brought to Memphis on August 9, on the west bound train, he was taken across to Greensburg, where Rev. McQuoid preached his funeral and his remains were laid to rest in the Greensburg cemetery.

Alfred J. Anderson, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 25 Aug 1921, p. 5, col. 4



Well Known Contractor Succumbs to Disease Last Friday Morning At His home.

The entire community was greatly shocked and surprised last Friday morning Sept 10th when it was announced over town that Charley Anderson was dead.  His friends had known of several severe illnesses he had gone through during the past year, yet none thought him in an immediately dangerous condition.  He died of pus which formed in the pancreas.

Charles Cary Anderson was born May 16th, 1861, in Zeno, Ohio.  When a young boy his parents moved to Lewis Co. Mo. and later to Adair County, where Mr. Anderson first commenced to practice his trade as Master Carpenter.  He served his apprenticeship in Canton Mo. the first year serving without pay, the second year he received 25 cents a day, the third year 50 cents a day, and after that he was employed as foremen at $3.00 per day.  Mr. Anderson was a thorough workman and it was a joy to him to have fine tools and to do the most particular work.  He, shortly after coming to Kirksville, became a contractor, his first job being the Storm residence on East Illinois St.  He was associated with Mr. Menke of Quincy in building our County House.  He built the handsome residence of Dr. A. T. Still and there are many other permanent monuments to his skill and thorough workmanship.  He ran a planning mill for the last 21 years, and has always been a busy man.  Recently he became much interested in automobiles, and he seriously contemplated giving up contracting and entering the automobile business.

Nineteen years ago Mr. Anderson married Miss Florence Campbell, and he was never happier than when talking of the happiness of his home life, and one of his ambitious was to have a perfect subberban [sic] residence.

No children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and they adopted the daughter who is now Mrs. J. B. Smoyer of Reece Kas.

Charles Anderson was a big, warm hearted, impulsive, man who spoke his thoughts stood by, his friends, was never afraid to own that he had been wrong, or had made a mistake, bore no malice, and leaves a host of friends who will miss him.

Charles Cary Anderson, Kirksville, Missouri, The Kirksville Democrat, 17 Sep 1909, p. 1, col. 3


Edward Anderson Dies in California

Word has been received here of the death of Edward Anderson past 80 years of age, a former resident of Novinger vicinity who died in Los Angeles Saturday afternoon.  He had been ill the past five days.

Funeral services and interment will be held in Los Angeles.

Mr. Anderson and family were residents of Novinger and vicinity several years ago.  Mrs. Anderson has been seriously ill after having suffered several strokes but at last report was a little better.

Besides his wife he is survived by the following children: Mrs. Irwin (Pearl) Coy, Mrs. H. (Millie) Bullard, Mrs. W. J. (Georgia) Holmes and one son, Delbert, all of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Clarence (Edna) Closs, of St. Louis; Charles E. Anderson, of Illinois; Joseph, of Breckenridge, Mo, and Eddie, of Chillicothe.

Two sons, Myron and John, preceded him in death.



Mrs. Elva Irene Anderson To Be Buried Tomorrow.

Special to The Daily Express.

Green City, Mo., April 21—Mrs. Elva Irene Anderson, 36, died in a hospital at Kirksville Saturday night at 11 o’clock of a complication of diseases.  She had been sick over a year and in the hospital four weeks.

The funeral is to be held at the Presbyterian Church here Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. B. F. Cline, pastor of the Methodist Church, and burial will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery.  The body is lying in state at her home.

Mrs. Anderson was born Dec. 5, 1904 six miles north of Green City, a daughter of W. A. and Dilla Rouse.  She was married to William L. Anderson May 20, 1923 by the Rev. C. S. Young.

She had been a member of the Methodist Church since twelve years of age.

Surviving are her parents, two brothers, Edgar and Elwin Rouse, two sisters, Miss Esta Rouse, Des Moines, and Mrs. Cly Law, Green City.



Was Adair County Teacher Several Years.

Mrs. Florence Campbell Anderson, of 415 South Elson street, died at a local hospital Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, following an illness of several weeks.

She was born April 13, 1864, in Marcer County, Pennsylvania, and was a daughter of John H. and Mary A. Campbell.  She moved with her parents to Adair County in the fall of 1865 and located in the Wilsontown community, and later the family moved to Kirksville.  She united with the Presbyterian Church in 1882.  Her father at one time was a director in the Kirksville Savings Bank.

Mrs. Anderson was married to C. C. Anderson, one of the well known contractors in this city and one of the builders of the courthouse, on Nov. 26, 1890.  He died Sept. 10, 1909.  No children were born to them but they reared a girl from childhood until she married J. B. Smoyer and they later moved to California.  Mrs. Smoyer arrived Tuesday to be at the bedside of Mrs. Anderson.

