Obituaries & Death Notices “Y”

These are typed from photographed copies of many obituaries and death notices that I have in my collection.  For many of them there is no indication of what newspaper they came from nor is a year indicated for some of them.  Photo copies are sometimes hard to read or are damaged.   Also, some of the obits and death notices may not be complete.  I will be spending time searching out the complete documents and their location, as well as continuing to search for more obituaries and death notices to add here.  I always strive for correctness.


Mrs. Silas Yadon died Sunday morning at her home, 310 South First street, aged 81 years.  Mrs. Yadon was a member of a pioneer family, and her husband was also one of the early settlers of Schuyler county.  Mrs. Yadon was one of the oldest members of the Primitive Baptist church, southwest of Greentop.  Surviving Mrs. Yadon are two daughters, Miss Clara Yadon, with whom she made her home, and Mrs. Lula Willis, of near Greentop: two sons, J. A. Yadon, of near Greentop and J. C. Hale, of Los Angeles; and two sisters, Mrs. Martin Hardsock and Mrs. Maggie Miller, of Ottumwa, Ia.  There are several grandchildren, Roy, Inez, Lucile, Nathan, and Mary Ann Yadon, and Margurite Hale; and one great grandchild, Wilma Allen.  The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at the Primitive Baptist church.  The Rev. Mr. Jones conducted the services.



Strychnine Dose Fatal to Adair County Farm Wife.

Mrs. Rosa Yadon, 57 years old, wife of J. A. Yadon, committed suicide by taking strychnine at her home about four miles west of Sublette about 7:30 o’clock this morning.  Despondency, caused by ill health was probably the cause, according to Coroner C. D. Davis, who visited the home soon after her death and decided an inquest would not be necessary.

The strychnine was purchased at a drug store here yesterday.  Mrs. Yadon having stated that she wanted the strychnine to poison rats.  She had come to Kirksville with neighbors and about the time they were ready to start home, she told those in her party she had some more shopping to do.  They saw her go to a drug store on the opposite side of the public square, and it was while there she purchased the poison.

Mrs. Yadon went to the basement of their home this morning and took the poison.  One of the sons hearing groans in the basement, found his mother was ill, and saw the bottle of strychnine near her.  She was carried upstairs and placed in bed.

When one of the sons asked his mother why she had taken the poison, she replied that she was “tired of living.”

Funeral services are planned for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock.  The body will be at the Davis Funeral Home until the time for the burial services.

Mrs. Yadon was born on a Schuyler County farm on Oct. 25, 1881, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Huston.  She had spent practically her entire life in Adair and Schuyler counties.

She was married to J. A. Yadon, an Adair County man.  Seven children were born to this union, one, Irene, preceded her mother in death.

Mrs. Yadon is survived by her husband, six children, Roy Yadon, of near Novinger; Mrs. Inez Fuller, of near Atlanta; Mrs. Grant Hatto, of Connelsville; Silas and Nathan, of the home; and Mrs. Mary Ann Smith, of Hollywood, Cal.; two brothers and one sister.

She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church.


Meets Violent Death

Miss Bertha Yancey, the popular daughter of Postmaster W. H. Yancey of LaBelle, met a horrible death last Thursday evening while going from the post office, where she assisted her father, to her home.  It was necessary for her to cross the track of the O. K. railroad, and it is supposed that she became confused when she saw the train close upon her.  At the crossing one of her lower limbs was found, while the rest of her body was carried forty feet beyond and ground into pieces. 

The accident occurred without any eye-witnesses.  Even the engineer says he did not see her, and the crew claim all ignorance of the accident until notified of it at Durham, after the body had been found by the colored minister of LaBelle when walking down the track toward town a little while after the train had gone by.

The unfortunate girl was 19 years of age.  She was born in LaBelle and had lived there all her life.  Besides her parents, a sister, Mrs. Cole, and two brothers, Romney and Lyman, survive her.

The father of the girl is a man well known throughout Lewis county and one of LaBelle’s leading business men.  He and his family have the heartfelt sympathy of the people in this whole section in their bereavment [sic].

Deceased was a neice [sic] of Don and Jesse Wilson of this city and Mrs. Alfred Drake, north of Memphis.



Large Assembly of Friends and Floral Offerings Were Exquisite- Home Town Mourns

The LaBelle Star Says:

“The veil of mourning that settled over LaBelle on Thursday night of last week when the tragic death of Miss Bertha Yancy was announced has not risen.  The friends of this lovely young lady cannot forget.  They cannot dispel the gloom caused by her untimely and awful death.  The effect is still evident in both social and business life of our little city, and the bereaved family are the recipients of the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community and scores of letters of condolence have been received from distant points.

“Funeral services were conducted at the family residence by Rev. John A. Davies Saturday morning, and not withstanding the weather was very cold the large residence was very cold the large residence was crowded and many withstood the low temperature by remaining on the porches and yard during the short but impressive services.  The floral offerings were many and consisted mainly of white roses, white carnations and calla lilies, typical of the pure, sweet character of Bertha.

The pall bearers were three young men, members of the class of ’11 of LaBelle high school of which Bertha was a graduate, and three from the Philo society of which she was a member.

“After a short but impressive services the remains were solemnly laid to rest in LaBelle cemetery[.]”



Lived at Willmathsville Until Five Years Ago.

Edgar Yantis, of this city, received word last night of the death of his father, S. J. Yantis, 81 years old, at 5 o’clock yesterday evening at the Deaconess Hospital in Marshalltown, Ia.

Mr. Yantis, a resident of the Willmathsville vicinity thirty-six years, had been in impaired health several months due to a bone disease and entered the hospital Feb. 10.  He went from Willmathsville five years ago to make his home with his son, Charlie, at Liscomb, Iowa.

Funeral arrangements were not complete last night but the service probably will be Monday afternoon at Willmathsville.

