Obituaries & Death Notices “Z”

These are typed from photographed copies of many obituaries and death notices that I have in my collection.  For many of them there is no indication of what newspaper they came from nor is a year indicated for some of them.  Photo copies are sometimes hard to read or are damaged.   Also, some of the obits and death notices may not be complete.  I will be spending time searching out the complete documents and their location, as well as continuing to search for more obituaries and death notices.  I always strive for correctness.


Rev. Anthony F. Zeigle [sic], pastor of the Presbyterian church, died at his home, 701 East Jefferson street Friday morning, aged 45 years.  His death was due to uremic poisoning, following an illness with diabetes of several years standing.  Mr. Zeigel was born in Boonville, Mo., November 3, 1876, and was the son of Henry and Malinda Zeigel.  He graduated from Missouri Valley College in 1900 and entered the Ministry in 1901.  He came to Kirksville as pastor of the Presbyterian church in Kirksville in September 1912.  He was married to Jennie Brommer at Boonville, June 19, 1896, and she and one son, Ronald [Roland], their only child, survive him.  The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock and the church building was filled to overflowing, and none were turned away because there was not standing room in the building.  The funeral service was conducted by the Minsterial [sic] Alliance, Rev. C. W. Acree, of the Baptist church preached the funeral sermon.  The Masonic and Odd Fellows orders attended the services in a body.  The body of Rev. Zeigel was taken to Boonville for burial, leaving Kirksville at 10 o’clock Monday morning The officers of Adair Lodge No. 366 accompanied the body to Boonvile [sic] where they had charge of the burial service.



Former Resident of Youngstown Bedfast Past Ten Weeks.

Bion Zeigler, 81 years old, died at his home at 707 South Fifth street, at 12:10 o’clock this afternoon.  He had been in failing health for the past year and had been bedfast for the past ten weeks.  Death was attributed to dropsy.

Mr. Zeigler had lived in Kirksville for the past 13 years.  He was born Sept. 19, 1857 in Unity, Ohio, the son of John and Emma Zeigler.  He moved to Adair County when he was sixteen years old and lived in the Youngstown neighborhood until he moved to Kirksville.

He married Miss Menda Bozarth, June 12, 1881 and she preceded him in death 16 years ago.

Mr. Zeigler is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Cora Arnett, 904 East Illinois street; three sons, Donnie Zeigler, Youngstown; Walter Zeigler, Youngstown, and Oscar Zeigler, Tacoma, Wash.: and a half-brother, Ike Zeigler, Greencastle, and a half-sister, Mrs. Anna Fisher, Hammond, Ind.

The funeral services will be at the Summers & Flinchpaugh Funeral Home, where the body is lying in state, and the burial will be at the Pratt Cemetery, near Pure Air.  The time had not been decided upon today.

In deference to the deceased man’s wishes, friends are requested not to send flowers.

Bion Zeigler, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 06 Jul 1938, p. 1, col. 3, Wednesday


C. C. Zeigler, Former Adair Countian, Dead

C. C. Zeigler, former Adair County resident, died at his home near Oklahoma City Monday evening.  Funeral services and burial were held yesterday at Oklahoma City.

He was a half-brother of Mrs. Albert Eschmann, 900 S. Osteopathy, and George Zeigler, route 4, Kirksville, and an uncle of Mrs. Paul A. King, 1416 E. Randolph. He was the son of the late S. C. Zeigler and was born in Adair county May 12, 1868.  He was 83 years old at the time of his death.

In addition to his relatives in Adair county he leaves his widow, one daughter and one son, of Oklahoma City, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.  He moved with his family to Oklahoma City when a young man and had lived there since that time.



Was Riding Home from School He Taught Near Youngstown

C. Emmett Zeigler, one of the best known residents of Adair county, was struck by lightning and instantly killed yesterday afternoon as he was riding home from the Salisbury school near Youngstown, where he taught this year.  Both horse and rider were instantly killed by the bolt.

Mr. Zeigler would have been 56 years old today, according to word from Pure Air neighborhood, and today was also to have been the last day of school.  The children of the school had been planning to have an honor of the dual event, and a program had been mapped out for the occasion.  Instead the children are now suffering from the shock of their teacher’s death.