Mrs. Anderson taught in the rural schools of Adair County for several years, tow [sic] years in the Kirksville High School and one year in the Benton School here.

She is survived by one sister, Miss Maude Campbell, of this city.  Her mother and father, three brothers and two sisters preceded her in death.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock this afternoon at the Summers & Powell Funeral Home conducted by the Rev. Pyron McMillen, pastor of the Presbyterian Church.  Interment will be in the Llewellyn Cemetery.  The body is lying in state at the funeral home.



Kirksville Resident Died Saturday; Burial at Knox City.

Military funeral rites were to to [sic] be held this afternoon at two o’clock at the Baptist Church in Knox City for Frank Anderson, 56, of 903 S. Elson.  Mr. Anderson, a resident of Kirksville for 18 years, died at his home Saturday morning at ten o’clock after having been in failing health for three years and bedfast for three weeks.

Born April 2, 1893, at Ivesdale, Ill., he was the son of Tiede and Gertrude Anderson.  He was a veteran of World War I.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mabel Anderson; two sisters, Mrs. Ida Miller, of Knox City, and Mrs. Christene Walters, of Fulton; and three brothers, B. P. Anderson, and T. H. Anderson, both of Knox City, and Clause Anderson, of Atwood, Ill.

Mr. Anderson at one time owned and operated the Family Theater here.  He had an automobile agency in Knox City before World War I.

Burial was in the Knox City cemetery.



Funeral Rites Were Held Today and Burial at Bear Creek.

Mrs. James W. Anderson died Sunday morning at 6:45 o’clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. L. Heaberlin, in this city.  She has been ill for the past eight months and in critical condition for two weeks, with cancer of the liver.  She was operated on last January.

Hulda Anna Rogers, daughter of William and Elizabeth Hibbard Rogers, was born in the Radical Ridge neighborhood, southeast of Kirksville, Nov. 4, 1863, and was married to James W. Anderson on Dec. 23, 1836.  They lived on a farm between Kirksville and Novinger for many years.  He died in 1895 and she later moved to this city.

She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. L. L. Heaberlin, of this city, one son, William R. Anderson, of Clark Fork, Idaho, two sisters, Mrs. E. J. Miller, of Kirksville and Mrs. D. E. Shanks, of Boise, Idaho, and two brothers, George H. Rogers, of Los Angeles, and Samuel A. Rogers, of Des Moines, Ia.

She was a member of the First Baptist Church of this city.

Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at Davis & Wilson’s Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the Baptist Church.  The body was buried in Bear Creek Cemetery.



Body Is Being Returned Here for Funeral Services

John C. Anderson, 65, of 604 S. Osteopathy, died Friday in Fort Wayne, Ind., where he was employed as a construction foreman for the Stewart Construction Company.

The body will arrive at the Dee Riley Funeral Home this evening where it will lie in state.  Funeral services will be held at the funeral home Wednesday morning at 10:30.  Interment will be in the Maple Hills cemetery.  Mr. Anderson was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and was born in Farr, Mo., March 6, 1884.  He was married in Kansas City, May 17, 1926, to Helen Hassank. 

He is survived by his wife, three brothers, Dr. George Anderson, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Robert Anderson, Albuquerque, N. M.; and Paul Anderson of California, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Borch, Kansas City.

His parents and one brother, Ray, preceded him in death.  Bearers will be Purdy Davis, R. C. Chitwood, Coy Vincent, Harvey Davis, Sam Everett, and Clifford James.



Had Been Ill a Year; Funeral To Be Tuesday.

Mrs. Martha Anderson, 53 years old, died yesterday at 3:25 a.m. at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary A. Nimmo, at Novinger.

She had been ill a year, having had a surgical operation last August, and was bedfast the past seventeen weeks.

The funeral is to be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Novinger Methodist Church, conducted by the Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church at Kirksville and burial will be made in the Novinger Cemetery.  Music will be by Oakley Ethington, tenor soloist.  The pallbearers are to be Fred and Theodore Steele, John Kent, Leo Jacques, Joe Willis and Roland Elsea.

Mrs. Anderson was born April 24, 1889 at Streator, Ill., a daughter of Alexander and Mary A. Nimmo.  She was married to Myron Anderson Sept. 1, 1909.  He died Oct. 21, 1932.

She lived fourteen years in Scotland and from 1923 to 1932 at Taylorville, Ill., the remainder of her life being spent at Novinger.

Surviving is one daughter, Mrs. Mary Anderson Stukey, Daingerfield, Texas; her mother, Mrs. Mary A. Nimmo, Novinger; two sisters, Mrs. E. J. Robb, Kirksville, and Mrs. Elmer McClintick, Novinger, and five brothers, George Nimmo, Dines, Wyo.; William Nimmo, Los Angeles, Calif.; Thomas E. Nimmo, Peoria, Ill.; Charles Nimmo, Chicago, and Attorney Alex Nimmo, Kirksville.  Her father died July 17, 1909.

Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Baptist Church here and the Kirksville chapter of Royal Neighbors.



John Pool and Mrs. Mary Anderson Funerals This Week

(By Our Downing Reporter)

John Pool, 86, living alone was found dead in his chair Saturday evening by his daughter, Miss Clara, who lives alone near him and had been in his home only a short time before.  She returned and found him unconscious.  He is survived by the following children, Ralph Pool of Desoto, Mo.; Miss Elma of St. Louis, Miss Ella of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Dixie Minium of Boulder, Colo.; Mrs. Anna Pryor of Memphis, Mrs. Ruby Crawford of near Downing and Miss Clara of Downing; William of New York City and Guy of the state of Washington.  Services were held Wednesday morning by Rev. H. V. McColloch of Memphis in the Moore funeral home and burial was in Camp Ground cemetery.

Mrs. Mary Anderson, 76, widow of Jesse Anderson, died Jan. 21, 1940, about eleven o’clock after a long illness.  Funeral services were held Monday afternoon by Rev. Carney of Canton at the Baptist church.  She is survived by the following children; Charley and Hugh of Kirksville, Mrs. Ada Foglesong of near Memphis and Orville of near Downing.  Songs were sung by Mmes. Eve Barbee, Gladys Middleton, Ruth Rowe, Harry West, Russell Morgan and G. V. Burnett, with Mrs. Betty Stothard at the piano.  Six grandsons were pall bearers.  Burial was in the Downing cemetery.


Funeral Services at Downing Baptist Church Monday

Mary Lucinda Wright was a daughter of James H. and Mary (Clemmons) Wright.  She was born near Antioch in Scotland county, June 21st, 1863, and died at her home in Downing, Mo., Jan. 20th, 1940, at the age of 76 years.

She was married to Jesse T. Anderson, Dec. 16th, 1886.  In their early life they both united with the Presbyterian church at McAdow and later became members of the Baptist church at Walnut Grove.

She is survived by the following relatives: one brother, Jasper M. Wright, of Alameda, Calif.; four children, Chas. and Hugh of Kirksville, Orville of Downing and Mrs. Ray Foglesong of Granger; twenty-two grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.

Her husband, one son, Alva; a daughter, Mrs. Oscar Jackson, two infants, two granddaughters and one great grandson preceded her in death.

Mrs. Anderson was a kind, good neighbor, a good mother who loved to work and give to her children.  She was happiest with her children with her.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. Carney at the Downing Baptist church Monday at one o’clock.  Burial was at Downing.



Mrs. Mollie Anderson, who was 82 years old last May, passed away at 11 o’clock Monday night, after a lingering illness, which began with a broken limb about a year ago.  She was born and reared near Wyaconda, and was the widow of Marion Anderson, stock shipper, who was killed thirty years ago while crossing the Santa Fe tracks in Wyaconda.

Mrs. Anderson died at the home of her only son James Anderson, near Wyaconda.  Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon, July 1 at two o’clock from the Baptist church in Wyaconda with burial made in the Wyaconda cemetery beside her husband.

Mollie Anderson, Gorin, Missouri, The Gorin Argus, 2 Jul 1942



Mother of Dr. A. P. Kline Had Lived Here Six Years

Mrs. Nora Kline Anderson, 61, of 601 E. McPherson, died in a Kirksville hospital last night at nine o’clock.

Funeral services will be held at Mary Immaculate Church Wednesday morning at nine o’clock conducted by Rev. John F. Kenny, pastor of the church.  Interment will be in Highland Park Cemetery.  Rosary will be said at the Davis Funeral Chapel, 202 E. Washington tonight at 8:30 by Rev. John F. Kenny.

She was the daughter of Michael P. and Katherine (Reynolds) Cavanaugh and was born at Pottsville, Pa., Jan. 16, 1889.  She was married to P. A. Kline and one son was born, Dr. Albert P. Kline, a member of the faculty of the Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery, and Kirksville Teachers College.  Her husband preceded her in death.

She was later married to Frank Anderson who also preceded her in death.  She had lived in the home of her son here for the past six years.

She is survived by her son, Dr. Albert P. Kline, of 601 E. McPherson and one brother, John Cavanaugh, of Watertown, Mass.

The body will remain at the Davis Funeral Home, 202 E. Washington until time for the funeral.

Bearers will be: Dr. Vincent Strangio, Pete Kachulis, Dr. Claus Rohweder, Dr. Max Gutensohn, Dr. Wray Rieger, Charles Durall.



Taught at Higbee; Had Been Ill A Year.