Surviving him are his four sons, Edgar, Kirksville; Charlie, Liscomb, Ia.; Paul, Whittom, Ia.; and Fred, Clemmons, Ia.; one daughter, Mrs. Pearl Howard, Ferguson, Ia.; a brother, Tom Yantis, in Illinois, and a sister, Mrs. Lydia Bryson, Beaumont, Tex. His wife died May 1, 1935 [Mrs. Yantis’s MO death certificate #18431 indicates, she died 1 May 1936].

S. J. Yantis, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express 7 Sep 1941, p. 7, col. 5, Sunday


World War Veteran Stricken While Working on Road.

Milan, Mo., Dec. 23—Ernest Price Yardley, 52-year-old World War veteran, died Friday afternoon after being stricken with a heart attack while at work on a W. P.  A.  road project north of Milan where he was employed as a laborer.  He complained of feeling ill and some of his fellow workers took him to his home in the north part of Milan.  Dr. E. W. Hickson was called but Mr. Yardley was dead when the physician reached him.  He had been shell-shocked during the war and had been in ill health several years.

Mr. Yardley was born in Sullivan County.  He served during the World War as a sergeant in Company D, 356th Infantry, 89th Division.

He leaves his widow and five children.  Two sisters, Miss Ellen Yardley, and Mrs. Ruby Cochran, live in Milan.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Methodist Church in Milan.  Burial will be made in the Oakland Cemetery.  Schoene Funeral Directors will have charge of arrangements.



Lifelong Resident of Germania Neighborhood; Burial Tuesday.

Special to the Daily Express.

Lancaster, Mo., March 20—Mrs. Elizabeth Yates, 84 years old, died at her home in the Germania neighborhood, six miles southeast of Lancaster, this morning at 2 o’clock.  She had been a life-long resident of Schuyler, and had lived all her life in the vicinity in which she died.  She had been in ill health several years.

She was the daughter of Frederick and Wilhelmina Smith and was born on a farm in the Germania neighborhood, January 27, 1865.  On March 23, 1884, she was married to Hiram Yates.  Six children were born to them.  They are the Misses Mary and Grace, of the home, Albert and Harvey who live in the Germania neighborhood, and Mrs. Caroline Lasley and Herman Yates, of Ottumwa.  There are twelve grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Yates had been a member of the Lutheran Church since girlhood.

Funeral services will be held at the Lutheran Church in the Germania neighborhood Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. W. B. Stevens, of Queen City.  Burial will be made in the church cemetery.



Had Been An Invalid Since Accident Five Years Ago.

Lillian Yates, 602 E. McPherson, died Sunday morning at a Kirksville hospital at 10:30 o’clock.  About five years ago Mrs. Yates broke her hip and has since been an invalid

Funeral services will be conducted at the Summers and Powell Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock by the Rev. Russell E. Otto, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.  Interment will be in Maple Hills cemetery.

Mrs. Yates was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whalin and was born Jan. 15, 1865 in Butler County, Kentucky.  In 1889 she was married to Eugene Brown and to this marriage four children were born, one son dying in infancy.  She was later married to J. R. Yates, of Springfield, Tenn.

Surviving her are three daughters, Mrs. Sylvia Burleigh of Alexandria, La; O’Dessa Lawrence, of Lawton, Okla., and Margery Hayward, of this city; six grandchildren and six great grandchildren; two brothers, Newton and Edward Whalin both of Fort Worth, Tex., and one sister, Ollie Maddox, of Louisville, Ky.  Three brothers and one sister have preceded her in death.

Mrs. Yates was a member of the Baptist Church, also a member of the Order of Eastern Star, her membership in each being in Tennessee.

The body will lie in state at the Summers & Powell Funeral Home.



Funeral Services To Be Held at 2 O’clock Tuesday Afternoon.

Mrs. Martha E. Yates, 83 years old, died at 7:30 o’clock Sunday morning at her home, 315 South Main street, following a several months illness.  She fell about four years ago, breaking one shoulder, and has been an invalid since then.  She became sick in October and has been confined to her bed.

She was a daughter of Isaac and Margaret Laisure and was born in Fort Wayne, Ind., March 13, 1853.  She came to Missouri with her parents when nine years old and they lived on Floyd’s Creek north of Kirksville.  She was married to Captain John W. Yates in 1880, who preceded her in death.  One son Edgar Yates died three and a half years ago.

She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Henry Wolf, with whom she has made her home here in Kirksville for the past 30 years, and one step-daughter, Mrs. Fanny Poore of Kirksville.  There are two sisters, Mrs. Michia Hannah of Kirksville and Mrs. Viola Black of Quincy, Ill., eleven grand children and thirteen great grand children, also several nieces and nephews.

She was a lifelong member of the Methodist Church.

The body is lying in state at the Summers & Son Funeral Home where funeral services will be conducted at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. B. N. Covert, pastor of the Presbyterian Church.  Burial in Llewellyn cemetery.


Lucretia Holder was born in Barber County, West Virginia, on the second day of June, 1821, and on February 24, 1842, was united in marriage to Daniel Yeager. To this union there were three children born, one son and two daughters, two of whom, a son and daughter, have preceded her across the river of death.

In 1855 she united with the United Brethren Church. In the spring of 1863 she with her husband and family moved to Scotland County, Missouri, where they have resided until her death which occurred January 22, 1901. She leaves a husband, one daughter, one brother, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren to mourn her loss.

Lucretia (Holder) Yeager, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 31 Jan 1901, p. 1, col. 8


Last week Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Yeager received the sad intelligence of the death of their only son, Luther Yeager, of Butte, Montana.  Mr. and Mrs. Yeager have the sympathy of friends in this great grief.

Luther, Yeager, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 19 Dec 1895, p. 4, col. 2



Albert Yearns, 76 years old, passed away Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 after a long illness, at his home three miles south of Cantril.

He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Earl Head and Mrs. Lee Abernathy and four granddaughters Mrs. Dorothy Lee Graber, Misses Minnie Head and Agnes and Maxine Abernathy all living in this community.

Funeral services are this (Thursday) afternoon at the Christian church at Greensburg at 2:30. Interment in Greensburg cemetery.

