Obituaries & Death Notices “Q”

These are typed from photographed copies of many obituaries and death notices that I have in my collection.  For many of them there is no indication of what newspaper they came from nor is a year indicated for some of them.  Photo copies are sometimes hard to read or are damaged.   Also, some of the obits and death notices may not be complete.  I will be spending time searching out the complete documents and their location, as well as continuing to search for more obituaries and death notices.  I always strive for correctness.



Services To Be Held at La Plata Catholic Church.

Special to The Daily Express.

Brashear, Mo., Oct. 21—Funeral services for Effie Quinlin, 60, who died yesterday at a Kirksville hospital, will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock in the La Plata Catholic Church.  Burial will be in the La Plata Cemetery.  The Rev. P. J. Barrett of Kirksville will conduct the ceremonies.

Flower girls will be the giris [sic] of the senior class at Brashear High School.  Miss Betty Jane Quinlin, a daughter, is a senior at the school.  Pallbearers will be Charley Fast, Arlie Fast, Clyde Strickler, Lee Mitchell, Wess Baldwin and Roy Payne.  The body will lie in state at the family home, nine miles northeast of La Plata, where Mr. and Mrs. Quinlin have lived since their marriage.

Mrs. Quinlin was born Aug. 8, 1881, near Macon, the daughter of Jerome and Emily Albright Cox.  She was married to William Quinlin, May 19, 1906.  Two of the six children born to this union died in infancy.

She is survived by her husband, three daughters, Mrs. Leonard Coll, Tallahassee, Fla.; Mrs. Edwin Coll, Brashear, Miss Betty Jane Quinlin, of the home, one son, Leo Quinlin, of Rockwell City, Ia.; two brothers J. W. Albright, Warrenton; and Bernie Cox, Excello; a sister, Mrs. Lutie Green, Mt. Vernon, Ill.; and four grandchildren.



Life-long Resident Of Adair County; Was Prison Guard.

Brashear, Mo., Dec. 20—William Quinlin, 64 years of age, a life-long resident of southeast Adair County, was found dead this morning in his room at No. 2 State Prison farm at Jefferson City where he had been a guard during the day for the past year.  It is believed he died in his sleep last night.

No funeral arrangements have been made, but the body is being brought to Brashear where it will lie in state at the Easley Funeral Home until time for the services.  Burial will be made at La Plata.

Mr. Quinlin was the son of Jerry and Jane Smith Quinlin and was born on a farm east of La Plata, Sept. 2, 1881.  He had spent all his life on this farm and the one adjoining it in Adair county.  He owned both farms at the time of his death, one being just over the line in Macon county and the other just over the line in Adair.  He was married to Miss Effie Albright on May 19, 1905.  Six children were born to this marriage, two dying in infancy.  His wife died Oct. 10, 1941.

He is survived by one son and three daughters: Leo Quinlin, who was in California the last time the family heard from him; Mrs. Edwin Coll and Mrs. Fred Manahan, both of Brashear, and Mrs. Leon Zentz, of Hurdland, the former Betty Quinlin who was employes in Lain’s Drug Store in Kirksville for several months; five grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Susie Vaughn, of Kirksville, and Mrs. Dolly Burch, of Des. Moines.  Two brothers precided [sic] him in death.

Mrs. Coll and her husband left last week for Tallahassee, Fla., to spend the winter.  They were contacted there today, and are starting back to Brashear at once.


Graveside Services for Quinn Baby

Brashear, Mo., Jan. 4. (Special)—Graveside services were held this afternoon for the stillborn baby daughter of William and Lorane (Hurley) Quinn.  The baby was born about 5:45 Wednesday afternoon in a Kirksville hospital.

Father Patrick Mel Nowman conducted the services at 2:30 at St. Mat’s cemetery in Adair.  The body was at the Easley Funeral Home in Brashear until time for the services.

The baby is survived by its parents and one sister, Rebecca Ann, and maternal and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hurley and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Quinn, all of Adair.