Mrs. Samantha A. Anderson died Friday night at her apartment at 703 West Pierce.  She had been ill for almost a year.

Mrs. Anderson was graduated with honors at the Kirksville State Teachers College in 1941 and taught one year at Higbee.  She was re-elected, but owing to her physical condition could not teach again.  She was a member of the Southside Baptist Church in Kirksville where she was pianist until unable to go longer.

Mrs. Anderson leaves her mother, Mrs. Ellen Lewis, of Ironton, Mo.; a son, Robert, who is in service, and three daughters, Mrs. Herman Reese who has been caring for her mother; Mrs. Charles Miller of Boonville, and Mrs. and Mrs. L. P. Davis who lives in South Dakota.  She also leaves three grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 4 o’clock this afternoon at the South Side Baptist Church.  The Rev. C. E. Davis will officiate.

Samantha A. Anderson, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 7 Mar 1943, p. 1, col. 2



Mrs. Stella M. Anderson, 71, died early Friday morning at her home at 209 E. Cottonwood.

Funeral services were held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Sunday afternoon at 1:00, conducted by Rev. Alta Mikel of Greentop.  Interment was in the Memphis cemetery.  Graveside services were held at the cemetery.

Mrs. Anderson was the daughter of Abraham and Julia Lancaster Gundy, and was born in Scotland county, Dec. 27, 1882.  She was married to Charles H. Anderson, Dec. 25, 1907, at Downing, and to this marriage six children were born.

She is survived by her husband; one daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Estileen) Clark, Kirksville; three sons, Ernest Anderson, Ottawa, Illinois, Charles W. Anderson, Greentop, and Leonard D. Anderson, Davenport, Iowa; one brother, J. Tommy Gundy, Memphis, and eight grandchildren.

Mrs. Anderson was preceded in death by her parents and two daughters.

She was a member of the Baptist church at Keokuk, Iowa.

Bearers were her nephews. –Kirksville Express.

Stella M. Anderson, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 3 Jun 1954, p. 1, col. 5



Funeral Services Are Scheduled for Friday Afternoon

Mrs. Victoria Anderson, 59, of 1701 E. Normal, died Tuesday night in a Kirksville hospital.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Friday afternoon at two o’clock.  Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church will officiate.  Interment will be in the Novinger cemetery.

Mrs. Anderson was the daughter of William Henry and Elizabeth (Goldsberry) Roseberry and was born on a farm near Edina, November 9, 1890.

She was married to Charles Anderson of Novinger, at Quincy, Ill., July 4, 1921 and to this marriage one daughter was born.  She is survived by her husband; the daughter Mrs. Dick (Betty Charles) Glidewell, Elmwood, Ill.; two sisters, Misses Ethel and Bertha Roseberry, both of Kirksville, and two granddaughters, Susan Jane and Sandra Lee Glidewell, Elmwood, Ill.  Her parents preceded her in death.

Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Baptist Church.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home until Thursday evening when it will be taken to the family home at 1701 E. Normal, and will be returned to the funeral home Friday morning.  Bearers will be: Raymond Glidewell, Herman Wellborn, Ethren Watson, Frank Bortz, Arthur Bortz, and Harley Vanlaningham.



W. P. Anderson, a retired farmer from Oklahoma, who has been living here with his sister, Mrs. C. H. Vice for the past 5 or six years and taking treatments, died last night, aged 47 years.  The body was shipped today to his former home in Oklahoma. 

Mr. Anderson leaves a daughter, Mrs. Murle Brown, of Oswego, Kan., a son, Pleasant Anderson, of the U. S. Naval Air Station at Pensacola, Fla., three sisters in Ottumwa, Ia., Mrs. Dillie Clarridge, Mrs. Fannie Lewis and Mrs. Ruthie McIntyre, and another sister, Mrs. Hattie Vancleve of South HaHven [sic], Kan.

Mrs. Vancleve and Mrs. Lewis with their brother when he died.

W. P. Anderson, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 10 Dec 1919, p. 1, col. 3, Wednesday


Mrs. Doda Andrews Dies In Alabama

Greencastle, Dec. 3. (Special)—Mrs. Doda Baynton Andrews, 85, who died in her home at Birmingham, Ala., was brought here for burial.  Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by a Rev. De Bolt of Green City.  Burial was in the Greencastle Cemetery beside her husband, M. T. Andrews, who died several years ago.

Doda Boynton was born in Ohio, in 1856, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Boynton.  When small they came to Missouri where she received her education and taught school for several years.

She was united in marriage to M. T. Andrews to whom one daughter was born.  After the death of her husband she and her daughter, went to Birmingham, Alabama, where they made their home.  She is survived by her daughter, Miss Gretchen Belle Andrews, two sisters, Mrs. Frank Crawford and Mollie Jack Boynton of Greencastle.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weiss and baby of Des Moines, Ia., and Max Crawford of Tipton, Ia., were here to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. M. T. Andrews.