Albert Yearns, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 9 Jan 1941, p. 1, col. 4



Died at His Home South of Cantril, Iowa, Tuesday, Jan. 7

Albert Yearns well known farmer who lived two miles south of Cantril, Iowa, died at his home last Tuesday, January 7, at the age of 74 years.

Funeral services were held at the Greensburg Christian church Thursday of last week, January 9, at 2:30 o’clock and interment was in the cemetery there.

Mr. Yearns was born near Queen City, Mo., on March, 4, 1866.  He was a son of Henry and Augusta Yearns, and was baptised [sic] in the Methodist church in infancy.

On June 4, 1893, he was united in marriage to Miss Mattie Hazelwood of near Queen City, and to this union, three children were born, one dying in infancy.  His wife died in 1898.

He was again united in marriage to Miss Ira [sic] Gunnell near Memphis on December 22, 1901.

He is survived by the wife, Mrs. Ida Yearns, two daughters, Mrs. Bessie Abernathy of near Cantril and Mrs. Augusta Head of near Memphis; four brothers, Will, Carl, George and Frank Yearns, all of near Queen City; also one sister, Mrs. Mary Haben of near Queen City; four granddaughters, Mrs. Dorothy Lee Graber, Misses Minnie Head, and Agnes and Maxine Abernathy, and one great grandchild.

Mr. Yearns was a good man and neighbor.



Had Been Living at Daughter’s Home This Winter

Mrs. Iva May Yearns of Milton, who had been living at the home of her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Head in Memphis this winter, died at the Head home Friday.

Funeral services were conducted at the Christian church at Greensburg Sunday afternoon at  2 o’clock by Rev. G. Lolin Eagton [sic] and interment was in the Greensburg cemetery.

Mrs. Yearns was born in Scotland county on March 4, 1871, being 79 years of age last month.

She was the daughter of William Harvey and Sarah Ann Gunnell.

She had three brothers and one sister.  One brother died in infancy.  The two other brothers and sister preceded her in death.

She united with the Antioch Christian church.

She was married to Albert Yearns on December 22, 1901.  He preceded her in death in 1941.  A stepdaughter, Mrs. Bessie Abernathy, also passed away about four years ago.

There remain to mourn her passing one stepdaughter, Mrs. Augusta Head: four grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.



Mrs. Mary Gunnell Yearns Born Near Bible Grove

Mary Elizabeth Yearns was born in Scotland county, Missouri, near Bible Grove, August 19, 1868.  She died in her home in Queen City, Mo., April 10, at 8 p.m., at the age of 75 years.  Mrs. Yearns was the daughter of William Harvey and Sarah Ann Gunnell.

Funeral services were held in the Queen City Christian church Wednesday afternoon at 2, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Perley M. Lind.  Interment in the Queen City cemetery.

She was educated in the State Normal at Kirksville, now the Teachers College and taught for many years in Schuyler and Scotland counties.  It was while teaching in Schuyler county that she met J. F. Yearns, to whom she was married December 27, 1905, at Edina, Mo.

They began home making on a farm east of Queen City, later bought the Gregory farm north of Queen City and where they continued to live until moving into town two years ago.

She is survived by her husband, and one sister, Mrs. Ida Yearns of Milton.  They had no children, but kept Kenneth Boydon in their home for four years.  Kenneth is now in camp training for service.  They also made a home for an uncle, William Shultz, for more than fourteen years.

She is also survived by three nephews and one niece, Lynn Gunnell of New York, Alfred and Felix Gunnell and Mrs. Ruth Carter all of Scotland county, and by ten nephews and nine nieces on her husbands [sic] side.

She was a member of the Christian church.


Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Yore, 85, were held at Ottumwa this week.  Mrs. Yore had made her home with her daughter in Ottumwa for several years.


Gary W. York Dies In California

Gary Wayne York born Dec. 19, 1938 at Rutledge, Mo., departed his life August 27, 1971 in a Veterans hospital at Pacific Palisades, California.  He was the son of Madeline York and the late Woodrow York.

Survivors are his mother of St. Charles, Missouri; one sister Beverly Gardine, St. Charles, Mo.; one brother Darrell York Edina, Missouri; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert York Wyaconda Mo.

He was preceded in death by his father March – 71.

Burial was in the Gates Kingsley Cemetery, Pacific Palisades, California.



Lifelong Resident of Schuyler Ill for Several Years.

Special to The Daily Express.

Lancaster, Mo., June 17—Mrs. Leila York, 85-year-old life long resident of Schuyler County, died this morning at 9:30 o’clock at her home in Lancaster.  She had been in failing health for several years and death was attributed to infirmitives [sic] of old age and heart disease.

Arrangements for the funeral services are awaiting word from her family, but burial will be at the Darby Cemetery, six miles east of Lancaster.

Mrs. York was born eighty-five years ago in Schuyler County, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Kratzer.  Her father was later a judge of the county court of Schuyler County.

She was married to Albert York, of the Darby Neighborhood, who preceded her in death twenty years ago.  Mrs. York was a member of the Christian Church at Darby.

In 1930, Mrs. York and her granddaughter, Miss Effie Miller, moved to Lancaster where they made their home until Mrs. York’s death today.

She is survived by the following children: Wilbur York, Kansas City; Harry and Hollis York, Pasadena, Calif.; The Rev. H. F. York, St. Joseph, Ark.; and Schuyler York, Brighton, Colo., and one sister, Mrs. Noah Butts, Lancaster.



Injured at Home Near Osgood When Cow Fell On Him.

Special to The Daily Express.

Green City, Mo., Jan. 5—Samuel Yos, age 69 years, a former resident of Green City, died in a hospital at Princeton, Mo., Wednesday afternoon Jan. 3.  He had been injured the evening before at his home near Osgood while milking a cow.  Complete details have not been received here, but it was reported the cow fell on him, injuring him in the abdomen.

The body was brought back to Green City for burial and the funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Prairie Chapel Church 4 miles south of Green City, conducted by the Rev. B. F. Cline.  Burial will be made in the Mt. Olivet cemetery under the direction of Glen E. Kent and Son.