The father is teacher of the Sperry school.

Baby Girl Quinn, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 4 Jan 1951, p. 3, col. 5



Had Served Kirksville as City Health Officer for a Number of Years


Survived by His Wife and Three Children—Had Resided in County Since a Boy

Dr. E. S. Quinn died at his home yesterday afternoon at 3:30 p. m. after an illness extending over several months.  However, the doctor never gave up active practice of his profession until a few weeks ago.  His condition has been such that for some time his death has been expected and about two weeks ago the erroneous report was circulated, but immediately afterwards he seemed somewhat improved and was able to be up for a short time.

Dr. Quinn was born in New York in 1859, and came with his parents to Adair county when but a small boy.  He was graduated from the Marion Sims Medical college in 1896 and began the practice of his profession in Kirksville soon afterwards.  Before taking his coarse [sic] in the medical college he was deputy clerk and recorder of Adair county four years.

For several years the doctor served as city health officer and his family figure will be missed by the townspeople in general who were accustomed to see him making his usual round of professional calls.

Besides his wife he is survived by his children.  Misses Marmelita [sic] and Miriam and a son, Hayes Quinn.

Miss Carmelita is teaching in Tulsa, Okla., and arrived home Monday but the son who is attending the Academy of Fine Arts in Chicago did not arrive until this morning.

Funeral services will be held at St. Mary’s church of which he was a member.  Thursday morning at ten…



Widely-Known Physician Passed Away Yesterday Afternoon

Dr. E. S. Quinn, one of the best known physicians, of Kirksville and Adair county, died at his home yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, after a long illness.  He had been confined to his home for several weeks.  Dr. Quinn was born in New York, November 17, 1859.  He came to Adair county with his parents when a small boy and has lived here ever since.

He was married June 9, 1891, to Mary Hayes, who survives him.

Besides his wife, Dr. Quinn leaves three children, Carmelita, Hayes, and Miriam Quinn.

Dr. Quinn received his education in Kirksville public schools and also attended the State Normal School, and the Oakland College at Novelty, Mo.  He was a graduate of the Marion Sims Medical College at St. Louis in 1896, and had also studied medicine at Louisville, Ky.

He came to Kirksville to practice soon after graduating and has been here ever since.

He was president of the Adair County Medical Association, and was a member of the State and National Medical Associations.  Prior to studying medicine he taught in the public schools of Kirksville six years and served as deputy county clerk and recorder for four years, 1890 to 1894.

Funeral services will be held at St. Mary’s Church of which he was a member, on East Washington St., tomorrow morning at 10:00 o’clock, conducted by Father Cafferky.  Burial will be in Highland Park Cemetery.

The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved family.

Dr. E. S. Quinn, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 25 Feb 1920, p. 1, col. 3


Mrs. Mary Quinn, 91, Dies in Milwaukee

Mrs. Mary Quinn, 91, a former Kirksville resident, died early this morning in Columbia Hospital in Milwaukee, Wis., after a short illness.

The body will arrive at the Davis & Wigal Funeral Home, 202 E. Washington, Sunday evening and graveside services will be held in Highland Park cemetery Monday morning at ten o’clock with Rev. J. F. Kenny, pastor of Mary Immaculate church, officiating.  Funeral services will be held in Milwaukee Saturday morning at 10:30.

Mrs. Quinn was born at Adair in 1864.  She was the wife of Dr. Ed Quinn, a Kirksville doctor who died about 25 years ago.  After his death she left Kirksville for Milwaukee, and had made her home with her son since.

Surviving are the son, Hayes Quinn, of Milwaukee; two daughters, Mrs. Albert L. Beekly, of Tulsa, Okla., and Mrs. Leo Mullaney, of Milwaukee; seven grandchildren and one nephew, John T. Flynn, of Kirksville.

Neal Quinn, of 1003 E. Washington, is a brother-in-law.



Funeral For Retired Farmer and Stockman Tomorrow Morning.

Special to The Daily Express.