Retired Farmer Succumbs After Only Brief Illness.

John W. Andrews, 92 years old, died yesterday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Adams of 701 East Hickory Street, following a twenty-four hour illness.  Mr. Andrews was for many years a prominent farmer west of Kirksville.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home at 2 o’clock this afternoon and burial will be at the Collett Cemetery.  The Rev. L. V. Freeman, of the Christian Church, will conduct the ceremony.

Mr. Andrews was born Feb. 15, 1847, in Macon County, the son of I. B. and Elizabeth E. Andrews.  While a small child he moved to Adair County with his parents.  He had lived for many years on a farm five miles west of Kirksville and was well known in this county.

Mr. Andrews attended the old Cumberland Academy in Kirksville.  This school, later to be the Normal School at Kirksville and still later a State Teachers College, was located at the site of the present Memorial Park.

He married Miss sue Brawner, an Adair County girl, and three daughters were born to this union.  His wife preceded him in death eight years ago and he then moved to Kirksville to make his home with his daughter.  The three children, Mrs. Adams, of Kirksville; Mrs. Alta B. Ward, of Denver, Colo.; and Mrs. G. W. Derfler, of Marshall, survive and are in Kirksville.

Mr. Andrews is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Dora Floyd, 90, of Novinger.  Mrs. Floyd is the surviving child in a family of 14 children, 12 of which grew to adulthood.



Funeral services will be held Saturday morning for Mrs. Emelia Anesi, who died in Chicago.  The services will be held at the Novinger Catholic Church at 9 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. Fr. Barrett, of Kirksville.  The body which will arrive in Kirksville tomorrow, will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home here.

Mrs. Anesi, widow of Charles Anesi, was a former Novinger resident, moving away from Missouri about twenty years ago.



Was An Undertaker for years—Funeral Tomorrow

J. T. Angevine, one of the most widely known among the older citizens of this city, died this morning at 10 o’clock at his home, 415 N. Mulanix street, at the age of 77 years.

His death was due to a stroke of paralysis which he sustained about a week ago.  Previous to that time he had always enjoyed good health.  Last fall he was ill for a time as a result of falling off a wagon during a runaway on the public square.

Mr. Angevine had resided in this city for about 35 years and during that time had been engaged in the undertaking business with the exception of the last few years when he confined his activities to picture framing and upholstering work.

He is survived by his widow, two sisters and one brother, who resides in Pennsylvania.  He was a member of the Methodist church and of the I. O. O. F. and Masonic lodges.

The funeral will be held at 2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the M. E. Church, conducted by the Rev. G. H. Cosper and the body will be buried beside that of his first wife in Llewellyn cemetery.

Mr. Angevine was a gentleman, well beloved by all who knew him and many will be sorry to hear of his death.


K. S. T. C. Faculty Member Dies Suddenly

James Thomas Angus, Head of the Division of Extention [sic] Service, Director of Bureau of placements, and assistant professor of government at the Kirksville State Teachers College, died suddenly Friday morning.

Mr. Angus suffered a heart attack on his way to the college and died immediately after being helped to his home.

Mr. Angus, who came to the campus as a member of the faculty on December 1, 1939, was an alumnus of the Teachers College, having graduated in the 90-hour class of 1916.  He later returned to the campus and received his B. S. degree in Education in 1920.  He attended George Washington University at Washington D. C., Harvard University at Cambridge, Mass., and receive [sic] his Master’s degree from the University of Missouri in 1932.  At the time of his death, Mr. Angus had completed all work for his doctor’s degree, with the exception of the dissertation.

He was born in Knox County on July 19, 1889, and is survived by his wife and other relatives.

Fneral services were held at the First Baptist Church Monday morning at 10:30 conducted by Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. Russell E. Otto, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.  Interment was in Maple Hills Cemetery.


Funeral in Illinois For Mary Anisbaugh

Services were held yesterday in Sterling, Ill., for Mary E. Ainsbaugh, former Kirksville resident who died Saturday at St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minn.

Mrs. Ainsbaugh was born southwest of Kirksville on Feb. 19, 1888, the daughter of F. M. and Sarah Ellen Ownbey.  She was married in 1906 to Sharon Ainsbaugh of the Troy Mills community, who preceded her in death.  Seven children were born, two of whom died in infancy.

She is survived by five children 12 grandchildren and three sisters, including Mrs. Alta L. Scobee of 1409 S. Porter.



Funeral Services Will be Held Friday In Brashear.

William J. Anscomb, 77 years old, died at 11:55 o’clock last night at the family home five miles southeast of Brashear.  He had been in failing health the past year.  Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Easley Funeral Home in Brashear.  Rev. G. D. Hammontree will conduct the services and burial will be in the Brashear cemetery.