Mr. Yos was born Dec.  5, 1870, in Switzerland.  He came with members of his family to the United States when he was nine years of age and had spent most of his life on a farm south of Green City.  He moved last spring with his family to a farm near Osgood, Mo.

Mr. Yos was married to Fanny Myers of Green City in 1904, and one child was born to them.  Mrs. Yos died Nov. 7, 1909.  He was married to Mrs. Emma Riddle and three children were born to them.  He leaves his wife and four children, Willard Yos of Clinton, Ia., and Paul, Martha, and Rayburn of the home, and one stepson, Selden Riddle of Owasco, Mo.  He also leaves four sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Smith and Mrs. Lena Burns of Torrington, Wyo., Mrs. Ida Mitchell of Coffeyville, Kansas, and Mrs. Bertha Starkey of Santa Fe, N. M., and two grandchildren.  His parents, two sisters, and two brothers preceded him in death.



Prominent Farmer In Failing Health Past Two Years.

Special to The Daily Express.

Gibbs, Mo., Sept. 16—Benjamin W. Young, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of the Gibbs vicinity, died early this morning at his home one and a half miles northwest of town, at the age of 86 years.  Mr. Young had been in failing health for the past two years and had been confined to his home with a heart ailment for the past month.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the M. E. Church here, and will be conducted by the Rev. J. H. Lane, of Brashear.  Burial will be in the Union cemetery.

Mr. Young was the son of Aaron and Margaret Smith Young, and was born in Marshall County, W. Va., March 8, 1851.  His mother died when he was six weeks old and he was reared by an uncle and aunt, Frederick and Mary Smith.  When he was eight months old the family moved in a linch pin wagon to Lee County, Iowa, where they lived until 1857.  They then moved to Gibbs and settled on the farm which Mr. Young owned at the time of his death.

He was married Oct. 17, 1872, to Miss Emily Elmore and thirteen children were born to the union.  One child died in infancy, a daughter, Mrs. Zerna Davidson, died April 30, 1914, and another daughter, Mrs. Daisy Walter, died May 29, 1926.  Mrs. Young died July 2, 1907.

The surviving children are: Mrs. Fred Calef, W. H. Young and T. M. Young, all of Gibbs; S. E. Young of Los Angeles; Mrs. Sam Davidson, of Ontario, Calif., Mrs. Frank McKee, of Delta, Colo.; Mrs. Truman Dennis, of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Paul Young, of Upland, Calif.; John Young, of Rupert, Idaho; Homer Young, of Wadsworth, Kan.

He also leaves 25 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Matilda Moncrief, of LaPlata, who is now in her 95th year. 

Mr. Young was known for many years as a successful farmer and breeder of good horses and cattle.


Chas. Young Passed Away In Keokuk Last Sunday

Charles Young, aged 37 years, of this city, passed away in St. Joseph Hospital in Keokuk on Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m.  He was taken to Keokuk on last Thursday to undergo an operation for appendicitis.  Complications set in resulting in his demise.

Deceased was unmarried and had been working on a farm near this city for sometime.  He was industrious and highly respected and the news of his death was a shock to his relatives and friends.

The body was brought to Memphis for interment on Tuesday.

Charles Young, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 2 Dec 1915, p. 1, col. 3



Charles, the one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Young, died in Englewood hospital, Chicago, October 7, of bronco-pneumonia.  Interment is in the McAdow cemetery this afternoon at 2:30. The child is a grandson of Sam Grabowski of this county.

Charles Young, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 10 Oct 1938, p. 8, col. 5



Funeral To Be Held at Atlanta at 2 p.m. Saturday.

Mrs. Fannie Young, 84 years old, died at 11 o’clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. O. Nash, 307 South Elson street.  She had been in failing health since December 24 last when she became ill with pneumonia.  She suffered a stroke on June 3.

Mrs. Young was born in Macon County on July 25, 1853, and spent most of her life in that county, moving to Kirksville ten years ago.  For the past eight years she has lived with her daughter.

She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Nash, and Mrs. Hattie Doggett, of Kansas City, Mo.

The body will eat the home of her daughter here until about 1 o’clock Saturday afternoon when it will be taken to Atlanta where funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock in the church there.  Burial will be in the Steele Cemetery, west of Atlanta.



In Failing Health for Past Two Years; Funeral Today.

(Special to the Daily Express)

Green City, Mo., Feb. 9—George Adam Young, 75 years of age, died Monday evening at 8:30 o’clock at the home of his son, Harley Young, 8 and one-half miles south of Green City.  He had been in failing health for the past two years.

Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Prairie Chapel Church, with Rev. R. W. Custer, of Unionville, officiating.  Burial was made in the Mt. Olivet cemetery.

Mr. Young was born near Youngstown, Mo., Sept. 18, 1862.  He was the son of George and Elizabeth Young.  He had spent most of his life on a farm near Mystic.  He leaves five sons. Everett, of near Yarrow, Herschel, of near Winigan, Harley, Glen and Gail of Green City.  His wife preceded him in death six years ago and an only daughter, Mrs. Lela Curl, died two years ago.



Funeral services for George L. Young, of Reading, Pa., who died in a hospital in Philadelphia, Pa., on Friday, Dec. 19, will be held at the Methodist Church in Greentop. Sunday, Jan. 4, at 2 p.m.

Mr. Young is a son of W. L. Young, of Greentop.

George L. Young, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 30 Dec 1947, p. 5, col. 2, Tuesday



Had Been In Failing Health Past Year; Funeral Tomorrow

George W. Young, 83, died this morning at 3 o’clock at his home near Shibley’s Point.  He had been in failing health for the past year.

Mr. Young was born August 8, 1854.  He was married to Matilda E Lawson, in September 1875 and she died on March 2, 1935.  Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Young, six of whom preceded the father in death.  Those living are: Isaac, of Flint, Mich., Mrs. Nancy Albright, Edward, and Sam, all of Stahl.  He also leaves three brothers, Lincoln, who lives in Oklahoma; Sheridan, whose home is in Texas, and David, of Idaho.