Mr. Zeigler lived on a farm in the Pure Air neighborhood and rode back and forth to school.  It is not known just what time he was killed.

He had been admitted to the bar and practiced law for a short time in Adair county.  He had not taught school for ten years until this last year when he was elected to teach the Salisbury school.  It is said her was one of the best paid of any rural teacher in Adair county, having received $100 a month the past year.

He had been married twice and leaves a widow and 3 children.

No funeral arrangements had been made this afternoon as far as could be learned.  Wires were down all over the county and details were hard to get.

He also leaves three brothers, one of them being Clark Zeigler, who lives near Kirksville.

C. Emmett Zeigler, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 16 Apr 1920, p. 1, col.5, Fri.



Novinger Man Had Been Patient In Hospital There.

Donnie P. Zeigler, 47, of Novinger, died Saturday morning in a hospital in Columbia, Mo., where he had been a patient for the past two weeks.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete pending arrival of relatives.

He was the son of Bion and Mindie (Bozarth) Zeigler, and was born in Adair County July 30, 1898.  He was married in Adair County to Flora Keller in Nov. 20, 1918 and to this marriage two sons were born.

He is survived by his wife, the sons, Paul W. Zeigler, of Kirksville, and James L. Zeigler, of Rock Island, Ill.; two brothers, Walter, of Novinger route 1, and Oscar, of Tacoma, Wash.; one sister, Mrs. W. L. (Cora) Arnett, of Kirksville and two grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by one sister, and one brother.

Mr. Zeigler was a member of the Methodist Church.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.


Donnie Zeigler Funeral Today

Funeral services for Donnie P. Zeigler, of Novinger route 1, who died Saturday in Columbia, Mo., were held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home this afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. F. P. Hanes, pastor of the Methodist Church.  Interment was in the Pratt Cemetery.

Pallbearers were Carl, Earl, Lloyd, Russell and James Zeigler and Kenneth Smith.



Lifelong Resident of Pure Air Vicinity; Funeral Today

Mrs. Walter (Emma) Zeigler, 78, lifelong resident of the Pure Air community, died at the home of her son, Earl, at 1407 S. Lewis street, Friday night at eight o’clock.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at two o’clock at the Davis Funeral Chapel, 202 E. Washington, conducted by Rev. Archie Cooper.  Interment will be in the Pratt cemetery.

She was the daughter of John and Mary (Eital) Hediger and was born in Adair county Jan. 5, 1884.  She was married to Walter Zeigler on March 27, 1904.  Her husband died last May 5.  One child died in infancy and three brothers and one sister also preceded her in death.

Surviving are two daughters, Miss Frona Zeigler, of the home, and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, of Columbia; two sons, Earl and Carl, of Kirksville; six grandchildren and one brother, James Hediger, of Yarrow.

She united with the Methodist Church in her youth.

Bearers will be Paul and James Zeigler, Harold and Forest Hediger, Herman Current and Rudolph Siegrist.


Funeral Held for Mrs. Lavina Zeigler

Funeral services were held at the Pure Air Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock for Mrs. Lavina Appeline Zeigler, 74, who died last Tuesday.  The obsequies were conducted by the Rev. J. W. Ellis, of Green City.  Burial was made in Ringo Point Cemetery.

Mrs. Zeigler had been in impaired health for nearly three years, seriously ill for three weeks.

She was born Oct. 8, 1862 in Adair County and had spent most of her life in the county.  She was married to John Charles Swisher on Jan. 30, 1884.  He preceded her in death thirty-seven years ago.

She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Pearl Jones and Mrs. Emma Jones, of Novinger, Mo.; Maggie Crabtree, Latham, Kan., and Mrs. Pauline Collins, Portland, Ore.; twenty-seven grandchildren and sixteen great grandchildren.  One daughter, Mrs. Mabel Miller, died April 6, 1935.



Funeral Services to Be Held Here Monday Afternoon

Luther Allen Zeigler, 77, a lifelong resident of Adair county, died Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at his home, near Novinger.

Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at two o’clock at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  Interment will be in the Pratt Cemetery.

Mr. Zeigler, a son of John W. and Cynthia Ann Dockery Zeigler, was born in Adair county Nov. 5, 1869, and was married to Miss anna Rachel Fusselman at Kirksville, Nov. 9, 1910.  He is survived by his wife, four brothers, Theodore, Charles, Harry and Arthur Zeigler, and two sisters, Mrs. S. T. Parmley of Kirksville, and Mrs. C. H. McPherson of Kansas City.  Two brothers, Thomas E. and Bennie H. Zeigler preceded him in death.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.

The pallbearers will be Beryl, Lloyd, Harold, Everett, Russell and Leon Zeigler.

Luther Allen Zeigler, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 14 Sep 1947, p. 4, col. 4, Sunday



Had Been Ill Six Weeks With Pneumonia; Funeral Tomorrow

Mrs. Minda Zeigler, wife of Bion Ziegler [sic], died yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock at her home, 404 East Patterson street, following an illness of six weeks with pneumonia.  She was born May 16, 1863, and was 58 years old at the time of her death.

Besides her husband, Mrs. Zeigler is survived by four children, Walter M., of Youngstown, Oscar C., of St. Helena, Washington, Donnie P., of Youngstown, and Mrs. W. L. Arnett, of Kirksville.  She is also survived by several brothers and sisters, among whom are Mrs. Monarch and Mrs. Whittom, both of this city.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 11 o’clock at the Summers & Flinchpaugh chapel, conducted by the Rev. F. W. Condit, of the Christian church, and interment will be in Pratt cemetery.

Friends of the family join in extending sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives.



Raymond Zeigler, 29, Victim When boat Overturned About 6 O’clock Last Night

Raymond Zeigler, 29 years old, of 515 E. Elm street, drowned in the Chariton river about 6 o’clock yesterday evening when a boat overturned while he and a companion were running a trout-line about one-fourth mile south of the bridge on Highway No. 11, southwest of Kirksville.  The body was recovered shortly before 9 o’clock last night by men who used hooks on lines.

Zeigler and Ralph Simler had several lines in the river and had spent some time looking at the lines further down the river and were running the last one when the accident occurred.  According to Simler’s story to officers, they were in mid-stream when they started to bring up a fish that had become hooked on the line.  As they reached out, the boat started to overturn, throwing both of them into the deep water.  He said they both went under and as they came up, Zeigler, who is said to have been a good swimmer, suggested that they swim to the bank.  Upon arriving at the bank, Simler looked around to see if Zeigler was coming, and he had disappeared.  Simler summoned aid and search for the body was begun.  Using two boats, the searchers dragged the bottom of the deep hole and finally hooked it at about five or six feet from the place where the men had been thrown into the water, according to State Highway Patrolman Walt Snyder who was in one of the boats.

Zeigler was born near Youngstown, on Sept. 16, 1916, a son of Harry and Ocie Linder Zeigler.  He had lived in Kirksville several years and at one time worked for the Producers Creamery and later operated a truck of his own.  Recently he has been employed as operator of a bulldozer and had been working in the southwest part of the county.  Funeral service will be held at the Dee Riley Funeral Home, Friday morning at 11 o’clock conducted by the Rev. W. R. Kornegay, pastor of the Nazarene Church.  Interment will be in the Maple Hills Cemetery.

He was married to Miss Frances Summers on Aug. 28, 1938 Kirksville, and to them one son was born.  Besides his wife and son, Stephen Raymond, age 5, he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zeigler of Novinger, one brother, Beryl of LaPlata, and one sister, Mrs. Jack (Leora) Dabney of Kirksville.

The body will lie in state at the Dee Riley Funeral Home.  The casket will be closed at the beginning of the memorial hour.

The pallbearers will be, Arthur Rummerfield, Eddie Larkin, Maurice Drury, Marcellus Johnson, Everett Zeigler and Carl Bragg.


Walter Zeigler, of Pure Air, Dies Today

Walter Zeigler, 69, a resident of Pure Air community for the past 40 years, died this afternoon in a Kirksville hospital.  He had been in failing health for the past three and a half years.

Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

Walter Zeigler, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Dailey Express, 5 May 1952, p. 1, col.7



Well-Known Adair County Farmer Died Yesterday: Was 69

Funeral services for Walter M. Zeigler, 69, a well-known Adair county farmer, who died in a Kirksville hospital at 1:25 o’clock yesterday afternoon, will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock at the Davis Funeral Home, 202 E. Washington street.  The rites will be conducted by the Rev. Archie Cooper.

Burial will be in the Pratt cemetery and the pallbearers will include Paul and James Zeigler, Forest and Harold Hediger, Clyde Daly and Glen Hoskins.

Mr. Zeigler has been ill for several years.  Mrs. Zeigler has been confined to a hospital for over two months and is seriously ill.

The deceased was a son of Bion and Minda Bozarth Zeigler and was born Dec. 4, 1882, in Adair county, and had lived in the western part of the county all his life.  He was married to Miss Emma Hediger on March 27, 1904, and they lived on a farm three miles south of Pure Air for 46 years.  He also had operated a threshing machine and saw mill for many years.  As long as their health permitted they were faithful workers in the Pure Air and Union Temple churches.

Besides his wife he is survived by four children, Frona, at home, Mrs. Kenneth Smith, of Columbia, and Carl and Earl Zeigler of Kirksville, and six grandchildren.  One infant daughter preceded him in death.  He also is survived by a brother, Oscar Zeigler, of Tacoma, Wash., and a sister, Mrs. Cora Arnett, of Kirksville.  His parents, two brothers and a sister preceded him in death.

Walter M. Zeigler, Kirksville, Missouri, Kirksville Daily Express, 6 May 1952, p. 6, col. 4



Was Patient at Columbia Hospital; Funeral Sunday

William J. Zeigler, 66, Novinger, died at 9:30 o’clock Thursday morning at the Ellis-Fischel Hospital in Columbia, Mo.

Funeral services will be held at the Baptist Church in Novinger, Sunday afternoon at two o’clock conducted by Rev. Ralph M. G. Smith, pastor of the First Baptist Church.  Interment will be in the Lutz Cemetery near Youngstown.

Mr. Zeigler was the son of Clark and Arilda (Bozarth) Zeigler and was born in Adair County on Dec. 13, 1879.  He was married to Josephine Stage, who preceded him in death several years ago.  Four children were born to this marriage.

He is survived by the four children, Audrey B. Zeigler of Atchison, Kan., Clarence G. Zeigler, of Novinger, Mrs. Juanita Shott, of Dearborn, Mich., and Mrs. Marjorie King, of Atchison, Kan.; one grandson, William Paul King; one brother, C. C. Zeigler, of Spencer, Okla.; two half-brothers, George and Gail Zeigler of Kirksville, and one half-sister, Mrs. Albert Eschmann, of Kirksville.

Mr. Zeigler spent his entire life in Adair County.

The body will lie in state at the Summers & Powell Funeral Home until time for the funeral service.



Was Patient in Iowa Hospital; Funeral Services Friday

Brashear, Mo., Oct. 26, (Special)—Mrs. Bessie Ann (Stranahan) Zentz, 54, died yesterday afternoon in the University Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa.  She became ill in August and was taken to the hospital where a brain tumor was removed.

Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at two o’clock at the Easley Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. G. D. Hammontree, pastor of the E.U.B. Church.  Interment will be in the Brashear cemetery.

She was the eldest daughter of Warren A. and Ada (Homewood) Stranahan and was born in Fayette County, Iowa, on Nov. 27 1894.  She came with her parents to Missouri in 1909 and settled on a farm three miles south of Brashear.  She was married to Aubrey Leon Zentz on Jan. 11, 1913, and one son, Albert Leon, was born to them.  They lived all their married life on farms near Hurdland and Brashear.

She was preceded in death by her mother, who died in 1936.  One sister died in infancy.

She is survived by her husband; her son; two grandchildren; her father, W. A. Strahahan, of Chandler, Ariz.; two sisters, Mrs. Sheldon (Blanche) Chittenden, of Fayette, Ia., and Mrs. Leonard (Esto) Davies, of Iowa City, Ia.; two brothers, W. W. Stranahan, of Lexington, Ill., and L. H. Stranahan, of Fayette, Iowa.