 Mr. Anscomb was born in Henry County, Ill., on June 11, 1867, the son of William J. and Prudence Kemmerling Anscomb.  He was married to Minnie Belle Grim in Illinois on May 27, 1893, and to this union two children were born.  His son, Ray, lives at home and his daughter, Mrs. Evah Thompson, was killed in an automobile accident near Abilene, Kan. in 1928.  His wife died April 12, 1933.  Three sisters also preceded him in death.

Besides his son, Mr. Anscomb is survived by one sister, Mrs. Lee Weston, Kewanee, Ill., one grandson, Parachute Rigger 1-c Leon Thompson, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and a number of nephews and nieces.

Mr. Anscomb came to Missouri in 1915 from Illinois and located on a farm 6 ½  miles southwest of Brashear and later moved to the farm where he lived until his death.

The pallbearers will be Arch Lamb, Ray Schumaker, Lee Martin, Roy Kite, Roy Pierce and John Woodard.


Wm. J. Anscomb, Age 77, Dies

Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Easley Funeral Home in Brashear for William J. Anscomb, 77, who died Wednesday night at the family home five miles southeast of Brashear.  The Rev. G. D. Hammontree conducted the services.  Pallbearers were: Arch Lamb, Ray Schumaker, Lee Martin, Roy Kite, Roy Pierce and John Woodard.

Mr. Anscomb was born in Henry county, Illinois, on June 11, 1867, the son of William J. and Prudence Kemmerling Anscomb.  He was married to Minnie Belle Grim in Illinois on May 27, 1893, and to this union two children were born.  His son, Ray, lives at home and his daughter, Mrs. Evah Thompson, was killed in an auto accident near Abilene, Kans., in 1928.  His wife died April 12, 1933.  Three sisters also preceded him in death.

Besides his son, Mr. Anscomb is survived by one sister, Mrs. Lee Weston, Kewanee, Ill., one grandson, Parachute Rigger 1-c Leon Thompson, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and a number of nephews and nieces.

Mr. Anscomb came to Missouri in 1915 from Illinois and located on a farm six and a half miles southwest of Brashear and later moved to the farm where he lived until death.



The body of Solomon Anspach, who died in Doniphan, Mo., arrived here this morning on the 8:30 train.  The funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Davis & Wilson chapel, conducted by Rev. Kenter.

Burial was in the Ownbey cemetery.

Solomon Anspach, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 02 Apr 1920, p. 7, col. 2, Friday


Rites at Knox City For Ethel Anthony

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock at the Knox City Methodist church for Mrs. Ethel (Davis) Anthony, 53, who died suddenly Saturday at her home 2 ½ miles northeast of Knox City.  She had lived there for the past six years.  Interment will be in the Knox City cemetery.

She was born Jan. 10, 1900.  She was married to John Anthony in Kirksville Agu. 26, 1923.

She is survived by her husband, four sons, three daughters, three step-children, 11 grandchildren, one brother, Carl Davis, of Green Castle, one sister, Mrs. Myrtle Mack, of Kirksville, a sister in California and one sister in Pennsylvania.



Was 68 Years Old; Funeral Services Friday Afternoon

Jacob Anthony, 68, died Wednesday night at his apartment at 307 N. Franklin street.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Friday afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. Cyrus Davis, pastor of the South Side Baptist Church, assisted by Adjutant John Potter of the Salvation Army.  Interment will be in the Llewellyn Cemetery.

Mr. Anthony was the son of Jacob and Martha (Cline) Anthony and was born in Adair county, May 18, 1880.  He was married July 2, 1930, to Hulda Stevens.

He is survived by his wife, two sons, Lawrence Anthony, Kirksville, and Frederick Donald Anthony, Des Moines, Ia.; and adopted daughter Dorothy Pauline Anthony, Kansas City; two brothers, Fred, of California, and John, of Knox City; five sisters, Mrs. Viola Hart, Kirksville; Mrs. Marie Welch, Omah, Neb.; Mrs. Lillie Williams, Hannibal, Mrs. Laura Huddleston, Lewistown, Ill., and Mrs. Emma Pike, Rich Hill, Mo.; three grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.

One brother and four sisters preceded him in death.

Mr. Anthony was a member of the Salvation Army.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Bearers will be: Frank Longworth, Lawrence Anthony, Fred Anthony, Haynes Davlin, Harley Maize and Arthur Williams.



Was at Home of Daughter, Mrs. Ella Mae Hill

Mrs. Emma Antry, 89, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ella Mae Hill, 618 S. Florence street, this morning at 8:30 o’clock.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced later by the Davis Funeral Home, 202 E. Washington, where the body will lie in state.