Funeral arrangements had not been completed today, but it was thought they would be held tomorrow afternoon.  Mr. Young was a member of the Church of Christ.

Mr. Young had lived in the Shilbey’s Point community for many years and was well known.


Lincoln Young of Oklahoma, came Tuesday to be with his brother, George Young, who has been seriously ill.  Mr. Young passed away Tuesday morning and his funeral was held Wednesday afternoon with interment in the Cox cemetery.  A tomb was built several years ago by Mr. Young for the bodies of he and his wife, whose body was laid to rest there three years ago.

George Young, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 17 Mar 1938, p. 2, col. 3, Thursday, Shibley’s Point Column



Businessman and Civic Leader for Past Quarter Century

Harvey B. Young, 74, president of the Bank of Kirksville, and for many years prominent in the business life of North Central Missouri, died yesterday morning at Laughlin Hospital, following several months of ill health.  He had been suffering with heart trouble for about two years, and had been in the hospital several times in that period.

Funeral plans had not been completed today, and the body is at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Mr. Young was active in the Missouri State Chamber of Commerce, was a president of the Producers Creamery Company, which he helped organize, a past president of the Kirksville Chamber of Commerce, where he served several years, was head of the advisory board of the Salvation Army, treasurer of the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, and an officer of the Missouri Bankers Association.  He was active in most of the community enterprises of the past quarter century.

He was a member of Adair Lodge No. 366 A. F. & A. M., Caldwell Chapter, Eli Commandery, and Moila Temple of the Shrine, and had received the 32nd degree Scottish Rite.  He also was a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge, and held a life membership in the Kiwanis Club.

Mr. Young was the son of John C. and Mahalia E. (Shumate) Young, and was born on a farm in Schuyler county Jan. 18, 1878.  He worked on the family farm with his brothers, and then was interested with them in mercantile business in Worthington and Connelsville.  After some years as a salesman, he became interested with his brothers in banks in Worthington, Connelsville and Greentop.  These interests were later transferred to Kirksville.

He was married to Frances Vail on June 20, 1917, at Kirksville and one son was born to this marriage.

He leaves his wife, son, Harvey Burton Young, Jr., one grandson, Harvey Burton Young III, two nephews, two nieces and one uncle, Lee Young, of Greentop.  He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers and two sisters.

His son, Harvey B. Young, Jr., was admitted to the hospital for treatment yesterday morning a few hours before his father’s death, but he was expected to be discharged today.

Harvey B. Young, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 21 Jul 1952, p. 1, col. 7


H. B. Young Funeral Wednesday Afternoon

Funeral services for Harvey B. Young, who died Sunday in a Kirksville hospital, will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon at four o’clock, conducted by the Rev. Herbert Manning, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, assisted by Dr. W. J. Bray.

Fraternal rites at the grave will be conducted by Adair Lodge 366 A. F. & A. M.  Interment will be in the Maple Hills cemetery.

Bearers will be: Myron Propst, Artie Fechtling, Joe Salter, William Findling, Edward Jayne, Jr., and W. O. Mackie.


Lloyd Young, 44, Dies In California

Word has been received here of the death of Lloyd Young, 44 years old, at his home in California on January 8.  He formerly lived here and was a son of Mrs. Jennie Belle Young Mason.

He is survived by his widow, who was formerly Miss Mabel Redmon, four children, Mabel, Dollie, Elberta Kate and Lloyd, and two aunts, Miss Lottie Graves and Mrs. Kate Marchand, all of California.

Lloyd Young, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 20 Jan 1942, p. 3, col. 4, Tuesday



Loretta Fern Young, aged three months and seven days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Young, died in Chicago at their home, July 7.

The body was brought to the Gerth and Baskett funeral parlor, Friday morning and later taken to McAdow cemetery for burial.

Loretta Fern Young, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 14 Jul 1938, p. 1, col. 3


Miss Mary, daughter of Mrs. James Zoung [Young] of this city died at the state hospital at Fulton, Mo., one day last week.  Her body was brought to this city for interment – funeral services being held at the Baptist Church on Saturday, at 10 o’clock a.m., Rev. G. W. Wright officiating.  The bereaved have the sympathy of all in their sorrow.

Mary Young, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 24 Aug 1911, p. 1, col. 4



Spent Entire Life In Greentop Vicinity; Funeral Tomorrow.

Mrs. Mary Harriet Young, wife of W. T. Young, died Monday, Feb. 8, at 2:20 p.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. L. Eastin in Greentop.

Mrs. Young was 79 years old and had lived her entire life in the vicinity of Greentop.  She had been in failing health for the past two years and was recently brought to the home of her daughter.  Last Friday she became seriously ill and gradually grew worse.

She is survived by her aged husband and two children, Mrs. Maud Eastin and John W. Young, both of Greentop: four grandchildren, Mrs. R. P. Reeds of Lubbock, Tex., W. L. Eastin of Atlanta, Mo., Mrs. T. T. Bragg of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Laurence Roberts of Kirksville; five great grandchildren, and one brother, W. L. Lay, of Greentop.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Primitive Baptist Church near Greentop, conducted by Elder F. L. Pettis, of Macon.  Burial will be in the Hew Harmony cemetery.


Mrs. Lloyd L. Young Dies In California

Word has been received here of the death of Maude S. Young, wife of Lloyd L. Young, a former resident of Kirksville, in a Los Angeles hospital, March 12, following an operation for goitre.  Burial was in the Roosevelt cemetery March 16.

She leaves her husband and four children, Mrs. Mable Woods, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Genevieve Young, Alberta Kate Young and Lloyd Richard Young, at home; her mother, Mrs. Lucy Redmon, a sister, Sarah Redmon, of Eldorado Springs, Mo., a brother, Minor Redmon, of Kirksville, Anna Young, of East Los Angeles, and Flossie Johnson, of Compton, Calif.; a brother-in-law, Farran Graves Young, of National Military Home, West Los Angeles, her mother-in-law, Mrs. Jennie B. Mason, of Lynwood, Calif., her step brother-in-law, Frank B. Mason, of Los Angeles, and a number of nieces and nephews.