Brashear, Mo., March 7—Matthew D. Quinn, 81-year-old retired farmer and stock raiser of northwest of Adair, died yesterday morning at his home, two and one-half miles northwest of Adair.  He had been in failing health and under a doctor’s care for the past two years.

Funeral services will be held at the St. Mary’s Catholic Church at Adair tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock and burial will be in the St. Mary’s Cemetery.  The Rev. Michael O’Donovan will be in charge of the services.

Mr. Quinn was born May 19, 1859, in New York, the son of Matthew and Mary Ann Kelly Quinn, both natives of Ireland.  He moved to Missouri with his parents in 1871, locating on a farm about five miles from Adair.

In 1894 he married Miss Dora Rowlison.  Four children were born to this union, one dying in infancy.

Mr. Quinn was a successful farmer and stock raiser until he was forced to retire due to failing health.  He had lived on the farm where he died for 57 years.

Mr. Quinn’s wife, a sister of Mrs. Jesse Tull, of Kirksville, died in September, 1904.

He is survived by three children, Mrs. Joseph Eagen and Mrs. Gervase Ludden, both of Brashear; and Dale Quinn, of Brookfield, twelve grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Ray Rowan, and one brother, Cornelius Quinn, both of near Adair.

Three brothers and five sisters preceded him in death.  The late Dr. E. E. Quinn was a brother.

Pallbearers will be Tom Reardon, Leon Ludden, Tom Farley, Leo Farley, J. Ferrie and Pius Rogerson.


Funeral Services for Mrs. Quinn

Funeral services were held this morning at St. Mary’s Church in Adair for Mrs. Thomas Quinn, Sr., 78, Knox and Adair County woman, who died at her home in Baring, Mo., yesterday morning.  Interment was in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Adair.

She is survived by her aged husband and two children.  Mrs. Quinn was a sister of the late Pat Reardon and was the last survivor of the Reardon family.



N. S. Quinn, 90 years, died in the county infirmary at Kirksville Tuesday morning at 7:45, following a long illness.  He had been bedfast for some time, largely from general debilities of old age.

The body was brought to Brashear for burial.  Funeral services were held in the Easley Funeral Home at 2 o’clock this afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. H. Lane.  Burial in Brashear cemetery.

Mr. Quinn was born in February, 1842, in Indiana.  He was taken to the county home May 5, 1927.  A brother died not long ago.  Several nephews and nieces survive.

N. S. Quinn, Brashear, Missouri, The Brashear News, 18 Feb 1932, p. 1, col. 3


Mrs. Anna Quintal Dies in St. Louis

Mrs. Anna Quintal, 70, died at her home in St. Louis this morning.

The body will arrive in Kirksville Friday morning at one o’clock and will be taken to the Summers & Powell Funeral Home where it will lie in state until 10:30 o’clock that morning when it will be taken to Llewellyn cemetery for interment.  The funeral service will be held in St. Louis.

Mrs. Quintal lived in Kirksville a number of years ago.  For the past forty years she has lived in St. Louis.



Body Brought Here for Burial; Funeral To Be Held Wednesday

Mrs. Catherine Quintal, a former resident of Kirksville died at her home in St. Louis yesterday.  The body was brought her for burial this morning, and the funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at the Davis & Wilson chapel, conducted by the Rev. A. F. Zeigel.  The services will be held at 2 o’clock, and burial will take place in Forest Park cemetery.

Mrs. Quintal was 84 years old at the time of her death.  She was making her home with her son, George Quintal, of St. Louis.  Another son, Dr. J. A. Quintal, who also lives in St. Louis, accompanied the body to Kirksville.  Mrs. Quintal was born in Pennsylvania and came to Missouri when she was nine years old.  She has ben a resident of the state ever since, and had been living in St. Louis for the past 23 years.

Besides her sons she is survived by four grandchildren, George H., Jr., Mrs. Roy Ratliff and Miss Alice Quintal, of Kirksville, and Lee Quintal, of Detroit.