Mrs. Antry was the daughter of Swanson and Rebecca Keenan Smith and was born March 21, 1862.

Surviving are two sons, Edgar, of Kansas City, and Ollie, of Kevil, Ky.; two daughters, Mrs. Ella Mae Hill, of Kirksville, and Mrs. Jerry Slaughter, of Atlanta; 12 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, one son, seven brothers and two sisters.

Mrs. Antry was a member of the Christian Church in Callao.

Emma Antry, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 7 Jan 1952, p. 5, col. 2



Was 51 years Old; Had Been Making Home with Brother

Mrs. Geneva (Cross) Apfel, 51, who has been making her home with her brother, Raymond Cross, 1802 S. Orchard, since the death of her husband about two months ago, died in a Kirksville hospital this morning about eight o’clock.

Funeral services will be held from the memorial chapel of the Robert B. Davis Funeral Home, 115 W. Jefferson, Thursday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by Rev. Romans Smith, pastor of the First Christian Church.  Interment will be in Highland Park cemetery.

She was the daughter of Joseph F. and Mattie (Yocum) Cross and was was [sic] born in Bevier Feb. 14, 1902.  She was married to Otto K. Apfel, who preceded her in death April 29, 1952.  She was also preceded in death by her father.

Surviving are her mother and brother, Raymond Cross, of 1802 S. Orchard street, one sister, Mrs. Carl (Opal) Jolly, of San Diego, Calif., a nephew, Loren R. Cross, of Portland, England, and Richard Van Winkle, a child who has made his home with her the past nine years.

Mrs. Apfel was a member of the Christian Church in Huntsville, Mo.

For the past 23 years she and her husband had lived in Pekin, Illinois.

Escorts will be: Loren Wright, Ernest Scofield, Claude Parrish, Lee Baker, Clarence Williams and Al Hinton.



Former Queen City Resident Drowned Near Merriam, Kan.

Queen City, March 4. (Special)—Funeral services for Arthur H. Applegate, 71, whose body was found drowned in a creek near Merriam, Kan., Tuesday, will be held Sunday afternoon in the Christian Church here, of which he was a member, conducted by Rev. Perley M. Lind.  Interment will be in the Queen City Cemetery.

A coroner, who was called, set the date of death as Feb. 27.

Mr. Applegate was the son of Harrison and Emily (Tucker) Applegate and was born at Frankford, Mo., on May 7, 1877.  He was married to Maude Alexander on Nov. 29, 1902, and three children were born to them.  Mrs. Applegate died in 1940, and one sister died in infancy.

Surviving are two sons, Culver, of Queen City, and Arthur, and one daughter, Mrs. Mary Lovejoy, both of Medford, Ore., one grandchild, Joe Henry Applegate, of Queen City; two brothers, Harry, of Pendleton, Ore., and John, of Queen City, and one sister, Mrs. Ethel Conner, also of Queen City.

Mr. Applegate was a carpenter by profession.  He was mayor of Queen City several years, and he and his brother, John, were engaged in the Applegate Lumber Yard and Hardware for several years.  He was also at one time manager of the corn and stock show which has been held here for several years.

The body is lying in state at the West Funeral Home.



Funeral Services at New Harmony For Queen City Woman.

Special to The Daily Express.

Queen City, Mo., Sept. 21—Funereal services for Mrs. Maude Applegate will be held at the New Harmony Church, west of Greentop, Sunday afternoon, at 2 o’clock conducted by Rev. Perley M. Lind of Queen City.  Burial will be made in the New Harmony cemetery.

Mrs. Applegate was taken to a Kirksville hospital Thursday night at 10 o’clock for treatment for blood poisoning resulting from a wound on her heel which was struck by a screen door on Wednesday.  Her condition rapidly grew worse and she died Saturday morning at 12:30.  She was 58 years old.

Cora Maude Applegate was born near Queen City, Mo., Nov. 21, 1881.  She was united in marriage with Arthur H. Applegate of Queen City on Nov. 29, 1902.  Two sons and one daughter were born to them: Arthur Alexander Applegate, who lives in California; Culver Applegate of Queen City; and Mary Alegra of Kansas City, Kansas, who with their father survive.  She also leaves one grandson, Joe Henry Applegate, and her aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Alexander of Queen City; four sisters, Mrs. Josie Tarr of Kirksville, Mrs. Amory Watkins of Coatsville, Mrs. Grace Wright and Mrs. Rowena Lansdale of Queen City, and three brothers, W. W. Alexander of Trenton, Bryan Alexander of Queen City, and Ralph Alexander of Mexico, Mo.; one uncle, Mike McCully of Rural, Texas, several nieces, nephews, and cousins.  One brother and one sister preceded her in death.

She was a member of the Christian church.