The news of her death comes from Mrs. Jennie Mason, who also writes that although the recent flood water came up to her front door, there was little damage in Lynwood.


Mrs. B. W. Young of 903 East Patterson avenue died at the Grim-Smith hospital Wednesday evening, aged 60 years.  Death resulted from burns sustained Wednesday morning when her clothing caught fire from a pan with which she was fumigating a chicken box.  Nearly all the clothing was burned from her body, and when taken to the hospital little hope was held out for recovery.  Mrs. Young was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Johnson, and had been a resident of Adair county most of her life.  She is survived by her husband, B. W. Young, two sons by a former marriage, Robert Sangster, of Kirksville and Joe Sangster, of California, and one sister, Mrs. Clarence McClannaham of Gibbs.  The funeral will be held at the Methodist  church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock and burial will be made in Bullion cemetery.  The son in California will arrive here Saturday afternoon.



Succumbed This Morning At Home Of Son.

Mrs. Nancy Emily Young, 70 years old, died at the home of a son in the Troy Mills vicinity this morning at 11 o’clock.

The funeral is to be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Her body is lying in state at the funeral home.

Mrs. Young was born at Lancaster, Mo., a daughter of Milton Theodore and Rhoda L. Israel.

Surviving her are the following children: Paul O. Young, Noble G. Young, Samuel Young, Eugene Young, Mrs. E. E. Fogerstrom, Mrs. Kenneth Stevens, all of Kirksville; Dr. D. L. Young and Mrs. F. M. Eoff, Ottawa, Kan.; Mrs. Arthur Hickman, Waterloo, Ia., and Mrs. George Thornburg, Garnett, Kan.

There are nine brothers and sisters, as follows: Warren H. Israel and Mrs. Mazeppa Wood, of Lingle, Wyo.; S. E. Israel, Washington, Ia.; Frank and Irvin Israel, Kirksville; Mrs. Elsie Branum, Palisade, Neb.; Mrs. Kathren Sallade, Palisade, Neb.; Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Reyburn, Chula, Mo., and Mrs. Alice McPhail, Bloomfield, Ia.  A brother, George B. Israel, died 17 years ago.


Robert Young, 74, is Dead

Funeral Services Were Conducted Monday Afternoon

Robert Young, who has been in failing health the past few years, died at Kirksville Friday, May 6, at the age of 74 years. He was born September 7, 1874.

The body was brought to Memphis and funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at the Payne Chapel by Rev. Vernon Hines, pastor of the Baptist Church. Interment was in the Memphis Cemetery.

Pall bearers were Ira Croley, Harve Gundy, Tommy Gundy, George W. Moore, Roscoe Riney and Fred Dalton.

Before going to the Kirksville Community Home, he lived with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Collins in Memphis several years.

He is survived by one brother and four sisters- Charles Young of Sturgis, S. D.; Mrs. Lida Ryan of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Emma Grimes of Nevada, Mrs. Martha Myers of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. R. H. Collins of Kirksville.

Robert Young, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Democrat, 12 May 1949



Kirksville Resident Had Been in Failing Health

Thomas W. Young, 60, died suddenly about 6:00 o’clock yesterday evening at his home, 307 S. Franklin street.  He had been in failing health for the past three months, and death is believed to have been from heart failure.

The body is at the Dee Riley Riley [sic] Funeral Home and funeral arrangements have not been made pending arrival of relatives.

He was a son of Richard and Susan Butler Young and was born in Putnam county, Mo., June 28, 1887.  He was married to Vertie Fowler at Centerville, Ia., on August 8, 1929.

Besides his wife he is survived by one son, Walter, one step-son, Wendell Cassady of Chillicothe; a step-daughter, Mrs. Rossie Crooks of Macon; one brother, Richard Young of Kirksville; and two sisters, Mrs. Alice Pickett of Kirksville, and Mrs. Tenia Sears who lives in Iowa.  Two brothers and two sisters preceded him in death.

Mr. Young came to Kirksville from Hartford, in Putnam county, on June 1, 1947, and has been living at 307 S. Franklin, having purchased the apartment house from the Eggert heirs.

Mr. Young was found dead on the floor of his bedroom by Mrs. Young when she returned home from a hospital, where she had gone about 4:30 o’clock.  It appeared that he had been in bed and had fallen off onto the floor.

Young, Thomas W., Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 21 Dec 1947, p. 1, col. 4, Sunday


Thomas Young Dies At Home

Having been in failing health the past three months, Thomas W. Young, 60, died suddenly Saturday evening at his home, 307 S. Franklin street.  Mr. Young was found dead on the floor of his bedroom by Mrs. Young when she returned home from the hospital, where she had gone about 4:30.  It appeared that he had been in bed and had fallen off onto the floor.

Mr. Young was the son of Richard and Susan Butler Young and was born in Putman [Putnam] county, Mo., June 28, 1878 [His gravestone gives the date of birth as 28 Jun 1887]. He was married to Vertie Fowler at Centerville, Ia., on Aug. 8, 1929.

He is survived by his wife, one son, Walter, one step-son, Wendell Cassady of Chillicothe; a step-daughter, Mrs. Rossie Crooks of Macon; one brother, Richard Young of Kirksville; and two sisters, Mrs. Alice Pickett of Kirksville; and Mrs. Tenia Sears who lives in Iowa.

Mr. Young came to Krksville [sic] from Hartford, in Putman [Putnam] county, on June 1, 1947, and has been living at 307 S. Franklin having purchased the apartment house from the Eggert heirs.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Hartford Baptist church in Putman [Putnam] county.  Interment was in the Hartford Cemetery.


William Young Funeral Sunday

Funeral services for William Young, who died in a Kirksville hospital Wednesday morning, will be held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 at the Davis Funeral Chapel, 202 E. Washington, conducted by Rev. F. P. Hanes.  Interment will be in Sloan’s Point cemetery.