Bearers will be: George M. Gardner, Clyde Payne, George Douglas, Charles Lindquist, Paul Patterson and Maurice Creason. 

The body is at the Easley Funeral Home.



In Failing Health For For [sic] Past year; Bedfast Four Months

Special to The Daily Express.

Brashear, Mo., Feb. 12. – Irvin Zentz, who had lived practically all his life in the vicinity of Brashear, died this morning at 9:30 o’clock at the family home four miles west of Brashear at the age of 49 years.  He had been in failing health the past year and had been bedfast 4 ½ months, during which time he was seriously ill.

Mr. Zentz was born Nov. 18, 1891, near Sue City in Macon County, the son of Adam Ralph and Barbara Ellen Wares Zentz.  In 1892 he moved with his parents to a farm near Brashear and he continued to live in the Brashear community the remainder of his life.

He was married on March 9, 1914, to Bertha May Mooney.  To this union two daughters were born, Miss Hannah Ellen at home, and Mrs. Idona Crump of Hurdland.  Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Zentz moved to the farm where he died.

Besides his widow and daughters, Mr. Zentz is survived by the folllowing [sic] brothers: Sylvester, Ramah, Colo., George, Brashear, and Aubrey of Hurdland, and one sister, Mrs. Lyla Forestall, who lives in the State of Massachusetts.  He also leaves several nephews and nieces.  His parents and two brothers, Frank and Richard Zentz, preceded him in death.

Funeral arrangements have not been completed, pending word from relatives away from here, but the services will be conducted by Rev. J. H. Lane in the U. B. Church in Brashear.  The body will lie in state at the Easley funeral Home in Brashear until time for the funeral.

The ballbearers [sic] will be Charles Lindquist, Robert Zinn, Elmer Patterson, Joe Sangster, Gayle Platz, and William Mahaffey.


Mary Myrtle (Wiley) Zimmerman was born in Scotland County, Mo., October 13, 1882.  She moved with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wiley, from near Union church to Gorin in 1891, where she made her home until the time of her marriage to Edward E. Zimmerman, which took place in Ft. Madison, Iowa, December 31, 1901.  Here she lived at the time of her death which occurred August 20, 1902 at 5 p.m.

She united with the C. P. Church at Gorin during a meeting held by the Rev. Adams, February, 1896.  Her death was a shock to the entire community as well as to her husband and family.  So sad it is that death should come and take this young life, leaving the husband and family heart broken.  May God in his infinite love and mercy heal their sorrow and bring them at last to dwell with him.

The funeral was conducted by the writer at Gorin, August 22, after which the body was laid away in the Gorin cemetery.  In life prepare for death.            C. H. Whitehead.



Funeral Services at Hurdland Wednesday Afternoon.

Clyde W. Zinn, 84 years old, a former resident of Hurdland, died Monday evening at his home in Hunnewell.  He had been in poor health for several months.

He is survived by his widow and five sons by a former marriage.  They are Harry, of Houston, Tex.; Roy, of Warsaw, Ill.; Robert, of near Brashear; Frank of Hannibal, and Joe, of Hunnewell.

Funeral services will be held at the Baptist Church in Hurdland on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. Rachel Techau.  Interment will be in the I. O. O. F. Cemetery.



Native of Italy Had Lived Here Over 30 Years

Mrs. Tony (Lena) Zucchi, 68, native of Italy, and a resident of Kirksville for more than thirty years, died in a Kirksville hospital Monday night at nine o’clock.

Funeral services will be held at Mary Immaculate Church on East Washington street Wednesday morning at ten o’clock.  Interment will be in the Highland Park cemetery.

Born at Milan, Italy, on Aug. 10, 1882, the daughter of Ziliano and Tolothy Mary Domenic, she was married to Tony Zucchi on Sept. 26, 1912 at Paisco, Italy.  They came to the United States, landing in New York on July 20, 1913, and went to Centerville, Iowa where they lived until 1917 when they came to Kirksville.  They have lived here since.