Cora Maude Applegate, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 22 Sep 1940, p.1, col. 8



Word has been received here of the death of H. M. Applegate, of Unionville, who died at his home yesterday.

Mr. Applegate, former harness maker in Unionville, is the uncle of Mrs. B. L. Bonfoey, 800 East Illinois Street, and of Junior Stuckey, former K. S. T. C. student.


Harry W. Applegate, Kirksville Resident, Dies Sunday

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Davis Funeral Chapel for Harry W. Applegate, who died Sunday afternoon at his home, 1108 South Florence street.

Born near Hurdland, the son of Henry W. and Susan J. Applegate, Mr. Applegate, better known to Brashear people as “Hank” or Harry, was affiliated with his mother in the “Applegate Hotel.”  When the Spanish-American War broke out, he was attending Park College, and was among the first in the state to volunteer his services, a private in the infantry.  Only recently, he related, in a conversation with a Kirksville business man, the many hardships he endured while in the service.

Emerging from the conflict with an honorable discharge, he returned to Brashear and on Feb. 11, 1901 he was married to Miss Fronie Eagle.  Two sons were born, one dying in infancy, the surviving son, Phillip E. Applegate, is located at Burlington, Iowa, employed in a defense plant.

Mr. and Mrs. Applegate Moved to Kirksville 24 years ago and for some time was affiliated with his sister, Lois Buhl, (in the abstract and insurance business.

Mr. Applegate was a member of the M. E. Church, South, until it merged with the Methodist Episcopal Church here, then transferred his membership to the First Presbyterian Church.

He is survived by his wife, son Phillip and granddaughter, Rachel, of Burlington, and one sister, Lois Buhl, of this city.  One brother and two sisters preceded him in death.

Pallbearers were G. H. Jamison, Claude Funk, Karl Webb, Jesse Tull, Ethel Conner and J. W. Heyd.



Funeral Services To Be Conducted Tuesday Afternoon.

Henry W. Applegate, a former Brashear citizen, but who, for the past twenty-four years, had made his home in Kirksville, died suddenly at his home at 1108 South Florence street, yesterday afternoon.  He suffered a stroke, death following in about twenty minutes.

Funeral services will be conducted at the Davis Funeral Chapel Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock by the Rev. Russell E. Otto, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.  Interment will be in the family lot in the Brashear Cemetery.

Born near Hurdland, the son of Henry W. and Susan J. Applegate, Mr. Applegate, better known to Brashear people as “Hank” or Harry, was affiliated with his mother in the “Applegate Hotel.”  When the Spanish-American war broke out, he was attending Park College, and was among the first in the state to volunteer his services, a private in the Infantry.  Only recently he related, in a conversation with a Kirksville business man, the many hardships he endured while in the service.

Emerging from the conflict with an honorable discharge, he returned to Brashear and on Feb. 11, 1901 he was united in marriage with Miss Fronie Eagle.  Two sons were born, one dying in infancy, the surviving son, Phillip E. Applegate, is located at Burlington, Iowa, employed in a defense plant.

Mr. and Mrs. Applegate moved to Kirksville twenty-four years ago and for some time he was affiliated with his sister, Lois Buhl, in the abstract and insurance business.

Mr. Applegate was a member of the M. E. Church, South, until it merged with the Methodist Episcopal Church here, then transferred his membership to the First Presbyterian Church.

He is survived by his wife, son Phillip and granddaughter, Rachel, of Burlington, and one sister, Lois Buhl, of this city.  One brother and two sisters preceded him in death.

Pallbearers will be G. H. Jamison, Claude Funk, Karl Webb, Jesse Tull, Ethel Conner and J. W. Heyd.



Funeral Held Today; Burial Takes Place In Macon County.

Funereal services for William Millard Apted, 69, who died Sunday morning at his home, 611 S. Sixth street, were held this afternoon at 1:30 o’clock at the Dee Riley Funeral Home and interment was in the Elmer Cemetery in Macon County.  The services were conducted by Rev. W. R. Kornegay, pastor of the Nazarene Church.

Mr. Apted was the son of Henry and Sarah (Wakefield) Apted and was born in St. Mary’s Canada, May 28, 1876.  He was married in 1921 to Iva Seaweard in Kirksville and for the past twenty three years they have lived in Kirksville.  

He is survived by his wife, four step-children, Miss Dollie Baldridge, Mrs. Thomas (Ola) Johnson, Mrs. Basil (Iva) Barnett and John Baldridge all of Kirksville; one brother, John Wakefield Apted, of Seattle, Wash., one sister, Mrs. Lucy Thormbure, Wenatchee, Wash.  Four brothers and one sister preceded him in death.

The pallbearers were Basil Barnett, Thomas Johnson, John Baldridge, Roy Lee Fortney, Kenneth Drennan and Eugene Barkley.