Bearers will be: Fred, Dee and Charles Shafer, Jerry Hills, Robert Kibler and Earl Flynn.



Businessman Had Been in Failing Health Past Two Years.

William H. Young, a life-long resident of the Gibbs vicinity, and who had been a business man in Gibbs for thirty-five years, died at a hospital in Kirksville this morning at 9:30 o’clock.  He had been in failing health for the past two years and more seriously ill for the last five weeks with a heart ailment.

He was the son of Ben W. and Emily Elmore Young and was born near Gibbs, Sept. 1, 1873.  He had lived continuously on a farm 1 1-2 miles north of Gibbs until he was thirty years of age.  Then he moved to Gibbs where he spent the remainder of his life, and where he engaged in the mercantile business.  For the past nineteen years he was deputy postmaster at Gibbs.  He was an active member of the Christian Church at Gibbs and had been an officer in the church for many years.

Mr. Young was married to Miss Hattie M. Easley on Dec. 26, 1903.  No children were born to them.  He is survived by his widow; and five brothers and and [sic] four sisters as follows: Sam Young, of Austin, Colo., John, of Caldwell, Idaho, Homer, Wadsworth, Kan., Roe, of Gibbs, Paul, Upland, Calif., Mrs. Lydia Davidson, Ontario, Calif., Mrs. Anna Calef, Gibbs, Mrs. Bessie McKee, Delta, Colo., and Mrs. Gail Daniels, of Englewood, Colo.  His mother died July 2, 1907, and his father on Sept. 16, 1937.

Funeral arrangements will not be made until relatives away from here are heard from, but they will be held at the Christian Church at Gibbs and burial will be made in Maple Hill Cemetery at Kirksville.  Announcement of the funeral arrangements will be published as soon as they are made.



Funeral Tomorrow at Stahl; Recently Lived In Chicago.

William Troy Young, 39 years old, died her yesterday at 703 West Pierce Street from Hodgkin’s disease.

A native of Putnam County who had been employed in Chicago the past seven years in the engine room of the Teletype Corporation, Young returned to Missouri a few weeks ago and had been staying at he home of a sister, Mrs. D. A. Whinery, Stahl, and at the Sam Young home.

He and his wife and daughter came to Kirksville two weeks ago in order that he might obtain more extensive treatment by physicians.

The funeral is scheduled for Saturday morning at 10 o’clock at the Stahl Church, conducted by Elder Sam Marcum and Noel Turner, of Greentop.  Burial will be in the Ledford-Young Cemetery, north of Sidney, on the farm where he was born.  The body is lying in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Mr. Young was born May 9, 1897, a son of U. G. and Mary L. Young, both of whom preceded him in death.  Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruby Young; the daughter, Annabel, and three sisters, Mrs. Goldie Arnett, Boston; Mrs. Edna Hughes, New York, N. Y., and Mrs. Whinery.


I.  L. (Ike) Younker Dies Saturday At Keokuk

I. L. Younker, a well-known Keokuk resident and news correspondent, died Saturday afternoon at Graham Hospital there, according to a report received here.  He had been ill several months.  He was in his 80s.

Mr. Younker’s family founded the Younker department stores which are now located all over Iowa.  He was in the business 12 years in Des Moines but returned to Keokuk many years ago.

Mr. Younker, a bachelor lived at the Hotel Iowa.  He was a past president of the Lions Club of Keokuk and a past district governor of the Lions.  He was a past master of the Eagle Lodge, A.F. & A.M. and a member of the High 12 Club of Keokuk.  He was of Jewish faith.

For many years he corresponded for wire services and radio and television stations in the area, phoning stories of train wrecks, plane crashes, fires, and the comings and goings of eagles.  He interviewed Adali Stevenson and baseball slugger Roger Maris.

The last surviving member of his immediate family, Mr. Younker is survived by nieces and nephews.

He was a lifetime member of the Salvation Army advisory board in Keokuk and served as chairman of its Christmas Tree of Lights for many years.

Services were to be held Tuesday at Keokuk.

Mr. Younker is well-known in the Memphis area, having been here numerous times in connection with observances of the local Lions club which he helped to establish, along with other Keokuk Lions.

I. L. Younker, From Unknown Newspaper, 11 Jan 1968



Funeral Services Will Be Held on Wednesday

Mrs. Eva L. Yowell, 70, of 602 N. Elson, died this morning in a Kirksville hospital.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon at 3:30, conducted by Rev. T. W. Jolly, pastor of the First Christian Church.  Interment will be held in the Pratt Cemetery.

Mrs. Yowell was the daughter of Samuel and Mary (Sprang) Vice and was born in Adair County, December 13, 1878.  She was married in Kirksville, March 1, 1903 to Jesse O. Yowell and to this marriage four children were born.  Mr. Yowell died Oct. 8, 1933, and she was also preceded in death by one daughter, Odessa, two half-brothers, John and Willie Vice, and one sister, Mrs. Nell Swisher.

She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ralph (Mary) Jones, of Novinger; two sons, Glenn A. Yowell, Greentop, and Dental A. Yowell, Kirksville; one brother, George Vice, and one sister, Mrs. Emma Johnson, both of Kirksville; nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Yowell operated a store at Pure Air for 27 years and after Mr. Yowell’s death, Mrs. Yowell operated the store for six years, then moved to Kirksville.

She was a member of the Pure Air Church.



38-Year-Old Man Lived on Farm North of Kirksville

Glenn A. Yowell, 38, of route 2, Greentop, died this morning in a Kirksville hospital.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by Rev. W. R. Kornegay, pastor of the Nazarene Church.  Interment will be in the Pratt cemetery.

Mr. Yowell was the son of Jesse O. and Eva L. (Vice) Yowell and was born in Adair County, Jan. 27, 1912.  He was married here to Leatha Coy Jan. 24, 1934, and to this mariage [sic] two sons were born.

He was preceded in death by his parents and one sister.