She is survived by her husband, four sons, Fred, Etillo, Albeno and Aldo, and one daughter Mrs. Wayne Husted, one grandchild, Judith Kay Zucchi, all of Kirksville, and two sisters, one living in France and one in Italy.

The body was taken from the Davis Funeral Home, 202 E. Washington, this afternoon to the family home where it will remain until the funeral hour.

Rosary will be said at the family home tonight at 7:30 by Rev. Patrick Newman, pastor of St. Mary’s Church at Adair.

Active bearers will be; J. L. Hogenson, Joseph Tomich, Philip J. Mihalevich, Richard A. Mihalevich, Edward Maggart and Chris Degard.

Honorary bearer: Roy McClintick, tony Buban, Andrew Mihalevich, G. E. Robinson, Orange Long and Edgar Yantis.



Miss Jessie I. Zugg died of consumption at her home in the east part of this city, Friday afternoon, August 14, 1896, after a few months illness, aged 15 years, 2 months and 28 days.

Deceased was just budding into womanhood when she was stricken with the merciless disease.  During her entire illness she had the benefit of the best medical skill in the city and the watchful and tender care of loved ones at home, but it was of no avail.  Every known remedy was tried but the insidious disease kept advancing until it claimed its victim.  She was comely, bright and loving and her future seemed full of hope and promise.  A few months ago she was the very embodiment of health and was constant in her attendance at the Sunday School.  No one dreamed that such a fair flower would be transplanted in a few brief months but “but God’s finger touched her and she slept.”  Her premature death brings a deep sorrow to the family and they have the sincere sympathy of the entire community.  Rev. John Gillies conducted the funeral services at the family residence last Saturday after which the body was tenderly laid to rest in the cemetery near the family home.

Jessie I. Zugg, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 20 Aug 1896, p. 1, col. 6


Six-Year-Old Son Of Mr. And Mrs. J.J. Zumsteg Dies Sun.

Edwin Arthur, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zumsteg, died at their home in this city, Saturday, Nov. 30, at 11:50 p.m.

Since birth Edwin Arthur has been subject at times to convulsions and many times had been at death’s door, but always in the past had had strength enough to outfight it.  This time his strength was not sufficient and God touched him and he slept.  He had been ailing only a few days, so his death came as a crushing blow to his parents and their friends.

This little lad was bright, attractive and a general favorite among his playmates.  He was a child that would attract your attention, as he was full of life and spirit and bright for his age, and his death will be felt not only among the relatives, but by the many friends of the parents.

Funeral services were held at cemetery at 2:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, conducted by Dr. C. J. Case, pastor of the First M.E. Church.

Edwin Arthur Zumsteg, Memphis, Missouri, Memphis Reveille, 5 Dec 1918, p. 1, col. 3


Services Held For Minnie Zurhorst

Minnie Zurhorst, daughter of Henry and Barbara Herman Hildebrand, was born near Havana, Illinois, on October 29, 1883, and passed away at the Van Buren Memorial Hospital on December 10, 1967, at the age of 84 years, 1 month, and 11 days, after a lengthy illness.

Early in life she was confirmed in the Lutheran faith, in which she remained a faithful member her entire life.

Om March 20, 1905, she was united in marriage to Henry Zurhorst and to this union three daughters were born.

In 1911 the family moved from Illinois to Milton, Iowa, where she spent the remaining years of her life.

She was preceded in death by her mother, father, step-father, brother, John, husband, and two infant daughters.

She is survived by her daughter, Hulda and son-in-law, Cecil Lunsford, granddaughter, Grayce, and husband, Harold Baxter, three great-grandchildren, John, Susan, and Joe Baxter.

Funeral services were held December 12, at 2 p.m., at the Wellborn Funeral Home.  Rev. Wm. Weber officiated.  Organist was Romana Wellborn.  Interment was in Sunnyside.

Body bearers were Leroy Harward, E. E. Kerkove, Marion Aylward, Rudolph Osing, Herman Kaiser, Donald Bradley.

Minnie Zurhorst, From Unknown Newspaper, 14 Dec 1967