He is survived by his wife, and sons, Carlos, 12, and Ivan, eight, one brother, Dental A. Yowell, of Kirksville, and one sister, Mrs. Ralph (Mary) Jones, Novinger.

Mr. Yowell lived in the western part of the county until 1944 when he moved to a farm located on Highway 63 north of Kirksville.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

Bearers will be Roy Yowell, Ferrell Jones, Delmus Cunningham, Roy Coy, Carl Coy and Harold Jones.



Funeral Services Thursday Afternoon At Two O’Clock

Grover C. Yowell, 61, of route 2, Kirksville, died Tuesday afternoon in a hospital here.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home Thursday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by Rev. T. W. Jolly, pastor of the First Christian Church.  Interment will be in the Maple Hills cemetery.

Mr. Yowell, son of Henry L. and Elizabeth (Farmer) Yowell, was born in the Pure Air community Jan. 29, 1888.  He was married in Adair County, April 28, 1909, to Bessie Darr, and to this marriage two children were born.

He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. H. W. (Marguerite Strever, Rochester, New York; one son, Roy F. Yowell, Kirksville; two brothers, James and Amos, both of Kirksville; one sister, Mrs. Bertha Cunningham, Kirksville; two half-sisters, Miss Pearl Yowell and Mrs. Snodle McCollum, both of Orlando, Fla.; his step-mother, Mrs. Tresa Yowell, Orlando, Fla., and two granddaughters, Neva and Sally Strever, of Rochester, N. Y.

His parents, two brothers and two sisters preceded him in death.

Mr. Yowell was a member of the Christian Church.

He moved to Kirksville in 1927 and prior to that time had lived in the Pure Air, Nind and Brashear communities.  Recently he had been employed at the Mitchell Implement Co.

The body is at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Bearers will be Darrel Cunningham, Delmas Cunningham, Dental Yowell, Lyle Yowell, Glenn Yowell, and Ferl Jones.



Services Here Sunday. Interment In Maple Hills

James I. Yowell 75, of 109 E. Cottonwood street, died early Thursday afternoon.

Funeral services will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. John C. Fox, Assistant Pastor First Baptist Church, Kirksville.  Interment will be in the Maple Hills Cemetery.

Mr. Yowell was the son of Henry L. and Elizabeth Farmer Yowell, and was morn [sic] in Schuyler county, on March 3, 1881.  He was married to Nellie Myrtle McMaster, in Adair county, on Jan. 1, 1905, and to this marriage two children were born.

He is survived by a son, Henry Clyde Yowell, of Kansas City; a foster son, Dr. Wm. H. Abernathy, Benton, Kentucky a step-mother, Mrs. Tresa Yowell, Orlando, Fla.; a sister, Mrs. Bertha Cunningham, Kirksville, a half-sister, Miss Pearl Yowell, Orlando, Fla.; five grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his wife on April 25, 1955; a son; four brothers; and two sisters.

Mr. Yowell has lived in Adair county most of his life, and for several years operated the county farm.

Bearers: Carl Greenstreet, George Douglas, Walter Huffman, Charley Darr, Azel Barry, Glen Spring.

James I. Yowell, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 19 Oct 1956, p 5, col. 3 & 4, Friday



Pioneer Osteopath in Tennessee; Rites to Be in Queen City

Queen City, Sept. 8 Special—Dr. O. Y. Yowell, a pioneer osteopath of the south, who had for the past 53 years practiced in Chattanooga, Tenn., died in a hospital there yesterday morning.

In 1899, upon graduation from the American School of Osteopathy here, he and his sister, Dr. Elizabeth Yowell, who graduated at the same time and who has always been his associate, left and established a practice in Chattanooga.  For 15 or 20 years they also operated a sanitarium there.  He was a son of Jim and Mary Farmer Yowell and was born near Queen City in January 1878.  His early education was received in the Queen City schools.

Preceding him in death were his parents, and two brothers, Jim and Jodie.

Dr. Yowell is survived by two sisters, Dr. Elizabeth Yowell, of Chattanooga, and Mrs. C. H. (Winnie) Parson, of Queen City, who left for Chattanooga Friday, and one brother, Lura Yowell, of Buffalo, Wyo.

He was a member of the Centenary Methodist Church in Chattanooga, an active member of the Rotary Club, and a member of the state osteopathic examining board for many years.  During his career he missed only one national convention of the American Osteopathic Association, the one held this year.

The date of the funeral is undecided but it will possibly be held Wednesday or Thursday in the Christian Church in Queen City.  The Rev. Hollis Bowen will conduct the service.  Upon arrival of the body it will lie in state at the Dooley Funeral Home in Queen City.  Interment will be made in the Towles cemetery east of Greentop.

Dr. O. Y. Yowell, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 8 Sep 1952, p. 6, col. 4


R. O. Yowell Dies After Operation

Robert Otho Yowell, 56 years old, manager of the Producers Creamery here, died April 9 in a Kirksville hospital, after having undergone an operation on Mar. 31 for gallstones. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. T. W. Jolly, pastor of the First Christian Church.

He was the son of Henry L. and Elizabeth (Farmer) Yowell, and was born in Adair County on Feb. 25, 1892.  He was married to Edna Douglas May 8, 1912, and three children were born to them.  He was preceded in death by his parents, a daughter, one brother and two sisters.

Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Miss Velma Yowell, of Chicago, Ill., and Mrs. J. C. (Edith) Hurliman, of Canon City, Colo.; three brothers, James I., Amos and Grover Yowell, all of Kirksville; one sister, Mrs. Bertha Cuningham [sic], Kirksvillle [sic]; two half-sisters, Miss Pearl Yowell, and Mrs. Snodie McCollum, and his step-mother, Mrs. Teresa Powell, all of Orlando, Fla.

Mr. Yowell became manager of the Farmer’s Exchange here about Mar. 1, 1928 and remained in that position until 1937.  During the last three or four years of that period he was also supervisor of the Producers Creamery.  In 1937 he accepted the management of the Creamery, and did much toward the development of the dairy industry in this part of the state.

He was a member of the First Christian church, and was active in the work of the church.
